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Rise of the Flame

Page 32

by K.N. Lee

  Dragnor heaved a sigh. “I will evoke the spell Kavien, whether you agree or not.”

  Kavien’s face turned ashen. “You wouldn’t dare go against my orders.”

  Dragnor eyed him skeptically. “What are you playing at Kavien? You cannot really expect us to let you keep her.”

  “No. Do I have to say it again for you to get it? No.”

  Dragnor's mouth twitched. He almost snarled. Instead, his face remained expressionless. He drew his cloak, his face shrouded in darkness.

  “Can I have nothing for myself?” Kavien was worried.

  “We’ve given you everything. All of Eura will be yours. You cannot really be this selfish. The girl was always meant to be bait. Nothing more.”

  “Don’t do it Dragnor. Don’t hurt her.”

  “You threaten the alliance between the Mithrani and the Shadow Elves. The Seer will not settle for scraps. The Seer is gathering armies from the seven tribes of Nostfar. Would you rather we march those armies on Avia’Torena. Think Kavien. The Maloji, the Kavarti, the Night Wisps, do I have to go on? The Seer commands them all.”

  Kavien closed his eyes. He’d rather not think about the Seer.

  “Right now The Seer is on your side, which is the only reason I am even here. You even think to betray us and you’ll have no one. We’ll wipe your Mithrani and the humans out before you can blink. We don’t need you.”

  Kavien stood. “Threats? Is that what you came here for Dragnor?” He took calm steps towards the Shadow Elf. “I will not insult your people because Wexcyn sees fit to ally himself with Inora. But do not think that I will hesitate to kill you if you threaten me again. You can be replaced.”

  Dragnor grinned. “Really?” Dragnor didn’t flinch. He simply tilted his head up to look Kavien in the eye. Kavien felt the room grow oddly colder. “I’d think that statement over a bit if I were you. I am Dragnor, son of Malikar, the first king of Jordan, and I was born over a thousand years ago. I was killing Silver Elves and Tryans before you were even thought of. I have been brought back from the Underworld. Do you think death frightens me?” His grin faded into a snarl.

  “I think you should be afraid, for if I die, I will take you with me.” He stepped around Kavien who stood there like stone.

  Kavien turned his head to watch Dragnor walk towards the double doors. His fingers lit up with flames. “I have taken the girl’s power.” He lit every candle in the room and sucked the flames back into his fingertips. “Remember who sent me, and perhaps I won’t have to take yours as well. I’ll win this war on my own, with the power of all of the Chosen, if I have to.” He looked over his shoulder and gave Kavien a pointed glare.

  “You think you know it all, don’t you? You forget that I put you on the throne.” He shook his head. “Do you really think I came here to ask your permission? You are nothing but a puppet. The spell will secure our victory. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you have fallen for her. She is not yours to have, Kavien.”

  Kavien lifted an eyebrow and watched Dragnor leave the room. The bone chilling cold he felt left when the doors slammed shut.

  Chapter 45

  The tigers bowed before him. The lions did as well. They were caged, and yet they were calm. Kavien was their master. They were his pets. He rubbed Gigi’s head and she purred. A giant Vendi lion, which stood nearly eight feet tall and weighed tons…purred.

  He smiled as he looked down at her. Her green eyes reminded him of Lilae’s. His animals were like friends. He felt as if he could trust them. They didn’t judge or ridicule. Whenever Kavien had to get away, when the voices were too loud, he would retreat to their pin.

  Kavien tossed a slab of meat into each cage. Human meat. The blood dripped as he slung the chunks to them. They ate it greedily, not pausing to savor the flavor. Kavien knelt down and watched them. They were vicious animals, but to him they were as tame as kittens. They devoured the body of his latest kill.

  He had left the torturing to Dragnor, it was the Shadow Elf’s favorite pastime, and had forced the information he needed out of him. Kavien however had ended the man’s life. He didn’t even have to lift a finger. And now, he was digesting in the bellies of Kavien’s beasts.

  An Aurorian spy.

  Kavien still couldn’t believe that people thought he would be that stupid enough to let a spy go unnoticed. He had his ways. Ways, that no one knew about. The only person, who had known about his…special skills, had been his mother.

  Dragnor had taken his mother from him, the only person to ever truly care about him.

  “What are you doing?” Kavien asked quietly. His face was serious as he stared out at nothing. The lions and tigers licked their talons and lied down, satisfied.

  “Why are you here? What do you want?” The woman’s voice came to him from far, far, away. The voice was shaking. He had surprised her.

  “I want to know why you’re stalling.” Kavien came to his feet and watched her. She lay in bed beside him. Kavien sneered. “You are a whore. You’re not supposed to be pleasuring him. Do I have to remind you of your duty?”

  She sat up cautiously, pulling the blankets up to cover her breasts. Her blue eyes searched the small room that she was in. She searched in vain. He was thousands of miles away and yet, he could talk to her and he could touch her.

  He could hurt her. He didn’t want to wake the sleeping man beside her, so, he twisted her liver, making her hide a wail with her hand. Tears poured from her eyes as she endured the agony.

  Kavien’s face relaxed and he released his hold over her. She rolled off the bed to the floor. Naked and covered in blood and tears. He lifted an eyebrow.

  “Why are you bleeding?”

  She glared at nothing. “Why do you care?”

  “Oh. I see.” Kavien realized where the blood had come from. She had been a virgin. How ironic.

  “I’ll take care of it. I promise,” she vowed quietly, pleadingly.

  Kavien waited. He wanted to torture her with his silence. He wanted her to guess and wonder what his next move would be, where the pain would come from. He decided she had enough. He knew she would complete her task. She would keep her word.

  “You better do it quickly before I start to doubt your loyalty,” Kavien whispered dangerously. “Or I will return to you, when you least expect it, and cut your life line. Do you think my father will enjoy seeing you in the Underworld?”

  She shook her head vigorously. “I’ll do it. I swear.”

  He exited her mind and returned to his animal compound. The cats were sleeping. Kavien watched them for a moment. He was in a foul mood. His mind returned to its favorite subject…Lilae. She would be in her chest now, the cage he had built specifically for her, sleeping peacefully.

  Maybe I should disrupt that peace, Kavien thought, and strolled from the compound and into the warm night air.


  Lilae lay there in the darkness. She was cramped and uncomfortable. Sweat pooled between her breasts and her limbs were slick with perspiration as well. She had to find a way out. She hadn’t seen Kavien in days. She was beginning to think that he hated her as much as Dragnor.

  But, he saved me from Sister Eloni, she reasoned miserably. She couldn’t make sense of it.

  She had gone over countless ideas and schemes and they all were worthless. Escape didn’t seem possible. Lilae had walked the halls with Vasira every day and had seen hundreds of soldiers and guards stationed in various places around the massive palace. Every day they stood guard over every exit. Every day, they watched her.

  She held her breath. She heard Kavien’s footsteps as he entered the room. He closed the large double doors behind him. She heard the lock click.

  Lilae gulped, shifting closer to the back of the chest. His footsteps drew closer, his boots clanking on the marble floor. He stopped right before the chest. His form blocked the light from penetrating the cracks in the chest. Her heart began to thump. Was this it? Did he finally come to kill her?

  She readied h
erself. She would fight, even though it was futile. Pirin had taught her to never surrender. Never back down. She would honor his memory.

  The chest lock clicked open. The lid creaked as he lifted it, dim light filling the darkness that had protected her. His eyes. They looked in at her…sadly.

  Lilae was afraid to breathe. She was too terrified to move. Too her surprise he reached in and lifted her out. He held her tenderly, like a child, as if he were afraid to harm her. Lilae was still frozen. She didn’t know if she should speak, or act. He carried her to his bed.

  Did he mean to claim her innocence? The innocence he had made sure she told him about. Months had went by, and to Lilae’s surprise, he had never forced himself upon her. Even more surprising, he never brought any of the girls to his room.

  Kavien laid her on his plush bed; the down filled covering sinking in as she was placed on it. He leaned over her and gently smoothed her chin. Lilae’s mouth parted as she looked into his gray eyes. They didn’t look evil in that moment. She couldn’t make sense of it. Kavien was two different people. She never knew which one he would be at any given moment.

  Lilae’s chest heaved softly and he put a hand on her bosom, not in a way that made her uncomfortable, but in a soothing, calming manner. Her breathing began to slow. Kavien’s eyes never moved from hers.

  Lilae knew she should strike. He seemed unguarded. She was afraid. Something wasn’t right!

  When Kavien leaned in, Lilae didn’t resist. She didn’t know what she was doing. He was ridiculously, sickeningly, attractive. His lips lingered softly above hers. His lips were soft and full. He smelled of mint and sweat. It was intoxicating. Her breathing quickened again. Her blood was rushing.

  What is going on? Lilae screamed at herself. This could possibly be her chance. The chance she had prayed for. Kavien was…weakened. Instead, she surrendered to his kiss, her first real kiss.

  She didn’t want to run. Kavien cupped her head in his large hands as he devoured her mouth. Lilae felt blood rush to places she never knew could be awakened. She squirmed beneath him. Escape. It jumped into her mind, and she pushed it away.

  His tongue invaded Lilae’s mouth, but she welcomed it. He tasted delicious. She was breathless. Lilae wrapped her arms around his neck. And then, he withdrew. He looked into her eyes again.

  Lilae gasped. For a moment, he looked as afraid as she. The moment of silence seemed to last forever as both of them desperately wondered what was happening. He was the enemy and he felt the same way about her.

  She felt hopelessly abandoned when he simply lay down beside her. He pushed her onto her side and wrapped his arms around her. Lilae saw him wave his hand, and to her surprise, all of the candles and torches were put out. Then, he fell asleep like that…holding her.

  Chapter 46

  Four months in this land had changed her. Lilae and all of the other girls of the harem were led to the expansive banquet hall at dusk. Each girl was scantily clad in sheer silk, a special gown for this night, with gold sashes tied at their waists. The halls were lit especially bright with petals of flowers festively scattered all around.

  Lilae stood out even though her skin had been bronzed by the scorching sun of this land. Nevertheless, the burning desire for revenge remained. She would occasionally see Dragnor stalking through the palace. He would scowl at her and she would lower her eyes. She’d never feared someone so much in her entire life. The nightmares threatened to drive her insane, until she killed that Shadow Elf.

  The nightmares had lessened, since she was out of the box, and free to sleep at Kavien’s side each night.

  Each of the harem girls had their hair braided the same way, two long braids secured by golden bows at the ends. Lilae had her hair long and loose, as Kavien liked it. A sheer silk scarf extended across her face and hair, shrouding her. They were led to a platform that had a grand canopy over it, four brass posts extended upwards to hold a stretched sheet of silk.

  They were all seated in the same pose, on their knees with their legs stretched underneath. They were to sit up straight and to place their palms on their thighs. A guard sat post at each corner of the platform, stoic and silent.

  “Straighten your back,” Rahki whispered to Lilae and demonstrated how they should sit. “The emperor wants us to look our best.”

  Lilae sat up straight and looked over the assortment of decorations with curiosity. There were spreads of food laid out on long dark wooden tables that were covered in dark red cloths. The tables were low to the floor, colorful pillows set out all around them for seating of the guests. The food was fresh, steam coming off the platters.

  The room was dimly lit with torches and tall candelabras set on pillars throughout. Lilae was intrigued by what to expect from this peculiar night. She was also famished. The smell of roasted meats wafted into the room as the servers entered the room.

  Her mouth watered and her stomach grumbled when she saw the legs of lamb and whole chickens on platters being carried on the shoulders of young men and women. Suckling pig was carried in as well, along with freshly baked flat bread.

  Rahki saw Lilae’s eyes following the food. “Don’t worry. They will feed us.”

  Lilae continued to stare, seeing the bare-chested men and barely draped women set the platters at the centers of each table. They walked and moved with choreographed precision. Like Lilae and the harem girls, they were dusted in gold powder as well, their skin glistening underneath the soft glow of the candlelight.

  The guards pulled the sheer satin sheet of the canopy down, hiding the girls behind it. Lilae watched through the sheet as the festivities began.

  They heard the boisterous guests enter the room. They walked in with their heads held high, in their most expensive finery. The women had long gold necklaces hanging crisscrossed across their cleavage and a ring on each finger. The men also wore jewels on their fingers and sashes across their chest with golden pins.

  “My guests,” the emperor said in his booming voice. Lilae sat up straighter. Kavien’s presence excited her. He had been more gentle than ever since that night that he saved her from Sister Eloni. He had cleaned the blood off her himself. It had been a tender moment that began a different relationship between them of unspoken adoration, and Lilae smiled at the memory.

  Everyone cheered.

  “Welcome to my birthday of twenty years and five!”

  More loud cheering.

  “Sit. The feast is about to begin!”

  Lilae wished that she could see the festivities. She inched forward to try for a better look. She wished she could catch a glimpse of the emperor.

  “I hope the duke of Avia’Torena doesn't pick me,” Rahki said. She nervously wound the end of her skirt around her fingers. “Don’t make eye contact or he may pick you,” she warned Lilae.

  Lilae frowned, sitting back on her heels. “What do you mean ‘pick me’?”

  “Calm down. You worry too much,” Faira replied rolling her eyes. “They only come over to feed us. It’s just that the Duke always tries to take it a step further. He is a dirty man. Just keep your ridiculous red head down and he’ll leave you alone.” Faira turned away and straightened her back. “You really don’t know anything.”

  Rahki frowned. “Why so harsh Faira? Lilae was only curious.” Rahki put a hand on Lilae’s shoulder.

  Lilae shrugged it off. “I’ve heard worse.”

  “Don’t worry, Lilae,” Rahki said. “It’ll be over soon.”

  Lilae sat back on her heels. Her shoulders slumped. She was still confused by the entire arrangement. Faira’s words however, caused her much trepidation. The young woman continuously questioned why Lilae was there, as if she herself were of some value other than what she appeared to be. She gave up trying to see what went on at Kavien’s birthday celebration and observed the other girls.

  There was something about them that she hadn’t noticed before. She had always thought it odd that Kavien never brought the girls to his room at night. She had always wondere
d if he bedded them elsewhere, but now she wondered if he slept with them at all. Her eyes widened with a sudden realization as she watched the others stare calculatingly at the guests.

  My god, Lilae thought. They’re all gifted! Why didn’t I notice before?

  Lilae’s mouth hung open as she watched them. How clever, Lilae thought. The Emperor seemed to keep those with power around him.

  In light of this, everything she thought she knew seemed to be a ploy.

  They sat quietly while the guests ate and drank themselves into intoxication. Once they had their fill the girls were presented to them, as the curtains were drawn. Lilae was surprised that the men and women were expected to feed them. Lilae and the other girls had to sit with their hands down as food was brought to their mouths.

  She’d never seen anything like it. A man stood before her with a small plate of food stacked high. He had large gray eyes and black hair like the other Mithrani men she’d seen. He fed her thin slices of lamb, his fingertips brushing her tongue with each piece.

  Lilae felt uncomfortable; she could tell he wanted her tongue to lick from his fingers. She was too starved to protest, she ate everything he offered. Her eyes kept looking sidelong at the other girls, seeing that they were extremely focused on the guests.

  Her face was turned to the man who fed her. He held her head back and she looked into his eyes as he poured wine into her mouth. She sat silently as he wiped her chin with his hand. His grin grew and he suddenly grabbed her face. She toppled over as he held her tightly, his thumbs gripping her cheeks together.

  Lilae frowned, her eyebrows scrunched in annoyance. Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. She wanted to push him away, but she knew where that would lead her. She bit her lip as she waited for him to finish adoring her. She cried out in pain as he grabbed her nipple through her silken dress and twisted it.


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