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The Ties That Bond [Bonding Camp 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 7

by Christelle Mirin

  “Argh!” Jack threw his arm over his eyes. “You’re blinding me!”

  She shoved at him. “I am not. Wake up. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starved.”

  He groaned. “It’s too early for breakfast.”

  “We missed dinner. Come on.” She shoved him. “I know you’re hungry.”

  His stomach growled in agreement, loudly.

  “See?” She threw back the covers and slid her legs over the edge of the bed. Raising her arms above her head, she stretched, the muscles in her back appreciating the movement. She was a little stiff. The men had given her quite the workout yesterday.

  Jack shifted in the bed behind her. “I guess I’m going to have to go along with you on this one. I am a bit hungry.”

  She glanced back at him. “You need to eat to keep your strength up.”

  He was sitting up in the bed, his back resting against the headboard and his hair mussed. “Why? Are you going to wear me out again today?”

  She jumped back on the bed and straddled his hips. Placing her hands on the headboard on each side of his head, she kissed him long and hard. Pulling away, she looked into his eyes. “I hope to wear you out today and every day afterward.”

  He tilted his head. “Is that a proposal?”

  Rhonda held her breath. Had she really just said that? Her heart stuttered in her chest. Their gazes locked, the moment hanging in time. Finally she found her voice. “I just meant…”

  He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Don’t panic. It’s okay. Let’s go rustle up something to eat, okay?”

  “Yeah.” She climbed off of him, feeling a bit unsettled. Moving to the closet, she chose a loose-fitting T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, slipping them on without panties or bra. When she turned around, Jack had already gotten out of bed and was tying the belt of his robe around his waist.

  “Do you want to stop by your room for some clothes?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her waist. Why did she feel so nervous all of a sudden?

  He shook his head. “Naw. Let’s just head for the kitchen. Everyone here has seen me in my robe before.” He walked up to her and kissed her. “Now stop acting like you’ve poked the bear and come and eat with me.” He slid his arm around her waist and guided her toward the door.

  In the kitchen, they worked together. Rhonda scrambled some eggs while Jack took care of the toast. With a glass of orange juice for each of them, they sat down at the table in the kitchen and began to eat.

  “This weekend has been wonderful,” Rhonda said, sipping her juice.

  Jack nodded, swallowing his mouthful of egg. “It sure has. Best weekend I’ve had here since I began working for the firm.”

  “You’ve worked for the firm for a while, haven’t you? Ever thought of doing anything else?” Rhonda took a bite of egg, savoring the taste. She watched Jack think about her question, his green eyes full of promise. Funny, it feels like I love him. Can I love someone this quickly? Just the thought of loving Jack made her heart flutter. It was possible, not quite love at first sight but soon after. Stranger things have happened.

  Finally, he shook his head. “No, I don’t think I’d look for another job. I’m pretty happy, comfortable, here. Cane, Moss, and White is a great law firm. They treat their people right, and they have a great reputation.” He took a sip of juice. “There’s only one thing missing in my life, and I have a feeling I may have recently found it. So, what about you? I know you run the office. Ever thought of doing anything else?”

  She swallowed her bite of food. What thing had he found? Is it me? Could it possibly be this new relationship we’ve just begun? “I like my job. I can’t picture myself doing anything else. I’m too old to start a new career anyway.”

  Jack laughed. “You can’t be serious. You’re in the prime of your life. If you wanted to start a new career, there’d be nothing stopping you.”

  Rhonda chuckled. “I don’t think I want to. Like I said, I’m really liking my life right now. I don’t think I’d change a thing. Well, I take that back. I might change one thing.”

  “What would that be?”

  Should she tell him? Would it color their relationship if he knew she’d like to get married someday? She took a large gulp of her juice, her hand that held the glass trembling a bit. If you’re really considering a long-term relationship with this man, he needs to know where you stand on the subject of marriage. Get it out in the open. Tell him. Rhonda cleared her throat and then bit the bullet. “I would like to get married at some point in my life.” She felt like blowing out a huge breath but held back from doing it. She watched his face, looking for any sign her comment had scared him off.

  Jack pushed his plate away from him and rested his elbows on the table. A small, slightly crooked, smile formed on his lips. His eyes sparkled merrily. “Married, huh? You know, I’d like to get married again, too. I was too young the first time around. I’m settled in my life now, more ready to commit.” He tilted his head, making himself look boyish. “Kids? Thought about them?”

  Rhonda mirrored his action of pushing his plate away and did the same to her own. This conversation seemed to be turning into something more than just breakfast talk. “I know women my age do have children, but I don’t think they would fit in my life at this point.” She raised one hand. “Not that I don’t like kids. I do, but I’m pretty set in my ways.” She giggled. “Boy, does that comment make me feel old.”

  “You, my love, are definitely not old.”

  My love…Had he really said that?

  “Rhonda, come over here,” Jack said, pulling the empty chair beside him closer. “I want to talk to you about something. Something important.”

  Her stomach began to jitter. Where was this leading? She rose from her chair across from him and moved to the one he had moved beside him. Crossing her hands in her lap, she turned toward him.

  Jack leaned forward, placing one hand on the back of the chair above her shoulder. “I’m going to ask you something, and I want you to take it seriously. I’m not playing.”

  When she met his gaze, she could see the seriousness in his eyes. He was no longer smiling, nor boyish. Sitting in front of her was a man with a sincere intent. Her stomach quivered again. “All right. Ask.”

  “Do you trust me? I mean really trust me?”

  She nodded. “I do. To be honest, there’s something about you I relate to very deeply. As an example, I’ve never allowed anyone to tie me up during sex. You’re the only one.” She reached up and stroked his cheek with her hand. “Jack, I’m going to admit something to you. I know we’ve only known each other for basically a few hours, but in my heart”—she pulled her hand back and placed it on her chest above her heart—“I have such strong feelings for you, ones I’ve never allowed myself to experience before. Jack, I love you.” Heat flooded her face at her admission. She was scared and excited, both at the same time.

  He didn’t smile. He searched her face, his eyes traveling from her eyes to her mouth and back again. Suddenly, he caught her face in both his hands and kissed her deeply.

  She melted inside, her heart thudding fast and hard.

  When he pulled away, it was only a fraction of an inch. He rested his forehead against hers, their noses still touching. “That makes my question easier to ask.” He moved away then, pushing his chair back away from hers.

  When he knelt down in front of her, Rhonda thought her heart was going to stop completely.

  Jack took one of her hands in his, squeezing it. “Rhonda, I know this is probably the last thing you expected me to say but…” He lifted her hand and kissed it tenderly. Then he continued, “…Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Heat rushed through her whole body. She felt faint, giddy, and happier than she’d ever been in her life. “Have you thought this through? I mean, I, um, can’t fathom you asking me this so soon after we’ve just met.”

  She watched as he drew in a slow, steady breath.

  “Do you nee
d time to think about it? I would understand if you did.” He raised a hopeful eyebrow.

  Do it. What are you waiting for? With a girlish sounding laugh, she shook her head. “No.”

  “No?” He looked stricken.

  “Oh my gosh,” she said, grabbing his hand that held hers. “No, I don’t need time. Yes, I will be your wife.”

  Before she knew what was happening, he swooped her up from the chair into his arms and crushed her against his chest. “Damn, Rhonda, you had me worried there for a moment. I love you. Do you know that?”

  Placing her hands against his chest, she pushed away. “I love you, too, Jack.” Looking into his eyes, she felt the solid connection between them, the bond she had experienced the first time he had bound her hands. “But we do have some things we’re going to have to work out.”

  Grinning down at her, he winked. “I think we can work out just about anything. We’re not young kids, expecting more from each other than we can give. Am I right?”

  She nodded, the smile on her lips threatening to span her whole face. “You’re right. Can we sit down and discuss it a little more?”

  “Of course.” He let her go, taking her hand as they moved back into their respective chairs. He turned hers toward him, making their knees touch. “Now, tell me what you would like to discuss. I’m all ears.”

  She swallowed, her throat dry. Reaching across the table, she retrieved her glass and finished off her orange juice. “First, the question of children…I told you I don’t see any in my future. Are we on the same page on that front?”

  He nodded. “I don’t live the sort of life in the right environment to raise kids. Besides, I want to focus all of my love toward you.”

  “Good. Okay. Now, about our jobs. I don’t want to give mine up. I work in the city, and I live in the city. How are we going to work that out?” There was no way she wanted to give up her place as office manager at Cane, Moss, and White. She wasn’t the stay-at-home type either. And as far as getting another job, she’d already told him her thoughts on that.

  He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin with one hand. “I don’t want to give mine up either. How about this?” He placed his hand on her knee. “We both keep the jobs we enjoy. That won’t change. I basically live here. You live in the city. Why can’t we keep both places? You stay at your place in town, and I’ll come and stay with you when I’m not needed here. Then on the weekends when I am needed to drive, you come and stay with me?”

  She thought about it for a moment. “This could work.”

  “I think so, too.” He grinned.

  Electricity flooded her. Was this really happening? “Jack, I’m so excited. And I’m so in love with you right now.”

  “I hope you stay in love with me.”

  She laughed. “I don’t see that changing. But, there’s one more thing.”

  He squeezed her knee. “And what could that be?”

  “The bonding camps. How do you feel about us continuing to participate? We need to get this straight right now. I don’t want jealousy rearing its head between us.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, I’d like to continue like we are. Keep participating. After all, it is part of our employment basically, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “You’re right. And I’d like to be included in the camps, too. But, I will say one thing—no one except you will ever bind me up.”

  “Come here,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her into his lap.

  Rhonda settled herself on his knees, one arm behind his neck. “Yes?”

  “I’ve come to the conclusion that you and I will never have a problem working things out. I’m so glad I’ve found you. I can’t wait to start our life bonded together, so to speak. When would you like to get married? Do you want a big wedding?”

  Rhonda wrapped her other arm around his neck and looked him directly in the eye. “I don’t care about big weddings and such. As soon as we can get the license, I’m ready.”

  “So am I.” He hugged her tightly. “But until we can get to the courthouse on Monday, why don’t we celebrate. Want to join me in the playroom?”

  “Only if you agree to tie me up.” She smiled and looked into the eyes of the man she loved so dearly, so intensely. She knew she’d spend the rest of her life in pure pleasure.




  Christelle Mirin loves a good story. Her love of reading led to her writing career. She writes every chance she gets, including carrying a notebook along with her to her regular job just so she can jot down notes and plotlines. Christelle lives in Ohio with her husband, son, two dogs, and once in a while, her grand-dog. She has two daughters who live in nearby states and one granddaughter who she loves dearly. Living along a river, Christelle’s family enjoys the water, whether boating, Jet Skiing or just sitting on the bank and relaxing.

  To learn more about Christelle and her works in progress, visit her website at and find out more. There you’ll see some personal photos, learn what she’s working on, and while there, be sure to visit her blog.

  Also by Christelle Mirin

  Ménage and More: Bonding Camp 1: Bonding Camp

  Ménage and More: Bonding Camp 2: Morgan’s Protégé

  Ménage and More: Bonding Camp 3: Beauty Blooming

  For all other titles, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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