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Five Star Desire

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by Jacquelin Thomas

  He’s the best man for the job—and her heart!

  Kellen Alexander is all set to take his rightful place in his family’s dazzling Beverly Hills hotel empire. But the aspiring architect finds himself up against a major obstacle…. Her name is Addison Evans, and she has the position Kellen wants! Worse, the petite beauty is arousing a scorching passion that could cost him his entire career.

  On the fast track to success, Addison is determined to prove to the Alexanders she has what it takes. Her attraction to their sexy younger son could derail all her ambitions, especially after one night together leaves them both wanting more. Suddenly, the rules of the game are changing. And when something totally unexpected happens, their power plays could erupt in heartbreak. Unless Addison can convince Kellen that they should be on the same team—forever.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  His gaze landed on her face. “Do you really want to know?”

  Addison thought she saw a whisper of something inviting in Kellen’s eyes. It was a look that said he wouldn’t mind a kiss, and she caught her breath as he bent down toward her. For just a minute she felt like a young woman coming home from a date, her chest filled with the anticipation of a sweet first kiss with a promise of something more to come.

  Addison quickly backed up.

  She wondered what his mouth would taste like, how his lips might play on her own. It would be the height of stupidity to allow a kiss to take place between them.

  Yet she was powerless to resist.

  His mouth covered hers hungrily.

  A five-star kiss in a five-star hotel, his mouth soft and suggestive on her lips, his scent, the feel of his warm hands on her flushed cheeks. There was a moment where Kellen increased the pressure, where he shifted just a little, and she felt as if they were both lost in the moment.

  She returned his kiss with a hunger that belied her outward calm. Burying her face in his neck, Addison breathed a kiss there.

  When the kiss ended, she resisted the urge to touch the place where his lips had been. Her heart was racing, and Addison could feel her blood rushing through her veins. She was falling for Kellen.

  Books by Jacquelin Thomas

  Harlequin Kimani Romance

  The Pastor’s Woman

  Teach Me Tonight

  Chocolate Goodies

  You and I

  Case of Desire

  Five Star Attraction

  Five Star Temptation

  Legal Attraction

  Five Star Romance

  Five Star Seduction

  Styles of Seduction

  Wrangling Wes

  Five Star Desire

  Kimani New Spirit

  Saved in the City

  Soul Journey

  A Change is Gonna Come

  The Prodigal Husband

  Harlequin Kimani Arabesque

  Treasures of the Heart

  To Mom, With Love

  Stolen Hearts

  With a Song in my Heart

  Undeniably Yours

  Love’s Miracle

  Family Ties

  Cupid’s Arrow

  Someone Like You

  Forever Always

  A Resolution of Love

  Hidden Blessings


  is an award-winning, bestselling author with more than fifty-five books in print. When not writing, she is busy catching up on her reading, attending sporting events and spoiling her grandchildren. Jacquelin and her family live in North Carolina.





  Dear Reader,

  Five Star Desire is the fifth book in the Alexanders of Beverly Hills series. This story features Kellen, the youngest son of Malcolm and Barbara Alexander. Kellen believes he is ready to tackle the Special Projects Director position. However, he finds that someone else has already been given the job and he’s slated for a lesser role in his father’s company. When Kellen discovers that Addison Evans is his boss, the two clash in the beginning, but eventually things between them turn passionate, as he is determined to find his happily ever after with her.



  Bernard, you are my best friend and the love of my life.

  As always, thank you for being my #1 fan and supporter.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 1

  Kellen Alexander strolled briskly into the elegant living room of his parents’ Mediterranean-style home in Pacific Palisades.

  “Good to have you home for good, little brother,” Dreyden said when Kellen greeted him at the front door.

  “It’s good to be here. Hey, I’ve been thinking that you need a roommate.” Kellen loved living in Atlanta, but he was enjoying his reunion. At the age of twenty-six, he had just recently completed his master’s degree in architectural engineering and was thrilled to be done with school and back in California with his family.

  Dreyden chuckled. “I don’t think so. I actually enjoy living alone.”

  “C’’s not like I’ll be around much,” Kellen uttered with a sly smile. “I’ve got a lot of catching up to do with the ladies.”

  Kellen toured the main floor, in search of the rest of his family. He took the stairs to the second floor. His oldest brother, Ari, was the father of three children—a pair of fraternal twins, one a boy and the other a girl, and another son. He was with his wife, Natalia, in one of the spare bedrooms, trying to get the twins, Christian and Crystal, to settle down. Kellen had seen their brother, Joshua, occupied in the family room playing a game on an iPad. Hearing the sound of laughter, Kellen went back downstairs where he found his brother Blaze and wife, Livi, settling down in the family room.

  Kellen walked to the kitchen, where his mother and sisters were busy preparing dinner.

  “Get out of here, little brother,” Sage ordered, pushing him away.

  “I see you’re still bossy,” he responded with a laugh.

  “And you’re still a pest,” Zaire interjected. “Go play guest of honor. We got this.”

  They were trying to be secretive about the menu, but Kellen knew they were up to something. He had a feeling they were cooking up something special.

  Malcolm Alexander cleared his throat, commanding everyone’s attention. “Everybody come in here.”

  Kellen ventured into the family room with the others. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Dad’s about to make a speech,” Sage whispered as she stood beside him.

  “I feel so blessed to be surrounded by my children and their families,” Malcolm stated. “I’m so proud of all of you.”

  Malcolm was the heir of the late Robe
rt DePaul’s multimillion-dollar estate and chain of luxury hotel and spa resorts. Kellen was glad to see that his father had finally made peace with the discovery that his parents had kept the truth of his biological father a secret from him. For the majority of his life, Malcolm had grown up believing that Theodore Alexander was his father, but his mother had taken the truth to her grave.

  “We love you, Daddy,” Zaire said.

  He smiled. “I love all of you, as well. Today we are here to celebrate Kellen and his accomplishment. He graduated with honors.” Malcolm turned to him. “Your mother and I are very proud of you. There was a moment when we weren’t sure you were going to attend college, much less graduate school...” He suddenly broke into a grin. “But I’m happy to say that you proved us wrong.”

  “I admit I partied a lot when I first went off to college,” Kellen confessed with a tiny smile, “but when you made me come home for a semester when I was a freshman—it changed my perspective, Dad. I didn’t see it back then, but it was probably the best thing you could’ve done for me.” He wrapped an arm around his mother. “I really appreciate your support and all those late-night talks, Mom.”

  Barbara placed a loving hand to his cheek. “Your father is right. We are very proud of you.”

  “Kellen, we’re all so proud of you, too,” Zaire interjected without preamble. “Now can we eat? I’m starving.”

  Laughter rang out around the room filled with his family.

  “C’mon,” Sage uttered. “She’s eating for two. When I was pregnant with Honor, all I could think about was food.”

  Her husband, Ryan, nodded in agreement.

  “Zaire, you don’t have to wait any longer, sweetie. Dinner’s ready,” Barbara announced when she returned from the kitchen.

  Everyone followed her to the formal dining room.

  Kellen not only felt good about being home, he was home for good and ready to take on the world—more specifically the Special Projects Director position for Alexander-DePaul Design Group. Kellen had had his eye on the employment opportunity since it posted. He was confident his father would give him the job.

  “I see you made all of my favorites,” Kellen stated. “Thanks, Mom. I have to tell you that I’ve really missed your homemade biscuits, fried catfish and especially your collard greens.”

  “Have you learned to cook anything outside of hot dogs and hamburgers?” Zaire inquired.

  Kellen nodded. “I’m pretty good with breakfast foods. I can make some mean omelets.”

  “That sounds good,” his younger sister said. “You can make me one for breakfast tomorrow morning.”

  “Zaire, do you ever stay at your house?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, but when my husband’s out of town, I usually stay out here. Tyrese is leaving tonight for New York.”

  Some unknown assailant had attacked Zaire over a year ago, and now that she was pregnant, her husband preferred that she stay with her parents whenever he was out of town. There were a few times when Franklin, the loyal and trusted head of security his parents had inherited after Robert’s death, stayed with her when she chose to remain home.

  Seated at the dining room table, Kellen let his gaze wander around, landing on his parents and his siblings, before he sampled his food. “Mom...superb...”

  Barbara smiled. “Thank you, dear.”

  His gaze landed on Dreyden. Silently, he noted that his brother had lost weight in a relatively short period of time. When Dreyden had surprised him in Atlanta just a couple of months ago, he’d looked fine.

  “Dreyden, what’s up with you?” Kellen inquired in a low voice after everyone settled down in the large family room after dinner. “I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t eat much at dinner. To be honest, you don’t look like you’re feeling well.”

  “I’ve just been really tired lately,” his brother responded with a slight shrug. “We just finished tax season, so I won’t be working late as much.”

  “Why don’t you take a vacation?” Kellen suggested. “Go somewhere exotic.”

  Dreyden smiled. “I’ve been thinking about that myself. Maybe I’ll see a travel agent next week and plan a trip.”

  “Do it,” he encouraged. “You need a break away from work.” Kellen was worried about his brother. He had never seen him look so pale or exhausted.

  He rose to his feet.

  “Where are you going?” Dreyden asked.

  “I need to talk to Dad about the Special Projects Director position at the Alexander-DePaul Design Group. I applied as soon as it became open, but I haven’t heard anything from human resources.”

  “Why don’t you just enjoy being with the family, Kellen?” his brother suggested. “Think about work tomorrow.”

  “I’m excited, Dreyden... I really want this job. I’ve been waiting on something like this since before I graduated.”

  “I can see that, but just give it a couple of days. It’s better to get the job based on your own merits and not because of your last name.”

  “I’ve spent all of this time in school so that I can prepare myself for this position,” Kellen stated. “I’ve earned it.”

  “Hello, everybody.”

  Kellen turned around to find Harold DePaul standing in the doorway with a young woman he assumed was his fiancée, Amy. He knew that the couple had met at Blaze and Livi’s wedding. Amy and Livi were close friends. “Harold, it’s good to see you.”

  Harold and Amy were getting married in a couple of weeks. Kellen was initially surprised that he was engaged to an African American woman—especially after the way he reacted when his uncle left everything to his biological son—Malcolm Alexander. Kellen thought him a racist because of his initial reaction concerning his uncle’s relationship with an African American woman. However, he and many of the DePaul relatives had come to look past skin color. “Congratulations on your surviving grad school. I bought you a gift.”

  “Thank you.”

  He and Amy moved on to talk with Barbara and Malcolm.

  “Harold looks very happy,” Zaire whispered.

  Kellen agreed. “I never expected those two to hook up, but I can tell that they are crazy over one another. Talk about irony.”

  “I’m glad he’s found someone,” Zaire responded. “William’s illness has been very hard on him.”

  “I can’t imagine losing a brother...or a sister.”

  “I know.”

  Just then Livi walked into the room and made her way over to Harold and Amy. “Hey, you two...I’m glad you made it.”

  Kellen walked over to his father and said, “Dad, I applied for the Special Projects Director position a couple of weeks ago. I think the job is perfect for me, but I didn’t get an interview for it. I did have a telephone interview with talent acquisitions, but it was for another position. Do you know what happened? I think they made a mistake.”

  “Son, there was no mistake,” Malcolm said. “The director position has already been filled. Someone in-house was promoted. However, the architectural engineer position is yours. You’ll start in a couple of weeks.”

  A shred of disappointment snaked down Kellen’s spine. “I really wanted the special projects position. I feel I’m qualified for management.”

  “The person selected was more qualified for the position. You don’t have seven-plus years in experience.”

  “I’m your son. Surely, you can override the decision to hire someone else.”

  Malcolm met his son’s gaze. “What would you have me do, Kellen?”

  “I have all of this education and you want me to work in a position that—”

  “Let me stop you right there, son,” Malcolm quickly interjected as he held up his hand. “Kellen, you do have the education, but you are lacking when it comes to hands-on experience. There is nothi
ng wrong with starting in an entry-level position and working your way up.”

  Exasperated, Kellen argued, “Ari, Blaze and Sage didn’t have to do anything like that. As for experience, I’ve interned and worked with the largest architectural firm in Atlanta.”

  “They didn’t just come to their positions with education—they also came with years of work experience.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Kellen uttered in frustration.

  “Honey, you can’t expect your father to just give you a position,” Barbara remarked blandly. “You have to earn it in the same manner as everyone else.”

  “Dad can do whatever he wants,” Kellen responded. “The Alexander-DePaul Design Group is his company.”

  “You are not ready, son.” His father gave him a reassuring smile. “Starting in an entry-level position is what you can expect from any company. It’s not a bad place to be—the salary is competitive and you will be able to work on some exciting projects.”

  Kellen did not respond. He had come to Los Angeles fully expecting to be awarded the position. It had never occurred to him that his father would not give him the job.

  “Dad’s right, little brother,” Dreyden interjected.

  “You have your own firm and Zaire started her own company. Maybe I should do my own thing.”

  “You can do that, Kellen, but what real experience do you have?” Dreyden questioned. “What can you really offer a client coming to you?”

  There was tightening around his mouth, but he didn’t speak.

  “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to hear. Learn your craft and then move up.”

  “Why does everyone think I’m so incompetent?”

  Dreyden released a small sigh. “I don’t think of you as incompetent, Kellen. You’re impulsive and you want things to happen immediately.”

  “I can’t deny that,” Kellen stated.

  “No point. I know you, little brother.”

  “I’m ambitious.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious,” Dreyden said. “You need to recognize that your position is not exactly an entry-level one. You should be thankful because you could have ended up in the mail room.”


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