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Endure (Evolve #4)

Page 17

by S. E. Hall

  JT clicks the remote again. “This one’s a classic! What we have here folks, is my sister and best friend hiding behind the pool house. This award-winning shot was snapped only seconds after what I believe was their first kiss. Am I right?”

  Skylar glares at him, but Judd nods his head while wearing a huge grin.

  The pictures go on for a while, with a description from JT for each. It’s a love story, a timeline of their amazing journey together, captured forever. Thanks to one nosey little brother; which I’m sure Sky appreciates now… not many people have a picture of every cherished memory. Multiple Halloweens, Judd always the prince to Sky’s princess. Skylar scrunching up her nose as the first bass she ever caught dangles from the end of her pink pole, Judd smiling at her side. Skylar in her cheerleader uniform, cheering on the sidelines as Judd ran in a touchdown. Judd holding up a big sign asking her to prom. And the best, which earned a round of laughter from everyone except the four parents, who wanted to smile, I know they did… Judd climbing the trellis to Sky’s window.

  “And this.” JT’s voice softens to a pitch I’ve never heard him use and he appears to be a bit choked up, “this is Skylar sitting in her bay window a few hours after you asked her to marry you. I think it may be my favorite. You make her happy, Judd. You always have. Whenever none of us could talk her out of crying, or make her see reason, I’d call you… and no sooner than you got there, she was right as rain again. All she ever needed was that reminder that she always had you, no matter what or against who, on her side. Most guys would’ve been pissed when their best friend made a play for their sister, but I never did, because I knew that’s not what happened. You didn’t make a move, the two of you met in the middle. And of anyone, I’m glad it’s you, bud. Doesn’t mean I won’t still kill him if ever needed Sky. You have my number.” Like his father, he flashes his sister a wink. “So congrats.” He raises his glass and we all do the same, “to Judd and Skylar, two of my favorite people in the world. Keep being happy, you sure know how.”

  Damn fine speech, again, so much like his father. Everyone’s now on their feet clapping, overcome.

  Dinner is then served, still no Bennett at the table, and I manage to choke down the plate of chicken a-la something, that I don’t remember ordering. On any other night, when I wasn’t sitting on impatient pin and needles, it probably would’ve tasted pretty damn good. Guess Ben’s not hungry? Or not ready to face me yet?

  “And now, it’s time for Mr. and Mrs. Judd Allen to have their first dance as husband and wife.” Oh look, turns out Pablo did have at least one specific task and managed to pull it off: that announcement. Just as Skylar and Judd make their way, hand in hand, to the dance floor, Bennett slides into her seat beside me.

  “Fancy meetin’ you here.” I lean into her and tease, low and smooth.

  She laughs, such a melodic sound. “Why Mr. Reece, have you been partaking of the free champagne?”

  “Guilty.” I nip her ear, but she brushes me away and shushes me with a stern frown.

  “The first dance is a big deal, pay attention!” Her scold is hushed, but she definitely expects me to listen to it.

  Hey, I know this song they’re dancing to! How do I know this song they’re dancing to? “Turning Page,” she says softly, running her hand down my arm. “It’s from those Twilight movies I made you sit through.” And the warm, full-on smile I’ve been waiting for her to grant me all night appears as her foot finds my leg under the table.

  “You didn’t make me do anything.” I lay my hand over her knee and rub gently. She tenses, but she’ll just have to deal; I can’t go another minute without touching her. It’s absolute torture being close enough to smell the sweet scent of Lilac that always seems to linger on her skin, hear her voice and laugh… yet still feeling miles apart from her. This subtle physical contact at least narrows the gap, that’s all day seemed insurmountable, so I can keep my cool until the party’s over and I can finally get her alone. “I’d watch whatever you wanted, Ben. Anytime.”

  Everything turned out beautiful; Whitley has once again outdone herself. Pablo better be glad he had her. You couldn’t have asked for a more idyllic wedding; the warm air, delicate breeze blowing in off the water and a white tent filled with the easy glow of candles.

  There are certain “big” moments at a wedding where it’s expected and respectful to actually pay attention… especially if you’re Aunt to both the bride and groom. Which is why I force myself to brush Zach’s hand off my knee and scoot my chair a bit away from him.

  I can’t do this with him now. The ambience of the wedding is already confusing me enough, filling my head with a romantic, whimsical haze. I can’t handle him touching me too! He looks so damn sexy, dark blond hair styled like he didn’t even try, his white dress shirt opened just enough at the collar for me to sneak a peek at the ripped chest that lies underneath. And he didn’t shave today, so the light stubble along his chiseled jaw, well it’s just plain unfair.

  I do my best to ignore the charge between us, that invisible magnetic pull emitting from his large body, still too close to mine, and watch as Dane and Skylar dance to “I Loved Her First.” Naturally, a few tears slip out, but I hold up a hand to stop Zach when he tries to sneak closer and comfort me. And then when Whitley and Judd take their mother/son turn to “Simple Man,” the tears kick up a notch.

  Not only because it’s beautiful, and couldn’t be a more fitting song for Judd, but it makes me think too hard about another simple man I know, absolutely glorious in his simplicity.

  If it’s broken, he’ll fix it.

  You need it? He’ll get it.

  You want it? He’ll find it.

  You say it? He’ll listen.

  That simple.

  And when the music starts to play again for everyone to take the floor, JT is right at my side before Zach can do a thing about it, asking me to dance. I jump, literally, at the chance… needing more time to slow down my heart so my head can do the thinking.

  I dance with JT, watching Zach watch me with a predatory smolder in his green eyes, as he sways with Emmett. Why Emmett? That’d be because Sawyer won’t stop dancing with Presley, every song, lest that’d give Blaze an opening to move in.

  And in the far corner of the dance floor, seemingly in their own bubble, Brynn is spreading her lil’ baby wings… in the arms of Ryder. I’ve got high hopes for that pairing. Ryder seems like a very nice young man and is obviously enamored by Brynn. Which tells me he’s smart too; good eye on him, because she is indeed something special.

  So basically, besides Blaze and Presley, just about the only two people who haven’t danced together at some point tonight are Zach and I. Oh, we’ve been dancing alright, just around it. Us.

  “Okay B, we’re about to do our thing. Make sure you video it for YouTube.” JT tells warns me as the current song comes to an end.

  “What exactly are we talking about?” I ask, already frightened of the answer.

  “Pure magic.” He does some weird jazzy thing with his hands, which I’m really hoping he doesn’t replicate in whatever it is he’s got planned. “Just get your phone ready!”

  I catch on pretty quick what’s going on when Whitley plops Skylar down in a chair at the edge of the dance floor and Judd, JT, Ryder and even Blaze, gather together off to the side and all put on sunglasses.

  If they’re about to do what I think they are, either Blaze is a really fast learner… or wasn’t quite the “surprise” arrival he was made out to be. Which, now that I think about it, the guy/girl count in the procession party would’ve been off had he not conveniently shown up. Oh, Miss Presley’s gonna hear it from me later about fibbing to her Aunt Bennett. Busted, princess!

  And here we go. “Lose My Mind” by Brett Eldredge starts playing and the boys take the floor. Whoops and hollers crash through the crowd, hands clapping to the beat. Judd’s up front of course, shaking it like a country boy who just got hitched to the girl of his dreams. Skylar’s eating it up, l
aughing through happy tears, as her new husband sings to her about being crazy over her.

  Okay, so maybe Blaze really did have to learn the routine on the fly. That or he simply doesn’t have even a modicum of rhythm in his entire body. But Ryder’s got some pretty good moves, and I glance over; yep, Brynny appreciates them.

  The whole thing is precious and I catch all of it on video, slipping in a few JT cameos, because yes, he will run over to watch it, specifically for those.

  When all the commotion of the latest surprise has died down, a flash of heat moves over my body and I know, without turning around… Zach Reece is standing right behind me. And he’s run out of patience.

  I’m The Man

  Yeah, I’m standing right behind you. And you know it. That’s why your flawless skin is in full, rosy bloom and I heard the breathy whimper that just escaped to spite you.

  Turn around Bennett. Turn around and let’s face this thing head on, together.

  I will it, wanting it to happen more than anything I’ve ever wanted before, but her stubborn lil’ ass refuses.

  Sure, I could just grab hold and spin her around, take her mouth like I own it, recite back everything she didn’t think she was telling me in the hallway last night. But I’m not gonna do it.

  Monumental moments call for bold, reckless catalysts. Grandparents don’t sit around on their porches and tell the boring stories. No, they tell the ones of life-altering wrinkles in time, tales where words like “just knew, BAM, shocking, and overwhelmed” are used, hands are waving around and the enormity of the story shines through their eyes.

  I’m Zach fuckin’ Reece. I can do spectacular all day long.

  And not only do I deserve for her to come to me… I deserve a story of my own to tell one day.

  I walk away the same way I came and can feel her eyes on me with every retreating step.

  “Yo!” I catch the DJ’s attention, swigging down the last of my drink and handing it to a passing waiter. When the DJ bends to hear me, I tell him my plan. He laughs, but agrees to help me out.

  “Good luck.” He gives me a fist bump.

  Whitley comes flitting across the tent, shoving through the crowd, worrying enough for both of us. “What are you doing?” She asks amidst a tight, nervous smile.

  “I’m calling her bluff.” I state simply.

  “You’re what?” Her brows pinch, but it’s short-lived. Oh.” Her mouth makes an “O” and her eyes double in size as realization dawns. “Okay then, go get ’er big boy.”

  The music stops, Whitley backs away and the DJ taps me on the shoulder with the mic. The air crackles with an electricity of expectancy, so intense I can’t possibly be the only one alive with the charge.


  “I guess it’d be rude to hijack the spotlight at a wedding without saying something to the lucky couple of honor.” I run a hand through my hair. “Skylar, Judd, I love you both very much, and I couldn’t be happier for you. In fact, the two of you together, it’s been in the making for years.” I give a quick, sidelong glance to Bennett, and find her eyes already on mine. “Much like some other things.” Her cheeks flame and her eyes drop.

  I continue, ignoring the torturous longing in my chest, “I’m proud of you guys for embracing it, despite any obstacles or skepticism you faced in the beginning. For fighting for what you knew you wanted, no matter what anyone else thought. What you knew was right, perfect, inescapable. It’s not always easy to take risks, make the first move or put yourself out there, on the chance you may very well just get left hanging.” I clear my throat and my head of the thoughts of what that would do to me. “But you kids have inspired me, to say it, once and for all, out loud. And I can only pray I’m not left hanging.”

  My eyes drift her way, raking over that beautiful, tiny body slowly, heatedly, so she’ll feel their touch caress her. “Listen up Bennett Rose Cole, cause I’m talking to you, asking you to tell me if I’m right or if I’m crazy. And it’s the last time I’ll ask.” The room explodes with gasps, whispers and a distinct shout of “bout’ damn time!” thrown out by Sawyer… who else?

  ‘You’re in so much trouble,’ she mouths to me across the dimly lit tent, slicing a finger across her throat.

  My lips turn up in a devious smirk. “I sure hope so,” I mouth back and set down the mic. To wait.

  The music I chose starts and she giggles, shaking her head. She recognizes it instantly: “I’m The Man” by Aloe Blacc.

  I lift my brow, the significant question ready for an answer. Am I the man, Bennett? Your man? Are you gonna tell everybody? Right here, right now—your call gorgeous—shout it from the rooftops or leave me hanging. What’s it gonna be?

  I study her, watching the cogs turning in her head from here. The entire Crew sits around her, looking on with what appears to be the same edge-of-your-seat anticipation that’s stirring around inside me. And then I see it, the moment when she decides.

  To jump.


  She flies across the floor, pink cheeks wet with tears and leaps into my arms, knowing I’ll catch her. Which I do, under the thighs that wrap around my waist as quickly as her arms do around my neck.

  “Yes,” she rasps solemnly, eyes set on mine. The cheers in the room fade from my ears, my focus solely on her, us.

  “Yes what, B?” I need to hear it.

  “Yes, you are the man. My man.” Her tears smother her long-awaited, sweetly spoken promise.

  “You’re god damn right I am.” I rumble, and unapologetically, carry her out of that tent as fast as my feet will move.

  There’s clapping in the distance as well as multiple shouts of encouragement that I could give two fucks to interpret or acknowledge. I finally have the only thing I want.

  But Sawyer, well, when he wants to be heard… he gets heard. “Don’t mind us Zennett, ya’ll go do your thing, I’ll hold down the wedding!”

  Zennett… wherever Presley is, she’s giggling right now, guaranteed; scary how alike her and her Dad’s minds work.

  “Where are we going?” She asks against my skin, placing hungry, open-mouthed kisses on the strained column of my neck, making my head spin.

  Hell if I know, but I can assure you, it’s not all the way up to either one of our suites. I’ve been waiting to be back inside Bennett for so damn long, I’m half delirious at merely the thought of finding my way back there.

  We crossed over from anticipation to excruciation a long, long time ago.

  “Bennett, I can’t wait. Gotta have you now, baby.” My voice is thick and unsteady, much like my cock.

  “Yes.” She stops sucking on my neck and looks around frantically. “There.” She points to a small, striped tent. “It’s one of the catering stations. Hurry,” she whines, adorably, gripping my sides tighter with her thighs, rubbing her core against the hard-on in my shorts.

  “Out, now!” I roar at the poor woman cleaning up inside the tent. She drops a plate and runs out, cussing me under her breath. If she only knew, she’d forgive me, I’m sure of it.

  I brace Bennett’s perfect ass on one arm and use the other to clear everything off the table with one, big sweep. Shit flies everywhere, crashes to the ground… ask me if I give a single, solitary damn.

  The second I sit her down on the end of the table, chaos immediately ensues. There’s nothing even remotely sophisticated or savvy about it, no coordination whatsoever to our total devouring of each other. Mouths gnash almost painfully together and hands explore hectically as we meld into one. She hisses in my mouth and traps my bottom lip between her teeth as I tug my hands through her hair, tilting her head to kiss her deeper, harder, starvation controlling every frenzied movement. She tastes of champagne and Bennett, her tongue twining with mine, weaving a spell I never want to wake from.

  She deprives me of her mouth, ripping open my shirt then grappling frantically with my shorts. “No fucking way,” I grunt, snaring both her wrists and pushing her flat onto her back. She thinks she wants to
fight me, argue, but her jagged breathing won’t allow for a lot of talking… and the fiery desire in her eyes is more ravenous than defiant.

  I shove both sides of her dress up past her waist, my gaze riveted to the tiny scrap of white lace barely covering my prize. I gradually peel those little panties down her trembling legs and off. I clasp my fingers around her ankles, lifting her feet to rest on the end of the table, then push on the insides of her thighs to spread those sweet legs apart. “Nobody else since, huh?”

  I want to hear it again. I want to hear her tell me to my face that no other man’s touched this pretty pussy since me.

  She blushes and shakes her head no, the fan of her red hair splayed out and swishing across the tabletop with her answer.

  “Tell me Bennett. I wanna hear you say it, knowing I can hear you. Tell me who the last man here was.”

  “Y-you,” she pants.

  A feral rumble of possession crashes up my chest. “Look at me.” Her eyes, a dark, forest green of lust, flicker to mine. “And who will be the last man to ever be here?”

  “You.” This time there’s no stutter, only a solid, reverent pledge.

  I touch her, a light finger gliding through her slickness. She’s swollen, puffy with want, need, and I can’t hold out any longer. I drag her to the very edge of the table and drop to my knees. “You understand,” I blow hot breath on her, “that you, this pussy, every part of you, are mine now, forever. From here out, no more games, Bennett. You with me?”

  “Yes, God, yes Zach. Please.”

  “Just making sure.” I chuckle, my soul as at peace as it’s ever been. She’s with me. I take in the heady scent of her want and lower my head to cover her sweet, glistening cunt with my mouth. Damn but that first taste—unreal. The one time before, I didn’t eat her. If I had, I’d had pushed her a lot sooner and harder than I did, cause I’m never going without this again.


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