Book Read Free

Undeniably You

Page 12

by Jewel E. Ann

  “Who first started calling you Sully?”

  “My college football coach. One of the defensive linemen had the last name of Sullivan too, so Coach and everyone else started calling me Sully. Even the press used my nickname when interviewing me.”

  “I’m not going to call you Sully. I like Lautner.”

  He squeezes me to him. “I like Sydney too.” He sighs. “So a preacher’s daughter, rebel bartender that was shit on by her high school sweetheart, huh?”

  “Yep, stupid me. He was older and I thought he was Jesus.”


  “Walked on water.”

  Lautner laughs. “Ahh …”

  “Anyway, as you know, thanks to blabber mouth, I gave him everything and he left me. The lesson was mine to learn.”

  “Which was?”

  “Don’t fall in love.”

  “Ouch, a little extreme don’t you think?”

  “Maybe someday it will be, but not for now. Sex is sex and love is love. You don’t need one to have the other.”

  “So I’m sex?”

  I kiss his chest. “No, you’re ecstasy, which is in a class all its own. But I still can’t love you.”

  “That’s fine. Just sex the hell out of me and drive off into the sunset at the end of the month.”

  “Oh, I plan to.” I giggle.

  “But there is an issue that I think we should address.”

  I look up at him again. “What’s that?”

  “Your lack of prophylactic knowledge.”

  “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you’re bringing that up.” I roll off his body and smack him in the head with my pillow then wrap the sheet around myself.

  He’s cackling so much I think I just heard him snort. The bemused smile on his face is devilish. I expect to see horns emerge from his head.

  “Enough, you dumb shit! Just because you’re too lazy to put on your own damn condom doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me. We’re not talking about putting your shirt on backwards. Incorrect application could result in an eighteen year gift that I’m not asking for.”

  He hugs my pillow to his chest with that same shit-eating grin.

  “Besides, it’s just like a man to dismiss the importance of reading instructions to something. I’d like to see you insert a tampon or a diaphragm in me.”

  “Christ, Sydney, I’m a doctor. I could probably insert your tampon or diaphragm better than you.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Boy, I’ve met my match. Any other guy would declare defeat at the tampon and diaphragm comment, but not you.”

  He tosses the pillow aside and grabs me, pinning me under his massive frame. “Bow down to a challenge? No way in Hell. I’ve never met anyone as stubborn…” a kiss to my nose “…feisty…” a kiss to one cheek “…competitive…” a kiss to my other cheek “…and a total fucking turn on as you.” A kiss on my lips that deepens.

  Twisting to the side with his mouth still pressed to mine, I glance at the clock. It’s 9:30 a.m.

  “Holy crap!” I shove his chest. “Swarley must be starving. I can’t believe he’s not crying at the door.” Apparently I had more to drink last night than I thought. I usually don’t shut the door. After getting Avery to the couch I went on auto pilot to get myself into bed.

  Jumping out of bed, I throw on the first clothes I can find. Lautner enjoys the show with his hands-behind-my-head-I’m-so-damn-sexy pose. The sheet is draped low on his waist but not completely covering his large erection. Either he’s aroused by our kiss or he gets off on embarrassing me. I hope it’s the former.

  “I’m going to feed the mutt. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” I open the door.

  “Can I take the stairs this time?” he chides.

  I roll my eyes without a response.


  Avery is facedown on the floor in front of the couch—snoring. Incredible. Is it even physically possible to snore on your stomach? Swarley is on the couch—also snoring. Note to self: Avery plus Swarley equals sleeping in.

  “Rise and shine!” I yell, yanking on the cords to the blinds.

  Swarley’s a dalmatian in a fire drill leaping from the couch. Eyes wide. Ears back. Tail wagging.

  “What … the … fuck?” Avery moans, rolling onto her back while covering her eyes with her arm.

  “I’m going to feed Swarley and you’re going to get up and take a shower. Then you’re going to take Swarley for a walk.”

  “Me? That’s your job,” Avery whines.

  “Yeah, well I paid for the food and booze you’ll be enjoying this weekend so you owe me.”

  She staggers to her feet, still squinting her eyes. “What are you going to do?”

  “Lautner is taking me to breakfast.”

  “He is?” a husky voice behind me questions.

  Turning, my eyes are greeted with my sexy jock dressed and looking mouthwateringly delicious with messy hair and sexy lips that have expertly tasted every inch of my body. I stretch up on my toes and pull his head to mine. I start to hum into his mouth, and he willingly takes everything I offer.

  “Ahem, hello? I’m standing right here,” Avery interrupts.

  Reluctantly, I peel my lips from Lautner’s. “Yes, you’re taking me to breakfast. I think it’s time you reveal your secret little bakery.”

  “Then it won’t be a secret.” He tucks my hair behind my ear in an affectionate gesture.

  I whisper in his ear, “Guess when we’re going to have sex again?”

  “When?” His eyes perk up.

  “It’s a secret.” I smile.

  “I’ll go shower and be back in thirty.”


  “Hello, fat ass and flabby arms. This place is ridiculous.” I’m staring at four large glass cases filled with every baked good imaginable: pies, cakes, cookies, turnovers, sticky buns, scones, muffins, Dutch letters, fritters, galettes, and the list goes on.

  “What are you going to get?” Lautner asks as the lady behind the counter smiles at us.

  “Cherry-almond galette and a medium chai tea latte.”

  “Make that two,” Lautner adds.

  I find a booth while he pays.

  “What are there, like over a hundred different choices? And you choose the same thing I’ve been bringing you all week.” He sets our drinks on the table and the lady brings our galettes behind him.

  “Thank you.” I smile at the lady.

  Wrapping my hands around my cup and blowing at the rising steam, I shrug. “Why knock a good thing? Why did you get tea today?”

  He takes a sip of his. “Thought I’d see what all the fuss was about. Every time you drink it you get this seductively satisfied look.”

  My eyes widen. “I do?”

  “Yes, it’s like coffee shop porn. You even purr.”

  “Shut up! I do not.”

  I think I do … but it’s not what I’m tasting, it’s what I’m envisioning.

  He chuckles. “You do. It’s adorable and hot all at the same time.”

  Wasting no time, I dive into my heavenly galette. “So tell me about Caden.”

  He wipes his mouth. “We played football together and he was my roommate in college. He’s a software engineer.”

  “No girlfriend?” I question, knowing Avery will be on the prowl this afternoon.

  “Actually, he was engaged for about six months and his fiancée broke it off a couple of months ago. She wanted to move back to Oklahoma were she was originally from, but Caden refused to leave Brayden.”

  “Hmm, that sucks. Is he over her?”

  “I suppose. We’re guys, we don’t analyze our feelings with a bottle of wine and a box of tissues.”

  “Yeah, whatever tough guy. You just shower women with gifts during their menstrual cycle.”

  “Women? No.” He taps his foot against mine. “You? Yes.”

  “What a waste. You could be wooing your future wife, but instead you’re investing, admittedly grand romantic gestures, in a relationship that has an
expiration date.”

  He shrugs and sips his drink. “Maybe that’s why I’m doing it. Maybe you’re my guinea pig. You know, see what works and what doesn’t. Then when the right girl comes along I’ll have perfected the ‘wooing’ and be effortlessly irresistible, all thanks to you.”

  Jesus! Look in the mirror, fucking Medusa eyes. You already are effortlessly irresistible.

  My gaze falters and the smile I’m trying to force wavers. I’m leaving Palo Alto in twenty days. So why am I experiencing a jabbing pang of jealousy from Lautner talking about “the right girl?”

  “I see, well, anyway, the reason I asked about Caden is because Avery is going to pounce on his ass this afternoon. She’s … how shall I say it? Flirtatious and she likes to have a good time, but a committed relationship is not really her forte right now so—”

  “So … you want me to forewarn Caden that she’s not marriage material.”

  “God no! That’s not what I mean, well, not exactly. I’m sure she’ll be marriage material someday. She just has another silo or two of wild oats to sow.”

  Lautner chuckles. “Thanks for the warning, but in case you’ve forgotten, I’ve had first-hand experience with your sister. Besides, Caden’s not looking for a replacement bride. I think he’s going to be a little commitment shy for a while.”

  I nod.

  “Is this the real reason for breakfast?” he questions.

  “Partly.” I work my lip between my teeth with nervous apprehension. “And I also need to tell you that I … uh … invited Dane to the pool party.” My face wrinkles waiting for his response.

  He rubs his chin and purses his lips. “The vet, huh? I’m not really into that kind of threesome, I prefer two girls and one—”

  “Shut up!” I kick his shin.

  “Ouch! What?” He laughs. “As I recall, you two were holding hands and looking quite cozy at brunch.”

  I finish my drink. “I knew you were jealous that morning.”

  His head jerks back. “Jealous? You’ve got to be kidding. I don’t get jealous.”

  I stand and brush a few stray crumbs off my top. “So when I introduced you it was just a figment of my imagination that you pulled back your shoulders and puffed up your chest like a damn rooster before you shook his hand?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talk—”

  “Yeah, yeah … let’s go. I have a pool party to prepare for.”


  It’s nearly eighty degrees with a cloudless sky. Lautner and Caden man the grill, Avery mixes dip and cleans veggies while I’m making margaritas—blended and on the rocks. Then, there is Claire. She is Lautner’s “friend” from med-school who he decided to invite to even the numbers. He also mentioned that there would be a single guy, Dane, who she might like to meet. My favorite flirtatious and totally awkward vet has yet to arrive, but I’m not holding out hope for Lautner’s decoy.

  Petite, long wavy blonde-haired Claire, who has not offered to help do anything, is sitting by the pool, in the shade, with a brimmed hat so wide that anyone within a six-foot radius of her will be guarded from the sun. What my sexy pool guy has yet to notice is Claire’s aversion to Swarley. I don’t think it’s Swarley, I think it’s dogs in general. Much to my surprise he has been on his best behavior today. But when Claire arrived, he sniffed her hand and I assume his nose must have touched it because she immediately went to the sink and did a good three minute surgical scrub. Then there’s been the shooing and scatting. “Scat dog … shoo, ya big mutt!” Now, I’ll admit, I wasn’t the biggest Swarley fan when I first arrived, but my reaction was provoked, hers is instinctual.

  “Sam, get the door!” Avery yells over the shrill of the blender. I flip the switch and answer the door.

  “Hey, Dane, glad you could make it.”

  He’s the picture of cool and casual with his T-shirt, board shorts, sunglasses, and carton of bottled beer in each hand. “Thought I’d contribute.” He gestures to the beer.

  “Great, I’ll put them in the fridge. Come on in.”

  As he follows me to the kitchen, my curiosity is wide eyed and anxiously waiting to see how this is all going to play out. When Caden arrived an hour earlier, Avery was on him like Swarley to Dane’s crotch. Caden appeared equally as interested in Avery. However, Dane’s arrival could alter the chemistry of the afternoon. Avery is anything if not unpredictable. She could see Dane and decide to keep her options open. My sister’s dating motto is “equal opportunity.”

  Everyone’s out back as I lead Dane through the kitchen, dropping his beer contribution off on the way to the patio.

  “Hey, everybody, this is Dane Abbot. Dane, this is my sister, Avery.”

  She offers her hand to him while standing close to Caden. “Hi, Dane, nice to meet you.” Avery is friendly, but not ditzy and giggly. Hmm, interesting.

  “This is Caden,” Avery introduces him as though she and Caden are already a couple.

  He must be on a few second delay because Swarley is just now barreling toward Dane. I smirk and inwardly roll my eyes. Crotch, you remember nose. Nose, you definitely remember crotch. Dane must buy his toiletries at one of those specialty stores that offers bacon scented soap.

  “And you’ve met Lautner,” I continue.

  Lautner nods, but not a standoffish or jealous nod. No way, because he doesn’t get jealous!

  “Yeah, I thought I recognized you last week at the café. I’m a huge Stanford fan and I loved watching you play, man.”

  Dane’s fan confession has Lautner relaxing a bit. “Thanks. It’s crazy people still recognize me.”

  “Don’t be so modest, Sully. You could be playing for the 49ers … you would have been a first round draft pick, dude!” Caden has no qualms with singing Lautner’s praises.

  “Yeah, whatever.” Lautner takes a pull of his beer.

  The sun-fearing beauty makes her way up the stairs. If she turns her head too fast her Saturn-ringed hat could decapitate Dane. What’s interesting, and has been since she arrived, is she seems to only have eyes for Lautner.

  “Ahem …” I clear my throat.

  Claire turns and spares Dane’s life by mere inches.

  “Dane, this is Claire. She graduated with Lautner.”

  Dane is still rubbing Swarley’s head with one hand but offers his other to Claire. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Claire offers a weak, fingertips-only shake. Since Dane’s hand has been on the toxic germ infested dog, I’m certain Claire will feel compelled to go inside and scrub another three layers of skin off.

  “Hi, I’m Dr. Brown.” Clare replies.

  It’s probably just me, but I’m fighting the urge to bust out laughing. Dr. Brown? I didn’t ask what her specialty is but if it’s gastroenterology, I may just wet my pants.

  Dane smiles. “Well, in that case, I’m Dr. Abbott.”

  Ouch! Nice zinger.

  I’m seeing Dane through a new light, and he doesn’t just act funny. He genuinely has a great sense of humor.

  “Drinks?” Avery jumps in to save the train wreck that’s happening in front of us.

  I head into the kitchen to get drinks for everyone and Lautner follows me. Grabbing my waist, he pulls me into him. I snake my hands up the back of his shirt to trace the defined muscles I’ve come to know so intimately.

  “Have I told you how damn sexy you look today?” his voice is low and raw.

  I’m wearing the infamous black bikini from our surfing outing and a pink sheer wrap skirt. Grinning, I shake my head. He wastes no time showing me. I release an appreciative moan as his lips consume mine and our tongues leisurely slide together. My pulse accelerates. His fingers dip below my bikini bottoms, curling into my ass.

  “Drinks,” I remind him, breathless.

  He bites his lip and looks out the window discreetly adjusting himself. “God! You’ve got me hard already.”

  Turning my attention to filling up the margarita glasses, I shake my head. “You did that all on your own, buddy. Don
’t blame me.”

  He grabs a few bottles of beer from the refrigerator. “Dane was kind of a jerk to Claire.”

  “What?” I whip around to look at him. “Did you just show up from some alternate universe? Because had you been here about five minutes ago you would have witnessed what everyone else did. Dr. Brown being completely stuck-up and pretentious to a seriously nice guy.”

  “Oh, so now Dane’s ‘a seriously nice guy?’ What does that make me? A schmuck?”

  “Enough, Mr. I-Don’t-Get-Jealous, you’re missing my point.”

  “Which is?”

  I throw my hands in the air and growl in frustration. “You invited some girl who is clearly here for you, not Dane. In your words, she’s been ‘eye fucking’ you for the past hour. And she’s obviously not a dog person. Hello? Why would you try to set your dog-hating friend up with a veterinarian?”

  “That’s not fair. Swarley can be a little overbearing—”

  “Bullshit! Swarley’s been on his best behavior today and you know it.” I grit my teeth while poking his chest with my finger.

  “Is … everything okay in here?” Avery asks opening the door. “Thought you two were bringing drinks.”

  “We are,” I snap with residual rage that’s not meant for Avery.

  I set the drinks on a tray and brush past Lautner without meeting his eyes.

  Avery passes out the drinks while Dane and Caden get everything off the grill. Lautner follows with the bottles of beer, but I ignore him. Everyone finds a seat around the table. I’m conveniently nestled between Lautner and Dane, but Claire chooses to take the other seat next to Lautner instead of sitting by Dane. In keeping with the boy-girl pattern Caden sits between Claire and Avery, who is next to Dane.

  Avery and Caden successfully engage Dr. Brown in conversation—conversation about her of course. Come to find out, her specialty is anesthesiology. Guess Dr. Brown won’t be the butt of my jokes after all. Lautner joins in, sharing his upcoming residency schedule, which starts in two days. Dane decides to start his own conversation with me. We talk about Swarley, his dogs, and even his new jogging route.

  Lautner manages to ignore me the entire meal, not that I am vying for his attention. Dane leans back in his chair and sips a beer in one hand while his other casually rests on the back of my chair.


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