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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

Page 7

by Bianca Sommerland

  But Danica could do so much better than him. “Sweetie, you’ve got your pick of some pretty heavy hitters. Why me?”

  “Did I forget to mention how freakin’ dirty it makes me feel that I agreed to this? I like you. If I’d come here just to see the show, I’d have wanted to hang out with you, no strings attached.” She hunched her shoulders when a camera flash suddenly hit them. “When I did your nails, I couldn’t help but wish I didn’t have a job to do. But I’m trying to build a career and that always comes first. The agency paid for me to come here because they think I’ll get some good offers if I get my face in some damn tabloids. Once people start tweeting and talking shit about me online.”

  She sounded so disgusted with the very idea he couldn’t help but turn his hand to give hers a little squeeze and grin at her. He doubted he was who her agent had in mind, but maybe they could make this work for them both. Cole was always nagging at him, and the rest of the band, to be seen with chicks to kill the rumors that they were all gay. Neither Alder nor Danica had the freedom to explore their first, uncomplicated encounter, but if it could work in their favor?

  He wasn’t seeing a downside.

  “My manager would love to see me with a woman like you.” He stroked his thumb lightly over the pulse at her wrist, his smile widening at her sharp inhale. “So how about I let you use me, while I use you?”

  She stared at the table, nodding slowly. “Yeah. That works.”

  “Hey.” He reached up and placed his hand on her cheek. “I get it. This all started as a way to gain exposure. But there’s more. I like you too.”

  “How could you? I’m asking you to let the media make more of me being with you than—”

  “Than what? If there were no cameras, and I asked you to leave with me, would you say no?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Damn, she didn’t pull any punches. But he liked her honesty. He ran his fingers lightly down the length of her throat. “Forget your agent. Forget my manager. Finish your drink and then look at me. See the loser who sat on the hood of your car and tell me what you want to do with him.”

  Her throat worked as she tipped her beer to her lips, polishing it off in just a few gulps. She slammed it down on the table and focused on his hand, which still held hers. Pressing her eyes shut, she nodded slowly.

  “I’m not as sweet as you think I am, but for a minute, I wasn’t the actress or the model everyone sees me as. I want to be the woman you saw.” She groaned and pulled away from him. “I want to be her, but I need to be the one asking you to smile for the cameras and pretend I’m a glorified groupie.”

  He chuckled and caught her hand again, bringing it to his lips. “Groupies get a bad rep, but they’re an important part of our history. They’ve inspired some of the greats.”

  “That makes me feel so much better.”

  “You’re making a big deal out of this for nothing, Danica. I’m giving you what you need.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. He was pretty sure she’d relax once they got past all those pictures she needed. And he wanted to give her a chance to be the woman she really was. The one she didn’t seem to believe she could be anymore. “Then, maybe I can give you what you want.”

  She grinned, moving close to him and speaking low. “I don’t even know what that is anymore.”

  “I do.” He lowered his head, brushing his lips against her cheek. The perfect photo opp for all those cameras. But his words weren’t for show. They were all for her. “You want to be real. And you have been. Trust me to know the difference.”

  Chapter Four

  The trek from the Hard Rock Hotel to the Tuscany where Danica was staying was short, so she didn’t bother getting her car. She’d paid for extended parking anyway, not sure if she’d be crashing in someone’s room for the night to pull off ‘the plan’.

  Alder had asked her where she’d be most comfortable, and she surprised herself by immediately answering with her room. The very idea of getting up in the morning and doing the walk of shame in front of any diligent photographers made her nauseous. Not that she’d be a bitch and force Alder to do it either, but if he turned out to be an asshole, better him than her.

  Hopefully, she’d read him right and neither of them would end up giving the rag reporters any more to talk about than necessary. The whole way to the hotel, she’d caught flashes coming from parked cars and around the side of buildings. Sophie must have come up with one hell of a story. Either that or Alder was a lot more popular than he seemed to think.

  Aside from the cameramen though, no one recognized either of them, so she was able to relax, and laugh at the odd comment Alder made about ‘All the cockroaches’ that were crawling around the city.

  He didn’t have a high opinion of the reporters, that was for sure.

  Once they reached the hotel, the flashes stopped. Probably not for long, but the crowd around reception made getting a good shot impossible. Deciding the press had enough material for one night, Danica grabbed Alder’s hand and sprinted toward the elevators.

  His deep laugh spread through her like the heat from a fireplace. Cozy and warm, comforting enough to banish the chill that had clung to her from the second she agreed to the crazy scheme.

  But in her room, the sensation of leaning too close to that nice, warm fireplace had her cheeks blazing. Her tongue didn’t want to do its job and form words. With the door closed, alone with Alder, all she could do was stare at him.

  When was the last time she’d been alone with a man? What was she supposed to do with him now? Would he expect something in return for helping her out?

  “Hey.” Alder reached out to take her hand in his, a soft smile on his lips. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to jump you.”

  “You’re not?” She pressed her lips together, trying to sort out the warring thoughts in her head. Considering how nervous she was, that twinge of disappointment didn’t make any damn sense.

  He chuckled and shook his head, drawing her into the room and releasing her hand to grab the rolling chair in front of the desk. He set it at the foot of the bed and sat, waiting until she perched on the edge of the mattress before he spoke.

  “We haven’t even gone on a date yet. The cameras might need to catch you being wild and reckless with a ‘rock star’.” He wrinkled his nose, as if referring to himself that way was distasteful. Then he rolled his eyes and shook his head. “It’s just us now. How about we make this our first date? I’ll order some room service—on my dime—and we can watch a movie.” He put his hand on the arms of the chair. “I’ll even stick right here if it makes you more comfortable.”

  He was too much. And absolutely perfect. She’d been lucky, meeting him when she had. How many other guys in that club would have come back to her room with her and been happy just watching a movie? And unless he was a damn good actor, he really meant every word he’d said.

  She couldn’t help tease him a little though. “If you sit right there, I won’t be able to see the TV.”

  “True.” He turned the chair, pushing it backward and riding it to the other side of the bed. “Better?”

  This man was adorable. Which she wouldn’t usually find so appealing, but the combination of him being cute, and sweet, and intelligent made him irresistible. There was something intense about him too, but she’d only seen a glimpse of it when his brother was being a jerk. Brave had been nice enough at the club, chatting her up and asking her to dance, but she hadn’t been impressed with his sudden shift in attitude when Alder came into the picture. She wouldn’t judge him on that one encounter though. Some siblings didn’t get along. The why of it wasn’t any of her business. Yet.

  More teasing would be better than letting her brain get carried away with when it would become her business. She reached over and tossed a small cushion at him. “Are you aware that you’re a big dork?”

  “A dork? No, I think that’s one of the few things I haven’t been called.”

  “You can sit on the bed.
I’ll hold you to your promise not to jump me.” She let out a surprised yelp when he pushed off the chair and dropped onto the bed beside her, the pillow she’d thrown at him hitting her in the face. “Hey!”

  Pushing up on his long, muscular arms, Alder slipped back to lean against the headboard. “What do you want to eat? We’ll be waiting for awhile, so we might as well call, then start the movie.”

  Resting on her side, she held her hand out for the room service menu. Her mouth watered at the selection, but she’d had a couple of beers and couldn’t afford any additional calories. Most guys that weren’t in the business got annoyed at how rigid she was with her diet, claiming a girl with an appetite was sexy. Her looks were part of her career, so she didn’t eat to impress anyone.

  Not a conversation she wanted to have on a first date.

  She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth. “The veggie platter would be great. And maybe a couple bottles of water?”

  “Sounds good.” He called and placed the order, studying her face as he hung up. His lips slanted to one side. “You look surprised. First year we were on the road, we ate nothing but junk food. We all learned to cook, so the quality of food is better, but I don’t get the chance to have fresh vegetables very often. They’d go bad if I got a bunch just for myself.”

  “You could get the single servings. They cost a bit more, but I find them perfect for when it’s just me. Or me and my grandpa.” She smiled, thinking of how her grandfather used to grumble when she tried to make him eat anything besides meat and potatoes. “I figured you’re in good shape because you have a good metabolism, not because you watch what you eat.”

  Patting his stomach, Alder laughed. “I wish. Maybe when I was younger, but now? A few beers and I need to call in all the roadies to help me squeeze into my jeans.”

  Tilting her head, she tried to picture that. The image came out a lot dirtier than he’d probably intended. “That’s hot.”

  “Yeah?” He gave her one of those looks again, like he was trying to read her. “I guess watching Malakai feel me up didn’t gross you out?”

  “Hell no. You two were sexy and I was surrounded by writers who got me thinking things I’d never considered before.” She probably shouldn’t have just blurted that, but for some reason, she didn’t think he’d be weirder out by her confession. “I come across things on Facebook, or even at modeling gigs, where there’s two guys all over each other. And it never did anything for me, one way or another. But with the music, and you both all sweaty and…” Okay, being comfortable didn’t mean over-share. She ducked her head. “Anyway, you put on a great show.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Cole won’t be happy, but it got the attention off Tate and gave the kid a chance to take a break.” Folding his arms behind his head, he nodded toward the TV. “Anything you feel like watching?”

  “I don’t know, let’s see what’s on.” Flipping through the On Demand options, she tried to find anything that looked interesting. Or even vaguely familiar. She’d been at the gym two hours a day, five or six days a week, for the past few months, in between photo shoots and auditions. By the time she got home she was usually too tired to bother doing more than check out social media and crash. She’d watch the odd series, but all the ones she enjoyed she couldn’t keep up with unless they were on Netflix.

  Netflix was her one guilty pleasure. When she got a full day off, she’d binge watch for hours. The most recent show she’d gotten into was Doctor Who.

  Which she’d be watching now if she was alone.

  “Anything interest you?” She glanced over at Alder, who shrugged, not looking any more impressed with the options than she was.

  “Honestly, I’ve seen all the good stuff. Being on a bus for twelve hours, you either read, play video games, or watch movies.” He scratched his chin. “I’m good with a chick flick if that’s what you’re into. I’m not picky.”

  “Oh good, because I’ve been dying to watch the new Nicholas Sparks movie.” She scrolled through the movies until she found it. “There we go.”

  The effort he made not to cringe was comical. He chewed on the edge of his bottom lip. “Seriously?”

  “No, not really. I just wanted to see your reaction.” She giggled when he pulled out the pillow from behind his head and swung it at her. “Honestly, I’d love to watch Doctor Who. Have you ever seen it?”

  “Yes. And I officially love you for suggesting it.” He flashed her a big grin. “The rest of the band thinks it’s lame, so I’m a closet fan. Can we keep this between us?”

  “Absolutely.” She reached over the side of the bed to pull out her laptop. Signing into her Netflix account, she quickly found the last episode she’d finished, laying on her stomach and pointing at the screen as he settled beside her. “I actually started watching the whole season from the beginning again, but I don’t mind going back a few episodes if you aren’t caught up.”

  “I like this episode. And the next one. Let’s start here.”

  A few episodes in and Danica was losing track of time. She realized she’d fallen asleep when she opened her eyes and found the room dark. The duvet was covering her—Alder had managed to pull it out from under her without waking her up.

  The pillow cushioning her head was solid and warm. And not a pillow at all. Eyes half shut, she rested her arm over Alder’s wide chest, sliding her head to the indent of his shoulder. She’d never been this comfortable sleeping with a man in her bed, but had she ever even tried? She wasn’t sure she’d ever met a man she’d have trusted enough to fall asleep in his arms.

  Her body had made the choice for her. She’d curled up next to him without conscious thought.

  And it wasn’t weird. Wasn’t awkward.

  The next morning, she didn’t even worry that he’d take one look at her and wonder what the hell he’d been thinking. She made them both coffee and cuddled up to him to watch the last episode they both remembered, picturing every morning being just like this and how happy she would be if her days all began with his smile.

  Only, neither of them were living the kind of life conductive to sweet and normal and simple. Which came as a harsh reminder when she checked her phone.

  Ten messages from Sophie and about a dozen texts.

  Just a few more hours. Then I’ll go back to dealing with the real world. She tucked her phone under her pillow, grinning when Alder did the same. It was nice, not having to rush or worry about anything. Their ‘date’ had been so laid back, Danica didn’t want it to end. She felt like she was spending time with one of her closest friends.

  Not that she wanted to ‘friend-zone’ Alder.

  Or…maybe she did? He was someone she wanted to keep. She’d have a better chance if she could have him as a precious friend, rather than risk the precarious relationship status.

  They hadn’t even kissed. Maybe they wouldn’t have any real chemistry. And if they didn’t, they would be safe. What the media assumed wouldn’t matter. They could play their parts and know that the friendship built between them would never change.

  But…she had to be sure.

  Rolling onto her stomach, she put her hands on Alder’s shoulders, rising above him. He grinned at her and a tiny dimple dented his cheek as he brushed his fingers into her hair. He relaxed under her, simply waiting, as though he knew this was a step she was afraid to take.

  She eased down, brushing her lips over his, and her breath caught in her throat. The brief touch had her absorbing the heat of his lips as though he’d branded her. She watched his face, wondering if he felt the same. He held her gaze, leaning up to catch her bottom lip with a soft kiss, drawing her down to him as he gently slanted his lips against hers. One hand on the back of her head, he held her in place, not forcing her to accept more, but telling her, without words, that she wasn’t taking this step alone.

  Hands flat on his shoulders, she dug her fingers into the tight muscles, letting her tongue slip past his lips, demanding just a little more. He sat up, pulling her
into his arms, and the spark was lit. Not a small one that could be snuffed out by a harsh gust of air, but one that had all the fuel to start an inferno. He’d given her control, but with the way he kissed her, the way he made her feel, she became completely unwound. She let out a soft whimper as she straddled him, not sure what she needed more. For him to keep kissing her or to take over completely. If he did, she wouldn’t stop him.

  With a rough sound in his throat, Alder lifted her in his arms, laying her on the bed, one hand tangled in her hair. He tasted like black coffee, sweetened with just enough sugar to take off the bitter edge, his mouth so fucking hot. His tongue and his teeth played at her lips, a kiss with just enough pressure to linger even when he brought his mouth to her throat.

  She tugged at his shirt, needing more of him. She couldn’t remember ever being so desperate for skin on skin, for movement and touch, but she refused to think beyond this moment. She had him now and she might not for long.

  His shirt was on the floor. Hers followed.

  And then she saw a strange man, standing in the doorway.

  Alder looked over as she went still. Shielding her with his body, he glared at the man. “What the fuck are you doing here, Cole?”

  “How did you get in? Who are you?” Danica tugged at the blanket, her pulse steadying a bit since Alder seemed to know the man. Which didn’t explain how he’d gotten in, but at least she didn’t have to go for her gun.

  “I let him in, Danica. He’s Alder’s manager.” Sophie squeezed by the man; giving him an irritated look as she smoothed her hand over her perfectly straightened caramel and chocolate colored hair. Her glossy, pouty lips curved slightly at the edges as she eyed Danica and Alder on the bed.

  With the hint of mischief in her eyes, and her smooth, brown skin defying any affects of age, Danica could see why people mistook Sophie for Gabrielle Union, even though she was at least ten years older than the beautiful actress. The constant comparisons had actually gotten Sophie involved in some of Union’s charities. Both women were amazing role models, admired for their work.


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