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Suburban Cyborg

Page 49

by Gloria Martin

  I stepped up off the dirty bed in the cheap motel we were currently holed up in, and I grabbed my phone. I was going to have to call her, or I’d never know the truth. The gang wouldn’t remain here forever, and I needed to know the full extent of the damage before we left.

  Even if it was bad news.

  I needed to give myself time to at least attempt to fix things!

  Ring, ring.

  Ring, ring.

  Ring, ring.

  I shifted anxiously from foot to foot while I waited for her to pick up, all the time worrying that she wasn’t going to. After what felt like an eternity, I finally heard her sweet voice on the other end of the line.

  “Hello?” she said. She sounded weary, worn out with life, and that damn near broke my heart. I hoped and prayed that it wasn’t me who’d made her feel like that.

  “Hi Laura, it’s Mac,” I said, noticing a tremor in my voice already. I needed to be a little cooler if I was going to get through this without crumbling into an emotional wreck.

  “Yeah, yeah I know. I have your number stored.” She sounded about as uncomfortable as I felt. In that moment I wished I had some of Fenton’s confidence and charisma. He would know how to diffuse this tension in a heartbeat, he would have her laughing in a second.

  No, I didn’t need to think about damn Fenton right now!

  “Look,” I started, deciding to be straightforward, to tackle it head on. “I think we need to meet up, to talk. We have a lot to discuss.”

  “Right…” She sounded uneasy, unsure of me. “Okay.”

  “I just think… we need to…” Oh God, I could feel myself floundering and I hated it. “To go over things.” Urgh, could I have said that any worse? What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Yeah, yeah, I agree. Of course,” she said. I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding. “Okay, I’m off Thursday night, how about then?”

  That sounded torturous, much too far away, but I couldn’t exactly argue. “Of course, thanks Laura. I’ll see you then.”

  I held the phone to my ear long after she was gone. Thursday. I would make everything right then.

  I just needed to plan out exactly what I was going to say. I couldn’t have any more stalling like I’d done then!



  It had been two nights since that crazy, unexpected threesome with Laura and Mac, and she’d been on my mind ever since. I just couldn’t stop picturing her sexy hips, her sweet mouth, and her gorgeous face contorted in pleasure.

  I needed to see her again, to experience her again. We would be moving on soon, and I didn’t want to lose my chance to have one last hook up. She was worth more than all those cheap girls I slept with on the road put together, and they weren’t bad! But Laura and I had such great chemistry.

  That’s why I ended up meeting her from the bar unexpectedly as she left work. I didn’t even fully make the decision. I just sort of… ended up there.

  “Hey sexy,” I said. I stepped closer to her, and kissed her lips, taking advantage of her stunned silence. “How you doing?” This meeting could have been uncomfortable, but I wasn’t going to let that happen. Luckily, I had just the right amount of charm to prevent that.

  “Yeah, I’m good thanks.” She sent me a thin smile, confusion plastered across her face. “How about you?”

  “I’ve been missing you,” I said. “So I’m coming back to your place, okay?” I watched her face screw up in indecision, so I decided to reassure her. “Not like that you dirty girl,” I lied, nudging her playfully. “Just to talk.”

  If there was one thing I knew, it was how to charm women, how to get them into bed. And with Laura I had an advantage, I actually knew her really well and had had sex with her plenty already. And we had that chemistry.

  “Right, okay sure,” she said. She was on edge already, which was a good sign. It meant I had her exactly where I wanted her.

  I slid my hand into hers as we walked, and she quickly switched it up so we were linking arms, trying to keep things more ‘friend’ like, but that didn’t matter. We were touching, and that was enough. She could feel the sparks, just as much as I could.

  By the time we crashed through her front door, laughing hysterically about something silly I’d said, it was obvious that the chemistry was working and that she was already tied up in knots about me. I knew all I had to do was kiss her, and she would be mine. All mine, all over again.

  So I tugged her closer, pulled her body into me, and I kissed her passionately, not holding back at all. All the unsaid things, the years that had passed, they all came out in that one kiss, and I could sense it having a deep effect on her.

  I felt her tremble under my touch, moan beneath my lips, and that gave me the go ahead to start running my hands all over her body, feeling each and every curve.

  She felt fucking fantastic, her body was beyond amazing, and I couldn’t wait to have her.

  I pushed her roughly backwards until she hit a wall, and I hitched her flowing skirt right up, feeling the smoothness of her skin underneath my fingertips.

  “Oh fuck, Laura,” I panted against her, feeling dizzy with desire. “You’re so goddamn sexy.” I pressed my thick, hard, pulsating erection up against her, wanting her to know how much she turned me on.

  “Oh Fenton,” she cried out in pure excitement. “You feel so good.”

  I tugged her panties to one side, whilst kissing down her neck. She lolled her head to one side in ecstasy, which pleased me like hell. I loved turning women on, and Laura was one of my favorites to do this to. I love to see the coy girl vanish – the one she kept for public appearances – and the hungry, sex mad chick appear. She was sexy as fuck, and I loved to see that side of her unleashed.

  I slid a finger inside of her, feeling her tense up, around me. She was hot and wet just for me, she wanted me badly, and that turned me on like crazy. I wanted to fuck her, but I had to drive Laura to edge of desire first. I needed to drive her wild, just like I did in the old days.

  “Oh god,” she groaned, clinging onto me for dear life. “That feels amazing.”

  With my other hand, I tugged her top over her head, and quickly unhooked her bra. I’d perfected getting this move right, keeping it sexy, and from the heavy-lidded, desire filled look that Laura was shooting me, it was working.

  I held her hands above her head, before wrapping my mouth around one of her nipples, and tugged and teased, driving her wild. She loved this – the edge between pleasure and pain – and I was glad to be able to do that for here once more.

  She moved her arms to unbuckle me clumsily, freeing me, and began to stroke my cock in an overly excited manner.

  “I need you,” she murmured huskily into my ear. “I want you now.”

  “You do, huh?” I smiled against her cheek. Then before she could get another word in edgeways, I span her around and bent her over the nearby table and thrust into her from behind, hard and fast.

  “Oh fuck!” she cried out. She liked it this way, from behind, and I did too. It gave me the most amazing view of her ass, and the best angle for thrusting deep.

  I pushed harder, leaning forward to work her clit as we fucked, and after only a few more moments, the waves of pleasure crashed over us both, and we collapsed in a deep, satisfied heap.

  “That was…” I gasped.

  “Something else.” Laura laughed, but there was something different to her tone, something almost unreadable.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, turning to face her.

  “I just…” She started, an odd expression overcoming her face. “When are you guys going?”

  “Probably soon,” I told her honestly. “It’s kind of a ‘as the wind blows’ deal.” She nodded tersely. “Why?”

  “I’m not quite sure. Having you guys here has… stirred up a lot of stuff. I guess I just need to figure a lot out before you go.”

  “I’ll ‘figure you out’ again in about half an hour, if you want,” I said, gri
nning. But the weak smile she sent me in return suggested that something deeper was going on with her. It kind of looked like she was rejecting me.



  I paced up and down the apartment, panic coursing through my veins, my heart fluttering with worry. Mac was going to be around at any moment, for our ‘chat’ and I had no idea what I was going to tell him.

  I was pretty sure that he was going to want to discuss the possibility of us, and I had no idea how I was going to tackle it. I’d been thinking about it a whole lot, and I’d come to my own conclusions, but that wasn’t going to be enough anymore. Not after what I’d done.

  I knew what I wanted – after all this time it was obvious to me now that Mac was the right man for me, he always had been – but I couldn’t go right into it without admitting what had happened between me and Fenton the other night. I couldn’t go into a brand new relationship lying. I didn’t want to start something that could be amazing, in a bad way.

  Lies always came out in the end, and if I didn’t admit the truth now, it would come back to haunt me, and it would very likely destroy us.

  Mac had always been the perfect man for me – he was sweet, kind, and very caring. The sort of guy who could take care of me forever, but I’d been too blind to see it. I’d allowed my purely physical attraction Fenton to completely distract me from my own feelings, but not anymore. I felt like Fenton was out of my system now, a part of the past, and I wanted to move on to what could be an amazing future.

  What I could have with Mac was based on a pure, lovely friendship. He was generous, loving, and loyal, and I really felt like somehow we could make us work. It felt like I could marry him, have children with him, and really start a real life.

  I wanted to give it a shot anyway. I felt like I’d regret it forever if I didn’t.

  Knock, knock.

  My heart leapt into my throat as I realized that he was here, that it was time.

  Oh God, please don’t hate me Mac. Please give me another chance.

  I swung the door open, to find Mac’s gorgeous face staring at me. I began to shiver slightly under the knowledge that this was the moment that would determine the rest of my life. There had never been another time as important as this one.

  “Hi Mac,” I smiled, trying to cover up my fear. “Come on in.”

  He followed behind me, seemingly too concerned with his own anxiety to notice mine. I didn’t like that, I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable too.

  “How are you?” I said. I reached out and held his arm, wanting to diffuse the tension slightly in any way I could. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just…” He glanced down at his feet, looking as if he was gathering his thoughts. “The gang will be moving on soon, and I… I wanted to…” His breaths became labored, and I held him closer to me, willing him to say what he’d been holding back. He’d been keeping stuff in for far too long, it was time to let it all out. “I want to tell you that if you’ll have me, I’m willing to leave the Stallion Motorcycle Club to start a life with you. A real life, away from them, away from here. Somewhere we can both be truly happy. I want that, I really want that, and I hope you do too.”

  “I do,” I gasped. “I really do.” Thoughts of that life swilled through my mind, almost stopping me from what I needed to say. “But there’s something I need to tell you first.” I took in a deep breath, wishing that the knowledge that I was doing the right thing would somehow comfort me. But it didn’t. “I… I hooked up again with Fenton, two days ago.” I said it quickly, as if I was ripping off a band aid. “But it didn’t mean anything; I don’t like him like I do you. He just… it was just physical… I got him out of my system.” Suddenly all of my excuses sounded pathetic on my lips. How had I allowed myself to get sucked in by Fenton? It was just chemistry, I should have been able to resist.

  Mac stared at me disbelievingly, hurt filling his entire expression. “How could you?” he panted. “What did you…? How did you think I was going to take this?”

  “I know, I’m sorry… I just… When I was with him I wasn’t thinking about you and me. But afterwards, I realized I couldn’t choose Fenton over you!” I could feel panic overcoming me, and tears pricked my eyes. I’d gone over and over this conversation in my mind, but now my brain was blank. How the hell was I going to get Mac to come back to me? I really didn’t want to lose him over this. I couldn’t. “Mac, please. It meant nothing.”

  “You can keep saying that forever Laura, but it means something to me. It means that you couldn’t wait, that you couldn’t resist, that I lost out to him again.”

  “No,” I insisted. “No way! It was just a dumb, stupid move. I shouldn’t have…”

  But he was shaking his head at me. Then he turned on his heels and he left my home, leaving me all alone all over again.




  One month on…

  After leaving Laura behind like that, I headed straight to the motel to have it out with Fenton. I was pissed off at him big time, and I needed to tell him so. It might have been stupid and irrational, but I couldn’t help it.

  “Why’d you sleep with Laura, you bastard?!” I shouted.

  He was taken aback by my angry tone. He held his hands up, and smiled to diffuse the situation.

  “Maybe she likes me more than you. How about being a good loser?”

  “Fuck you!” I said, and swung at him with my right. My fist only grazed his jaw, because Fenton pulled back to defend himself. He then pushed me over, and I was down on the floor on my ass. He didn’t come after me, though. Just looked at me. That was the end of the fight.

  I got up and left, slamming the door. Childish, but whatever. After that, I ran out on the Stallion Motorcycle Club, on the life I’d been living for the last few years, and I went off on my own.

  I was solo ever since, just travelling on my bike, trying to figure out what the hell I should do next. I even ended up going back home, to try to figure out where it all went wrong.

  And that was where it hit me.

  I’d been nothing but a fool. Was I really willing to throw the best thing in my life away over a set of events that I’d been a part of? I hadn’t been perfect either. I’d allowed something crazy to happen and what had come after was a consequence of that. Fenton and Laura hooking up was very likely to happen after that threesome – I should have thought about that before I’d gotten embroiled in the competition.

  I hadn’t been betrayed either, so there wasn’t anything solid that I could be mad about. Me and Laura were nowhere near together when she’d slept with Fenton, so why did it matter? Especially when she said that it had meant nothing, and that he was out of her system now. I’d been too afraid to tell her of my feelings my whole damn life, so of course she went elsewhere.

  I was going to fix that. I wouldn’t make that mistake ever again, so I headed back to her workplace as quickly as I could.

  I’d already been to the bar to find Laura, but fortunately it was her night off, so I went to her home to check that she was there, clutching a large bunch of flowers in my hand.

  This time when I saw Laura I would be in a suit. When she’d seen me last, I was clad in the leathers of the motorcycle gang, but that wasn’t me, not really. It was just who I’d become because I was so lost.

  This, right here, this was me, and I fully intended to become that person, to take my life in a new direction. I was going to do something more meaningful with my life, something that could give me and Laura the future that we deserved.

  Knock, knock.

  She opened the door after only a few seconds, and I watched surprise spread across her face as she realized that I’d come back for her. It may have taken far too long, but I was back to make up for my mistakes, and to claim what was mine.

  “Mac? What are you…?” She threw her hands across her face in shock. “Mac?”

  “Can I come in?” I asked, wanting to get to the point here.
“I’d love to talk to you.”

  “Of course,” she said, eyeing me suspiciously. I walked into her apartment with a newfound confidence to my step. “What are you doing here? The Stallions have gone. I thought you’d know that…”

  “I know, I’m not with them anymore,” I said. I passed the flowers over to her, enjoying the look of sheer joy in her eyes.

  Then I decided to get to the point, to go big. There was no point in doing this, if it wasn’t going to be a surprise, and if I left it any longer she would soon start to suspect. Laura knew me far too well.

  So I fell down onto one knee, and she gasped loudly.

  “Laura,” I continued, gazing up at her stunned face. “I’ve been a fool my whole life. I’ve been in love with you for all that time, for as long as I can remember, and I know it took you a bit longer to get there, but I think that’s where you are too.” She sort of half-nodded, not quite knowing what to say. “I know this might seem rushed, and I really hope it doesn’t freak you out, but I want you to be my wife.”

  “You want to marry me?” she gasped. “Really?”

  “Yes.” I pulled the diamond ring out of the box and took her hand in mine. “I also think you should know that I’ve brought us a home, nowhere near here, in the countryside. I also have a realtor job lined up for me there. I know I’m asking you to leave all that you have here, but it’s near a really good school and I thought maybe you’d like to go back there, to get the high school diploma that you were denied before.” She was too stunned to speak. “You can reconnect with your family. They miss you, and you miss them! You just… you could have so much more, you deserve so much more, and I want to be the one to give that to you.”

  “Of course!” She squealed, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me tightly. “I mean, I won’t lie, I’m totally overwhelmed, but that all sounds so amazing.”


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