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Clothed, Female Figure

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by Kirstin Allio







  5220 Dexter Ann Arbor Rd.

  Ann Arbor, MI 48103

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  CLOTHED, FEMALE FIGURE. Copyright © 2015, text by Kirstin Allio. All rights reserved, except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher: Dzanc Books, 5220 Dexter Ann Arbor Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

  Designed by Steven Seighman

  These stories first appeared, sometimes in slightly different versions, in the following publications: “The Other Woman” in Alaska Quarterly Review; “Millennium” in Denver Quarterly; “Ark” in CURA; “Clothed, Female Figure” in the Iowa Review; “Quetzal” in The Literary Review; “Announcements” in the Louisville Review; “Charm Circle” in Mixer; “Green” in New England Review; “Madrona” in 5Chapters.

  “Clothed, Female Figure” was reprinted in the PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2010.

  First U.S. Edition: August 2016

  ISBN: 978-1-941088-71-5

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  For my mother, Barbara and my mother-in-law, Barbara



  Clothed, Female Figure

  The Other Woman




  Charm Circle


  Still Life




  The summer before the millennium a coin turned through the air against the pewter lungs of a thunderhead. The grass where it would fall—tails up, in a moment—was cool before the torrent. By prior arrangement with myself, I set off for the city. My childhood was full of such solitary games and bargains.

  People were talking about computer bugs, that summer. I pictured the seal-gray clumps of aphids in my mother’s garden and the ants that marched down the brick to milk them.

  I found employment in a Fifth Avenue apartment with a climate of dog’s breath. From the fourteenth floor, the people on the street were as tiny as those aphids.

  I worked under the hot wind of a little silver table fan, putting old auction house catalogs in new order. There was nothing but flat tonic in the refrigerator—it tasted like Freon. A corroded rubber band held the faucet together. The icemaker relinquished a plunk of cubes every quarter hour, and I melted them across my forehead.

  The windows of the apartment were waxy, and had been painted shut in another era. If you pressed up against the glass you could see, as if at the bottom of a secret well, a murky courtyard where a few scorched houseplants had been left for the wife of the doorman. The same way, I thought, the people whose garden my mother had tended left us thin-ply garbage bags of clothing with an envelope that read: PLEASE SIGN ENCLOSED FOR OUR TAX DEDUCTION. I had seen the doorman’s wife—the color of fried plantains, white creases in her bare armpits—pull the plants grimly away on the frame of a rolling suitcase.

  The fleecy dust levitated like milkweed dander on the roadside. The apartment had once been grand, and I half expected to see a ghost gripping a lion’s head cane with a concealed dagger, an antebellum maid with a slow step and a ruffled apron. Instead, slag heaps and cockeyed towers of catalogs, catalogs splayed and spiraled, pried apart with Post-it notes and old pencils.

  Hillary Rice, my employer, worked at an auction house. She used the apartment for the spillover; she joined her husband at their country house in the Hudson Valley on weekends.

  She made ceaseless, jagged forays in and out of the apartment in prim little suits with matching silk scarves in carrot, ginger, hibiscus. The Pernod she drank tinted her blond hair green. From my position on the floor I noticed that despite her blurred complexion and chronic bloating, she possessed perfect ankles. If I raised my eyes I could just make out the skiing scars underneath her sheer stockings.

  She was pleased when I called her. She pegged me as the grateful orphan. “All the immigrants are nannies; the students will sue you for health insurance.” She would hire me immediately to catalog the catalogs.

  Her dog was an incontinent, rat-tailed wheezer the color of city snow (I would soon see) on an avenue. He scuttled behind me, toenails clicking and slipping, licking my sweaty imprints. The catalogs were full of furniture, but few actual pieces dared put their hooves down on the herringbone floors of the apartment. A chair shod in felt instead of iron, the husk of a horsehair sofa in the gallery entrance.

  Once in a while, a bow-tied colleague entered the apartment with my employer. They didn’t so much as nod to me, but I was impressed at first by their solemnity. They huddled worshipfully around a slide projector: a curly maple dressing table with Art Deco cutouts! I got tiny paper cuts on my fingers but the salt of my sweat cauterized them.

  There was a wraparound balcony scrolled in wrought iron, but it was too hot to go out. Agile workmen from another continent flashed smiles and leers as they swung by on scaffolding. I imagined I could smell their thermosy lunches, hear their soda cans crack open. But I was neither friendly nor curious. A week of riding the subway uptown and back down at eight or nine (if she kept me past eight, my employer would begrudgingly offer me one row of her takeout sushi), and I understood, with relief, that in the city you don’t have to make contact. The more people around you, the greater the buffer for your isolation.

  I theorized that the millennium was like the Wizard of Oz—the moment before he reveals himself from behind the curtain.

  I closed my eyes at night and my mind was a corridor—doors opened to room after room filled with antique furniture. An austere Shaker chair atop a lacquered, paneled wardrobe from a Chinese dynasty. A senseless jumble of ottomans and armoires, rockers and floor lamps. Toward morning my dreams quieted and there were intermittent oases around an Oriental rug, a spittoon, a bear skin with glass eyes and ivory molars.

  I was a certified accountant, “between contracts.” I was twenty, white-blond hair the texture of rose petals, still to my waist in the country style, a gardener’s daughter. My mother had worked for the McNamaras, friends, for my purposes, of Hillary Rice. The McNamaras too had a Fifth Avenue apartment, although I had never seen it. My mother had been the resident gardener at their country estate, which was modeled after a chateau of the Loire River Valley. My mother had expended her last year sculpting a floating island in a pebble-bottomed pool dizzy with artificial ripples. Her cracked, square hands had woven the roots of dozens of hothouse belles into a ball of bobbing earth, like a surgeon re-braiding veins, compressing, coaxing them inside a body. The many-tiered bauble of flowers was given its own pair of hummingbirds at a debutante ball during which I passed appetizers.

  The McNamaras let the gardens go for one full year in honor of my mother’s passing. They excused themselves to Europe. When they returned they were eager to throw off the old earthy mantle. Some people in the town protested when I didn’t inherit my mother’s position—there was a spate of letters to the editor. The Mc-Namaras, opined neighbors hotly, would use my mother’s passing as an excuse to reroute the rosemary-edged paths I had grown up playing along; worse, bulldoze the whole thing for a personal golf course. The town felt it had protected my mother, like municipal property. Although, had I stayed, I would also have inherited the wide berth they gave her.

  But the McNamaras had sponsored my course i
n accounting. I saw annuals—lumpen borders of marigold and impatiens—as non-deductible expenses; perennials were low-yield bonds. I took a few potted ancestors from the greenhouse behind the garage, humid with photosynthesis. My mother would have wanted me to have aloe vera for burns and rosemary—musky, stalwart, my namesake—for remembrance.

  Having tossed my coin, I left the McNamaras with their year of weeds and leaves and undivided irises. I guess you’d say the garden’s fully depreciated, I told Mr. McNamara. Our formal interview was over. “The accounting courses have taken root, then, Rosemary.” He flared his nostrils at his pun but, just like my mother, I gave no sign of understanding.

  I shared a studio apartment in the west Twenties with an anonymous roommate. She was a mutt: part waitress, part potteress, part student. She had the loft bed and I curled like a fern into the moldy pullout sofa. When fully extended the sofa blocked the kitchen sink, and so my roommate installed her coffee maker in the bathroom. I always plugged it back in when I finished blow-drying; this was the extent of the relationship. There was no shower, but the tub was gallantly rigged by the super with a chopped-off hose from a long-gone back garden. My roommate was industrious enough to locate a spray nozzle, and I donated the curtain. Indeed, our place was called the garden apartment, for it looked onto a postage stamp of a courtyard. We listed toward the one window with an accordion grate upon whose chipping sill my mother’s houseplants teetered.

  Old ladies let their cats out in the “garden” and a single slender tree dropped thorns on the concrete. If I couldn’t sleep I went to the window and watched the neighbor with the chronically overstuffed mailbox smoking in an undershirt in the first gray light of morning.

  I discovered a bar on a side street with a row of tired awnings. The drinks were three dollars, which fit my budget. I couldn’t find a name anywhere, a dreamlike aspect that appealed to me. My calm increased until I could measure the exact tick, tock of my heartbeat.

  Sometimes I watched the door for hours, until the dulled metal seemed to rub off like a silver lottery card you scratch with a penny. My mother drank California wine at noon and again in the evening. I squinted down the bar to count ice cubes in sweaty cocktails. I remembered how the floor of her little pickup truck rolled with empty bottles.

  My mother was sunk in a clearing called Crepe Myrtle. The road became dirt, then two mud tracks, a path, a set of footprints, until it untwisted in the cemetery. My mother’s ankles, in contrast to Hillary Rice’s, had been starchy and tuberous as Jerusalem artichokes. The skin on her throat folded four ways like an envelope. The McNamaras wrote me a letter saying that for twenty years they had urged her to wear sunblock. And P.S., skin cancer has a heritability rate of X percent, Rosemary. I left my mother’s wide-brimmed straw hat with the blue jay feather in a carefully cultivated pink quince thicket.

  The first time I addressed my employer by her name, she let out a strangled chirp and jumped back like a titmouse.

  I was quiet for several weeks afterward.

  But I began to notice that I wasn’t getting anywhere. The sorting became resorting, reshuffling. It’s called a circular reference, when the numbers get tangled and loop. A human error the formula can’t account for. Numbers don’t behave like that on their own. My mother had laughed when I told her the things I learned in accounting. The nurse, alarmed, retreated, and the doctor reading charts by the window began to fidget with his earlobe. My mother’s laugh was too loud for someone who was dying.

  “Sotheby’s, ’91,” Hillary Rice pointed. “Over here. And here,” she jabbed, “Christie’s. Parlor furnishings.” Sometimes a catalog demanded membership to two, or more, categories, and my employer flipped her stiff green hair between adjacent piles before she signaled. None were discarded.

  “1999 will look so quaint in a few months,” remarked my employer.

  My mother was in charge of forty acres. No mule. I trailed behind her. When I was old enough to go to school the McNamaras arranged for the bus to come out to their property. I guess they were glad to get something for their taxes. When the emptied bus returned me to the dungeon-like entrance, I punched in the code on the alarm pad and watched the gate slowly stretch open. There was my mother surveying the pithy stalks of hydrangeas, pushing mulch over peonies.

  Blooms browned and wilted and dropped to become compost for the very plant they came from. Winter turned mulch into a new layer of skin, a matted web through which the anemones poked up albino feelers. My mother raised her own vegetables, too, before she got sick, and sold them in town off her truck in the summer.

  I thought of the nurse who had shown me how to rub my mother’s purple feet for circulation.

  “But you never get ahead in gardening,” the nurse was saying.

  We each held a foot so dense with blood it felt boneless. The nurse had demonstrated how to go around the ankle in a figure eight. My mother made an unfamiliar noise in her throat and I wondered if she could hear us. There were layers of voices in the hospital. My mother trying to clear her throat was the sound of a caveman. A static-filled page emanated from the ceiling and the nurse fled us. My mother looked a hundred. A dark, twisted-up root with the little root hairs still clinging.

  Once, the McNamaras sent flowers. Not flowers from the garden, but chilled carnations the color of antacid tablets. I grabbed them out of the vitamin-enriched water and stuffed them in “biohazard.” My mother made the noise again and her eyes tensed like she was passing a very bright sun in another solar system.

  Hillary Rice began to talk in short yaps directed at some point on the blank wall behind me. “I’ll be staying here this weekend.” The dog had stopped going to her when she talked. He licked my calf contentedly. “You’ll have to get the upholstered dining sets out of the bedroom.” She did not mean real furniture. I suddenly realized I had never wondered where she slept during the week, and whether she took the dog with her.

  When I came in on Monday the apartment smelled of cucumber bath wash and sweet, beige face powder. There were no food smells. I couldn’t imagine Hillary cooking. Instead of chiseled pumps she wore tasseled slippers. I heard the icemaker in the kitchen bang out another glass worth.

  Now I was fairly certain my work sorting catalogs had no cumulative intent, so I began to clock in at the bar on a daily basis. I sat on a stool, a neighborhood regular (the college kids sprawled in booths; I became old for my age at my mother’s passing), and the bartender exchanged my melted drink for a new one without asking. I admired his mental calculations, the column of subtraction from a twenty slapped down on the bar by a peremptory patron. The couple next to me had come in with a bunch of Easter lilies from a bodega wrapped in white paper, and the bartender gave them a beer pitcher with water. The fragrance of the big, white flowers overpowered the bar smell of smoke and vinegar. I thought of telling my mother that every night they trucked flowers in through the tunnels.

  Stepping into the dim of the bar was like entering winter. There was no work in winter. When my mother had carted away the Christmas wreaths and laurel roping we were free till March. My mother went to my teachers in her heavy boots, broad, chapped cheeks, and handed them the note that either I or Setta McNamara had written. Please give Rosemary the lessons she’ll be missing.

  There was something fierce and forceful in my mother’s shyness—as I innocently named it—so that the schoolgirls with whom I missed forming friendships avoided me in the warm weather also.

  I learned that regulars called the bar The Sign because there was none. But inside, the walls were plastered with bizarre and truncated language. I had to shut my eyes against the Lysol-slick graffiti in the bathroom. New York City slang was no different from the slang on the inside of the stalls at gas stations, rest stops anywhere across America. My mother used to come in with me and block the door with no lock, lopsided hinges. We never mentioned the women at the mirrors, patting on makeup, plumping a hairdo. She treated my long hair like a plant. Watering and dead-heading but never stylin

  The bartender’s name was Joe and he gave me a Greek coffee boiled in a copper pot. It was so thick and sweet it cut through the drinking. I noticed he bit his nails to the quick at the old-fashioned register. Once I tried to talk, offering up my employer, the overwarm, custardy smell of her dog. I offered up my mother, who had been fifty years old when she had me. She was raped in her own vegetable garden in the late fall, pulling out bean vines and the leftover tangles of tomatoes.

  One hell-hot day toward September I felt Hillary Rice’s gaze upon me. My movements down among the piles became haphazard, so that I had to stop and acknowledge her. She chinked her nails against the chlorine-colored Pernod and water.

  Up to now she had voiced no complaints about my work. It crossed my mind she might have finally detected my heart wasn’t in it.

  “We can thank Setta McNamara,” she said slyly.

  Did she still think of me as grateful? To be safe, I kept my eyes trained on the catalogs.

  “I’d like you to start answering the phone for me.” My employer tapped her foot as if she were agitated by her own performance. “I’d like you to say, ‘Hillary Rice’s office.’ You should drop whatever you’re doing and answer.”

  “Sure,” I said, on a level with her razor shin bones.

  “Do you talk to Setta?”

  Her shoes themselves were furniture. I tracked the white stitching in leather.

  If the town had more or less “allowed” my mother to raise a child, and the McNamaras provided a stipend, then everyone had stayed silent on it—for my sake, it occurred to me—until my mother’s passing. Suddenly it seemed like a great gift, even though I knew it had been granted more out of embarrassment than benevolence.


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