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Raven (A Very British Witch Book 4)

Page 20

by Isobella Crowley

  “I was thinking while you were asleep, can all witches turn themselves into animals or is it just some witches?”

  Raven sat on Scarlett’s stomach. “Only some.”

  “Do you think I could do it?”

  Though Raven appeared to be giving it some thought, her tone gave her away. “Well, you still have a lot to learn, don’t you?”

  “Can Aunt Tabitha?” she grinned, “I imagine her as a horse.”

  Raven shook her head. “No. At least I don’t think so anyway. She’s more of a herb witch, not a shapeshifting witch.”

  Scarlett asked without blinking, “oh, so there are different types of witches?”


  Scarlett grinned and craned her neck forward. “How many types are there?”

  Raven shrugged. “I’ve no idea. Lots, that’s all I know.”

  “And this shapeshifting is an entirely different kettle of fish to Ronnie?”

  Raven grinned. “Yes. Ronnie’s not a witch, is he? He’s a were.”

  Scarlett shook her head, wondering if she needed more sleep. “Oh, of course!”


  The Previous Night

  Malaprop’s Bookstore, Bicester, England

  Tarquin stepped into the bookstore, switched on the light and squinted. It didn’t take long for his eyes to adjust to the bright light. Still, he found it hard to focus. Walking through the shop and into the back room, he replayed the events of the previous night in his mind’s eye for what must have been close to the thousandth time since he’d said goodbye to the others.

  By the time he switched on the light in the back room, his eyes had fully adjusted and he was able to examine the contents of his bookcase from the doorway. Moving forward, he bent down and pulled out the leftmost book from the bottom shelf.

  Now, where is it? He flicked through the book, his eyes skimming the pages. He hated opening these books, despite the fact that he found them fascinating. If it hadn’t been for Scarlett, they’d be coated in dust, moths flying out all over the place.

  There was something to raise his eyebrows at on each and every page, but the one thing he needed to find remained elusive. After flicking through the book again, more carefully this time, he still came up empty. He replaced the book on the shelf and pulled out the next. He’d only reached the second or third page when he read a paragraph that brought Raven to mind. Again.

  There was just something about that cat that was worrying. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. It had been niggling at him all night, keeping him awake. In the end, he’d decided he’d had enough and come to the bookshop to read up on the matter.

  Whilst the information he’d read so far had helped focus his mind, he still hadn’t found the answer. Looking down at the vast array of information on the bottom shelf, he sighed.

  He bent down, put the second book back on the shelf and repeated the process with the third. By the time he’d worked his way halfway across the shelf, his eyes were stinging and his head was a tired blur. He was obviously in no fit state to absorb this much information. If he didn’t find what he was looking for in this book, he was going to go home and try to get some sleep.

  In a desperate attempt to make it a successful journey, he picked up one last book and made an extra effort to read each page as diligently as he could. In truth, he was absorbing only half of it. He was nearing the end and starting to think more seriously about heading home, when he found it. He walked across the room, stood directly under the light and raised the book to eye level to read the text, analyzing each and every word. His entire body froze.

  It was a good five minutes before he’d recovered sufficiently to think about the best course of action. He took out his phone, found Tabitha’s number and set his thumbs to work.

  Tabitha, I’ve found something. We must meet first thing in the morning. We may have a problem.

  A Mewsage from Raven the Cat

  Hello, Raven the Cat here.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed my friend Scarlett's mewsterious adventures so far... she's alright, for a human.

  Now I know what you're thinking, a talking cat is just plain odd, but a lot of strange things happen in Bicester, so I fit in quite purrfectly.

  Scarlett has asked me to keep you up to date on all the goings-on in town while she's busy solving mewsteries, so if you’d like to register for updates, please visit:

  From time to time I'll send you an email telling you about her new stories. It's no bother to me, we cats love the warmth of a laptop ... well any lap, really.

  Additionally, if you have any feedback for Scarlett, please don't hesitate to pass that on through me. All you need to do is hit reply to any of my emails.

  I process every message purrsonally.

  Looking forward to hearing from you,

  Raven the Familiar

  (on behalf of Scarlett)

  P.S. Sometimes emails can be funny things... You may want to keep an eye on your junk filters.

  Author notes: Izzie Crowley

  Austin, Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019

  Thank yous

  Thank you for reading all the stories to this one, and then also taking the time to read these author notes too.

  I say this each time, but without you, there would be no point in spending the time to write these books. It’s because of you that I get to write these stories, and for that I am truly grateful.

  I’d also like to send out massive gratitude to you if you have taken the time to review this on Amazon. Reviews are SUPER important for helping other readers decide what to read, but also in getting Amazon to show the options to more people in the search results.

  The success of a series really does depend on the quality of the reviews.

  I am truly grateful to everyone who has taken the time to write a five star review. Thank you so much!

  With that in mind I would like to say a special thank you to all the reviewers (at time of writing) for the first three books:

  Scarlett: Terrence Walsh, Sunny Lady, Mandi, Mike, JMN4555, Fren, JMN4555, TonyJ, Michael Stranathan, S. Williams, A. Zdunczyk, Judith Wiseman, RFK267, T Jaxon, Biker, Cyndi Goss, Theresa Schnake, CaeriNZ, Dennis, Steve, S. Petersen, Mark Plough 1, Krystyna, George Lawson, John, Walwyn 124C41, Sara L. Skroh, Krys Prendergast, and Andrew Wright.

  Jade: Mandi, TonyJ, JMN4555, Kris Prendergast, A. Zdunczyk, George Lawson, Judith Wiseman, Steve, Richard Leach, and Sara L. Skroh

  Mauve: Sara L. Skroh, Steve, TonyJ, Kris Prendergast, JMN4555, Richard F. Ward, A.Zdunczyk, Judith Wiseman, John, and Richard Leach

  I’d like to say a special thank our JIT team. (Just In Time). I super appreciate everything you have done to help get this manuscript in good working order. Thank you for caring, and thank you for your efforts. I deeply appreciate you. <3

  I’d also like to thank Ell Leigh Clarke for patiently steering me through the challenges of writing and publishing. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks Ell!

  Locks, Stocks and New Skills on the Horizon

  You may have noticed that Scarlett and her friends end up doing more than your average amount of lock-picking for supposedly law-abiding citizens. I thought locks were normal obstacles that they would realistically face… and even though we’re talking about a world of vamps and were and witches and sorcerers, I try to keep some elements of the real world in the mix.

  And I thought it was going to be fine.

  Until the JIT were part way through reviewing book 2 and I realized we were getting a lot of comments about the realism around the lock picking. Apparently I was getting it wrong! My tension holders were in the wrong place and it was basically a mess. Luckily there were a few individuals on the team who, for reasons that will remain deliberately vague, have lots of experience with picking locks.

  And so began the conversations around how I should learn to pick locks -IRL. (In. Real. Life!)

  It seems that there has been a growing cons
ensus amongst the JIT folks for the last few books that this is something I should take up as a hobby… not because I can’t write the story without it – they assure me - but because they think it will be fun!

  Personally, I think they just want to see me learning to do something that is somewhat dubious. You know, book worm gone bad or something.

  Needless to say, it’s on my list for this year.

  To be honest, I’ve been kind of encouraged by watching the US version of Sherlock – “Elementary”.

  Lock picking is one of the first things that he teaches Watson, and it shows up quite often in terms of them practicing, and competing, and actually being quite adept at using the skill in the field. I’m kinda inspired. So inspired, in fact, that when one of the JIT guys told me I could get kits off Amazon I went a searching and have book marked a few.

  Don’t be surprised if I actually get onto this.

  But if you have an opinion either way, feel free to hit me up on my Facebook page, or in the reviews. If enough people are passionately for it, I’ll make it more of priority… And perhaps I’ll even post some of my efforts – though I’m not sure how much there is to see when all the gubbins if happening inside…

  Anyway - on the show, they also have a thing about getting out of handcuffs. Now, I’m not the kinda gal to go getting into any type of trouble, but that’s got to be a handy skill for anyone to have. Just in case. Right?

  Watch this space ;)

  Don’t judge me. I’ve had wine.

  A friend of mine was coming into town the other day for a family event. She got in the night before everything got going and suggested we meet up. Of course I was thrilled to, and on the afternoon of her arrival I waited patiently for her flight to land and for her to message me that she was on her way from the airport.

  (I don’t drive so I wouldn’t have been any help to her in fetching her, and she needed a rental for getting around for the rest of the trip).

  Anyway, I got in from the gym, showered and figured that I should hold off eating since we’d be hanging out and probably eating when she got in. That was the plan. However, I had supplements to take.

  My message to her, which didn’t go through because she was on a plane:

  Izz: Don’t judge me. I’ve had wine. I needed to take tablets.

  Friend: Yes – they go down better with wine.


  Plus, wine makes one super tipsy when one has exercised and not eaten! Fun times :)


  Every now and again I have my nails done. You know, the gel stuff that lasts a couple of weeks and then needs taking off before it peels. It’s too much of a time suck to do constantly, but for traveling and events it’s kinda nice.

  I’ve been going to the same place on and off since I arrived in Austin, and on numerous occasions I’ve ended up chatting with the girl who works on the reception desk. I swear, this chick is so humorous she belongs on tv.

  Or at least talk radio.

  She’s reminds me so much of Jennifer Lawrence it’s almost surreal talking with her.

  Anyway, I enjoy our conversations. She’s super entertaining.

  After my recent appointment I noticed the billing on my card wasn’t right. I have the company cell number on my phone because we’ve been back and forth on appointment stuff previously. So, I messaged her to see if she could check it out. She confirmed the issue and said she’d sort it out in the morning because she needed the manager to approve it.

  “Great!” I told her. “Thanks so much.”

  I got on with my evening and forgot about the whole thing knowing it’s handled.

  The next day I was swamped with meetings and noticed a strange message flash up on my phone. It wasn’t until much later that I got the chance to look at it.

  This was the message (from an unstored number):

  ***picks up payphone, dials number, waits for answer***

  It’s done.

  ***Hangs up phone, walks away***

  That was the whole text.

  I laughed so hard.

  The next time I saw her we arranged to do drinks. I think we’re going to be fast friends.

  Love Izzie xo

  Author notes: Ell Leigh Clarke

  Austin, Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019

  Thank yous

  Hey there. I’d like to echo Izzie’s thanks for reading the stories and getting all the way through to our humble author notes. It’s true what she says – without you, there would be no stories. No reason to write. No reason to dream.

  You make this all possible. Nay, necessary!

  So thank you for making this happen. <3

  Our JIT team of volunteers have been super awesome in helping to get this series off the ground, and keeping it running while we continue to put out other books in other series. I’m forever in their debt for their kind care and attention to making sure we put out the best product we can. Truly folks – thank you!

  As I mentioned last time, JIT means Just In Time. They step in after the manuscript has been written and edited to help catch any last-minute issues.

  If you have an eagle eye for typos and you’d like to join our special team of readers who help us do the quality check before we put things out, we’d love to have you. Just hit me up with a message on Facebook and we’ll go from there. We’ve already welcomed a number of new folks into the fold since publishing the last book, and we always consider ourselves fortunate to have folks who have enjoyed the series want to be more involved.

  As we produce more series and have more collaborators join us down the line there is only going to be more to do. If this sounds like your kind of jive, I’d love to welcome you on board! :)

  Dental Escapades, continued

  I you’ve read any of the The Ascension Myth (Sci-fi) books, you will have seen the saga in my author notes that I’ve had with getting tons of dental work done since I arrived in the US.

  Part of the problem may have been UK dentistry, but I think a big chunk of it has been just genetics. Apparently you inherit your teeth (issues and all) from your mother. My mum has lots of teeth problems, as does my little brother.

  Anyway, visits to the dentists over here in the US have yielded much humor, and some trauma… which have necessarily been converted into humor for your entertainment.

  About 9 months ago I has some crowns and another root canal done here in Austin. Things were going ok, or so I thought, but then the root canal never settled down. I think I went back to the practice about three times after the treatment, telling them about the pain. The guy said that it was fine, it wasn’t infected, and to just let it be and it will settle.

  That, as I said, was nine months ago.

  This week, having returned from the trip that I was waiting to get out of the way for the last several weeks, and the pain having got to the point where it was an annoyance more often than it wasn’t, I decided to chase up an endodontist practice that I had been in touch with several months ago. They hadn’t responded to my last email and I got busy, but now I needed to do something about it.

  After calling them and realizing that they were going to try and charge me over 40% more than I had been paying in LA(!) I found another practice. I had the appointment this morning.

  They confirmed that there was a shoddy job done by the first dentist here in Austin and that I should get my money back on a bunch of it. They also made some adjustments to the crown that had been bothering me and already it feels miles better.

  However, during the examination, one of the other dentists was talking to someone in the corridor. “Have you even seen the Statue of Liberty?” he asked in a loud voice.

  One of the female assistants giggled.

  “I can’t believe you haven’t seen Chicago. Call yourself an American?”

  I started giggling forcing my dentist to stop poking with the instruments in my mouth. His assistant started laughing, and evidently he couldn’t help but join in.

Dr. Cook,” he said, by way of explanation.

  We got talking about movie musicals, and I recommended he watch “My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”- a tv show with musical elements. He seemed to like the title, and agreed to watch it just on the basis of that – even though there are a hundred more hilarious reasons to watch it.

  If you’re into comedy, and tv shows, I’d recommend watching it if you haven’t already seen it. It’s super profound and actually educational. I learned a lot from it, about how people are, and I think most folks would too.

  Anyway, he promised to watch it. I’m sure I’ll have more to update you on after future visits.

  100 Books

  Last month I was hanging out with the same friend who had originally recommended “My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” to me. She’s super smart, well read, opinionated… and not called Amy! (You might know from Patreon and fb that Amy is one of my other friends that fit all those above criteria).

  Anyway, this other friend is called Claire.

  Over dinner last month she told me about how she was just a few books away from completing her reading goal: to read 100 books that year.

  It’s sounds like it’s a bit of a club.

  Like Mensa, but less of an organization.

  Anyway, she was explaining about all the good things that happen to your brain and mood when you read. She told me that Bush (Jr) read 100 books a year, even when he was in office. (It sounded like the media portrayal of him was inaccurate – quelle surprise).

  As you may already know, I don’t read. Not unless it’s something I need to know for business or the art of writing better stories. If it doesn’t directly help me, I just don’t prioritize it… and it’s been a running joke in the indie community about how I could write and publish successfully without being an avid reader.

  My excuse was always about prioritizing my time. If I’m reading, for example, I’m not writing. Also, after a day of churning out words, sitting and reading is the last thing my body or brain want to do.


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