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Rock God (Hearts of Metal Book 3)

Page 10

by Ann,Brooklyn

  He coughed uncomfortably, but nodded.

  Dante put a hand on her shoulder, and she took a deep breath, gathering her courage. The truth would set her free. “First my baby died of SIDS, and then”—she borrowed Dante’s words—“I discovered that my husband is a philandering jackass.”

  “Damn…,” Alex breathed.

  Shayna shrugged and looked down at her plate. “Whenever I was upset, a walk would make me feel better, so I just walked…and walked.”

  “So that’s what happened to your feet.” Zander’s hazel eyes widened. “They were all kinds of messed up. How far did you walk?”

  Dante answered. “All the way from Portland, man. And she managed to get divorced on her way.”

  “Holy shit!” Julian said.

  Alex offered a high five. “You are one tough lady.”

  Dom finally spoke up, looking at Dante. “Why didn’t you tell us about her when we first showed up?”

  “Because you would have been too busy asking questions and we wouldn’t have gotten any work done,” he told them.

  Alex laughed and turned to Dom. “That’s Dante, all right. Always about the work, even with this pretty thing around. If it were me—”

  “That’s enough, Alex,” Dante said with a raised brow, though he was smiling.

  It occurred to Shayna that Dante hadn’t mentioned that her stay was a temporary situation, though, just how temporary had grown vaguer every day. Why would he do that? She pondered the question while they finished up the meal. At least now they were being polite and not ogling her. Maybe that was why.

  They headed to the bar. As Shayna sipped her wine, she looked around in awe. Here she was, partying with rock stars in a private room. If only Shawn could see her now. Her lips curved in a satisfied smirk.

  “So, Shayna,” Zander said after his umpteenth shot of whiskey. “Where were you planning on walking to?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose I would’ve had to settle down somewhere. I do have some money,” she added defensively.

  “Yeah.” Dante grinned. “I forgot to mention that you’re in illustrious company. Shayna’s a bestselling romance author.”

  Her cheeks burned, and she glared at him. Now they would all laugh at her.

  When his response was another challenging look, she lifted her chin. Sure enough, his band exploded laughing.

  “And you believed her?” Julian said as he grabbed another beer.

  Dante set down his glass. “I’ll go get her books.”

  After he left, the four others turned wide eyes upon her. “No shit, really?” Zander asked as he opened a bottle of Corona. “You’re an author?”

  “Yeah.” Shayna blushed. “But I’m not one of the really big names or anything.” Of course, her fans’ enthusiastic response when she’d posted notes about her new book sure made her feel like one.

  Alex smirked. “So, you basically write porn for women.”

  Shayna rolled her eyes. “No, I don’t. For one thing, my novels have plots. For another, porn is solely about lust—and often the degradation of women. In my stories, the characters love and respect each other.” She smiled as she realized they were actually listening. “Although, there is plenty of lust involved. Still, as the phrase goes, don’t knock it until you try it.”

  “Yeah.” Dante returned with her books. “I liked her books. The stories are amazing and well-researched. I’m almost done with the series.” His powerful gaze challenged them all, daring them to laugh.

  Instead, all four seized a different book. Dom immediately flipped to the author picture and glanced back at Shayna with a slight smile. Zander started on the first page, actually reading the story, while Julian and Alex flipped pages, obviously looking for the sex scenes.

  “I still need to get those signed,” Dante told her as he sat next to her. “Luckily, I brought a pen this time.”

  “Wow, this is hot,” Alex said suddenly, looking up from his copy of The Duke’s Bride. “It’s giving me wood.”

  Julian met Shayna’s gaze with a leer. “So, um, how do you go about researching the sex scenes?”

  “I have my ways,” she answered with what she hoped was a mysterious smile. Surprisingly, she wanted to laugh. Her reviewers had praised her love scenes, but none had gone so far as to comment on the scenes’ physical effects on them—or to speculate whether they’d come from the author’s personal experience.

  For the next hour Shayna was bombarded by sex questions. Some were legitimate, but most were just obscene. Shayna surprised herself and refused to be annoyed or give the band the satisfaction of showing embarrassment, and she answered the questions with cool professionalism. She felt like Dr. Ruth.

  “So, what’s your favorite position?” Julian asked, licking his lips.

  “That’s enough!” Dante said, glaring at them all with those pewter eyes. “Where’d Zander just go?”

  “To bed,” Julian told him, and waggled his eyebrows as he finished off another rum and coke. “He took his book with him.”

  Shayna’s eyes widened. Was the guitarist going to read the whole thing too?

  Dom yawned and headed off to bed as well, handing his book to Dante on his way out. Julian handed over his as well. Alex looked up, a little shamefaced.

  “Give me a minute. I can’t get up just yet.”

  Dante laughed and handed Shayna a pen to autograph the remaining books. His palpable presence at her shoulder made Shayna dizzy. She’d never autographed a book for a man before. Especially not a rock god—and one who’d done more for her than any man she’d ever met.

  Unable to think of anything else, she inscribed them, To Dante. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me. You are a true hero. It seemed trite, but maybe she could come up with something cleverer on the last book when she got it back from Zander.

  Alex and Dante kept talking. The conversation shifted to preparations for the next Deity album. Shayna thought it would be an interesting subject, but after what felt like an hour of hearing about riffs, measures, and bridges, her eyes glazed over. The two men didn’t notice when she headed upstairs to bed.

  Loud snoring greeted her as she opened her door. Zander lay in her bed, with her book still in his hand, drooling on her pillow! Quaking in outrage, she shut the door.

  “’Night, Shayna, nice meeting you,” Julian slurred as he stumbled past. He crashed into the other bedroom and shut the door.

  Shayna stared down the dark hallway, frozen. She remembered only seeing four beds when she’d explored on the second day there. The house’s other original bedrooms had been used for the bar, the library, the office, the room for the foster cats, and one was crammed with antiques. Dom had to be in the last room with a bed, which meant that the only unoccupied space was Dante’s.

  Did that mean that she’d share it with him? Her belly fluttered.

  Part of her desperately wanted to, but she didn’t want to be forced into it by circumstance. And yet, even worse would be sleeping on the couch.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Shayna went back downstairs, Dante was alone at the bar scrawling notes on a pad of paper. She shook her head. Although he normally paid attention to every detail about what was going on around him, his music made the exception. Once he really got deep in writing, the rest of the world just fell away.

  Like when she wrote.

  He looked up and smiled. “There you are. Maybe you can help me with these lyrics, since you’re a writer and all—”

  “Zander is in my bed,” she interrupted, vying for courage despite her quaking knees. Did he want her with him or away?

  He blinked. “Oh, shit, I didn’t even think of that.”

  “The others are filling the other rooms.” Her stomach gave another flutter at the intensity of his gaze. “D-do you have an extra blanket? I could take the couch.”

  “Alex just took it.” Dante ran a hand through his hair. “They must think we’re sleeping together—which is totally my fault with how I’ve bee
n acting tonight. I’m sorry. Don’t worry, though, you can stay in my room and I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  She only half heard him, as half of her melted at the thought of sleeping in his bed.

  It’s just your hormones spinning out of control, she tried to tell herself. You’ve been celibate for over a year and, in the presence of an obscenely gorgeous man, it’s understandable. Shayna closed her eyes. But I don’t want him to sleep on the floor.

  “I still can’t believe that you have a freakin’ mansion but only one couch,” she said in a half-hearted protest before she did something crazy and voiced her real thoughts.

  “I like chairs. Their craftsmanship—”

  Shayna cut him off before the prospect of his bed could tempt her to give in to her desire. “Fine, I’ll take the recliner.”

  Dante grabbed her arm before she could head to the living room. “That wouldn’t be safe with Zander in there. He only joined the band a year ago, so I don’t know him that well.”

  Shayna’s skin burned with pleasure at his touch, but she retained her composure. “Oh. And sleeping in your room would be safe?”

  Good God, I hope not, her inner imp remarked.

  He sighed and released her. “It’ll be all right, Shayna.”

  She took a sip of the wine she hadn’t finished and frowned as she recalled what he’d said earlier. “Why do they think we’re sleeping together?”

  She realized the question was dumb even as it left her mouth.

  “Well, let’s see.” He scratched his temple in a parody of deep thought. “I’m a single man and a rock star. You’re a beautiful woman who’s been alone with me under my roof for two weeks.”

  A bitter laugh escaped her lips, even as her pulse rose at him calling her beautiful. “So they think I can’t resist you?”

  The words were too close to the truth for comfort.

  Dante smiled, and her belly began its familiar dance. “Actually, I think it’s the other way around.”

  His words made her shiver.

  He saw and leaned forward. “Really, you don’t need to be afraid. I’ve slept next to you before and behaved myself.”

  Her breath halted at his admission. “When?”

  “That first night, when you had that nightmare.”

  The words hung in the air for a captive eternity.

  “You mean, that wasn’t a dream?” Shayna met Dante’s gaze as goose bumps broke out all over her body. “You sang to me, didn’t you? I didn’t dream that.”

  Slowly, he nodded. If Shayna didn’t know better, she’d think he was shy about it. Then he opened his mouth and sang a verse. “‘We believed we’d catch the rainbow.…’”

  “That was beautiful,” Shayna whispered as he finished. “Is it one of yours?”

  “No. It’s ‘Catch the Rainbow’—sung by Dio when he was in Rainbow. It’s an old song, but one of my favorites. Did you like it?”

  Shayna nodded, and his gorgeous features struck her full-force, almost as painful as the memory of his song. Those glittering blue eyes, his lustrous dark curls, those kissable lips…

  “Thank you for doing that,” she said softly. She ached to touch him. “Thank you for all you’ve done.”

  Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was his unbelievable beauty. Maybe it was the way his brief kiss haunted her dreams. Shayna couldn’t bear it any longer. Time seemed to freeze as she tangled her hands in his hair, leaned forward, and pressed her lips against his.

  At first he didn’t move. Shayna started to pull away and apologize, but then his arms locked around her, yanking her off her bar stool. Before she fell, he grabbed her rear, lifting her against him. Her knee bumped the bar, but Dante swallowed her cry, devouring her lips as she ground herself against his hardness. His tongue darted into her mouth to tangle with hers, and her senses swam. If it weren’t for his iron grip, she would have fallen.

  He dragged his mouth from hers—after a blissful eternity.

  “Shayna,” he whispered, his eyes dark blue velvet.

  “Hmmm?” she murmured, still reeling.

  “It’s not safe in my bedroom anymore. Not if you don’t want it to be.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered in reply, not meaning it. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  His brow arched. “Do you want to know what I can’t help?”

  Captivated by both his beauty and the feel of him against her, she was barely able to mutter, “What?”

  He gave her The Smile. “Come upstairs with me and I’ll show you.”

  At Dante’s words, reality made a weak attempt to intrude, but his masculine scent and the heat of his body beat it back.

  Shayna shifted off his lap, and he sucked in his breath.

  “Hold on,” he said. His lips caressed her neck as he whispered, “I want to carry you again.”

  Shayna clung to him and wrapped her legs around his waist. He slid off his bar stool, and it rocked dangerously as he got to his feet. Dante made it a few steps…then pinned her against the wall, kissing her until she trembled in his arms. He stopped and carried her to the stairs, but there he stopped to again kiss her senseless.

  Eventually, they made it to his room. How he was able to get the door open between kisses, Shayna had no idea. Dante kicked it shut before they made their way to the bed, collapsing on its plush surface. The feel of his weight upon her was a delicious, long-lost sensation, and a rush of longing seared through her body.

  His hair brushed across her cheeks as he kissed her. “Shayna,” he whispered against her lips. “I want to see you.”

  Dante’s meaning became clear as he reared up and grasped the buttons of her shirt. As she nodded, a smile came to her lips. His shirt buttoned up too, and slowly she reached for his top button.

  They undressed each other with torturous slowness. Shayna forgot her usual modesty as she leaned up on her elbow and stared, awestruck at Dante’s body. He was only the third naked man she’d ever seen, and he was a wonder to behold. Whereas her ex-husband had been bulky and barrel-chested, Dante was lean, toned, and had a body that cried out to be licked.

  Her cheeks heated, and when her eyes met his they scorched. She started to shrink back, shifting to cover her breasts, but Dante seized her arm and gently moved it.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, placing his hand on her back and pulling her against him. Then he kissed her again.

  His hair tickled her shoulder, and she plunged a hand into the silken mass, reveling in the feel. She’d doubted she’d be able to go back to short-haired men after this.

  Dante’s kisses trailed down her jaw line and to her neck, sending frissons of electric bliss pulsing through her body. Shayna’s core became a throbbing, aching thing. She’d die if he didn’t touch her there soon.

  But he was not yet ready. For an eternity his hands and mouth lavished erotic torture upon her breasts. Shayna arched up with a surprised moan at the new sensation. Her breasts weren’t very large, so her husband had pretty much ignored them except for the occasional painful squeeze. Now their existence was a revelation. Her breasts came alive under Dante’s ministrations, tingling and sending bursts of sensation to her hot center.

  Her own hands roamed down his taut body, exploring exotic new territory. Shayna’s fingers wrapped around his hardness, and she bit back a cry of wonder at how large his shaft was, and how solid its heat felt in her grasp.

  Finally, his fingers slid down to cup her slick core, gently squeezing and caressing at the same time. Her cries escaped, only to be swallowed by his mouth.

  “Dante,” she moaned between drugging kisses. “Please…”

  He rolled her onto her back and leaned over her to rummage in the nightstand, giving her an excellent view of his backside. Her hand reached out to grab his rear, but she restrained herself at the last moment, not wanting to startle him.

  Dante lifted a foil package and frowned, tossing it away.

  “Expired,” he murmured, grabbing another. “Expired. Expired. A
h, here we go.”

  Shayna sighed in relief that at least one of them was thinking clearly. If he’d forgotten and she got pregnant… The thought vanished as he poised above her, a true god of earthly delight.

  He pressed against her entrance, finally guiding himself inside with excruciating slowness. Her core pulsed and throbbed with every inch, and by the time she could feel his pelvis against her clit, Shayna was writhing. Dante withdrew, and then, with one powerful thrust—

  An earthshaking orgasm tore through her, bringing a small scream.

  Dante froze. “Did you just come?”

  Humiliation washed over her, even as she pulsated around him. “It’s been awhile,” she whispered, turning her face away. “I’m sorry.”

  He grasped her chin and turned her back to meet his gaze. “Don’t be sorry. It’s a good thing, especially for my ego.” He chuckled before releasing her, his voice deep and husky. “Let’s see if I can make you do it again, shall we?”

  His hips rocked against hers in a slow, powerful rhythm, and Shayna was carried off in the waves of Dante’s lovemaking. Her hands tangled in his hair as he nibbled on her neck, drowning her in ecstasy. His hot skin slid against hers, and it seemed they were in a world of timeless pleasure.

  Suddenly, Dante sped up, simultaneously deepening his thrusts. “Come for me, Shayna.” His voice was soft and imploring. “Please, come for me, now.”

  Instantly, her body obeyed. Every cell of her being seemed to explode into trembling, electrical light. Dante let out a rough groan, and Shayna felt him spasm inside her, bringing the aftershocks of her climax to a new plateau.

  For the longest time, they lay trembling in each other’s arms. Shayna sighed, running her hand across Dante’s back. He had goose bumps, she noted with a smile.

  Eventually, the spell was broken. Dante gave her one last kiss before his weight lifted from her, and he headed to the bathroom to clean up. Realization at what they had done sank in, and Shayna yanked on her underwear. She fled to the bathroom as soon as he returned, not daring to meet his eyes. She couldn’t stop trembling, either. Maybe it was because of the cool air on her bare skin, but she thought it had more to do with what had happened.


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