Wrangling His Virgin

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Wrangling His Virgin Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He pushes my thighs open even wider, my muscles protesting slightly, burning from the strain. But the ecstasy far outweighs anything else. Over and over he licks up my slit, teasing my pussy before dipping his tongue inside of me. He fucks me with the muscle, probing me until I know I can climax from this alone. And then when I don’t think I can take any more, he moves his mouth up to my clit and sucks the bud inside.

  His mouth is hot and wet, warm and arousing. He draws out my pleasure to a fever pitch, having me crying out like a wounded animal. I come for him, my first real orgasm that has my back bowing off the table, and my breasts thrusting out. My nipples stand on end, the tips hard, needing Logan’s mouth on them. When my pleasure recedes I’m left lying there panting, unable to even think clearly.

  I pry my eyes open and force my upper body off the table, looking at Logan. He’s still between my thighs, this look of intoxication clear on his face. His lips are parted, red from eating me out, glossy from my arousal. He moves up my body, wraps his hand around the nape of my neck, and slams his mouth on mine, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth. I taste myself on him, a mixture of both of us that drives me wild. I groan, unable to stop the sound from leaving me.

  “Logan.” I say his name on this guttural moan, hoping he can hear the need racing out of me.

  “I know, baby” is his response before he starts kissing me again. He has his hand on the small of my back and helps me so I’m sitting up. I have my legs wrapped around his waist, his erection digging into my pussy. I’m still so wet, so ready for more. I want to feel his cock pushing into me, stretching me, taking my virginity because he’s always owned it.

  “Take me to my room, Logan. I need you.”

  He groans, kisses me harder, and I know tonight will be the beginning of something monumental. Tonight I know that I’ll finally have Logan all to myself.

  “There’s no going back, baby,” he says against my mouth. “You’re mine and I’m not letting you go. I’m not stepping away.” He pulls back. “We’ve wasted too much time, sweetheart. We aren’t wasting any more.”

  Chapter 8


  I cradle Lila’s back and pick her up into my arms. “Which way is your bedroom?” I ask.

  It’s her first time and I want it to be the best experience for her. No matter how hard it’s been to hold back, this needs to be special.

  “Down the hall to the back. Second door on the left.” Her arms wrap around my shoulder, her hair loose and wild at my neck as I carry her through the house.

  Open boxes still sit unpacked in a few of the rooms I pass by, but she’s been busy turning this house into a place she can call home. It’s a glimpse into who she is and I like it, although my attention is truly elsewhere, still riveted on the fullness of a reality I’ve held onto for such a long time. That we’re on our way to what I believe is the first day of our future together.

  At her bedroom, the second I step through the door, I’m glad we stopped when we did. This room is the center of Lila’s life. Her sanctuary. It’s a smart move to have brought her here. The entire space is unpacked. Every item is in its place, including her bed, which is positioned between the two large windows. Narrow beams of light filter into the room through curtains that are partially drawn together, and hit the floral bed sheets that match the room’s overall decor. A room’s apperance isn’t something I usually notice or pay attention to, but tonight is different. This is special. Lila can only have her first time once. And it means a whole lot more that it’s also our first time together.

  At the side of the bed, I lower her onto the cool sheets. She smiles up at me, arms clinging to my shoulders as she welcomes me into bed beside her.


  My cock jerks in response to the sweet urgency of her voice and my balls tighten, both rubbing against my boxers, needing to feel her. As I shift onto my knees, Lila runs her hands down my chest and tugs at each button, undoing them gently. Her soft, smooth skin brushes against mine at the opening as she works, and her gaze never leaves mine. She utters a sweet little moan when her fingers make it down to my waistband. I cover her hand with mine, smiling as she lifts her head off the pillow and looks down between our bodies.

  I meet her lips and kiss her hard, lowering her hand to my erection to satisfy her curiosity. Heat radiates between us as her back arches up, her breasts press into my now bare chest, and her legs part a bit more, outer thighs resting on the bed as she opens for me.

  “I want this, Logan,” she reassures me, her plea a whisper at my lips. “All I want is to be with you. It’s all I ever wanted.”

  “Tell me how much, Lila.”

  “So much. I’m so wet, baby and it’s all for you.” Her other hand grabs a fistful of the hair at the back of my head.

  I can hardly wait to be buried deep inside of her. My heart is racing, pounding like drums inside my chest, as excited to be one with her as every other part of my body. I move quickly and get out of bed. I strip off my shirt. Our gazes lock. With a jerk at my waistband, I undo the belt and zipper and push my work pants and boxers down my legs. I drag off my boots with them, and straighten up to stand. There’s a flash of reaction on Lila’s face as they trail down my body and land on my erection. It seems like a mix of excitement, nervousness, and maybe fear. The tip bobs a little under her stare. Soon she’ll know exactly what it feels like. Soon I’ll be the first man to know what it’s like to have her.

  I return to bed. My arms brace on the mattress and hold me upright as I hover over her small frame. This close to her, I see her chest rise and fall. Cupping her cheek, I lift her chin and kiss her softly.

  “Let’s not wait a second longer,” she begs. Her hands run down my back and come to rest at my hips, gripping them so tightly. My cock presses into her leg at the top of her inner thighs. So close.

  “I want you, Lila.”

  “Have me, all of me,” she moans and the sound travels through the air, her plea becoming a command that my body can’t ignore.

  I take her mouth again for a kiss, grinding my stiff, swollen erection against her, inching closer as her hips move with mine. My cock slides along her wet folds. It rubs against her clit, preparing for what’s to come.

  When her hands grab hold of my ass and her nails dig into the flesh, I know she’s ready. But I still need to be sure.

  “Are you sure you want this?”

  “I’m ready, Logan. I love you. I need you. Don’t make me wait.”

  Taking my cock into my hand, I place the tip at her hot, drenched folds and slide it to her slick opening. Her body stills, but only for a moment. She lifts her hips with a smooth roll, and the movement allows my tip to forge into her. Inch by inch, I lower onto her. Both our bodies are covered in sweat. I hear my groans fill the air and blend with her soft sighs as we become one. Her core is hot, so fucking tight, so welcoming.

  “Yes, Logan.”

  Her nails drag up my back and dig into my skin. I nudge inside of her, stretching her. I give another small thrust and the tip of my cock hits a spot. This is it. The point of no return. Once I breach this barrier, her cherry, her virginity is mine.

  “You feel so fucking good, Lila. So tight, so perfect. But I don’t want to hurt you. That’s the last thing I’d ever do to you.”

  “You won’t. It feels amazing. Please… Don’t stop.”

  Her core clenches around my shaft with her words, and she lifts her head to mine, touching our foreheads together.

  Right now, this moment, couldn’t be more perfect.

  Lila tilts her neck and grazes her lips along my mouth. Her tongue pushes past the seam of my lips and as it finds my tongue, I let go of all my remaining self-control. Then I bury myself completely into her.

  My hips pull back and thrust forward again, sinking inside. Each time I move a little harder. A little faster. Rougher. Deeper.

  Her sighs betray her pleasure, emboldening me, driving my need further. They’re a perfect complement to the way our fle
sh slaps together with each move we make.

  Her hips move with mine, lifting, rotating, grinding, and after some time her whimpers become soft gasps as her breathing hollows.

  She’s so close to coming.

  Every part of Lila’s trembling body tells me, then her inner walls tense and clench around me, calling me to the edge with her.

  I pump into her again and again, taking us the rest of the way. I want to close my eyes but there’s no way I’ll miss seeing her as my cock sends her over the edge for the first time. Just thinking about it causes my cock to throb inside of her and my balls to tighten.

  “Come for me, Lila.” I breathe out my demand in a deep, baritone groan.

  “Yes,” she cries.

  I slam into her again, each time more forceful, deeper than before. On the fourth thrust, her body goes taut and she calls out my name as she comes, drawing me the rest of the way. I continue to pulse and pump into her a few more times, emptying my cum deep within her, claiming her womb with my seed.

  She’s mine and no one else’s.

  As her breathing returns to normal, I feel her arms run up my back and slip into my hair, her fingers working my scalp. I gently lower my body onto hers, holding on tight as we rest a while. I want to stay one with her for as long as possible. This is how we’re supposed to be. Slick with sweat, muscles exhausted, love filling our chests as much as our scents fill the air. There’s no way I’m leaving her. Not now or ever.

  Chapter 9


  I’m sore the next morning, so sensitive between my thighs that when I sit down I can’t help but gasp slightly. My thighs ache, too, a reminder that Logan had my legs spread wide, and was deep in me, his thick cock claiming my virginity. I always knew it would be him who took it, or at least I wanted that more than I wanted to take my next breath. I knew that no other man would or could compare to him. It’s why I saved myself for Logan, why I knew that if I were with another man it wouldn’t mean a fraction of what it would with him.

  He’s mine, the same way I’m his.

  Every time I think about what Logan and I did last night I feel my face heat. It was right after we made love that I realized Rowan and Marie had been outside, waiting. I forced myself to get dressed and face them, knew there would be looks and startling realization that what I’d been doing inside had been some pretty intense making up. And when I opened the door, it was to see Marie grinning from ear to ear, and Rowan looking pretty damn uncomfortable.

  God, just thinking about seeing them after what we’d done, how my hair had probably been a wild mess, sweat still cooling on my body, made me feel embarrassed as much as it did thrilled. It meant I was finally Logan’s. I had no doubt my face was red, the product of my exertion evident. And as I said goodnight to them I felt Logan’s cum slipping out of me. It was something I could have only envisioned in a movie, or read in a book.

  My thoughts have me closing my eyes and shaking my head, a chuckle leaving me. I certainly hadn’t thought my night would end up like that.

  I bring my mug to my mouth and take a long sip of tea. I added extra honey, my sweet tooth fierce this morning. Maybe it’s because of all the fucking we did last night. Even now I tingle as I think about all the times he made me climax.

  I hear footsteps and open my eyes to see Logan walking in, a towel wrapped loosely around his hips, droplets of water on his golden, hard and muscular skin. His hair is damp, and as I scan his form I can’t help but zero in on the outline of his dick through the towel. I get wet instantly, feel my nipples harden, and know that if I want he will give in to me without question.

  He walks into the kitchen, winks at me, and makes his way over to the coffee machine. Just watching him pour that mug, lean against the counter, and take a sip of the liquid turns me on. I shift on my seat, looking at his six-pack, the way it flexes when he moves slightly. I want to run my tongue over that V definition that will lead me right to the part of him that I want to feel inside of me.

  God, I’m so wet right now.

  I don’t even care that I’m sore, that my pussy got one hell of a breaking in last night. Even if I hadn’t been a virgin I sure as hell wouldn’t forget my time with Logan.

  I feel my face heat at where my thoughts are going, and turn my head to look down at the paper spread out before me. I am acting like I’m looking at it, but the truth is I’m not even concentrating. And then I feel him standing behind me, his heat spearing right into me. I feel my nipples bud up even more, pressing against my shirt, aching for Logan’s mouth. Before I can turn around and see what he’s doing, he has his mouth on my neck, his hand at my waist. He digs his fingers into my side, the pain and pleasure coalescing as one. My hair is up so it gives him an unobstructed path to start kissing and licking at my skin, making me hotter, needier for him. I close my eyes and lean back slightly, tilting my head to the side even more. He nibbles at the pulse beneath my ear, laving the spot with his tongue. I’m just about to turn around, pull off his towel, and suck his dick, when there’s a knock on the front door.

  We both groan, but Logan presses his lower half to my back, and I feel his erection digging into my skin. I give a soft whimper, whispering for us to ignore the door. He chuckles against my ear, gives me a kiss on the cheek, and to my disappointment moves away. I look over at him, my body on fire with desire. I can see the stiff, hard outline of his cock pressing against his towel, demanding to be free. He gives me a wink and saunters off, and I can’t help but stare at his ass.

  My throat is dry, tight. I’m about to say screw the front door and follow him into the bedroom, where he’s presumably getting dressed, but there’s another knock. I huff out in frustration and stand, making my way toward the door. I know I probably have a scowl on my face as I open it, but my expression softens to surprise when I see my mom standing on the other side.

  “Um, hey,” I say. We were supposed to meet later today. Now is really not a good time for her to drop in. I close the door slightly, hoping that she doesn’t see Logan in the background half dressed. Not that I don’t want my mother to know about him, but her showing up and knowing I had sex with my childhood friend is not how I wanted to tell her.

  She holds up a paper cup of coffee from my favorite café in town. And in her other hand she holds up a bag from the donut shop, a couple of grease stains letting me know that there’s goodness inside. But I can still feel the blush on my face, knowing it is probably red.

  “I know we were supposed to meet later on, but I thought I’d surprise you with some coffee and your favorite donuts.”

  I smile but it feels forced. The last thing I need is for my mom to be here. I hear a thump in the back room and I straighten, feeling my eyes widen. My mom’s brows furrow and she tries to look over my shoulder.

  “What was that?”

  I know I can’t lie. I don’t want to be dishonest because I do want her to know, but I just didn’t want her to find out this way. And then I know Logan is behind me, can see my mom’s eyes widen a fraction as she no doubt takes him in.

  “Hey, Laura,” Logan says in his deep, raspy voice. My body tingles involuntarily.

  I glance over my shoulder at him, see he’s wearing only a pair of jeans, the button undone, his chest on full display.

  Oh. God.

  I slowly turn back to my mom, see she still has this deer in the headlights expression on her face, and clench my jaw, not sure how this is going to play out.

  “Um.” I’m not sure what to say. And then to make things even more awkward, Logan comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I close my eyes and laugh uncomfortably. There’s no way my mother doesn’t know what we did. When she doesn’t respond I pry my eyes open, only to see her grinning.

  “It’s about damn time, you two,” she says, laughing and all but pushing her way inside to give us both a hug. “Please tell me you’re together, because after all these years of seeing the attraction bouncing between you two, my heart can’t take anything

  She pulls back and I know I’m as red as a tomato. I look at Logan, see he’s grinning from ear to ear, and all I can do is start laughing.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Laura,” Logan says, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead. “I love your daughter. Lila has always been mine. It just took too damn long to make that a reality.”

  I couldn’t have said it better myself.



  My voice has been caught in my throat all evening. Resting an elbow on the bar, I wait for our beers at the Valentine’s Day barn dance in town. It’s been long years since I’ve attended, but this year is different. With Lila, I plan to make this the first of many years, following my parents’ tradition before they passed away.

  My heart pounds hard in my chest and I gaze at my woman across the large space. Lila’s in her element tonight, surrounded by relatives and many of our friends from childhood. She and Marie join in with some of the girls they know and start to dance to one of the country songs they used to go crazy over, back in the day. I can’t keep my gaze from Lila. Her hips sway with every move she makes, throwing her knee-length flared skirt every which way while her cowboy boots kick up hay as they laugh and make new memories reliving old ones.

  Lila is beaming, and it’s not just from the glow of the endless streams of festive lights strung up to decorate the wooden beams in the ceiling.

  The mood around here is cheerful and relaxed tonight, and I might be the only one who has reason to be nervous, although I’m not. My chest is only twisting up in knots because I’m excited, hopeful that not too long from this very moment, Lila will have one answer for me. A yes.


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