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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

Page 17

by Bianca Sommerland

  Croissant? Danica snorted. “That’s Madame Courchesne. Not sure how you got ‘Croissant’ out of that.”

  His lips tipped into a sheepish smile. “I may have stopped listening to her when she started being a bitch to you. I heard Tate call her that a few times, so I thought that was her name. Might be that he’s not a fan of our choreographer either.”

  “Probably not. Did you hear her lecture him about how he should be sitting straighter behind the drums? If it wouldn’t have screwed with the sound, he’d probably have laid his head right on the snare.”

  Alder laughed. “There’s still time. I wouldn’t put it past him to mess with her today.”

  “After we almost got all the moves perfect yesterday? No way.” Danica hopped to her feet, popping one last blackberry in her mouth before heading to the bedroom to get dressed. “I bet he’ll be on his best behavior.”

  Joining her in the bedroom, Alder tugged on a fresh shirt, then gave her a challenging smile. “What are you willing to wager?”

  She touched her tongue to her bottom lip and smirked at him. “I think I might enjoy having you as a slave for the day.”

  “I think you get whatever you want from me either way, so winning won’t mean much.” His words were sweet, but there was a cockiness to his tone that had her arching a brow at him as he bent down to lace up his black sneakers. “And you’ll be pissed when you lose if I demand the same thing.”

  “I will not.”

  “No? All right then, you’ve got yourself a bet.” He straightened and pulled his long hair into a low ponytail, his dark brown eyes sparkling with amusement. “I’ll even be nice when I win and not make it too obvious to the guys that you’re my little slave girl. Though, I think you’d look cute dressed like Leia from Star Wars. You know that gold bikini?”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she stared at him. “In private, I’d have no issue wearing that for you, but don’t even think of making me dress up in front of the band unless you want me to consider some slave boy outfits for you when you lose.”

  He made a face, then nodded. “Fair enough.”

  She grabbed her purse, looking over her outfit one last time. Cole had some special outfit coming in tomorrow for her to wear at the show, which she was more than a little anxious about, but for rehearsal, she’d gone with plain black skinny jeans and a snug, black Guns and Roses tank top. She’d be wearing heels on stage, so she’d decided on wearing her boots with four-inch heels to practice in.

  Thankfully, she had enough experience strutting around in footwear of any style; she could probably run just as fast as that chick in Jurassic World while being chased by dinosaurs. In stilettos if she had to.

  Not that she’d tell Cole about that particular skill. He might come up with some crazy plan to make her play damsel in distress, escaping some kind of monster.

  Thinking of plans reminded her of Sophie’s. She waited until Alder joined her in the hall, pulled the door to their room shut, and took his hand, lacing their fingers together. “You know the whole issue about keeping our relationship low key so I’m not just seen as your girlfriend?”

  Alder’s smile faded. He inclined his head.

  “Well, Sophie was approached by a perfume company that wants us to do a commercial together. She’s still working out the details, but apparently our pictures online that first night inspired them.” She laughed at the play of emotions on his face, everything from uncertainty—probably at the idea of doing a perfume commercial—to cautious interest. He was so easy to read. “She wasn’t happy about the whole thing with Brave—seems like Cole called her to do damage control, probably expecting me to go crying to her about the whole thing.”

  “Did you tell her anything?”

  “Not yet. I’ll shoot her an email on the drive to the warehouse, but she’s done a complete 180 on the idea of you and me being together.” She squeezed his hand as the enthusiasm from reading Sophie’s message returned. “The offer probably helped, but she asked if you liked the hotel and she wants to know your size.”

  Alder blinked, glancing over at her as they stepped onto the elevator. “My size?”

  “She’s probably gonna buy you something. She’s big on presents.” Danica wasn’t sure how to explain to him how much a gift from Sophie meant. But she’d try. “She grew up poor, but she’s built a very successful company with Diverse Faces, so she’s rich, but very careful with her money. She gives a lot to charity, and has all kinds of investments, but when she wants to show one of her models, or someone she’s worked with, that she appreciates them, she’s very generous.”

  “But I haven’t done anything.”

  “Yes, you have. Cole mentioned you going after Brave, but he apologized for your behavior, and said it wouldn’t happen again. Sophie loves that you wanted to defend me.” She let out a soft laugh as she considered Sophie’s exact words. “She knows me, so she insisted I shouldn’t be mad at you.”

  “But you were.” He scratched at the bit of scruff on his cheek, his lips curving up a little. “And you had every right to be. I can’t be losing it like that.”

  “True, but after it happened I was wondering what I would have done in your place. Like, if some chick randomly kissed you.”

  He chuckled, like he already knew the answer. “I don’t think Jesse would have been able to hold you back.”

  She grinned as they stepped off the elevator and made their way across the lobby. “If he’s as smart as I think he is, he won’t even try.”

  “After yesterday, I think everyone knows not to fuck with you.” Alder let her pass ahead of him, nodding to the bellhop who asked if they needed a cab. “I wasn’t sure about letting you confront Brave like that, but seriously? It’s better you put him in his place now then have it be another thing for me and him to fight about.”

  “I agree. The two of you need to work out whatever this bullshit between you is.”

  “If that’s even possible. Either way, I’m happy Sophie’s on our side.” A cab rolled up to the curb and Alder got the door for her. “I’m not sure how Cole’s going to react, but he’ll love the idea of a commercial.”

  She waited until he climbed in on the other side of the backseat, excitement making it hard to sit still. “So you’ll do it? I mean, it’s not a sure thing, but Sophie could represent you for this one time. She’ll get you a great offer.”

  “I’ll do it.” He laughed when she strained against her seatbelt to hug him. “Hopefully, I won’t disappoint you. The only times I’ve ever been in front of a camera is on stage or during interviews. If this commercial is anything like the ones I’ve seen…?”

  She put her hand on his thigh and rested her head on his shoulder. “You’ll do fine. You’ll have me.”

  He leaned over, pressing his lips to her hair. “That’s the only reason I said yes.”

  She smiled, relaxing against him. Their whole relationship had started with a crazy plan to further her career, then continued as a way to bring exposure to both her and the band. She’d been so afraid there’d come a point when she had to choose between him and her ambitions, but so far, life seemed willing to give her both.

  There was no way to know how long that would last, but for now, she’d enjoy every single moment she was allowed to just be happy.

  Jesse pulled off his T-shirt and used it to wipe the sweat from his face, looking over the drum kit Derrick had just finished setting up, nudging Tate’s small black stool over with his foot before nodding with satisfaction and waving the kid off to take a break. If this was an actual show, they’d be dealing with all kinds of audio equipment, but they were sticking with the basics, so now the band was good to go.

  The rest of his men were outside, cracking open a few cold ones, enjoying their last slow day before the band resumed their tour tomorrow, starting with the venue in LA. At least they didn’t have far to go, just the other side of town, but it was a sold out show.

  With twice the press of any they’d done so far, wh
ich Cole had warned him about just an hour ago. Everything had to run smoothly.

  The man was annoying the fuck out of him with his micro-managing, but part of that was probably because Jesse was already in a foul mood. He’d brought Brave to a random motel, away from the rest of the band so whoever was fucking with him wouldn’t have any way to find him. Passionate fans often tracked where the guys were staying and posted online. Which didn’t explain how the crazy son of a bitch leaving sick gifts for Brave had found his damn room, unless he—or she?—was following him.

  Coming to Los Angeles early might have thrown the freak off their trail, but Jesse was still keeping an eye out.

  To the point that he’d slept in the van parked in front of the motel when Brave kicked him out of the damn room.

  He tossed his soaked shirt onto a stack of crates by the loading dock and joined the other roadies, muttering thanks when Skull handed him a cold beer.

  Skull’s eyes narrowed as he studied Jesse’s face. “Trouble in paradise?”

  Jesse snorted, taking a few gulps of beer before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “If you mean we might all be looking for new jobs by the end of this tour? I’d say that’s a good possibility.”

  The older man just laughed. “That bad, is it?”

  Before Jesse could answer, Tate and Malakai ambled over. Malakai hefted himself up onto the edge of the loading dock, while Tate sat right on the asphalt beside the case of the beer, tossing one up to Malakai before helping himself to another.

  Tate looked about as miserable as Jesse felt. He tore the label on his beer to pieces and scowled. “Couldn’t you do something to cheer Brave up, Jesse? Fuck, you had all night.”

  Damn it, Tate. Jesse rolled his eyes as the other roadies looked over at him, all curious. They didn’t know about him and Brave.

  And he really didn’t need them finding out. Skull wouldn’t tell Cole, but the others might.

  “I don’t think he’d appreciate me calling him a hooker, Tate.” Jesse prayed Tate would play along. Or at least keep his mouth shut. “But you’re right. Getting his dick sucked might put him in a better mood. Why don’t you go offer?”

  Tate blinked. Glanced over at Malakai, who shook his head. Then bit his bottom lip. “Brave wouldn’t let me suck his dick. I’ve asked.”

  Two of the roadies choked on their beer and Skull threw his head back, laughing before he leaned over and ruffled Tate’s hair.

  “I love you, kid.” Skull took another swig of beer. “You all need to stop worrying about Brave. He’ll get over it.” The amusement in his eyes grew even brighter as he looked out across the parking lot. “One way or another. Looks like the younger Trousseau brother is on a mission.”

  Jesse tipped his beer to his lips, taking a sip as he watched Alder put his hand out for Danica. Alder glanced over to where Brave was stepping down from the steps of the bus, but he didn’t head in that direction.

  Instead, his gaze locked on Jesse. And he looked fucking pissed.

  Jesse straightened as Alder came toward him. “So let’s hear it. What are your suggestions for security? I’m guessing we’re hiring some more guys? I hope you’ll keep them more informed then you’ve kept me.”

  Ah…okay, that explains it. He held his hand up, shaking his head. “Alder, there’s been a lot going on. I figured Brave would tell you…” He pressed his eyes shut, dropping his head when Alder scowled. He’d known very well Brave wouldn’t tell him shit. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Alder folded his arms over his chest. “Will security be with us before the show tomorrow?”

  “No.” Jesse exchanged a look with Skull, who simply shrugged. Helpful bastard, wasn’t he? “Tank and Skull will be working with me to keep you guys safe. I’m still trying to talk Cole into hiring someone, but he thinks we can manage.”

  “Fuck that. Is he here yet?” Alder’s expression softened as Brave joined them. He turned to his brother. “Look, man, I know things aren’t great between us, but this is different. You’re my brother and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Brave let out a cold laugh. “Isn’t that sweet. I’m fine, little brother. But it looks like your girl has something to say to me.” He glanced over at Danica. “What’s it going to be today, darlin’? You wanna kiss me, or slap me?”

  Her lips parted. She inhaled a slow, even breath, then hiked her chin up. “Neither. I think we understand one another now. And it’s obvious you’re a complete asshole to anyone who’s not willing to kiss your ass, so how about we just agree to be civil?”

  “Civil?” Brave’s eyes narrowed. “You call me an asshole, and you expect me to be civil?”

  She gave him a tight smile. “You called me a bitch. I’d say we’re even.”

  Another car pulled up. Cole stepped out, followed by Madame Courchesne. Both were all smiles.

  “We ready to get started?” Cole asked as if he didn’t notice the obvious tension.

  With a sound of disgust, Brave turned his back on them all and started into the warehouse with Malakai and Tate trailing behind. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Cole shrugged and moved to follow them, but Alder cut him off, meeting the manager’s eyes with a steady gaze.

  “You sent us all a message about security. That still hasn’t been discussed.”

  Glancing over at Jesse, Cole arched a brow as though he was confused. “Jesse, didn’t you tell him our plans?”

  “I did.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled.” Cole moved to step around Alder.

  Alder put his hand on Cole’s arm. “No, it’s not. The roadies have enough to do. You’re going to hire professionals.”

  The pleasant smile on the manager’s lips slipped. He shoved Alder’s hand off his arm. “The band might be doing well, Alder, but you can’t handle the expenses of hiring extra people. I understand your concern, but—”

  “I don’t think you do, but either way, I wasn’t asking Cole. I’m telling you to hire someone.” Alder’s tone was hard, but not like he was angry. There was a determination to his every word. A confidence Jesse had never seen him display before. “With the money I’ll be bringing in doing that commercial with Danica, we can afford it.”

  “I haven’t agreed to—”

  “You don’t have to agree, Cole. You work for us.” Alder’s lips slid into a hard smile. “You might want to remember that.”

  Cole hesitated, staring at Alder like he’d never seen the man before. Then he nodded. “Of course. I’ll make a few phone calls while you guys are rehearsing.”

  “Good.” Alder watched Cole walk away, pulled Danica close to give her a quick kiss, then jumped up onto the loading dock to join the band.

  Danica stood at Jesse’s side, pride in her eyes and she looked over, grinning. She put her hand under Jesse’s chin and he realized his mouth had been open through the whole exchange.

  His cheeks heated.

  She giggled. “Is it just me or is he fucking hot when he’s all take charge?”

  “I’m not sure how to answer that.” He had to admit, he liked this side of Alder. Brave usually gave Cole free reign, but if Alder started calling the manager on his shit?

  The band was at a crossroads. With the stress of the tour and the strain between the brothers, there was no telling whether Winter’s Wrath would survive all the success they’d worked so hard for.

  But Alder stepping up to the plate might be the deciding factor.

  And Danica was right. He had been fucking hot, standing up to Cole like that.

  Jesse chuckled and bumped Danica’s shoulder with his own. “I could say you’re lucky he never pulled anything like that before. And that I’m with Brave. Otherwise, you might have some competition.”

  “Don’t I know it!” She gave him a playful shove. “All right, help me up. And wish me luck. With the mood your man’s in, this should be even more fun then it was yesterday.”

  He put his hands on her hips to lift
her up on the loading dock. Then he paused, trying to find a way to make this a little easier on her. He’d been dealing with these guys for a long time and they still managed to catch him off guard.

  She needed some kind of advantage.

  “You know, Brave might be a jerk sometimes, but he’s proud of the band. He loves the music.” He leaned close, speaking low as the roadies stepped around them to climb up on the dock, probably getting ready to watch the show. “If you let him know you appreciate what he’s doing, he’ll probably be nicer to you.”

  Danica nodded, putting her hands on his shoulders as he picked her up. Standing on the dock, she looked down at him, a tiny smile on her lips. “Thank you, Jesse. I’m not sure I’ve told you how much you being here for me while I’m trying to figure this out means to me.”

  He smiled back at her. “You’re the best thing to happen to Alder in a long time, sweetie. I’m happy he has you.”

  Holding his gaze, Danica’s cheeks reddened. She nodded, then ducked into the warehouse.

  He shook his head, not sure what to make of her acting all shy all of a sudden.

  Chicks are weird.

  As he joined the rest of his men, he caught Danica pulling Brave aside. They talked for a bit, Brave’s expression closed off at first. But then she said something that cracked through his cold detachment and his expression warmed. He asked her something and she nodded enthusiastically.

  Brave strode up to his mic, holding it loosely in his hand before turning to face the rest of the band. “Things have been a bit tense, so let’s do something fun to warm up, all right? We’ve got a request from our beautiful little dancer. A song I don’t even think most of our fans remember we covered on our first tour.”

  He frowned suddenly, looking at the unmanned guitar propped up on the stack of mats between Alder and Malakai.

  “Where the fuck is Connor?”

  “I’m here!” Connor shouted from the parking lot, leaping up onto the loading dock and sprinting across the warehouse. “Sorry, I went for a jog figuring I had plenty of time, but someone put the word out that we’re practicing here and there’s fans blocking the fucking street! Had to sign a few boobs.”


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