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In the Palace of Lazar (Harem Book 1)

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by Alta Hensley

  "He's dead. I'm not going to hurt you. Just give me the axe." The gentleness of his voice somehow soothed her. Maybe foolishly, she handed it to him, looking him straight in the eyes. She knew at that very moment, she was in safe hands.

  "How badly are you hurt?" he asked as he scanned for injuries.

  She stared at her hands. Parts of her felt numb, while other parts radiated in pain. Briar looked into his eyes and began to cry. He hesitated for a moment, but wrapped his arms around her beaten body. She clung to him as she sobbed, shaking violently. No longer able to stand, her knees buckled. The stranger gently lowered them both to the ground as he pulled away enough so he could look into her face.

  "What are you doing here?" he hissed.

  The harshness of the question confused her. Briar sucked back the last sob, and quickly tried to regain her composure. "The Palace of Lazar is under attack by Jaden. We came here for safety, until reinforcements come."

  "Who are we?"

  "Women of the harem. We were split up so it would be harder to be captured. There's a bounty on our…" She paused, wishing she hadn't released the information.

  "Why here? This commune was evacuated years ago. The resources have long dried up." Any sign of softness from this stranger became a distant memory.

  "I don't know," she said. "We were told to go west and stop at the first commune. We did as we were told."

  "Where are the rest of the women?" he asked, tension blanketing his face.

  "I don't know. They ran when the man attacked."

  "Why didn't you run?"

  She shrugged. "I wanted to give them a head start. I thought more men might come."

  The man stood and began to pace. "What's your name?"


  "And you say Jaden is attacking the palace? Word is, Jaden is conquering communes effortlessly and savagely. No survivors."

  Briar tried not to listen or believe. She wouldn't allow panic to set in on just a rumor. "The harem was sent out before the army of Jaden arrived. Lazar will not go down without a fight."

  "What do you plan on doing now?" His tone sharpened with each question. "The commune's no place for you. It's dangerous."

  She glanced up into his eyes. For the first time since leaving Donte, the feeling of hope took over. The foreign sensation caused her voice to quiver. "Are there people here? People that could help us?"

  "The people who didn't migrate when the land dried up are just like the one who almost killed you. Is that what you're looking for?" His response stung like a slap to the face. He seemed annoyed that he even had to answer her question.

  "What's your name?

  A muscle clenched in his jaw, forcing him to bite out the answer. "Nico. You didn't answer my question," he barked. "What do you plan on doing now?"

  Her tongue stuck to the roof her mouth. Desperate for water, she swallowed hard against the lump that threatened to choke her. "I don't know. I need to find the others. I need to learn what might have happened to Lazar." She shut out the fear of the unknown with a shiver and folded her arms across her chest.

  She glanced at the dead body lying face down on the sand with a pool of blood beneath it. She couldn't stay here. The thought of it made her sick. An idea came to her that seemed about as crazy as coming into a death ravished commune with five women. But in her current situation, what did she have to lose?

  Quickly, before she lost her nerve, she asked, "May I go with you? May I stay with you tonight?"

  Slowly, he turned his head to look at her, his gaze flat and unblinking. "With me?" he repeated. "Have you lost your mind? How do you know I won't try to do the same thing that dead guy tried? Or worse?"

  "You wouldn't." Briar's head ached, so she pressed her hand against it to ease the pain. "You would've already made your move by now if that was your plan." When he didn't reply, she continued on. "It's almost dark. Just let me stay with you for one night and then I'll be on my way. Please."

  Very deliberately, carefully, Nico spoke. "One night. Tomorrow morning you find the other women and leave. You continue to head further west. There's a farming commune about a two days walk. Are we clear?"

  She hesitated. "I promise I'll be out of your hair first thing." She had no intention of making any promises she couldn't, or wouldn't, keep. She needed to get back to Donte or die trying. But she wasn't foolish enough to reveal that fact.

  "Can you walk?" he asked as he held out his hand to her. "We need to get out of here."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Early the next morning, the sun shone brightly through the glass greenhouse Nico had brought her to last night. Briar let out a slight groan and shielded her eyes from the bright rays. Her head still pounded from the night before. She squirmed from underneath Nico's protective embrace, something he must have done in his sleep. No way would he have done that awake… or would he?

  She sat up and briefly scanned her surroundings, noticing broken pots and the remains of dead plants scattered around. Gardening tools hung on hooks and a pair of gloves sat on a wooden table. Left over signs of human life caused Briar to want to cry. She could envision someone gardening up here at one time. Briar bowed her head and hugged herself against the bitter cold as she turned her head and watched Nico still sleeping peacefully beside her.

  She reached over and brushed away the few strands of his dark brown hair that fell over his eyes, allowing her fingertips to brush against his sun-kissed skin. She thought of all that happened last night, and knew that she was truly lucky he had walked in when he had. She barely knew him, yet for some reason she felt she could trust him. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes while she watched him sleep beneath the bright sun. She wondered if Donte was safe. Had he survived the attack? Was Nico correct when he said Jaden conquered all, and there would be no survivors? She shook the horrible thoughts away. No. Donte was alive. He had to be alive.

  Nico moved his head, moaning as he awoke. He opened his eyes and looked directly into Briar's. The corner of his lips curved into a soft smile.

  "Hey," he breathed. "Morning."

  "Good morning," she replied in return.

  Nico pushed himself into a more upright position and ran his fingers through his tousled hair while he let out a tired yawn and stretched out his muscles.

  "How long have you been awake?" he asked.

  "Not long. The sun and my headache are not a good combination," she managed to say.

  Nico scanned her face and head, no doubt taking stock of all her cuts and bruises from the attack. Concerned, he pulled Briar close to him. "Come on," he said as he helped her up and wrapped the blanket they had shared last night around her shoulders. "Let's get you out of here."

  Briar held onto Nico, surprised by how drained she felt. She winced when a sharp pain shot through her head causing her almost to black out. Without meaning to, she rested her head upon Nico's shoulder.

  "I'm dizzy, Nico. I feel really weak," she admitted as she gazed up at him. Any strength she had prior seemed to have escaped her.

  "You'll be fine," he reassured. "I'll make sure of it."

  Briar smiled and kept a tight hold of his arm. "Thank you," she murmured.

  He paused briefly, then scooped her up into his arms. "We need to get some food in you."

  She squinted against the sun as Nico carried her out on to the street, quickly making his way past a row of housing. Everywhere she looked, cluttered houses enclosed around them. She let out an uneasy breath and grimaced upon noticing how run down and destroyed the structures had become. This was a far cry from the opulence of Lazar. She couldn't believe the condition of the dirty street Nico carried her down. It had been a while since she'd seen such filth, but she also knew that she would have to learn to accept it. At least until she found the rest of the women. Then she wasn't sure if she'd stay and wait for Donte as he ordered, or if she should go back to Lazar and find him.

  Nico stopped in front of a rundown building a few blocks away from where they were just mo
ments ago.

  "This is the place we're going to be staying in?" Briar asked nervously as she glanced up at the building taking in the once elegant façade beat down by apocalyptic elements that had ended everything. It looked like it once belonged to a leader or wealthy resident of the commune.

  "Yes," he said, looking down at her with a worried expression. "It's not as nice as I'd like to take you, but we need to get off the street and get you inside. I know it's secure."

  "Okay," she said, feeling safer than she had since leaving Lazar.

  Nico led her up the stone steps and through the front door. The wallpaper was peeling. A horrible stench filled the air. Briar hoped it wasn't death and there weren't any dead bodies laying around. Dust and cobwebs engulfed the front room, a sad contrast to the place of grandeur she imagined it had once been. Mankind had not stepped foot through these doors for quite some time. Briar winced when she noticed cockroaches scurrying across the floor, which only caused her to press against Nico's chest even further. Nico glanced down at her and gave a reassuring smile as he carried her towards the stairs.

  The inside of the bedroom they entered was surprisingly impressive, with its antiques and brocade furniture. Along the back wall, Briar took in the fireplace looming over a large canopy bed. A thick layer of dust had settled everywhere, but the room seemed inviting. Nico walked over to a red velvet couch and gently set Briar down. He walked over to a closet and pulled out a blanket and pillow. Without saying a word, he came back over and positioned the pillow behind Briar's head and covered her with the blanket.

  He rubbed his palms together. "First thing's first. Let's get a fire going and warm up this room."

  Briar pulled the blanket up to her chin, shivering. "I think that's a great idea." She couldn't help but smile as she watched Nico quickly go about starting a fire. He struck the flint and stone with expertise, feeding the small curl of smoke dry tinder until he soon had a small blaze going. Although she still shivered beneath the blanket, just listening to the crackle and pop of the friendly little fire made the room seem much warmer.

  "I'm going to see about finding us something to eat," Nico said as he wiped his hands on his pants and stepped outside.

  There seemed to be enough wood for a few days, she thought as she examined the woodpile. No wonder Nico chose this place. It would keep them warm for awhile. Might even last a week. Briar grinned. She could find Maysa and the rest of the harem, and stay here for awhile.

  The doorknob rattled and then the door opened. Nico juggled a tray in one hand while he pulled the door closed with his other hand. "There's a large pantry in the kitchen," he said. "It was pretty well stocked with cans. I made us some beans and corn."

  Briar's stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten much in a couple of days. No doubt adding to her weakened condition.

  Nico set the tray on the couch next to her. Along with plates, there were also two glasses of red wine. Her mouth suddenly dry, she picked up one of the glasses and sipped the delicious liquid.

  "Wine is one of the few things that actually gets better with age," he said with a grin.

  "I can't believe you found wine! I've missed it so much." She reached now for the fork, shoveling a mouthful of beans into her mouth, the flavor dancing across her tongue.

  "Wine is easy to come by," he replied matter-of-factly.

  "What?" She must have heard him wrong. Or the wine already had her ears buzzing.

  "I've gotten pretty good at being a scavenger," he said with obvious pride and complete acceptance. "Survival is a tricky thing."

  After about thirty minutes of eating and drinking in silence, Briar couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Nico?"

  Nico settled onto the couch on the other side of the tray. "Yes?"

  "Thank you."

  He lifted his fingers to her right temple and pushed back a lock of her blood soaked hair. Lightly, he ran his fingertip along a cut on her head. "We just need to get you back on your feet. That bastard could have killed you."

  "I know," she breathed, as the realization almost made her ill. "If you hadn't walked in..."

  He leaned over the tray and cupped her chin. "You shouldn't have been in the commune to begin with. There are some people remaining here, but it's not what you think. It's ruthless. Deadly. Those who remain are some of the worst examples of mankind."

  "Then why are you here?'

  "I'm stock piling. I have a bigger plan in store. Trust me, when I can, I'll leave and never look back." He took a large gulp of wine and poured both of them some more.

  Her temple pounded now, but she was trying her best to hide it from Nico. He had worried enough. "What plan? Where are you going? Are you going alone?"

  He patted her leg. "Another story for another time. You need to finish eating so you can get some rest. I still plan on making you leave this commune as soon as you are able."

  "Why didn't you leave with everyone else?"

  He shrugged. "And go where? The world is drying up one commune at a time. I'm done being a nomad. I need to find a way to survive with what Mother Nature has left us."

  "Scavenging off ruins?"

  "Finish eating," he pressed.

  "Maybe you don't have to be alone. Maybe we found each other for a reason." Her eyes were growing heavy. Exhaustion and wine were a deadly mix.

  "That's the wine talking," Nico said, smiling.

  Her face flushed. "The brothers will get Lazar back," she said, defending her stance. "You could come back with me and the rest of the harem. They'll be grateful that you helped us return."

  "Maybe you're right," he said.

  Briar stared at him in surprise. She hadn't expected him to admit to it so easily.

  "There was a reason we found each other," he added. "So you didn't get raped and killed."

  Tears of frustration threatened to escape Briar's eyes. Why was the man so stubborn? "You aren't being honest. You don't want to live as a bottom feeder," she said.

  His jaw clenched. "Are you all done?" he asked as he removed the tray.

  "I need to find the girls," she slurred. "And I need a plan."

  "It's time you get some sleep," he directed, as he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. "They're out there alone right now."


  She pressed her fingers over his lips. "I know, I know. Get some sleep. I will. But promise me something."

  "If it means you finally going to sleep…anything," he teased.

  "That you'll be here when I wake up."

  He pulled the blanket up to her chin and tucked her in. "I promise."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Briar let out a shuddering breath as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Gaunt would be an understatement. She hadn't realized how filthy she was. Grateful for the basin of water she found in the bathroom, she smiled knowing Nico had found it somewhere for her. It wasn't the cleanest, and certainly not drinkable, but it would make do to clean herself with.

  Nico was asleep in the other room, so Briar was careful not to wake him, even though she wanted to thank him profusely. The man confused her. One moment he was closed and short, and the next he was devoted and kind.

  Her silk wrap was almost black with grime. Blood stains covered the rest of the fabric. Suddenly, she was desperate to remove every inch of the item, attempting to erase the horrible memory. She shed her clothes and let them fall to a disgusting heap on the floor. Wrapping herself in a towel, she decided to figure out her clothing situation later. For now, she just wanted to feel clean.

  She stared in the mirror once again. Her once bouncy curls hung heavy and were caked with dried blood, a mixture of hers and the man she killed. She let out a sigh and picked up a wash cloth as she proceeded to give herself a sponge bath. Once she was through with her body and hair, she went about trying to wash her clothes. The process took longer than expected; using up what little energy she had left. She hung her clothes over a hook to
dry, walked over to the sofa and sat down, exhausted. She leaned back against her seat and closed her eyes for a brief moment, before taking in a deep breath and allowing herself to relax. Feeling an odd sensation, she opened her eyes to find Nico staring at her with annoyance washed all over his face.

  "You shouldn't be out of bed," he said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

  "What? I…uh…" Briar couldn't get a clear sentence out. "I needed to clean the blood off. I'm fine."

  His eyebrow shot up. "Really? You don't look fine to me. You should be resting and instead you overdid it and pushed too far." He reached for a blanket and placed it over her nude shoulders.

  Briar suddenly realized that she was sitting in nothing but a dingy terry cloth towel, and barely one at that. She blushed. "I was dirty. I couldn't stand it anymore."

  Nico leaned in and examined the wound on her head. "You should have let me help you." His eyes swept over her towel, resting where the fabric barely covered the top of her thighs. "Why don't you get dressed?" he suggested. "I found some clothes last night while you were sleeping. They're in the closet. I'm pretty sure they'll fit."

  Briar gaped at him as he brushed past her and sat down. He flopped down on the sofa and shot her an expectant look. "Go on," he prompted.

  She blinked, surprised that once again, Nico had thought of everything. She got up and headed for the bathroom. Except for Donte, she had never experienced someone this "take charge." There was something about Nico that made her feel comfortable. She had just met him, and yet, she didn't want to leave his side.

  When she stepped back into the main room a few minutes later, she wore a pair of black pants, a loose white blouse and a careful expression. It had been awhile since she had worn anything beside silk or satin. Something about it felt like a betrayal to Donte.

  Nico nodded his approval. "You look really nice. I'm glad the clothes fit."

  "Yes, thank you. I guess you've really mastered the scavenger thing, huh?"

  He smiled. "You have no idea." Nico stood up and reached for her hand, pulling her to sit back down on the couch. "How are you feeling?"


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