Revival From Below
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Sabiri Chishtis, 69, 209, 231n61
Saharanpur, 37, 42, 51, 94, 97, 149, 152, 153
Saharanpuri, Khalil Ahmad, 11, 17, 25, 42, 52–53, 66–69, 68, 264n108
sainthood, Sufi (walayat), 27, 132, 134–35. See also saints, Sufi
saints, Sufi: Ahmad Raza Khan and, 8; Catholicism comparison, 132; death anniversary celebrations (‘urs), 2, 11, 26; ethical sainthood, 131–37; Haqqani muftis on, 209; lay Muslims as, 131–37; miracles (karamat) and, 209; as moral exemplars, 27; sacred genealogies of, 216; shirk and, 56–57, 87–89; spiritual connections (nisbat) with, 71, 125, 209. See also shrines, Sufi saints’
Sakhi Sarwar, 208
Salafi movement, 18, 62, 213, 223n46
Salat prayer, 68, 77, 170, 176–77, 236n9
Saliji, Ebrahim, 256n49
Salomon, Noah, 183
salvation, 6, 11, 19, 20, 42, 45, 53–54, 58, 86, 107–8, 111, 116, 123, 138, 155
Sanskrit language, 43, 44
Sanyal, Usha, 240n65
Saraswati, Dayananda, 37
al-Sarraj, Abu Nasr, 13
Sayyid Ahmad Barelvi. See Barelvi, Sayyid Ahmad
Schimmel, Annemarie, 119
Schmitt, Carl, 5, 140
Scott, J. Barton, 117–18
secularity: in colonial India, 32–34, 48–54; defined, 32; “secular” knowledge, 41, 48–54
Seekings, Jeremy, 266n24
selfhood: fatwas (legal opinions) and, 48; Iqbal on, 15; liberated from base qualities (akhlaq-i razila), 27, 120; in Sufi ethics, 118–23. See also nafs (lower self)
Sema, Qasim, 168–71
seminary. See madrasas
Shafi‘, Mufti Muhammad, 11, 20, 57, 73, 88, 147, 225n72
Shafi‘i law: Dar al-‘Ulum Newcastle and, 169; Dar al-‘Ulum Zakariyya and, 170–71; at local madrasas, 166, 217; Qasim al-‘Ulum and, 169–70
Shah Jahan, Emperor of the Mughal Empire, 81
Shah Noorani terrorist attack, 208
Shakkar, Farid al-Din Ganj-i, 211, 231n61
Shams-i bazigha (Mulla Mahmud Jaunpuri), 37
Shari‘a: Ahrar movement and, 192–95; Barelvis/Deobandis comparison on, 8; bid‘a and, 56–58, 60, 109; ethics and, 120–21; Hanafi law and, 74–76; intentionality and, 78; jihad and, 200–201; knowledge of, 85, 110; lay Muslims’ understandings of, 111–14; Muslim distinction under, 104; public good (maslaha) under, 78–79; rationale for mandates of, 113; Shari‘at ya jahalat (Shari‘a or ignorance) (M.P. Haqqani), 174; standing in reverence of the Prophet (qiyam), 72; shirk and, 59–61; Sufism and, 11, 27, 122–23, 143; Tablighi Jama‘at and, 154; Thanvi on, 74; Uprising of 1857 and, 36; ‘urs and, 85–88. See also Islamic law
Shari‘at ya jahalat (Shari‘a or ignorance) (M.P. Haqqani), 174
Sharpeville Massacre of 1960, 179
Shatibi, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Musa, 57, 58, 60, 74, 213
Shi‘a: commemorations of ‘Ashura, 103; Dawoodi Bohra sect, 164; Deobandi anti-Shi‘a sentiment, 103, 184; Ja‘far al-Sadiq, 101; leaders in Iran, 184; Nanautvi as critic of, 37; ta‘ziya, 228n20
shirk (beliefs or practices that compromise integrity of God’s oneness): Bilhauri on, 63–64; defined, 56–57; discourse of, 26; M. Isma‘il on, 59, 60–61, 63; Nu‘mani on, 60; prostration towards persons as, 86, 244n152; ta‘ziya, 35, 87, 228n20; qiyam and, 69; as threat to normative order, 55
shrines, Sufi saints’: approach to destruction of, 210; attacks on, 9, 211; devotions at, 56–64; sense of place and, 215–16; sense of time and, 215
Shuayb (prophet), 17
Sikand, Yoginder, 41
Sikhs, 58, 203
al-Simnani, ‘Ala ad-Dawla, 131–32
Sinai Peninsula militant attack, 207
Sindhi, ‘Ubaidallah, 203
Sirhindi, Ahmad, 18, 126, 134, 144, 247n23
Six Points (che batein) program, 150, 152, 260n43
Smith, Barbara Herrnstein, 23
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 2
“sobriety” (sahw), 13
sola scriptura, 213
Solomon, Hassan, 184
Soofie, Abdur Rauf, 186
Soweto Uprising of 1976, 179–80, 181
spatiality, 140, 216
spiritual connection (nisbat), 125, 209
spiritual energy. See faiz
standing in reverence of the Prophet. See qiyam
stare decisis principle, 47
Starrett, Gregory, 12
Stilt, Kristen, 44–45
Strawson, John, 233n83
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, 33
Sudan, 15, 188
Sufi devotional practices: critiques of, 65–91, 207–11; ISIS attacks on, 208; kramats, 163; normative disorder and, 55–56; support for in South Africa, 187–90, 211; violence and, 211. See also mawlud
Sufism: apolitical quietism and, 205; classical, 13–14; contested nature of, 2–3, 5–6, 14–16, 210; Dar al-‘Ulum Haqqaniyya (Akora Khattak, Pakistan) scholars’ thoughts on, 208–9; defining, 7–8, 12–13; Deobandis’ alleged hatred of, 9, 208; Deobandis’ conception of, 2–3, 9, 27, 116–37; ethics and, 20, 27, 29, 34, 119–23; in the modern world, 11–16; politics of defining, 12; rhetoric of decline, 214; Shari‘a and, 27, 119–23; Sufi ethics as obligatory in Deobandi thought, 128–31; Taliban and, 208, 210; as “tradition,” 20. See also khanqah (Sufi lodge), Sufi devotional practices, suhbat (companionship, in Sufism)
“Sufism” (poem) (Iqbal), 15
suhbat (companionship, in Sufism), 22, 27, 28, 116, 123–28, 139, 209
Suhrawardi, Abu Hafs Umar, 146, 255n22
Suhrawardi order, 4, 128, 148, 150, 208
Sultan Jahan Begam, Nawab of Bhopal, 66–67
Sunna: bid‘a (illicit innovation) as opposite of, 56–57, 60, 80; Deobandis and, 22, 24; embodiment of, 117–18, 123–28; Gangohi on, 18, 57; normative order and, 56–57, 60, 80, 85; revivification of, 5, 18, 25, 27; Sunni legal sources, 57, 75, 111; Thanvi on, 19, 112–13; as tradition, 5, 20
Sunni Ittehad Council, 272n8
Sunni Jamiatul Ulama, 178
Sunni Razvi Society, 174–75
Suyuti, Jalal al-Din, 66
Sviri, Sara, 116–17
Syed, Jawad, 273n25
Tablighi Jama‘at: in 1950s and 60s, 168–69; Dar al-‘Ulums in South Africa and, 168–71; Faza’il-i a‘mal (Virtuous deeds) (M.Z. Kandhlavi), 176; M.H. Gangohi and, 153–54; as global reformist movement, 10–11, 149–59; Ilyas and, 10–11, 25, 115, 139, 140, 149–56, 197; M.Z. Kandhlavi and, 25, 168–69, 176; in South Africa, 168–69, 176, 185–87, 216–17; Tablighi-Barelvi clashes, 159, 174–75, 180, 185–87, 263n90; view of time and history, 216. See also Ilyas, Muhammad
tajdid (renewal): islah (reform) and, 18, 19, 224n60; mujaddid (renewer) and, 18; Thanvi and, 19; ‘ulama, role of in, 19
Taliban: attitudes toward Sufism within, 210; Bamiyan Buddhas destruction, 210; Deobandi roots of, 2, 10, 208; Pakistani Taliban attacks on Sufi shrines, 208
Ta‘lim al-Islam (Instruction in Islam) (Kifayat Allah), 109
Taqwiyyat al-iman (Strengthening the faith) (M. Isma‘il), 59–64, 174
Tarabulusi, Husayn ibn Muhammad, 228n17
Tarde, Gabriel, 247n24
Taussig, Michael T., 211
tawaf (circumambulation), 8, 81, 83, 85–87, 102, 143, 209, 237n24, 244n152
tawhid (unity of God), 57, 59–60, 71, 87, 92, 182, 200, 265n19
Taylor, Charles, 118
Tayob, Abdulkader, 166–67, 259n32
Tayyib, Qari Muhammad, 28, 139–40, 141–49, 151, 153, 158–59, 160–61, 171–73, 178, 204, 257n75, 261n70
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), 208
texts: dangers for lay Muslims, 93, 104–5, 110–15; ijaza (permission to transmit a text in Islamic education), 22; knowledge transmission and, 22–24, 38; orality and, 38; publics and, 97–100, 105–15; print culture and, 107–10
Thanvi, Ashraf ‘Ali: overview, 24, 73; appointment of qazis and, 47; on chilla (Sufi retreat), 272n14; critiques of mawlud, 73–80; Desai, appropriation of argument
s of by, 196–202; early life, 73; Gangohi and, 26, 64, 72, 73, 75; on gentleness (narmi), 157; Imdad Allah and, 70–71, 73–74; importance and influence of, 14, 24, 25; Islahi nisab (The reformist program), 17; at Madrasa Faiz-i ‘Amm, 240n65; M.M. Khan and, 25, 180; on modernity, 34; modernity and, 215; obligatory/non-obligatory aspects of fasting, 56; Pledge of the Tree, 74; politics of, 24, 190–96; on prostration, 86, 244n152; public reform project of, 105–8; as reactionary, 215; religious/secular binary and, 53; as renewer (mujaddid), 19; on salvation, 19; S.A. ‘Usmani and, 196; ‘ulama, importance of, 17, 104–5, 110–14
thought collective (Denkkollektiv), 23
transnational solidarity, 29, 184
Trevelyan, Charles, 44
Truth Wins (Okarvi), 175
Turner, Bryan, 132
Twining, Thomas, 43
Ukeles, Raquel Margalit, 58
unbelief. See kufr
unbeliever (kafir), 42, 64, 90, 100
United Democratic Front (UDF), 183, 266n24
unity of God. See tawhid
Urdu language: ‘awamm (lay Muslims) and, 6, 14, 24, 55; Deobandi-Barelvi polemics and, 176; Deobandi works and, 20, 58–59; Thanvi and, 19, 24, 28, 222n36; translations into, 222n36, 228n17, 246n11, 253n63, 253n76, 254n10, 261n66
‘urs (saint’s death anniversary): attacks during, 208; Cape Mazaar Society and, 163; Deobandi-Barelvi polemics and, 161, 174; Deobandi critiques of, 2, 26, 64, 67, 80–89, 109, 174; of Mu‘in al-Din Chishti, 81, 94, 165, 211; Thanvi on, 87; visibility of, 12
‘Usmani, Muhammad Rafi‘, 210
‘Usmani, Muhammad Taqi, 11, 17–18, 137, 144–49, 195, 215
‘Usmani, Shabbir Ahmad, 89–90, 167, 196
‘Usmani, Zafar Ahmad, 119, 262n75
‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, 74–75
‘ulama: authority of, 5, 29, 211; colonial modernity and, 32; contempt for, 35; custodial view of, 8, 9, 26, 27, 34, 40, 44; defined, 5; Deoband identity and, 11, 13, 32; fatwas (legal opinions) and, 48; indispensability of, 22–23, 27; as medieval relics, 17; in Muslim public life, 6, 16–20, 35; Orientalists’ view of, 9; overview of role, 26; patronage networks, 40–41, 43; privatization of, 34, 40; public critiques and, 212; public polemics and, 12; reform and, 19, 26–27; as religious experts, 40–45, 49–50; in renewal (tajdid), 19. See also suhbat (companionship, in Sufism); specific ‘ulama
virtues. See faza’il
Voll, John O., 224n60
al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn ‘Abd, 9, 66, 89, 236n6
Wahhabism, 9, 66, 89, 90–91
wajd (ecstasy, in Sufism), 35, 95, 96
walayat (Sufi sainthood), 27, 132, 134–35. See also saints, Sufi
wali (ally/friend/protector) concept, in Qur’an, 27, 133–35
Wali Allah, Shah, 7, 18, 36, 37, 41, 58, 65, 67, 84, 114, 144, 145, 147–48, 228n24, 231n63
Ware, Rudolph T., 226n80
Warner, Michael, 98
War on Terror, 2, 12
Waterval Islamic Institute, 175, 260n43
What is Islam? (Ahmed), 223n52
World Ulema Unity Week, 184
Ya‘qub, Muhammad, 37–38
Young Men’s Muslim Association, 177
Zaidi, Abbas, 273n25
Zaman, Muhammad Qasim, 6, 53, 63, 113, 203, 225n75, 241n88, 245n173, 249n73
zehni varzish (mental exercise), 41
zikr (Sufi meditative practices): fatwas (legal opinions) and, 209; Hamidi on, 264n104; Ilyas on, 150, 152; in Tablighi nisab, 260n43; Thanvi on, 130–31; zikr haddadi, 209, 272n13; zikr halqa, 187–90, 202
ziyarat (visiting saints’ graves), 14, 80–89
zuhd (Sufi asceticism), 21, 120, 121, 131