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A Long Way from Home (The Caldwells of Rebel Creek Book 1)

Page 8

by Morris, T M

  “I guess it depends on how hungry you are, doesn’t it?” Lucy leaned against the counter.

  Devon grinned and moved to stand in front of her, “You’re not going to help with this decision are you?”

  Lucy patted his broad chest and laughed as she teased, “I think you’re trying to get out of cooking.”

  “I'll have you know I’m a very good cook.” Devon pretended to be wounded. He covered her hand with his so she had to hold it still and feel his strong even heartbeat.

  “Well then, I’m sure I’ll have an opportunity to find out one day. But right now, like you, I’m starving. So let’s go with the first option, okay?” Lucy smiled. Why was she wishing he would kiss her? Why was she wondering how his lips would feel against hers and how his kiss would taste? She needed to remember he was her boss. . His heart was beginning to beat faster. She was sure her own heart was beating as fast as a scared rabbit’s.

  “Sounds like a good plan because it looks like I need to restock almost everything in this pantry. It would seem Claire has spent quite a bit of time up here. There’s nothing left.” Devon stepped away putting space between them. “Let’s go before it gets much later. I don’t know about you, but I want to hurry back to the hot tub.”

  “Yeah, we’d better hurry. We don’t need to be up all night. After all we have too much to do tomorrow.” Lucy reminded him as they left the cabin. Remember why you’re here, she thought, you can’t forget you’re working. You can’t forget he is your employer and you are his employee. You have to forget how attractive he is. You are not allowed to want him. He’s not for you.

  Three hours later Devon and Lucy returned to the cabin with their stomachs full and the truck loaded with supplies. As Devon opened the door he said over his shoulder, “I’ll carry this stuff in if you’ll find a place to put it.”

  “Not a problem.” Lucy smiled. She walked into the kitchen and began to open all the cabinets and the pantry door. Then she began to unpack the numerous sacks which were piled up on the floor around her.

  After a few minutes of trekking back and forth to the truck laden with grocery sacks Devon announced, “Well that’s all of them.”

  “I’ll have it all put away in a few more minutes. Why don’t you make us some coffee?” Lucy said as she flitted around the kitchen. Devon thought she looked the picture of domestic bliss with her nice round bottom sticking out from under the sink. He shook his head. .

  Devon made the coffee and left the room. He walked back into the kitchen as Lucy closed the pantry door. He cleared his throat and said, “Um, Lucy, my sister must not be very modest.”

  Lucy turned to see Devon holding up some bits of bright yellow material. Lucy blinked, “What is it?”

  “It’s Claire’s bathing suit.” Devon coughed; his face was a deep crimson.

  Lucy took the suit from Devon and studied the strings and patches of material. She shook her head exclaiming, “I am not wearing this! My underwear covers more skin.”

  Devon gave her a grin. “It’s up to you. This or—your underwear, it doesn’t make one lick of difference to me. I’m getting in the hot tub. Are you coming?”

  “How big are your towels?” Lucy asked. She was getting nervous. “I’m not sure about this. I’m having second thoughts.”

  “Are you going to be super modest?” He teased. He took her small hands into his large strong callused hands letting his thumbs caress the backs of her hands.

  “So what if I am?” Lucy asked with defiance as she looked into his eyes.

  “Would it make you feel better if I wore my underwear too?” He continued to grin at her with a casualness belying his own emotions.

  Lucy was filled with turmoil. She pulled away from Devon. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She didn’t know if it was due to fear or excitement. Lucy shook her head, “I’m not so sure this is such a good idea, Devon. I work for you, remember?”

  With a sigh Devon again took Lucy’s hands in his and pulled her out the door to the churning hot tub. He kept his eyes locked on Lucy’s vibrant green ones as he unbuttoned his flannel shirt while kicking off his shoes and letting them drop to the wooden decking. His faded jeans and socks followed seconds later. He climbed into the hot tub without breaking their locked gaze. As he sank into the water he said, “Come on, and get in. If it would make you feel more comfortable. I won’t even look.”

  “Turn your head,” Lucy croaked after a moment of indecision. She couldn’t believe she was stripping down to her underwear to sit in a hot tub with her boss who was also in his underwear.

  Devon let out another heavy sigh before he answered with a husky tone as he sank deeper into the water. “Lucy, just for tonight, let’s forget everything outside this cabin. Let it all go. Tonight I’m not your boss, and you are not my employee. I’m a man who enjoys your company, and you are a woman who—I would hope—enjoys mine.”

  Lucy jumped up as she said, “I-I don’t think this is a good idea. I-I can’t. I can’t do this.”

  Devon caught her hand, “Please sit down, Luce. I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Even if your lace undies are much more revealing than you thought.”

  Lucy glanced down at her bra and realized it was transparent when wet. She might as well have been standing there naked. She shrieked and dropped back into the water, “Now I know this isn’t a good idea.”

  Devon laughed, “You have nothing to worry about Lucy. I promised I would behave and I will—no matter how difficult you make it for me. I promised you and I will keep my word.”

  Lucy pouted for a moment as she settled deeper into the steaming water. Then as her mood made swift turnabout she teased, “I believe I should see you standing soaked to the skin in your underwear—it’s only fair.”

  Devon stopped smiling, “I’m not sure you should see me in my drawers, Luce.”

  “Oh come on. You saw me. We’re just two people now, remember? Stand up.” Lucy reached over and pushed at Devon’s knee. “Come on now, stand up.”

  “Lucy, if I stand up you’ll be extremely put out.” Devon warned.

  Lucy laughed, “I promise Devon I won’t laugh at your ratty old underwear.”

  Devon sighed, “They're new. Oh, all right. I warned you. You remember I wanted to stay seated.”

  Lucy’s jaw dropped as Devon stood his hands on his hips. She had never seen such a well-muscled chest outside a catalog. His shoulders and biceps were even more remarkable bare and glistening with hot water. But as her eyes slid down his chest and cut abdomen to appreciate the rest of his physique, her eyes almost popped out of her face when she saw the reason for his reluctance to stand. All she could manage was to choke out a whispered, “Oh.”

  Devon dropped back into the water splashing it everywhere. He muttered, “I told you I was better off staying seated. Now we’re both feeling awkward.”

  Lucy stared at the bubbling water refusing to look at him. Her emotions were ricocheting all around the inside of her head. Devon was attracted to her and yet he didn’t make advances toward her, most confusing. On the one hand, she was glad of it, because she enjoyed her job. But, on the other hand, she was disappointed, which she didn’t understand. She wasn’t all too sure she wanted to understand.

  Lucy lamented with a leaden voice, “I can’t believe this is happening. Am I going to have to leave this job too?”

  Devon sat up straight splashing water everywhere and declared, “No! No, Lucy, you don’t have to leave. I told you I’d be a gentleman and I will. Believe me Luce, it’s taking all the restraint I can muster just to sit here with you, but I will not make an advance when you find the idea so repugnant. No man is willing put himself out, knowing he’s going to be turned down flat.”

  “Well, then I guess I’d better help you restrain yourself by putting some space between us.” Lucy wailed as she clambered out of the water and raced into the house. She could feel hot tears stinging the back of her eyes.

  Devon was right behind her, “Lucy. Lucy, p
lease just relax.”

  He stood in the shadows of the cedars not fifty feet from the hot tub. He could see and hear everything. Desire to kill Devon boiled up inside him but he swallowed it down. He struggled to contain his seething anger. At least it was keeping him warm. He needed to get back home for a few days. He needed to get ready. It was almost time for him to bring Lucy home.

  He watched as Lucy leapt from the hot tub and ran inside. Good, she wasn’t letting Devon charm her. She was saving herself for him, just like she’d promised so many years ago. Soon the waiting would be over. Soon they would be together. She would be his forever. .

  His groin ached as thoughts of taking her in all the ways he’d imagined flashed through his mind. He turned to leave when a big fat rain drop hit him on the top of his head. It was time to go before the rain made the ground muddy. You could leave footprints in mud.

  Lucy stood dripping and shivering in the middle of the kitchen. “Leave me alone.”

  “You’re freezing. Let me get you a robe.” Devon croaked with emotion as he passed her. He returned within seconds and handed her a thick terry cloth bathrobe. Without a word he donned one himself.

  Uncomfortable with the silence Lucy busied herself with making yet another half pot of coffee. Devon went out on the deck to cover the tub and retrieve their clothes. He was still out on the deck when the coffee finished brewing. She poured two large mugs and carried them out the door to find him facing the lights of Gatlinburg. She walked over to him and without looking at him held one of the mugs in front of him and said, “Here.”

  “Thanks,” he said taking the cup. His heart flinched when his fingers brushed hers.

  “It’s freezing out here, come back inside.” She shivered as she touched his arm. Lucy looked out over the city for a few moments before she said, “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Devon.”

  “Good night, Luce.” Devon said as Lucy turned toward the door.

  Devon continued to stare out of the valley without seeing anything. You are going to chase away your assistant if you can’t get your libido under control. Good grief! Look at yourself. You’re standing out here in the freezing cold, soaking wet in a bathrobe and you still can’t get her out of your head or your body under control.

  Devon turned from the deck rail; he was going to go to bed as well. His frustration with himself and with Lucy was as its pinnacle. He was so deep in thought he would not have noticed it had begun to rain if a drop hadn’t caught him in the eye.

  Chapter Eight

  Lucy woke up the next morning to a soft tapping on her bedroom door. She rolled over and blinked, “What? What is it?”

  “Lucy? Lucy, are you awake?” Devon’s gentle voice came through the door.

  “I am now.” Lucy grumbled as she opened the door while pulling the belt to her robe tight. She was greeted by a mug of coffee.

  “Mmm. Thanks.” She mumbled with one hand reaching for the cup as the other shoved the waves of hair from her eyes.

  “Did you sleep well?” Devon asked as he turned and strode toward the kitchen trying to ignore Lucy’s long legs showing from underneath her mid-thigh length robe. Was she trying to drive him out of his mind?

  “To be honest, no I didn’t.” Lucy said.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I was rather hoping one of us did. I didn’t sleep well either.” Devon said as he put bread in the toaster.

  “I’m sorry, Devon.” Lucy yawned, “What time is it?”

  “It’s later than you think. It’s ten o’clock.” Devon smiled as he poured orange juice into two tall glasses.

  “Ten!” Lucy exclaimed, “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? Don’t we need to get to work?”

  “Have a look outside.” Devon motioned toward the window with the butter knife.

  Her curiosity piqued, Lucy looked out the kitchen window above the sink. To her amazement everything was coated with a thick layer of ice. Some of the younger evergreens were bowed over from the weight and there were several small broken limbs scattered across the deck “Oh. Wow. It’s so pretty the way the light makes everything sparkle.” She turned to Devon and asked, “We’re stuck here for a while aren’t we?”

  “Yes we are. At least through the weekend I would imagine. We will do the Phase One report and e-mail it to our client. I have already spoken with him and since he is also stranded in his house he was disappointed but very understanding.” Devon explained while he pushed a liquid blob of beaten eggs around the pan with a spatula.

  “Slinky.” Lucy wailed as if she didn’t hear Devon. “I don’t believe I left enough food out for my cat.”

  “Your cat?” Devon was incredulous. “All you can think about is your cat?”

  “Yes, I am thinking about my cat. What am I going to do about her?” Lucy fretted.

  “Don’t worry,” Devon answered in a conciliatory tone as he ladled scrambled eggs onto two plates alongside the buttered toast, “After breakfast I will call Carmella and have her take care of it.”

  “Thank you, Devon.” Lucy hugged him.

  “Easy now, you’ll break my ribs,” Devon chuckled.

  Lucy realized what she was doing, and released her hold on him, “I-I’m sorry. I-I’m just grateful you-you’re going to make sure someone will take care of Slinky.” She looked around for something to do. She hurried to the counter to help carry breakfast to the table.

  Devon placed the plates on the table as he asked, “Like your cat, do you?”

  “I love my cat.” She declared as she joined him at the table with the glasses of juice.

  “Slinky is a very lucky cat.” Devon muttered. They sat together in their pajamas in silence eating their eggs and toast. After several minutes Devon asked, “More coffee?”

  “Yes, please.” Lucy smiled then added, “You can scramble a mean egg.”

  “Thank you. I told you I could cook.” Devon grinned.

  “Anyone can cook an egg.” Lucy teased.

  “That’s not true and you know it. What about you—do you cook?” Devon asked as he poured more of the steaming brew into her cup.

  As Lucy added cream and sugar she scoffed, “Of course I can cook.”

  “And when are you going to prove it?” Devon asked as their eyes met.

  She felt his silent challenge and she met his gaze with a bravery she didn’t feel. She was the first to look away, however, when the unsettled feeling rose in her chest again. “I guess we’ll both find out how well we can cook while we are stranded here in this icy wonderland.” She stood to clear the table. “We were quite fortunate to have gone to the grocery last night to restock the pantry and freezer. We could have decided to wait until today, or to let Claire restock it herself since she used all the supplies.”

  Lucy nodded, “It was also lucky for us you thought to buy a few fresh things. I tell you what, why don’t I clean up this—this mess while you set up a workstation. I guess we can take turns showering.”

  Devon surveyed the kitchen as he rubbed the day-old beard on his chin. “I did make a pretty big mess didn’t I?”

  “Yeah. How many dishes does it take to scramble some eggs?” Lucy asked with a nervous laugh. Devon smiled and shrugged.

  As Lucy walked toward the kitchen Devon said, “I’ll go ahead and shower now while you clean up. Then I’ll set up our workstation while you shower. That way, no time will be wasted while waiting for each other to clean up.”

  “Fine.” Lucy nodded and ran her hands through her thick hair as she looked around the kitchen in dismay.

  Devon hurried toward the bathroom before he made a fool of himself again. The beautiful picture of sweetness and pure sexuality Lucy presented as she lifted her hands to her head allowing her short robe to rise higher and show more of her shapely legs was more than he could stand. He refused to even acknowledge what the fit of her robe across her bottom did to him. . He needed a shower—fast, maybe a cold one if he couldn’t get the picture of her out of his head.

  Lucy dived into washing t
he dishes with incredible intensity. She couldn’t believe the mess Devon had made. Everywhere she looked there were dirty dishes. He must have used a separate bowl to whip each egg. Lucy had to laugh.

  By the time Lucy dried the last dish and put it away, Devon walked into the kitchen. He was shirtless and rubbing his head with a towel. “All right, Lucy, it’s your turn.”

  Lucy took in the view of Devon’s bare chest and rippling abs with a huge lump in her throat. She could feel the blood filling her face. “Great. I’m ready for a shower and you better have left me some hot water.”

  “There is plenty in the hot tub.” Devon teased.

  Lucy couldn’t answer. All she could do was glare at him, then race to her bedroom.

  Once she was behind the closed door, she wondered what he meant by his comment. Was he teasing her? Was he suggesting another trip out to the hot tub for the two of them? Shaking her head, she gathered her clean clothes and toiletry bag and went into the bathroom.

  Lucy senses were overwhelmed with the woodsy clean smell she associated with Devon still lingering in the air of the tiny room. She took a deep breath and exhaled several times. The heady scent was almost intoxicating. . This was no time, however, to be standing around enjoying the scent of the air. She needed to get cleaned up and out of there so she and Devon could get the report written and e-mailed to their client as soon as possible.

  When Lucy emerged from the bathroom with an armload of wet towels and dirty clothes, she found Devon was assembling a hodgepodge of equipment. “Where is the washing machine? I want to get these washed and dried for tomorrow.”

  Devon turned on the laptop computer he had set on one end of the dining room table as he said, “In the room off the kitchen on the other side of the pantry. You should find everything you need in there.”

  “Thanks.” She grumbled as she passed.


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