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Rise of the Flame

Page 17

by K.N. Lee

  This is really happening. How long before things start to fall apart. Nothing ever went according to plan. Never. “Hurry back, Yoska.” Her eyes turned glossy. “Tell him that I love him.”

  Yoska nodded and took off into the moonlight. She watched as his wings spread and he soared over the moonlit ocean.

  Chapter 20

  Liam sat on the high rocks of the river bank. The sun beat down on his back, warming and drying him. He found himself smiling as he watched Wilem and Jorge play in the gently rolling waters. He almost wished he was a kid again. Those days were filled with either playing or studying, both of which he enjoyed. He had no worries, no responsibilities.

  He missed those days.

  Sona sat beside him, and unbraided her hair. It hung long and loose now. The top buttons of her shirt were left open, revealing a small hint of her cleavage.

  “Hello Sona. Everything ok back at camp?”

  “It is.”

  Liam reached for his shirt that hung from a branch near his head. She gently touched his hand and traced circles into his skin.

  Liam held his breath. Her touch did something to him. Her fingers were soft and warm. He could feel her love for him through each touch. She ran a finger along his forearm and he felt his temperature begin to rise. He wanted to touch her face and smooth her silky black hair. Such beautiful hair…

  “What’s on your mind?”

  He swallowed at her whisper into his ear. Her breath was warm against his neck. Liam had to force himself not to look at her. He knew that if he did, then he would be inclined to kiss her. He didn’t feel right kissing her in front of others, especially children. He pulled his shirt over his bare chest. She sucked her teeth and scooted away.

  “What’s wrong with you?” She abandoned her seductive persona. “Please don’t tell me you’re still bothered by what I told you. I knew I should have kept my mouth closed.”

  Liam put a hand over hers and thought of what to say when Wilem splashed him.

  Wilem laughed loudly. “Scared of water, Liam?” He splashed Sona and she glared at him. Wilem’s smile faded at Sona’s look, but only for a second. He grinned. “Are you going to melt or something lady?”

  Sona stood and looked at Liam. “Come here,” she ordered.

  “I am your prince, future king to the Orenian throne, The Storm…and yet you give me orders?”

  Sona didn’t budge.

  Better do what she says to avoid a scene. He came to his feet and stood in front of her. The sun was beginning to set. It would soon grow colder.

  “Get your clothes and head back to camp,” Liam told the boys over his shoulder. They grumbled.

  “Come on Liam. Five more minutes! Please!” Wilem pleaded. He even put his hands together in prayer for good measure.

  Liam gave him one look and they listened. Liam could silence many with one look. He knew exactly where he’d gotten that talent. His mother would always give him that same look whenever he even thought of talking back to her. The boys climbed out of the water and began up the bank.

  Sona smirked. “I hope you don’t expect to order me around…when we’re married.”

  Liam looked into her face. He wasn’t sure when he’d be able to give her the grand wedding he had promised. There was so much to do. He wanted to make her happy, but there were more pressing matters dividing his attention.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up into his eyes. “I’m joking Liam,” she said lightly. Her smile turned devilish. “Order me around all you want. I’ll be your little slave girl.”

  Her hands ran up his spine and into his hair. She massaged the back of his neck. He wanted to kiss her. Her lips seemed to beg for it. She stood up taller, inching towards his face.

  “Gross!” Wilem made a face as he and Jorge ran past. Wilem looked back with an amused look on his face. “Oh no Liam- don’t kiss her!”

  Jorge giggled behind his hands as he followed his young master.

  Liam’s desire to kiss her lips faded. Instead he kissed her forehead. He held her out at arm’s length and looked into her eyes.

  “How much longer do we have to babysit? They’ll just get in the way of our quest. The other kingdoms of Kyril suffer while we waste time.”

  “Everything is going to be all right. Don’t worry.”

  “I should say the same to you.”

  Liam shrugged. He wished people couldn’t read his emotions. He faked a smile. “I’m all right. Let’s get back to camp. I’m starving.”

  She frowned but nodded. “Whatever you say… your highness.” She curtsied and led the way.

  Liam watched her walk away. She glanced back and he could have sworn she knew what he was thinking. Whenever he closed his eyes nowadays, an ethereal beauty, with green eyes looked back at him from his memory. He sighed.

  If only she were real.


  Dragnor stood on the peak of a mountain, staring down at the long, thin, bridge. Tari circled above, nervously. It was cold up there, but he didn’t mind. His black cloak billowed out behind him. He could smell her, almost taste her. She had been there, not too long ago. His lips turned up in a grin.

  She began to develop in his mind. He could almost picture her face. He longed to look upon her. He reached inside of his pocket and stroked the strand of her hair. He pulled it out to look at it again, smell it. Like spun silk between his fingers, the strand glittered like gold, sparkling beneath the light of the sun.

  He whistled and Tari immediately changed directions. He flew down and swept past. Dragnor caught the reins and propelled himself onto the saddle.

  “East Master?” Tari asked. “I do think you might catch her this time. Can we take a break then? Like you promised?”

  Dragnor nodded, his face was set. Time was running out. He needed her power. He wanted her blood. “Yes Tari. East.”

  Chapter 21

  The night was calm and clear and Liam thought of how much he was going to miss this Kyril, the Kyril before Wexcyn’s destruction. Still, he knew it was coming. He sat with Sona outside their circle of tents. The others were sleeping and he couldn’t even imagine falling asleep with all of the worrisome thoughts in his head. His only comfort was having Sona by his side.

  “Liam, tell me what you know about Eura,” Sona asked as she picked up her water flask and drank. “Tell me something interesting. I’ve always wondered what it was like. I never thought we’d actually have a chance to see it.”

  “Besides being full of humans,” Liam thought a moment. “They have four seasons. I find that quite amazing.”

  She lifted a brow. “Seasons?”

  Liam smiled. He loved to teach. If he hadn’t been born a prince, he would have been a wonderful teacher. “They are changes in weather patterns. The humans have an autumn, a winter, spring and summer.”

  Sona looked confused. “I don’t understand. What are those?”

  “Well, if we were in Eura, we would be living in the summer season. It is characterized by warm, temperate climates. Kyril’s weather never changes. It rains and the sun shines, that’s it. In Eura, they have snow.”

  She nodded. “That is interesting. Like the Silver Elves then?”

  “Yes, but the Silver Elves only live in winter…like the Shadow Elves only live in autumn.

  Sona leaned back on her elbows and looked up at the stars. “I’m really not going to miss Oren. I think Eura will be nice.”

  Liam didn’t show his surprise. He smiled and reached over to pull her closer. She welcomed his embrace. Her hands went through his hair and she sighed. “It’s just, my father. You know how he is.”

  Liam nodded. “Yes, I know. Lord Rochfort is pretty frightening. I honestly don’t like being in the same room as him, but he is your father. I am sure he is worried about you being out here with me.”

  Sona shrugged. “If you say so.”

  Liam came to his feet and held a hand out to her. “Come on. Let’s get back to the others.”

sp; They walked together as the sun began to set. He held her hand and felt at peace with her by his side. He tensed when he heard a whistling sound approaching them. He and Sona both paused and turned to see something fly at them from the trees.

  “Yoska?” Liam stepped forward to get a closer look as the eagle landed on a tree branch before them. His face brightened when he recognized that it was indeed Yoska.

  Liam smiled. It felt like so long since he’d seen his mother’s companion. It was a blessing to see something familiar. Yoska reminded him of home.

  “It is I,” Yoska said. “I come with news from the Ancients.”

  Sona frowned as she looked at him. “The Ancients?” She shot a surprised look at Liam. “The Ancients speak to you?”

  Liam put a hand on her shoulder. “Go back to camp. I’ll catch up with you.” He kissed her cheek and went over to speak with Yoska.

  Sona lingered for a moment before hesitantly following orders. She paused and stood before him.


  Liam cut her off with a rare authoritative look. She pursed her lips and frowned, but turned and stalked off.

  Once she was gone, Liam stood before Yoska. His thoughts immediately went to his mother’s welfare. “What is it? What do the Ancients say?”

  “You are to go to The Barrier.”

  “Already? “There was much danger on the road to The Barrier, let alone the Shadow Elves that were blocking the doors.

  Yoska nodded. “Yes. It will take you some time. The Flame is finally ready. If things go well, she should be able to meet with you in time.”

  “She? Who are you talking about?”

  Yoska looked at him with his expressionless eagle face. “The Flame. Didn’t you hear me?”

  Liam shook his head. “Wait. Wait a minute…the Flame is a girl?”

  Yoska nodded. “Yes. Is there some sort of problem I am unaware of?”

  Liam couldn’t help but smile. At first his smile was wary, but as he started to put the pieces together, it grew. “The girl from my dreams?”

  “Yes. The girl you have been dreaming about is the Flame, and the time has come when you must unite.”

  Chapter 22

  “Delia?” Lilae called from her pallet on the floor. She groggily sat up and peered into the darkness of the chilly room.

  Delia’s shape stood in the doorway. Lilae rubbed her eyes. Delia looked frightening standing like that in the dark.

  “What are you doing?”

  Delia knelt down and kissed Lilae’s forehead. “Get some rest darling. I need you to get better soon. Dream for me.”

  “What did you just say?” Does she know about the dreams? Lilae wondered. She hadn’t stopped thinking about that magical place.

  “I have something important that I need to do.”

  Lilae clutched Delia’s arm. “What? You can’t leave me! I’ve never been without you.”

  “I know.” She put a hand over Lilae’s and gently removed it from her arm. “You must trust me. I will be back. I promise.”

  Lilae shook her head. “I don’t understand. Where are you going?” She looked at the loft bed that the twins shared. One of them stirred and she lowered her voice to barely above a whisper. “Tell me. Please,” she pleaded. “Can’t I go with you?”

  Delia sighed and came to her feet. “I don’t have time to explain everything to you dear. You forget that I am an Elder. I have other tasks that I need to complete. It won’t take me long. Please, get some rest.” She put her hand across Lilae’s face then and Lilae no longer had the energy to ask any more questions.

  Her eyes fluttered closed and she fell back onto her pillow. She didn’t mind, she went back… to her dreams.


  Delia unclasped Lilae’s necklace and put it in her side purse. She slowly came to her feet and sighed. She looked down at the sleeping girl and felt her first nag of guilt. She frowned.

  Guilt? Such a human emotion.

  As quickly as she considered such a foreign feeling, it was replaced with another. Sadness. She tried to shake the feeling off but it insisted on lingering. Delia turned to leave the room but she paused and looked back over her shoulder. She thought back to the time when she first held Lilae as an infant.

  Forgive me Lilae, for what I must do. She knew that soon Lilae would have her biggest challenge. She had known when she accepted this quest that eventually this day would come. She hoped Lilae would one day forgive her. But it’s the only way. She sighed tearfully

  Her body evaporated, vanishing in the darkness.


  After a week of recover, everyone was amazed by her quick healing ability, including Lilae. She secretly believed that magical place in her imagination had helped her heal. It should have taken twice as long for her wounds to close and scab over. Now, the skin was already smooth with only a faint scar left to remind her of her most terrifying moment.

  Deep down, Lilae knew that her dream land was an important place and she spent her time obsessing about the man she had met. She looked forward to sleep, with hopes that she would see him again.

  She waited for Delia’s return. She vaguely remembered Delia’s departure. The Elder had been very secretive about the whereabouts but assured Lilae that she would return. Lilae missed her terribly. Lilae had never been away from her for more than a couple of hours. She didn’t know what could have been so important, but the look on Delia’s face convinced her that it must have been serious.

  Lilae was grateful that Anic had been there to carry her back to town that night she was nearly killed and their bond had strengthened. Whenever he was done working, they spent time together in the groves and by the river, talking and sharing secrets. He almost made her feel like a normal person. Anic was a best friend to her now, and she finally let him see her softer side.

  “What do they say about me Anic?” Lilae drew in the dirt with a short stick.


  Lilae shrugged. “I don’t know, the other girls in town, the other boys…” her voice trailed off. “What do they say about me when I am not around?”

  “Oh.” Anic paused, thinking. He tossed a pebble into the calm lake. “They just think that you are different.” He shrugged.

  Lilae glanced up, her face serious. “I am.”

  Anic smiled. “I know,” he said moving a long strand of hair from her face. “That’s what I like about you.”

  Lilae tried to suppress her own smile but it was useless. She beamed and leaned back onto her elbows. He scooted closer and did the same as they stared at the lake where they had first met. It had become their sanctuary.

  “So you never told me where you and your family are from.”

  She thought a moment. There were so many places. One for each year of her life. How could she choose? “I guess you could say Sabron was my favorite home of them all.”

  Anic nudged her with his shoulder. “Until now I hope.”

  She laughed and grabbed a red berry from her basket. “Yes, until now.” She popped the berry into her mouth and looked out to the lake. She watched as a duck glided along the surface of the water, her ducklings trailing behind.

  “How many children do you want?” Anic gazed at the ducklings as well.

  Lilae sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees. He came up with her.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  Lilae was silent, frozen as she stared at the ducks. She didn't like where the conversation was going. She knew Anic was falling in love with her. He reached for her hand and she sprang to her feet. She gathered her skirts, still surprised that Risa and Jaiza had convinced her to wear a dress.

  She only wore it to make them happy. She relished the attention they finally gave her since she had almost died.

  “I think it’s time to go back Anic.” She avoided his concerned eyes as he looked up at her.

  She grew tense as The Winds swept through, drowning out his voice. They enveloped her, shouting, warning. She tilted her head.
br />   What is it?

  “I’ll see you later,” Lilae blurted. The Winds drowned out the sound of her own voice.

  “Now wait one second Lilae! You can’t keep running away from me. Talk to me!” He was firm, holding her still by her forearm.

  Lilae shook her head. Something terrible clung to her mind. She couldn’t make out what the images meant.

  So much screaming. So much blood.

  “I have to go!”

  He let her arm go and took a step away from her. Hurt. “Why do you have to leave?” His voice was laden with sadness. So much that it made her stomach turn with dread.

  She tried to soften her voice. Her eyes darted around. “Trust me Anic, I don't want to leave.”

  Anic looked perplexed then alarmed. “What do you mean? Where are you going?”

  Lilae shook her head; she didn't have time to explain. “Don’t waste your affections on me.” There was a scowl on her face. She couldn’t hear her own voice over The Winds. “I’m sorry.”

  “But you still haven't told me why!” His face was twisted in confusion, his cheeks reddening.

  Lilae was moved by his outburst. She stared silently at him, examining his face. She wanted to tell him everything.

  “You won’t understand.”

  Lilae grew apprehensive when he grabbed her wrist, holding her hand to his heart. “I'm twenty. I can take care of you.” He spoke quickly, full of passion. “I can build us a house of our own if you'd let me!” Anic closed his eyes and kissed the back of her hand. “I will take over my father’s blacksmith shop, you could raise our children. We would have a good life.” He was breathless, desperate. “Please give me a chance. I pledge before Elahe, I love you.”

  She couldn't help but smile at his quick paced speech, and all of the wonderful things he promised. Still, the fear nagged at her insides. It warned her, it ate at her. She couldn't take it.


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