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Take Her to HeVan

Page 10

by Lucy Kelly

  Both brother’s eyes were glued to the woman on the bed. Tearing his eyes away from the sight laid out before him, he touched his brother’s shoulder to get his attention. Charl gave his brother a signal with his head for them to step out of the room. They were nearly to the door when Marla spoke in her sleep.

  “Please, both of you,” she whispered.

  Karlo’s eyes widened when he understood what she was dreaming. He turned to his brother and grinned. It was a sign that Marla would accept them both. Stepping into the hall, they shut the door behind them quietly.

  The two of them embraced. Karlo was still overwhelmed with his memories and Charl was still getting used to his brother not being dead. As they parted, Karlo gestured for them to move away from the door and down the short hall to the kitchen. He didn’t want to awaken Marla.

  What neither of the men knew was that Marla wasn’t about to wake up. She was deep in the mating frenzy. Earlier when Charl had removed Karlo’s shirt because his wings were beginning to erupt, the skin was already broken enough to leak a high concentration of pheromones onto the sheet. Marla, sleeping on her side facing Karlo, had been breathing in the potent chemical for some time.

  She was human and the effect was much different than for a Nephilim or a human of Nephilim descent. Being human, in combination with the heavy dose she was receiving, could be harmful if they didn’t wake her up soon. It could even be lethal if her heart wasn’t strong enough to deal with the extra load placed on it. Unaware of the danger, the two brothers stood just down the hall in the kitchen.

  “We have a problem,” said Karlo.

  “Marla doesn’t know you are Nephilim,” said Charl.

  “Exactly! Until you showed up, I didn’t know I was Nephilim. This is going to be hard for her to understand. The wings won’t help matters.”

  “I understand she’s not Nephilim. Until a few moments ago, I was also concerned she would not accept me. She may still not; her dream could be because of the mating chemistry.”

  Karlo looked confused; his wings emerged after her dream had started, not before. “Your wings broke through your skin earlier. The process was halted when you lost consciousness,” Charl explained. “Still, it gives me hope,” he said.

  Karlo walked over to the sink. He got the glass of water he’d gotten out of bed for in the first place. The mundane task gave him a minute to wake up and process all the random things floating through his brain. After drinking it, the two of them went outside to stand on the porch. They needed to stretch out their wings so they could dry off. There wasn’t enough room in the house.

  Karlo spotted the shotgun lying on the porch and he picked it up, propping it beside the door to take back inside later. As they flexed their wings back and forth in the air, Karlo filled in his brother on everything that had happened since he’d first woken up in the bed to find Marla sleeping in the recliner, to when Charl had driven up to the house. Before they could decide how to move forward, they needed to go over all that had happened.

  While the men spoke on the porch, Marla continued to dream in the bedroom. Stuck in that space between true dreaming and waking, she tried to direct her dream, the way she normally would. Charl was between her legs eating her up and Karlo was working one breast with his mouth while he fondled the other. It wasn’t enough, she needed to be filled; she needed to come. Moaning, she begged them to come inside her.

  She didn’t care which one it was. Pushing at Karlo’s shoulders, she rolled to the side and another wave of arousal hit her. She didn’t need any more preparation, especially if it meant no orgasms. What she needed, ached to have, was a long hard fuck.

  After Karlo and Charl left the bedroom, Marla rolled into the warmth left by his body, her lungs filling with the strong scent held there, and her need grew. Reaching with one hand, she pulled Karlo’s pillow in between her legs and tightened her thighs around it. In her dream world, she was taking her lover between her legs. She still felt empty.

  Outside on the porch, the brothers were still trying to come up with a way to tell Marla about themselves without losing her.

  “I think we should fly. It will loosen our wings. Then we should remove them and hide them in the shuttle. We have a better chance if we take it step by step. First she accepts both of us and then she accepts us as Nephilim,” said Charl.

  The urge to start his mating flight was pushing at him. The mating flight was a dream few Nephilim warriors had achieved in the last thousand years.

  “No. It may be harder but we can’t lie to our Join,” said Karlo in disagreement. “If we start off with a lie, then she will lose trust in us when she finds out the truth. We cannot allow our fears to decide our actions.”

  Karlo paced away from the house, flexing his own wings back and forth. The urge to fly was strong. It was tempered only because Marla wasn’t there.

  “I told you about Jake O’Brien, the man who lied and betrayed her. She was thinking of joining with him. When she discovered his lies, she broke off her relationship with him. We can’t do the same thing. I won’t do that to my Join,” Karlo stated emphatically.

  Charl gave his younger brother a long look. Karlo had changed in the short time he’d been gone. Being separated from his people without a memory of them had allowed his personality to grow stronger. His arguments were sound. His personal knowledge of Marla added weight. Before Karlo would voice his opinion if asked, he wouldn’t make an arbitrary decision on his own. Usually he allowed Charl, as the elder, to lead.

  “Karlo, you have more knowledge of Marla than I do. I apologize for mentioning such a dishonorable alternative. You were right to chastise me,” said Charl after thinking it over.

  “We are both feeling the pull of the mating fever. You just met Marla; I can understand your need to do anything necessary to keep her. All I can say is that I believe this is meant to be. And since it’s meant to be, we shouldn’t worry. That doesn’t mean everything will proceed smoothly. Marla has a strong personality. I can only promise you that it will be worth it. Our Join is perfect.”

  Charl acknowledged again how changed his brother was. “I agree she is perfect, perfect for us. We’ve left her alone long enough. I think we should go back inside. Our wings have dried. Perhaps she would be willing to watch us fly?”

  “We can at least ask. I don’t see any reason why she wouldn’t want to at least do that. But let me go into the bedroom alone to wake her up. Even with her dreams, she would be embarrassed if you were there and she knew you saw her,” explained Karlo.

  “I will wait in the hallway.”

  The two brothers turned and went into the house. Neither saw the two men hiding in the trees near the shed.


  Sonny Ray Boyd and his brother, Buddy Joe, had been spending a lot of time sneaking onto this ranch to cause trouble for the woman who lived there. The two of them had left Georgia when they got tired of their daddy pounding on them. The Bible said you had to honor your parents. Since Mama was gone, they both had decided it was easier honoring their father from six or twelve states away.

  “Did you see that, Buddy Joe?” Sonny finally stuttered out when they were alone again.

  “We’re goin’ to hell, Sonny Ray. We have been makin’ trouble for a woman who knows angels.”

  “Ya think it’s like that movie with John Travolta? They here for a reason?” asked Sonny Ray.

  “I don’t know. I wonder what the colors on their wings mean, cause they’re real pretty. We’re still goin’ to Hell though, for botherin’ her so much.”

  “Well, then we got to make sure they know it wasn’t our fault, the things we did. And then I think we gots to leave town so Mr. O’Brien don’t lead us down to sin no more,” said Sonny Ray.

  Buddy Joe nodded his head vigorously. The lessons he’d learned, sitting in church on a Sunday, were being remembered in detail. He didn’t want to be cast down into Hell to be burned in the fires for all eternity.

  “Mama wouldn’t want us to g
o to no Hell. We gotta pray to Mama. Maybe then she can explain to God we didn’t mean no harm, not really. We were just doin’ a job, like the man paid us to do,” said Buddy Joe.

  “It wasn’t honest work, Buddy Joe.” Sonny Ray patted his brother on the shoulder to make him feel better. “That’s a good idea, though. But I think those two angels could maybe explain it to God better.”

  Buddy Joe was in awe of his older brother. “You’re gonna go and talk to them?”

  “We have to. But maybe we should wait until the morning,” he added, needing time.

  “Yeah, it would be better to wait,” Buddy Joe said. His brother wasn’t the only one who needed to build his courage.

  As the two men in the trees thought on their sins, the other two men had sins of their own to contemplate.


  Folding their wings against their bodies, Karlo and Charl re-entered the house. Karlo picked up the shotgun on his way inside. Breaking it open, he pulled the ammunition from the barrels and put the gun down just inside the door and the ammunition in the junk drawer in the kitchen. He didn’t want the dog knocking over the gun and setting it off.

  Looking around, he realized he hadn’t seen the dog. Usually Rusty was near wherever Marla was. A movement to his left reminded him there were more important things to concentrate on right now. He would look for Rusty later.

  When he entered the bedroom, he was hit with the overpowering scent of Marla’s arousal. The bed was a wreck, the blankets and sheets knotted and pushed to the end of the mattress. Marla had removed her sleep-shirt so she was now naked. Her breasts, belly, and legs all showed scratch marks from her nails. All of this Karlo saw in the seconds after he entered the room.

  “Charl, something is wrong!” he shouted as he went to the bed and tried to stop her frantic movements. Charl had been standing just outside the door so he rushed in at his brother’s shout.

  “Charl, I can’t wake her up,” he said. When he touched her she had latched onto him, winding her body around his while tears ran down her face.

  “You’re right, something is wrong. She’s deeper into the bonding than any other I’ve heard of. I’m worried about her not waking up. I’m going to call the Sanctuary. One of our medicals lives there. You need to start the joining, she needs you,” Charl said as he rushed out of the room. He had been so surprised to see his brother he’d left his pack in the truck.

  Karlo reached down between Marla’s legs to find her clit. His fingers were sopping immediately. Her inner thighs were so wet the sheet beneath her was soaked. Pinching her clit had no response except for a moan of pain and more tears.

  “Empty, please, so empty,” she moaned and that gave Karlo the key he needed to understand what she needed. He used his strength to get her into a position where he could enter her. She had wrapped her legs around one of his and was riding his thigh. He hoped he didn’t leave bruises on her tender skin. When he was finally able to fill her she let out a small sigh before she started rocking her hips. She lifted her legs high, wrapping them around his waist, pushing her heels into his ass, trying to take him deeper.

  Charl ran back into the room, his cell phone at his ear. It was the middle of the night but the women’s Sanctuary always had someone awake and available to take calls or handle emergencies.

  “They’ve sent someone to wake up Markus. I explained it was a medical emergency and we needed his help,” Charl said to Karlo. He could see that Marla still hadn’t awoken.

  Marla moaned but was still sleeping, locked into her joining dream. “Yes, both of you…need to be filled…be joined,” she muttered again even as she ground her pelvis to Karlo’s.

  “Where’s Markus?” Karlo asked as he squeezed her tight nipples, which finally sent her over the edge. She didn’t wake though and almost immediately she started rocking her hips again.

  Karlo was frantic. Normally his fears would have caused him to lose his erection. The joining chemicals were helping him stay hard for her.

  “Markus, thank the Goddess,” Karlo heard Charl say. As he continued to move inside Marla, he also listened to Charl explain to Markus what was happening. The way she was clamping down on him, he wasn’t going to be able to hold off his own orgasm for much longer.

  Charl held his cell phone against his chest and turned to where Karlo was doing his best to help Marla. “Is she human or Nephilim?”

  “She’s human. The first time she took me in her mouth I almost choked her. Even with no memory, my body wanted me to go deep and she wasn’t able to breathe,” he explained. Charl relayed what they knew and then listened to what Markus had to say.

  “Markus thinks she may have inhaled too much of the joining pheromones. The chemicals are meant to be released out of doors and this room is quite small. We need to get her out of this room. We need to release our wings so our backs can heal up and our bodies will stop producing the pheromones.”

  “I’m going to need your help. She’s not going to let go of me easily. And she wants you too. She keeps mumbling about needing to be filled and feeling empty or lost,” he said, his voice cracking. He was really worried about Marla.

  “Come on, we need to get her away from this room and that bed,” Charl said.

  He helped Karlo get up on all fours. Marla still had her legs tight around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. When he stood, she began using her thighs to move herself up and down on his shaft.

  They left the bedroom, Karlo still carrying Marla. It was easy because she was so petite. “Why don’t you get some water, we can wash her face. It might help,” said Karlo. As Karlo carried her outside, Charl went to the sink. There was a large bowl sitting on the counter Marla had intended to put a salad in. Since she hadn’t made a full dinner, it was empty. He quickly filled it up and then probably spilled half of it when he rushed outside.

  “Hurry, Charl!” Karlo shouted.

  Marla’s breathing was becoming labored and he was worried she would start hyperventilating. Charl brought the bowl over and slowly poured the water over Marla’s head and face, using his free hand to wipe around her eyes and nose. She didn’t wake, but she did seem to become a little more alert.

  “We need to fly,” said Charl.

  “I can’t let go of her and leave her alone lying here in the dirt. She’s very small, with your help I think we can all fly together,” said Karlo.

  Charl looked at his brother and understood the trust being given to him. Karlo would be using his wings, and depending on Charl to guide their flight.

  “I agree, let me know when you’re ready,” he said, as he flexed his wings in preparation.

  Karlo put his left arm around Marla and reached out with his right to his brother’s right arm. Each of them clasped the other inside the forearm just inside the elbow. Counting off, they leapt into the air, rising as high as they could before they began the mating flight and discovered a long lost secret about their people.

  Flying while holding Marla made each movement perfect; she was the missing element. As they flew, she began to respond. Charl’s body was tight against her back, his groin and growing erection nestled against her ass. She was so wet he was soon soaked in her juices, right through his jeans.

  “Charl, can you feel it?” Karlo was in awe. “She needs more, this will work. Somehow I know this was meant to be.”

  Charl used his left hand to unzip; his loose jeans fell down his legs and fluttered into the dark. Once again using his left hand, coating his cock in her juices before he guided himself to her back entrance. Widening his legs behind hers, he slowly filled her. Both men continued to beat their wings, each beat working in counterpoint to their thrusts. The joining flight was exactly that.

  The mating flight was a series of swoops and dives, which was ingrained as part of their DNA, each male making the same movements. Their bodies knew exactly what to do. As they swung through the sky, the motions that were ingrained in them from a past so distant, no one understood them, suddenly became

  The air was cold; April in Colorado was still more like winter than spring. Held between their two bodies, Marla didn’t feel the cold as much as she might have. Still, she didn’t wake up. In her mind, she was still in the bed in the meadow. Her pleas had been answered. Karlo and Charl had filled her up and were thrusting in counterpoint to each other. Then her dream took one of those bizarre turns dreams often did. The three of them were having some of the best sex she’d ever experienced when suddenly they floated up into the air.

  They were fucking and flying at the same time. Storm clouds were moving in and her sunny day was turning to night. She was ready to wake up and knew she would soon. First though, she needed to come.

  “Need to come,” she begged, not realizing she’d spoken out loud. “More—give me more. Please,” she said.

  They were reaching the end of their flight. At the same time they were reaching the culmination of their joining. They were climbing higher and higher into the sky. As the thrusts of their hips increased, so did the beating of their wings. As they hit their peak, they folded their wings, plummeting to the ground as their joint orgasms rolled over and through all three of them.

  The ground was approaching fast. Within about fifty feet of the ground, the two men unfurled and spread their wings to glide the rest of the way down. The suddenness of the shift in speed was felt by both men as their wings began to pull loose. Charl’s body disengaged and swung away to fly side by side with Karlo. They landed just in time, before the wings lost their strength. It was a good thing, because Marla was finally waking up.

  She was disoriented and really cold. “Karlo? I’m cold, pull up the blankets,” she said, blinking her eyes before she looked around.

  They were out in the country, far from town and the local highway wasn’t lit. The stars filled the night sky, the only light coming from the open door of the house.


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