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The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6)

Page 23

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Fawin, let Neema play in arm tent, too! Neema likes camping!”

  I bit my lip hard to keep my explosive laughter inside. However, Farowyn let his laughter free. Soon, he was amusing the children with his patagium and learning to give pony rides. I sat at Momma’s feet. She had decided that my hair was a mess and insisted on fixing it.

  After she had removed half of my braids, she said, “I am very proud of you. Captain Aegisthus told me how brave you were throughout Felix’s capture.”

  “You heard about it from him? Papa didn’t tell you?”

  Momma whispered, “Tavere doesn’t share with me anything that he believes might upset me. My guards hide nothing from me and never have.” She squeezed my shoulder. Quietly, she said, “I would be furious if I were you. Now, I understand why you left Parvac. Had I known what had caused your anger, I wouldn’t have begged you to return so soon.”

  “I’m sure Papa knew that, and it was the reason he didn’t tell you.”

  Papa said, “You know I can hear you. I’m sitting right here.” He was seated in a chair a few feet away. We ignored him.

  “I am furious, insulted, betrayed, and hurt. However, I am angriest with one male in particular.”

  I didn’t think I would ever be able to look at Inquisitor Eli Beck again. Unfortunately, his warship kept pace with mine. Ephors was a welcome sight. However, it annoyed me that the Empress was the last of the three ships to dock. I had wanted to speed to my home and lock the doors against unwanted visitors. So far, I had refused every call from Eli and had no intentions of speaking to him. I didn’t even want to look at him.

  “Momma, I think it would be fun if we ladies and the children rode together to my home.”

  “What a lovely idea, my sweet,” she said as she patted my cheek.

  Thunderdrop lifted his legs up and down in excitement, eager to play in the trees. Together with Terre and Violet, we took the children to the transport bay. I sat in the driver’s seat and drove down the ramp and out into the land port. The males were quick to follow.

  “Let’s have lots of girl time while we are here. We can spend time at the spas, go shopping, visit art exhibits, and things like that.”

  Momma said, “What a lovely idea. Your father can go hunting.”

  I said, “Your Imperial Guards can protect us.”

  Violet said, “It’s not fair of you to be upset with Kaoti. He was sworn to secrecy, and he was only told so he wouldn’t jeopardize the mission by killing the operatives. And before you ask, no. Of course, I didn’t know. I only found out last night after he was granted permission to share vague details with me.”

  “I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this, Violet, but I’m going to be angry for as long as I’m angry. I’ve got a right to feel how I feel and to work through it at my own pace.”

  “Fine. I can respect that. Just know this. My husband may look like the cold, merciless assassin he is, but he has a heart, and you are in it, scratching and making it bleed. When he hurts, I hurt, so try and have some pity where he is concerned. Felix is the one who deserves your anger.”

  “Fine. Whatever,” I said with sulkiness.

  I parked in front of my house, the one Papa had given me. He spoiled me every chance he got with mansions, warships, transports, and barges. I knew he loved me and had been desperate to protect me, but Flavian….

  Ira, my personal assistant, and Max, my chef, waited for us at the doors. I ran to them and gave them hugs.

  “Hello! I’ve missed both of you! Have you met Momma?” I turned to help get Neema, Niklos, and Peter out.

  “Chirp! Chirp!”

  “Yes, go play. Have fun.”

  Neema ran straight for Max. “Max got cookies for Neema?”

  “Oh, yes, Princess Neema. I have been making all of your favorites for the past two days.”

  “You’re good, Max,” she said as she kissed his cheek.

  Max had Neema in his arms, but he and Ira went down to one knee when Momma stepped from the transport. While getting Peter out, I jumped and hit my head on the roof when Kaoti appeared out of thin air to help Violet with Poppy. I glared at him and rubbed my head.

  “Daddy,” Poppy said as she grabbed his lower lip in her tiny fingers.

  Kaoti said, “There is nothing a father won’t do to protect his daughter.”

  “I don’t need another lecture. Why don’t you go impregnate your wife or something?”

  Violet said, “He already did. I should be puking all over your carpets again in no time.”

  “Oh.” I stilled and looked at them. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you. You should relax and take it easy.”

  My thoughts went straight to Luca and our baby. Quickly, I turned away from them to unfasten Peter from his seat, but Terre saw my face as she was getting Niklos out. Taking deep breaths, I worked on appearing angry rather than heartbroken and went inside.

  “Oh, Teagan, this is lovely,” Momma complimented.

  “Thank you. Abbie helped me decorate.”

  “Abbie Cassian. We should call her to join us,” Momma said.

  Soon, Papa and everyone else had arrived. Farowyn and his men joined Thunderdrop in the exploration of the woods.


  “Yes, Teagan?”

  “Make yourself at home.” I smiled at my handsome new husband while thinking of his girth.

  “If you have no objections, I fear I must make a trip into the city. I’ve been managing for the last few days on borrowed clothing.” He gave me a dashing smile.

  “Understood. See you later.”

  After everyone was settled and Pierce and Lorca had the children, I changed and went for a walk. Not far from the house, a patch of ground caught my notice. Stumbling over to it, I sat, held my knees to my chest, hid my face against them, and cried. In the spot was where the tent had been placed in which Luca and I had spent our first night together. Pain choked me. A strong soothing force washed over me as Zared sat beside me and put his arm around me.

  “Why did he have to die? He was so loving, so loyal, and brave. It’s just not fair.”

  “It wasn’t fair, but Luca must rest easier in the afterlife knowing that you and the children are now free of your most dangerous threat.” Zared held his hand open beside me and laced my fingers with his.

  “I’ll think I’m okay. Then, something happens to remind me of him, and I hurt all over again.”

  “You don’t feel the pain alone. I share it with you along with your anger, confusion, and fear. Everything you feel, I feel.”

  I nodded. We sat in silence and watched the bunnies as they hopped among the flowers and across the path until my tears had dried. Then, on silent feet, we were joined by Walter, Tomaz, Vawn, Xander, Wyatt, Vic, Zack, Zergio, Rozz, Izaac, Zam, Traviz, and Jezzie. They pleaded with their solid black eyes for my forgiveness.

  Zared said, “Teagan, we tried to capture Felix. We tried and we failed. His fear of us made him overly cautious and spared him from our discovery. Using the Inquisitors was the only way, but Flavian was out of line.”

  “Aw. Look here,” Walter said. He had his hands cupped in front of him and kneeled before me.

  “Oh….” He placed a baby bunny in my hands. I touched its soft fur with my fingertips and petted its ears. Its little heartbeat tickled my palm. I giggled when it snuffled at my fingers with its little nose. Then, I put it down and watched as it hopped away to nibble at the vegetation. “I don’t want my pride or feelings to ever get in the way of you protecting my children or our family.”

  Zared rubbed my shoulders. “We know. You’re cold. Let’s go inside.”

  Zergio said, “We are a thought away, sister.”

  I nodded and kissed his cheek. “I know. You all know that I love you, right?”

  “We know,” Rozz said.

  Together, Zared and I continued the walk that I had begun alone.

  “I’m thinking of buying a ship for Farowyn. He should be able to travel as he ple
ases. Will you help?”

  “Of course. Dario would be of great assistance as well. I believe Farowyn will be pleased.”

  “Did Yukihyo know?” It hurt to ask, and I feared his answer.

  “No. Fitz, Drex, Farowyn, your ladies, your staff, none of them knew. The Inquisitors knew, we knew, and Nico and Kaoti were told enough so that they would not kill them and were ordered to back off.”

  “Nico can determine a lot from such an order,” I said.

  “He can.”

  After dinner, I encouraged Dario, Fitz, Zared, and Farowyn to check their vid-screens for any vessels that might be worth purchasing at the land port. We kept the reason a secret from Farowyn, but paid close attention to his opinions. In private, I called Yukihyo.

  “Investing in Farowyn is intelligent. With a ship of his own and some credits, I can teach him to buy and trade for what his people need. Then, he can invest in another ship and train someone to assist him.”

  “Can you outfit the ship he chooses with photonic film?”

  Yukihyo inclined his head to me. “It will be my gift to him.”

  “Thank you. How much longer until you’re home? Neema keeps asking for her daddy. But, selfishly, I need you. I need you so much.”

  Yukihyo grinned. “Even surrounded by virile males, you still need me?”

  “You’re my soul. You know that. This entire situation has been so shitty.”

  Yukihyo frowned. “A beautiful princess should not use that word.”

  “I apologize. Certain individuals are….”

  “Teagan, language,” Yukihyo scolded before I could let loose the barrage of expletives that I had all planned out. “I will do my best to make everything better once I return. I will speak to you in the morning. I love you.”

  “I love you, Yukihyo Lee.”

  That night, I slept soundly once more, but between Nico and Zared, sharing not only blankets, but also forgiveness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next day, I sent Farowyn, Zared, Fitz, and Dario to the land port with instructions to buy the best ship they could find. They were glad to leave. Papa was in a mood because Momma was upset with him over me. She didn’t fuss or yell to make her displeasure known, so I wasn’t sure what she had done or was doing to make her point.

  From where Terre, Violet, and I sat, I heard her say, “Your company isn’t required. My guards will be with us.”

  “Neema, please don’t be cold to me,” Papa said in something I’d consider a whine from anyone but the Emperor.

  “Cold? Forgive me, darling. I never intended to be cold. I meant to be absolutely frigid. Now, I am taking our daughter and her friends out for the day. Try to be a good grandfather in our absence, and I may thaw some. Understood?”

  “Yes, Neema,” Papa said.

  The three of us exchanged glances before joining Momma in the foyer and walking with her out to the transport. “Go,” she ordered Captain Aegisthus.

  “What was that about?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?” Momma gave me an innocent look.

  “Why did Papa call you cold?” I wondered if it had something to do with when she was in stasis and if something was wrong.

  “I’m punishing him for your tears.”

  “How?” I asked, even more confused.

  Terre, Momma, and Violet turned incredulous eyes my way. “You know how,” Violet said.

  “No, she doesn’t. Look at her expression,” Terre said.

  Sitting more firmly back and turning to pin me with her regard, Momma said, “I haven’t seen to your father’s needs in two days.”

  “Ew. Isn’t that punishment for you, too? You only have one husband.”

  Violet asked, “Haven’t you ever withheld physical affection to express your anger? All I have to do is threaten Kaoti, and he capitulates.”

  “No, not on purpose,” I said.

  In exasperation, Momma said, “Oh, Teagan. If a husband angers you, ignite his pheromones and then refuse to give him pleasure.”

  “Momma, that’s mean.”

  “Well, how do you expect to keep your husbands obedient otherwise?”

  The three of them looked serious. I died laughing. Then, I wiped my eyes. “Not one of my husbands can be controlled. They are too smart for that. Anyway, I don’t want their obedience. I like them undomesticated and feral.”

  Terre laughed and shook her head.

  Momma said, “Yes, I’ve heard of your penchant for hairy males.”

  “Are you suggesting that you don’t like a hairy chest?”

  “I don’t care for it. I have Tavere’s body hair removed.” She appeared to find the very idea of male body hair extremely distasteful.

  “Poor Papa. It sounds like you’ve already punished him enough.” I cringed. Hair removal was something that I personally dreaded.

  Momma took my hand. “What they made you believe and feel, I felt it with you.”

  Her words made Zared’s to me from the evening before even clearer. All of us had suffered because of Eli’s stupid plan and his team of ruthless Inquisitors. Maybe, they had deserved to be left naked on that mountain.

  “So, Violet, how are you feeling?” I asked to change the subject.

  With a heavy sigh, she said, “Tired. Tired unlike any other tired.”

  “Well, today you will be pampered from head to toe,” Momma assured her.

  Momma’s idea of a spa day was extreme, but then when I remembered her title, it made sense. However, watching male attendants feed Momma and Violet their lunches while they lounged was a bit much. I rolled my eyes. When it was time for our massages, I put on a robe and snuck away to the rooftop terrace. The idea of it was too much for me, but I didn’t want the ladies to know. Luca was too much on my mind and would be so even more during a massage. I couldn’t take it. Heaters kept me from freezing while I hid.

  “Oh, Luca.”

  I looked out over the clean and organized city. The buildings were evenly spaced. Civilians and soldiers went about their business in polite and orderly fashions. It wasn’t at all like the dirty wet alley in a practically lawless excuse for a city where I had lost him. I wiped my eyes on my robe.

  “I swore to myself that day that Jiri would never take anyone else from you again.”

  I turned to see Eli stepping from the shadows a few feet from me.

  “Not Jiri, his clones, his Earth Loyalists, or anything or anyone remotely associated with him will hurt you again.” His black hair gleamed, but his dark eyes were dull.

  “But, you let your friend, Flavian, hurt me.” Accusation was thick in my voice.

  Eli took a step closer. “He didn’t hurt you. He made you think that he had. A drugged kiss, a few suggestive movements, and your mind was his.”

  “You let me believe it. Why?” I clutched at my robe-covered elbows.

  “You had to fear Cory so that Jiri would believe he was your enemy. Had Farowyn not involved himself, we would have had Felix in a week on Malta.”

  “How do you know?” I asked angrily.

  “Because I tortured it out of Lewis Soval before I killed him. The man was one of Jiri’s contacts.” I took a step back. Eli stopped his forward progression. “Do you fear me?” he asked in a barely audible voice.

  “I thought he had raped me. He looked like Yukihyo. He was in my wing. Did you let him in? Did you do that?”

  “He didn’t need my help. He’s one of the Empire’s best spies. Had he intended you harm or felt any ill will toward you, Zared would have sensed it. Flavian was working to protect you by order of the Emperor. You still haven’t answered my question.”

  I continued to ignore it. “What was the contact information that Felix gave to Flavian in the cargo bay of the ship on Arachne?”

  Eli remained still. “It was the name of an informant of Jiri’s on Scipio.”

  “Scipio? Who?”

  “A restaurateur named Soren who has insinuated himself into the life of an associate of yours.” Eli
watched me while I thought.

  “Felicia mentioned a man named Soren to me. She’s my friend and former business partner.”

  Eli nodded. “I have sent an operative with orders to keep him under observation and to take action if required.”

  “What do you mean by if required?”

  “You know what I mean by it.”

  “Right. When Soren learns of Felix’s death, he will become dangerous and unpredictable.”

  Eli inclined his head to me. “Clark and his team renounced their houses and swore to you. Will you return them to their houses?”

  “Why should I?” I asked snottily.

  “Clark is the last of House Flavian, his father’s only child.”

  Incredulously, I asked, “You want me to do Flavian a favor? Basically, you’ve confirmed that he mind-fucked me. He made me think he was going to kill my family, but you want me to return his to him? Why the fuck should I?”

  Eli took a step closer to me. “It is the right thing to do for both Clark and Cory. Both of them risked their lives in service to House Probus.”

  “Maybe, I would be kinder to protect Clark from the monster he calls a father,” I said angrily.

  “Cory isn’t a monster. He and I have been friends for most of our lives.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “There are ugly, dirty things that often require attention. These streets are so pristine and her occupants so civilized, but depravity and treasonous intent can’t be disguised here as well as it blends in with the environments of Malta, Amphictyon, or Earth. We are the ones sent to battle dark and hidden evils, to uncover plots, and to protect the innocent while serving harsh justice to the guilty.”

  His self-righteous tone ignited my temper. “Protect the innocent? Unless you need to use someone to obtain an objective, right? Weren’t you and your team brilliant enough to come up with another plan?”

  “When we calculated your possible responses and Felix’s reactions, the plan we decided upon had the highest possible rate of success.”

  I felt my pulse in my ears, throbbing. “I’ve worked so hard to overcome what Nathan Green did to me, and you almost sent me huddling back into myself.” My cheeks began to flush with anger.


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