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Until Forever [Merricks, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 17

by McKinlay Thomson

  When he had seen the destruction of Sam’s shop, he had felt nothing but relief that they were unharmed. He was devastated for Cody. He had never gotten along with Adam, but he hadn’t wanted the man to die.

  Troy pulled away from Sam’s sweet lips and looked into her passion-filled gaze.

  “We should take this to the bedroom,” Troy told them. “I need to make love to you both.”

  “I agree,” Sam replied. “We don’t need to ask Cody’s thoughts.”

  Cody was already ripping of his clothes and stumbling toward the room.

  A knock on the door had them halting their plans.

  “That will be the sheriff,” Troy said. “You might want to put your clothes back on.”

  “Shit,” Cody said. “I don’t want to do this now.”

  “It will be over soon,” Sam told Cody. “Then we can get back to having fun.”

  Sam went to open the door while Cody slipped his pants back on. The sheriff walked into the room, and they all sat down. Blake perched on one of Sam’s armchairs while Cody, Sam, and Troy all squished back on the couch.

  “Brock has gone over the thumb drive,” Blake said. “We will be sending it onto the police in Minneapolis. We have also removed the bodies from the shop. I just need to get a statement, and we can wrap it up.”

  “What did he find?” Troy asked. He wanted to know what had been so important that three men were willing to kill to get it back.

  “The Russians were using the coffee shop to launder money,” Blake told them. “Adam had managed to copy evidence onto the thumb drive. Eli Field, the owner, was getting large sums of money to keep quiet.”

  Troy didn’t like it. Adam had put Cody and put him in danger, even if he hadn’t realized it at the time. He kept it to himself though. The man was dead, and it would upset Cody only more by voicing his anger at the man’s stupidity.

  “I fear this might only be the start of it,” Blake said. “The mob likes to tie off loose ends. We may have cut off one leader’s head, but just like in Sarah’s case, another tends to rise up in its place.”

  “I’d like to see them try,” Sam replied. “We will be ready and waiting.”

  “The whole town will be on the lookout,” Blake said. “We stick together in Merricks.”

  “Thank you for what you did today,” Troy told Blake. “I had never been in a situation like that before, and I can’t say that I liked it.”

  “I unfortunately have been,” Blake replied. “Way too many times than I’d like. Sarah is always in the wrong spot at the wrong time. I’m going to start tying her to the bed when I leave the house.”

  “She’d cut your balls off,” Sam said. “Or her sister would do it for her.”

  “Too true,” Blake replied. “Let’s get these statements done.”

  Troy listened with gritted teeth as Sam and then Cody recounted the last few hours. He was gob-smacked when Sam told how she’d grabbed her gun and pulled it on the three thugs. His palm itched to give her spanking that she wouldn’t forget.

  He may not be her master, but he was her man, and what she had done was incredibly dangerous and stupid. She wouldn’t be sitting for a week when he was through with her. She had agreed to let him be the head of the house, and he was going to start the minute the sheriff walked out that door.

  Tory had seen Blake’s eyes darken when they’d told him the part that involved Sarah. She wouldn’t be sitting comfortably either if Troy read things right. What were the women thinking? Those men weren’t playing around, and they could have all been killed. Troy took big breaths to calm himself when he really wanted to shout at Sam until she understood that her behavior was unacceptable.

  “Well,” Blake said, “I think I have everything. Now, I’d best be off. I have a sub to discipline and a report to file. “

  “Thank you,” Sam said. “It’s been a big day. I think I need some food and a nap.”

  Sam let Blake out and then walked back into the living room. She flopped onto the chair and sighed.

  “I’m glad that is over,” Sam said. “Who saw today coming?”

  Troy felt himself getting worked up again. In all the chaos earlier, he hadn’t realized that Sam had taken such a risky step. He had assumed that Cody and Sam had remained calm and waited to be rescued. He should have known better. Sam wasn’t a wimpy miss who waited for a man to save her. She was a take-action and save-herself kind of woman. It was completely unacceptable.

  “Are you okay?” Sam asked him. “You are turning red, and you have a vein pulsing on your forehead.”

  “I’m angry,” he told her. “You pulled a gun on two armed men.”

  “Uh.., yeah,” she replied. “I wasn’t just going to sit there.”

  Troy took big breaths and calmed himself. He wasn’t going to spank her while he was angry, but he fully intended to show her the error of her ways.

  “You put your own life and Cody’s at risk,” he said. “Do you remember when you agreed that I was the head of the house, so to speak?”

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Well, I may not have laid down my expectations. I have one very important rule that I expect both you and Cody to follow from now on. You will not, under any circumstance, put yourself or each other in danger.”

  Troy looked at Sam and Cody as he told them his rule. Sam looked at him as though he was on crack while Cody nodded in agreement like the good submissive that he was.

  “Oh, please,” Sam said. “So you can put yourself in danger and I can’t? Is that what you are saying?”

  Sam was going to fight this until the end. He wasn’t planning on letting her win. He was the Dom, and she was his little Domme, but he was still the boss.

  “Sam,” he said. “You are taking this wrong. I wouldn’t put myself in deliberate danger, and you won’t either. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she said. “What other rules do you have?”

  She would find out soon enough. He wasn’t finished driving this message home. Once he was finished, Sam would know he meant business and wouldn’t be risking her life like that again.

  “I haven’t finished with this one,” he said. “Now, I want you to take of your pants and stand in front of the coffee table.”

  “Why?” she asked, not moving from the seat.

  Cody didn’t ask questions or even if that order was for him. He just stripped off his pants and did what was asked.

  “I was talking to Sam,” he told Cody. “But because you are such a good boy and eager to please, I will give you a reward spanking.”

  “Goody,” Cody said, smiling.

  “You are not spanking me,” Sam said. “I don’t get spanked. I give them.”

  Troy stood from the couch and walked over to Cody. He placed a hand on her back of Cody’s neck and looked at Sam.

  “In most cases that is true,” he told her. “You took a big risk today, Sam, and it could have gotten you both killed. I need to make sure you don’t do it again. As my woman, it is my right to see to your safety.”

  Sam was shaking her head in the negative. Her mouth was flapping, and she looked lost.

  “Baby,” he said, “I’m not asking you to be my submissive. I’m asking you to let me correct you, and then we can move on. I need this as much as you do.”

  “I don’t think I need to be spanked,” she said.

  It wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but that was okay. They would compromise. That was what being in a relationship was about.

  “Okay,” he told her. “In that case we will need to reevaluate the parameters of our relationship.”

  “What? Why?” she asked. “I like the dynamic of our relationship. It works for us.”

  “Obviously it doesn’t,” he said. “You agreed to me being the ultimate top, but now you don’t agree with my decision and refuse to follow my request. That is fine. We will work something else out.”

  “I still don’t understand why spanking me will help,” she said. “I don’t want th
ings to change.”

  “Things are changing, baby,” he said. “It changed the moment we said I love you and will continue to change and grow as we move forward in our relationship. The only question left is, are you willing to bend enough to give me what I need?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “As long as you are willing to bend to give me what I need too. I know you are a dominant man and that you are set in your ways, but for this relationship to work, I can’t be the only one doing the bending.”

  Troy didn’t think that Sam knew just how dirty that sounded.

  “I agree, love,” he told her. “I will be more than happy to bend when the time requires it.”

  Troy sat back and waited to see what Sam would do. She would either stand and take her spanking, or she wouldn’t. It would mean that she wasn’t serious about letting him top her in their relationship, and he wasn’t sure how he could manage that.

  It was more than BDSM. It was the way he was built. He needed to be in control and make the decisions when it came to those he loved. He would try and change if that was what she needed. He loved her, so he could do nothing else, but he would be giving up a large part of who he was and he understood that she was giving up part of who she was as well He loved her all the more because of it. She was making him a better person.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sam sat quietly and contemplated her dilemma. She could let Troy spank her for what he saw as taking a risk with her life, or she could tell him no and everything would change. She didn’t want things to change. She knew they would. They had to. They were starting a committed relationship and becoming a family.

  She just didn’t want the dynamics of their relationship to change. She had meant it when she said that she would let Troy be the boss outside the bedroom. She just never realized that would involve spankings.

  Sam knew what she needed to do. She just didn’t like it.

  “Fine,” she said. “But don’t think I want be returning the favor.”

  “If I ever break any of your relationship rules,” Troy said, “I am more than happy to let you spank me.”

  She would believe that when she saw it. Sam huffed and stood. Stripping off her pants, she kicked them away and moved to stand in front of the coffee table.

  “Lean forward and place your hands on the table,” he told her. “Spread your legs shoulder-width apart.”

  Sam leaned forward and spread her legs. It pushed her full ass into the air, and she was pretty sure her pussy was on display. Troy moved around the coffee table and stood behind her. She shivered when he ran his callused palm across her butt checks and down her inner thighs.

  “You are so beautiful,” he told her. “My cock aches to have you again.”

  “Can we just get this over with?” Sam replied. “Then you can fuck me as much as you want.”

  Sam sucked in a breath as Troy’s big hand landed on her ass cheek. It stung and left her breathless. It reminded her of her classes at Silk Ties. Part of learning was experiencing, and they had each taken a spanking from the Master.

  She hadn’t liked it and told herself that she was never going to feel the hot burn on her ass again. Yet here she was, letting Troy spank her. She should protest, but she didn’t. This wasn’t about submission. This was about giving Troy what he needed.

  “Language, Sam,” he said. “I don’t like hearing swear words out of a lady’s mouth.”

  Golly, she could swear better than that. That was nothing compared to when she really got going.

  “That hurt,” Sam told him. “My ass is on fire.”

  “That was one little slap,” Cody said from across the coffee table. “You have nothing to complain about.”

  “It’s meant to hurt,” Troy added. “That way, next time, you won’t be so hasty to pick up a gun and put yourself and Cody in danger. Besides, we haven’t even started yet. That little tap was for swearing.”

  Sam sighed when she really wanted to grumble. She needed to suck it up and be strong. She had survived worse than a hand spanking. She remembered the lesson on whips and shuddered. Wolf had given her only three licks, but it was enough.

  “I am going to give you ten swats,” Troy said. “Do you understand why I am punishing you?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “I put myself and Cody in danger by pulling a gun on three asshole thugs.”

  Sam squealed as Troy’s big palm landed on her other cheek. It hadn’t hurt any more than the first one, but she hadn’t been expecting it.

  “Stop swearing,” he told her. “Let’s begin.”

  She closed her eyes and waited for Troy to start spanking her. When it didn’t come straight away, she sighed and let herself breathe. The things you do for love.

  The first slap landed with a resounding thud and lifted Sam onto her toes. It stung like crazy before it morphed into a burn and faded. The second slap landed with the same force and had Sam crying out before that, too, slowly faded.

  The next three landed one after the other. Slap. Slap. Slap. Sam closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on staying still. She had to lock her knees to stop from sinking to the floor.

  “Halfway, baby,” Troy told her.

  She could handle five more. Her ass hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable.

  Slap. Slap. Slap. The next three landed on the tops of her thighs where they met her butt. As the sting faded and turned into pleasure, Sam’s body started to react in other ways. Her nipples hardened, and her clit started to throb.

  This must be what her submissive girlfriends had talked about. They had told her what a turn-on a good spanking could be. So why didn’t she feel that the other times in class?

  Slap. Slap. The last two swats were harder than the rest, and Sam felt tears prick her eyes as pain flared through her ass. The pain faded, and she was left feeling confused and aroused and in need of a good cry.

  “It’s over, baby,” Troy said, helping her straighten and pulling her into his arms. She snuggled into his embrace and let him take care of her. “Thank you, Sam. You gave me a gift, and I know how hard that must have been for you. It won’t be mentioned again.”

  She sucked back the tears and sighed. She still didn’t like being spanked, but she knew that it had to be done for the three of them to move forward in their relationship. She had fucked up by pulling the gun, and Troy had felt he needed to correct her actions. It made sense, she supposed.

  She was shocked that she had gotten turned on by the experience more than anything. Her pussy was still throbbing for attention, and she knew just the man to take care of the problem. He had put her in this state. He could fix it.

  “Can we make love now?” she asked, lifting her head from his chest and looking into his deep brown eyes.

  Troy smiled down at her, and she felt his hand move from her back. She hissed as it made contact with her tender butt before delving into her wet heat.

  “Someone liked their spanking more than they are willing to admit,” Troy said. “You are so wet, baby.”

  “Oh, shut up.” Sam spread her legs wider and let Troy’s fingers wander.

  She was wet, and Troy was easily able to slip one long finger inside her aching channel.

  “Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable,” Troy said, removing his finger from her body.

  Sam looked over at Cody, who stood at the other end of the coffee table, pouting. His cock was hard and pointing at her, but he didn’t look happy.

  “I thought I was getting a reward spanking,” Cody said. “I was looking forward to it.”

  “Don’t worry,” Troy told him. “I hadn’t forgotten about you. You will still get your spanking, just a little later than planned.”

  Troy stood back and grabbed the bottom of Sam’s shirt. He pulled it over her head and unclipped her bra. Sam was completely naked, and Cody rushed to join her, whipping his top over his head and throwing it on the couch.

  She would have to talk to him about his untidiness, but she would wait until later. Troy moved in
close and bent, scooping her up into his strong, muscular arms and carrying her toward the bedroom. Cody rushed ahead and opened the bedroom door for them to enter.

  Sam wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. It had been years since she had been carried and she was no lightweight. She was amazed at his strength. He didn’t even struggle with her weight, nor did he complain.

  “I want to ask something from you,” she said. It was something she had wanted from the first time she had discovered Cody and Troy were bisexual.

  “Anything, baby,” Troy answered.

  “Can I watch you and Cody make love?” she asked.

  “Totally,” Cody replied. “I could be the meat in the sandwich.”

  Troy paused and looked down at her. She thought he might say no at first. All the times they had been together, she had yet to see them more than kiss. She wasn’t going to be turned off from the sight. She thought it was hot. It was also who they were, and they needed to be with each other as much as they were with her.

  “You weren’t planning on sneaking off every time you wanted each other were you?” she asked. “I wouldn’t like that. I want to watch and be involved.”

  “No, we weren’t,” Troy said. “I was just going slowly to make sure this was what you wanted. Some people don’t like the sight of two men having sex.”

  “I’m totally all right with it,” she replied. “I think it’s hot. I can’t wait to watch.”

  “It’s a bit late to be going over this now,” Cody said. “You both said ‘I love you.’ You can’t take it back. I won’t let you.”

  Troy lowered Sam to the floor, and she moved out of his arms toward Cody, who sat on the end of her bed.

  “We never would,” she said. “You are stuck with us both. Now go and get your Master naked.”

  Sam sat back on the bed and watched as Cody approached Troy. Was Troy worried about what she would have thought when he made love to Cody? It was ridiculous in her mind, but maybe she hadn’t been open enough about her interest in watching them together.


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