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Whatnots & Doodads

Page 6

by Stacey Kennedy

  “Hmmm...” He tapped his lip. “I hadn’t known he was such a talker.” He proceeded to wave his hand. “Let me walk you home, it’s a beautiful night and Strange Hollow is just waking up. Maybe Jacinda got wrapped up in something and needed to deal with that. You can go see her again tomorrow.”

  Bryanna’s scowl lessened as she watched the streets to see just how busy the town was. She’d only seen what came out in daylight. The streets were now filled with vampires, ghouls and ghosts. “Thanks for walking me home, I’m not quite used to seeing...” A ghost walked by and waved a hello. “Well, I just need to adjust, is all.”

  Zeke chuckled. “No need to be afraid of anything here. But I don’t mind being your support if you are frightened.”

  She smiled sweetly, stepping in stride with him as they passed Scaredy Cat Cafe, where loud music played through the night sky. After she examined the cafe a moment, she smiled back at him. “It’s nice, you know, being surrounded by so many others ... like me.”

  He nodded and looked to the cafe himself to see what made her thought rise. A vampire sat at a table and drank from a goblet of what he suspected was animal blood, with a were-porcupine by his side. “The residents here have been judged their entire lives for what others would call their faults. It’s quite nice to come to a place where no one judges you for anything than what you are.”

  She laughed in a knowing way. “Which is a good demon?”

  “Exactly.” He returned the smile. Her hand brushed against his, and without thinking, he grasped it. She tensed. It appeared that she hadn’t expected him to do that, and he wondered for a moment if it bothered her. That he didn’t want and needed to clarify this issue. “Do you mind if I hold your hand?”

  “No.” She blushed and dropped her gaze to the ground. “I like it.”

  That soothed his nerves. Yet, he wondered why it shocked her so. He’d already proved that he held an interest in her, and he felt the need to clear this up. He knew how he felt about her, but he hadn’t discovered where her feelings were on the matter. And he wanted to know her position before he took his next steps. “May I ask you a personal question now?”

  Her face flashed with apprehension, a little furrow appeared between her eyebrows. “Depends.”

  How he wished he could ignore this conversation. Not bother her with such things, but he wouldn’t pretend he understood the mind of a woman. He needed to know where her mindset was. “On?”

  She grinned, the worry in her eyes vanished. “If I’ll still look good in the morning?”

  He thought her repeating his words cute, but he was too serious at the moment to laugh with her. “I realize that you have...” he hesitated, searched for the right words, “history with another.”

  “Mm-hm,” was her response.

  He could tread lightly through this conversation, but it wouldn’t do either of them any good. He needed to know where he stood with her and where her heart lay. “Do you love him?”

  She looked back to the ground as she watched her steps. “I guess part of me does, yes. But now I wonder just how much of a part. To know that he lied to me, never accepted me. It’s hard to imagine why I loved him.”

  How did that make him feel? Raging with jealousy? No, he didn’t think so. It just meant that she was as he suspected, caring to the point of fault. This Layton did not deserve her love, yet she gave it to him anyway. “So, my question is, where do I fit into this?”

  She looked back up at him with curiosity in her eyes as if his question surprised her. “Where do you want to fit in?”

  “I know that I like this.” He squeezed her hand. It was hard for him to explain this. All he knew was that he needed her. “That I’d like to see more of you.”

  “I’d like that too.” Her smile took on an ever-sweeter edge. “Like I said, I’m not sure I even understand why I love Layton. Maybe it’s the idea of it all. The dream that I could be happy--that he loved me back.” The warmth on her face drew his breath in. “With you, I’ve felt nothing except totally myself. I never thought I’d have that. So, truthfully, I’m not even sure I know what love is. Do I have a place for you in my heart where Layton is? No.” She drew a deep breath in. “But I’m not quite sure you belong there.”

  He tried to make sense out of what she was saying. Did she care for him? By the way she acted around him, he would say yes, but hadn’t she just told him no?

  She laughed. “I’ve confused you. I tend to do that.” After a little shrug, she continued. “What I’m trying to say is that I love the way you make me feel. The way you always seem to say everything to make me see sense, and I love that I’m no one else but me when you are around.”

  “Which is a yes?”


  He shook his head, getting a little frustrated with her now. “No?”

  She laughed again, and it sounded like music to his ears. She pulled him closer toward her, angling her head up. “I don’t even think my heart has ever been touched--all I’ve been is lied to. So, I would like to explore that ... open that part of me I have never known.”

  Warmth and happiness spread through him and touched every part of his being. “Now that makes more sense.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly with a long enduring kiss he hoped would show her just how happy she made him.

  When he backed away, he realized they had arrived at her home. She gave him a questioning glance as their gazes connected again. “Guess that means goodnight.”

  He heard her unasked question, would he be joining her? As much as he would have loved to indulge that thought, he needed to get things finished up for what he planned for her. “For tonight, yes, I’m afraid I have things to do tonight. Will I see you tomorrow?”

  “Bet on it.” She smiled, and after a final kiss, she went toward her house.

  Zeke watched her step inside the doorway, and just as she closed it, she waved to him, which he returned. He spun on his heels and headed back toward downtown.

  Only minutes after his return, Arlo trotted down the road toward him. The resident ogre here in Strange Hollow seemed intense.

  “There is someone at the gates wanting to speak to Bryanna,” Arlo said.

  Tension filled Zeke. “A male?”

  Arlo nodded his big, burly green head. “A warlock, Layton--he came to the gate, wanted entrance.” He gave a wicked grin. “Told him the rules about elitists, he decided to wait at the gate.”

  “I bet he did.” Zeke might have been acting selfishly, but he didn’t want Bryanna to know Layton was here. What would she do if she saw him? He’d seen women act foolishly over love and give up their souls for a man who didn’t deserve them. Would she run into his arms and return with him? Zeke would not stand for it--he wanted to keep her, refused to let another man touch her again. Plus, he liked the idea of meeting this man who broke her heart. “Let’s go, I’ll handle him.”

  “I figured you would.” Arlo grinned.

  Zeke made it to the gate quickly, considering he wasted no time getting there. Anger led his steps. The more he walked, the more he ground his teeth together. He’d never felt so protective over anyone, but Bryanna, he’d protect with his life.

  Just past 6th Avenue, Layton appeared and sat on the hood of his car. He jumped off at Zeke’s approach and came toward him, yet still didn’t dare to enter Strange Hollow. And how Zeke wished Layton would. He believed in the rules they upheld in their town. That had been put in place to protect them from the likes of the man before him.

  Zeke stopped a few feet away, not daring to get too close to him as he was worried he’d lose his temper. “What have you come here for?”

  “Bryanna,” Layton answered.

  Zeke had to give it to him; he didn’t seem worried that a demon and an ogre stood in front of him. “Your request has officially been denied.”

  Layton took two large steps toward him, anger building in his expression. “Says who?”

  Zeke’s jaw clenched in a silent challenge, this man had hurt
someone that he’d begun to care about. He was lucky Zeke didn’t end his life just for that very reason. “It would be in your best interest to turn around, get in your car, and never come back here.” He was nose-to-nose with Layton, and up close he could see how Bryanna had fallen under this man’s spell. The man was good-looking, but the cruel nature of his soul shined clear in his eyes.

  Layton drew in a deep breath, stretching up to appear taller. However, Zeke thought it did nothing but make him appear utterly foolish. “Is she being held captive here?”

  Zeke laughed wickedly. How dare Layton suggest something that he’d done to her for years was happening here. He wanted to lash out, wrap his hand around Layton’s throat and drain his life force for suggesting that they’d done anything of the sort. “She is freer than she has been for years. From here on out, your name will be nothing more than a bad memory to her.”

  Layton’s eyes narrowed, he trembled, and Zeke could feel vibrations in the air around him. Layton began to conjure magic. Warlocks were not gifted with the same abilities as witches and his magic was energy-based.

  Zeke wasn’t worried and he dared Layton to act. The extent of Layton’s magic would cause a tickle at best, but he wondered if the warlock knew that. He suspected he didn’t since the magic began to grow. He waited in hope that he would release it. After that, he could pound the living snot out of this warlock--but not until he acted first.

  “She’s my witch; you have no right to refuse to get her.” Layton’s eyebrows drew in together as a snarl formed on his lips. “If you do not produce her and show me that she is all right, I will report you to a higher authority.”

  “Who?” Arlo laughed, a deep rumble from his large frame. “The supernatural police?”

  Layton’s head whipped toward him, his eyes shining with venom. “We’re a powerful coven and will come after you.”

  Small threats. Strange Hollow had become a force to be reckoned with. If any threat came here, it wouldn’t last long. “Why have you come for her? Is her money worth that much to you?”

  “That is none of your business,” Layton spat.

  Zeke pushed back against his chest. If only the warlock knew how wrong he was. “Everything that involves her is now my business.” Rage burned in his blood. Thoughts of ending this threat filled his mind. To rid Bryanna of this man who’d used her. But he steeled himself with the morals he now enforced. “I will only tell you once more, she no longer belongs to you.”

  Layton’s expression was one of curiosity, but also fury at what was being said. “And why do you think you can speak for her?”

  “Because she is mine.” Zeke growled, no hint of untruth in his voice.

  Layton laughed, a sound that was equal to a spit in the face. “A demon--Bryanna belongs to a demon.”

  “There’s nothing funny about it. Now you understand the power she has around her. I will not let you destroy what I have built back up.”

  Layton gave him an incredulous look. “What have you built up?”

  “We accept her here for who she is--your control over her has been broken.” Zeke leaned in closer, growling in his face. “Her money is no longer yours.”

  The magic around Layton exploded. Energy blasted Zeke, sending him flying through the air. He landed hard and groaned. He raised his head, glaring at Layton who began to back away. Yes, you should be afraid. That attack would have killed anyone else, except him, a demon.

  Zeke jumped to his feet and strode toward Layton. “I could kill you where you stand. Your magic holds no meaning in my world, but I’ve made an oath, one I will not break.” He grabbed him by the shirt and yanked Layton closer. “But I’ve never made it a rule not to royally kick your sorry ass.” And with that he walloped him with the hardest punch he was capable of.

  Layton soared back, hit the hood of his car and slid off. Worry filled those eyes, but Zeke didn’t give it a moment’s pause. He might not take a life anymore, but he could still inflict enough pain to make Layton regret the day he ever set eyes on Bryanna.

  * * * *

  Bryanna had just stepped out of the bath when magic touched her. Magic that was all too familiar. But why was she feeling this now? And with such intensity? All she knew, something was wrong and Layton was nearby. She got dressed quickly, putting on a skirt and a simple top--who had time for corsets?

  Hurrying toward the front door, she opened it and rushed out, not at all happy about hearing loud grunts followed by roars of anger. Her assumptions weren’t off. Not even closing her front door, she ran full speed toward the sounds that came from down the street. As she drew closer, she saw Zeke in a full brawl with Layton.

  Zeke levelled Layton with a hard punch, and as his head snapped to the side from the hit, it exposed Layton’s face. Her heart did a somersault in her chest at seeing him again. A reaction she wanted to reject, but yet, couldn’t. “Stop it!” she screamed as she ran toward them. “Stop fighting or I’ll throw my magic at you.”

  Zeke backed away, and she was grateful he did. She suspected that if the fight had gone on any longer, Layton would’ve needed more than magical aid.

  Layton peeled himself off the ground, wiped his bloody lip, and laughed. “What will you do, make a table for us?”

  The stab hurt, but she wouldn’t let him see it. And she couldn’t deny seeing his face bruised and bloody actually made her mildly happy. She peeked at Zeke to see that he didn’t have a scratch on him. Go Zeke. Her focus went to Layton in annoyance. “What are you doing here?”

  “You know why I’m here.” He began to approach her. “To bring you home where you should be. What were you thinking, running away and leaving me?”

  Oh, by the elements, his charm wasn’t going to work on her now. She knew about his wicked plan. She could stand strong against him. “I know exactly what you planned.”

  Layton played the part of wounded and innocent very well. He shot her a smile that usually made her sigh in awe. “What plan are you talking about?”

  She turned away from his grin. No, she could do this, she didn’t need him. He had lied to her. He lied, he lied, he lied. Why did it feel as if she didn’t quite believe herself? “Your plan to use me for my money.”

  Layton laughed, and her insides went all gushy. “Bryanna, now you sound mad. Why on earth would I use you for your money? I love you.”

  Did he? It sure seemed like he did. She gave her head a shake. No, he was a liar. “You wanted to hide me away so you wouldn’t be embarrassed by me anymore.”

  He gave her a chastising glare as he stepped past Zeke who remained motionless. When he reached her, he took her hand. She felt so comfortable here with the thought of so many memories they had formed together. Was she wrong? Did she act without really thinking?

  He took her chin, titled her head up. “You know I love you, and have never wanted to change you. I only wanted to protect you from the others. I hated seeing them be so cruel to you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. His face, his soft expression--yes, her heart did love him. Her control waivered, he seemed so sincere. No lies showed on his face. “Is that true?”

  “Of course it’s true.” He cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. “You know I only want what is best for you. And my actions only prove that. I came all this way to find you.”

  Bryanna’s mind swirled with confusion. Was she a fool? Had she misread him and he was really only protecting her? By the thunderstorms, she loved the man in front of her. Had been with him for so long. This is where her heart lied, but a little pull kept tugging at her heartstrings.

  Focusing back on Zeke, he stood motionless, nothing showing on his face. “If you need to go, then go,” was all he said to her.

  Slowly, she turned back to Layton who nodded. “You need to come with me, home isn’t here, Bryanna.”

  “Zeke,” Bryanna whispered, looking back at him. He never responded, and that only confused her. Who was lying to her now? If he cared for her, wouldn’t he ask her to stay? Yes, he would. M
aybe nothing he said was true either.

  Which only meant home wasn’t here in Strange Hollow. Maybe it was wishful thinking that she could be something different. When Layton’s hand clenched hers tightly and he gave her a little pull forward, she went willingly. Frozen inside. Not really sure of anything. Her mind fogged with confusion.

  Without looking back, she approached the car, and when Layton opened the door, she got in, her eyes glued to her hands that rested in her lap. She kept trying to think straight, but it was just so hard. Everything inside of her was conflicted. Shouldn’t she be happy Layton came and found her? That meant he loved her, right? But why did this feel so wrong?

  The door next to her opened, and Layton slid into the seat. “Let’s get out of this place. Really, Bryanna, of all places, you come to Strange Hollow.” He started the ignition, and a moment later they were off.

  She watched out the back window and saw a lot of Strange Hollow’s residents had come to the entrance to see what was going on. Her gaze ran across the crowd over to Zeke. He still stood glued to the spot. Yes, she was making the right choice. If Zeke cared for her at all, he would have stopped her, right? But why did it hurt so much looking into his dark eyes? Why did leaving with Layton feel so wrong?

  For the first few minutes, silence filled the air. She didn’t know what Layton was thinking, but what surprised her, she didn’t care. The more minutes that passed, the more wrong this felt.

  Sense began to linger back in her mind just as Layton broke the silence. “You really couldn’t go on without me. I don’t know what you were thinking. You’re lucky that I love you enough to come and find you. Who knows what you would end up being in that place.”

  And with those few words, the fogginess completely cleared from her mind. The part of her that he had controlled for too long had vanished. His words said it all. You really couldn’t go on without me. The old her believed this, needed for him to tell her to put one foot in front of the other in order to function. Now, she couldn’t even begin to understand such logic.


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