Bitten By Desire (Regent's Park Pack Book 3)
Page 12
Alec sighed. “No, probably not.”
Even if he is a wanker.
Mark was leaning heavily that way with all he’d seen and heard over the last few days, but Newell was still his alpha. Hopefully not for too much longer if the council did their job. R-pack had the evidence sitting in their building. Even if they didn’t trust the rogue shifter, there was the jacket.
Scents never lied.
And neither would he and Will.
Newell might have ordered them not to tell any pack members, but they’d have to tell the truth to the council members. No matter Newell’s explanation, Mark’s gut told him Newell was lying. He just needed to wait it out until the council came to the same conclusion.
Alec collected their rubbish onto the tray and stood. “I need to get back.”
Glancing at his phone, Mark nodded. “Yeah, me too.” Another five hours and then he was done. Would the council members still be there? It’d only be about half past three, they wouldn’t finish that early, would they? And where were they staying?
He followed Alec to the door, and a thought occurred to him. He’d rather spend as little time as possible at his pack building. Which wasn’t something he ever expected to think, but things changed. “Are you free tonight?”
“Possibly. I won’t know until after the council stop for the day. Why?” Alec smiled his thanks as Mark held the door for him.
The view of Alec in a suit was just as impressive from the back, and Mark had to admit his idea had nothing to do with wanting to escape his flat. “I’d like to see you. Today’s been shit.” At Alec’s raised eyebrow, he quickly added, “Apart from this bit, obviously.”
Mark smiled, sensing Alec was going to say yes. “I want something to look forward to.”
“Like a reward for all your long, terrible hours in the coffee shop?”
“Exactly.” Talking of which, they were almost there. “Well?” Mark glanced up at him. Those five inches Alec had on him made it so he had to squint at the sun.
“I’d like that.” Alec smiled, soft and intimate, and Mark felt like that smile was just for him. “I’ll text you later and let you know for sure.”
“Okay.” Mark reached for the door, figuring that was their goodbye, but Alec tugged on his arm, turned him around, and kissed him. Right in front of the coffee shop window. His co-workers might not have super senses, but they could see this far just fine.
Mark closed his eyes and went with it, wrapping his arms around Alec’s waist and pulling him close. In for a penny, in for a pound.
When Alec pulled back, far sooner than Mark was ready for, he gave him one last peck on the lips. “Have fun at work.” He winked, smiled, and Mark was done. He might as well have swooned on the spot with how obvious he was being.
His wolf sighed with contentment, a deep warmth spreading through his chest, and fuck only knew what scents he was giving off. Watching Alec walk away hit him like a physical ache. Oh shit.
He was so fucked.
Refusing to think about that right now, Mark pushed open the door to the shop and went inside to try and get through the rest of the day. He walked with his head down, only glancing up when he reached the counter.
Carole leaned against the sink, a very knowing look on her face. “Good break?”
“Yep.” Mark tried not to smile, but his mouth wouldn’t cooperate.
She threw a balled-up napkin at him. “Go on, get it all out. I’d look smug if I had someone like that taking me out for brunch.” She sighed, then grabbed his apron and passed it to him. “I still hate you though.”
“Fair enough.” He smiled as he took the apron from her and tied it on. If Alec realised what he’d done, Carole wouldn’t be the only one who hated him.
The rest of his shift passed so achingly slowly, when three o’clock finally arrived, it felt more like ten. Their replacements arrived: two shifters who lived outside the main pack buildings, so Mark didn’t know them all that well. He was only too happy to head into the back room when Carole clapped him on the shoulder and told him they were done.
The less interaction he had with them the better. Alec’s scent would still be on him, if they got close enough they’d detect it.
Carole stopped with her hand on the door knob, looking at him. “Right, I’m off. Will I see you tomorrow or was this a one off? Jason didn’t say.”
“Not sure.” Jason hadn’t told him either.
The outer door to the coffee shop opened. Mark paid little attention to it until he heard a horribly familiar voice asking for him. He froze with his jacket half on. What the fuck did he want?
Carole smiled and carried on, unaware. “Well just in case this was your one and only shift, it was nice to meet you. Good luck with your super-hot and huge shifter.” She made a show of putting her hand to her chest and sighing. “I’m still jealous.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. No way would he have missed that.
“Mark?” She snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Are you okay? You’ve gone a bit pale.”
Please shut up, Carole.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He reached past her and grabbed the door handle. Maybe if he left with Carole…. The door swung open, and Mark’s stomach sank.
Wes filled the doorway. “Hello, Mark. Mind if I have a quick word?” His smile made Mark’s blood run cold. Why the hell had Newell ever thought he’d make a good beta? Because he does exactly what Newell tells him to. No matter what it is.
Carole hesitated next to him, a trace of fear coming off her as she glanced between Mark and Wes. But instead of hurrying out of there, she curled a fist around the strap of her handbag and met Mark’s gaze. “Want me to wait for you?”
She’d known him one day. He wanted to hug her.
The look on Wes’s face was clear as day. Get rid of her.
Mark smiled at her and guided her through the door with a hand on her elbow. “It’s fine, don’t worry. You get off. It’s been a long day.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I am.”
She looked back twice before leaving the shop.
Mark relaxed a little, now that Carole wouldn’t get mixed up in whatever this was. He didn’t particularly like Wes—he could be a right dick—but Mark had never been frightened of him. Wes might have a few inches on him, but Mark could hold his own in a fight.
Size wasn’t everything.
If Will were there, they’d laugh at something like that. The thought made him grin.
Then Wes stepped fully into the room and firmly shut the door. “Something funny?”
“Nope.” Mark zipped up his jacket. “What did you want to see me about?”
“Not here.” Wes shot a glance at the door. Ahh, there were shifters out there now. “Upstairs.”
Frowning, Mark looked up. “What?”
“The flat above the shop is soundproofed,” he said in explanation. “Come on.”
Wow, Mark hadn’t even known there was an upstairs to this place. He followed Wes to the back of the room, towards a door which Mark knew led into the alley. It was where the bins were.
Once outside, Wes fished out his keys and opened another door on the right. A flight of stairs took them up to a moderately sized two-bedroomed flat.
Mark walked into the living room and whistled. A leather corner sofa took up one side of the room, with a large TV hung on the wall opposite. “This place is pretty nice.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Wes shut the living room door and walked towards him.
Mark eyed him warily, not liking how close he was getting. “What do you mean?”
“You’ll be staying here tonight.” He pointed to a laptop on the coffee table. “It’s nearly the end of the month. Alpha Newell wants you to get a head start on the accounts for Lycanis.”
“What?” Mark did the accounts on the first two days of every month. Had done for the last year. “And I have my own flat, thanks.” Not that he had any intention of
being in it tonight, but even so. “I’m not staying here.” It smelled… wrong. Like pack, but also not. The scent was vaguely familiar, but Mark couldn’t place it.
Wes edged closer, trying to use those extra inches to look menacing. Mark held his ground. “Your alpha has given you an order. Are you telling me you’re going to refuse?”
Mark swallowed. He only had Wes’s word for it. Before the business with the jacket, Mark would have done it without hesitation. He’d still have moaned, but he wouldn’t be stood there questioning a beta’s word. But that was before. “Why can’t I take the laptop home and do it?”
“Because Alpha Newell feels there’ll be fewer distractions if you stay here.” Wes grinned, as though he had an answer for everything.
Alec was right. They did want to keep him out of the way. But why? Surely that was only delaying the inevitable? Whatever, Mark didn’t want to piss Wes off if he could avoid it. There was something about his attitude tonight that made Mark uneasy. “Fine. But what about my clothes and shit for tomorrow. I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be doing.”
“You’ll be in the coffee shop again. There’s a spare uniform in the wardrobe. Just your size.”
He really had thought of everything.
“I should call Jason, just to—”
“Don’t.” Wes’s tone was sharp, barked like a command. “Jason’s busy with the council.”
Okay then. Mark would definitely be checking in with his own beta after Wes had gone. Fuck that.
As though they were carrying on the previous conversation, Wes then added in a much lighter tone. “There’s no food in the flat, though. You’ll have to fend for yourself.” He gestured at a stack of takeaway menus next to the laptop. “Plenty to choose from.”
He didn’t come out and say it, but Mark got the feeling he wasn’t supposed to leave the flat.
Mark clapped his hands together. “Right, then, I guess I’d better get on with these.” He looked pointedly at the laptop and hoped Wes took the hint to leave.
For a second it seemed like he was going to, then he stopped. “Oh, one last thing.”
Mark was in the process of rolling his eyes, totally unprepared for Wes charging across the room at him, teeth bared, claws out—half shifted. What the fuck?
The impact drove them both into the far wall. Mark’s back hit it so hard, all the breath left him in a whoosh. Fucking beta strength. How did I forget about that? Claws sank into his shoulders, pinning him, and Wes’s teeth at his neck froze him in place.
“Back off!” Mark hissed, his own fangs sliding out as he desperately clung on, not wanting to shift with Wes at his fucking throat. “Now.” His growl echoed around the room, low and guttural.
“You’re a fucking disgrace to this pack,” Wes slurred and lifted his head enough to look Mark in the eye.
Mark shifted with a roar, shoving Wes away from him. He didn’t give a shit if he was a beta.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Mark glanced down at the tears in his shirt caused by Wes, the skin underneath slowly knitting back together. “Are you crazy?”
Wes cracked his neck from side to side, reminding Mark that he used to work club security before Newell made him a beta. He took a step forward, lips curled back in a snarl. “I heard her downstairs, and I thought surely he wouldn’t be that fucking stupid. Again. Not after I warned him.” Another step. “But I can smell him on you. Why is that, exactly?”
“We’re in neutral territory.”
Wes sneered. “You are not neutral territory.” Another step and Mark growled out a warning. “Alec Knight is an R-pack beta. His only interest in you is to get to Newell. How fucking naive can you be?”
Mark kept his temper in check. “We’re not doing anything that goes against pack policy.”
“Are you fucking?”
He wouldn’t lie. Even to Wes. “Yes.” Admitting that should have scared the shit out of him, considering the rage on Wes’s face, but Mark took great satisfaction in saying it.
He saw it coming this time, and as Wes leapt at him, claws raised to strike, Mark dodged out of the way. He didn’t fight back, not wanting to cross that line with the alpha council around. Wes might be in the wrong, but it would be Mark’s word against his.
Not worth it. Unless he absolutely had to.
Wes recovered his balance and spun around. “What have you told him?”
“Nothing.” Sounding sincere with the truth was easy. Thank fuck Alec had insisted.
“Liar,” Wes shot back, but his tone lacked the conviction it had before.
“I’m not.” Mark shook his head. Taking a gamble, he shifted back, claws and teeth sliding back out of sight. Someone had to end this. “We don’t talk about pack business.”
Wes stared at him for several long seconds, eyes dark and showing everything he’d like to do to Mark in that moment. If only he had justification. With what looked like great effort, Wes shifted back. Out of the corner of his eye, Mark noted Wes’s claws stayed out. “When the council has finished today, I’m going to tell our alpha. You can imagine what he’ll have to say to you.” The idea seemed to fill Wes with delight, and he grinned. “Expect a meeting with him tomorrow. I doubt you’ll be seeing your fuck buddy after that.”
Could Newell stop him from seeing Alec? Could he order him not to if it wasn’t against the rules? Mark’s knowledge of pack policy wasn’t the greatest. “Are you finished? I’ve got work to do. Apparently.”
Wes grinned at him. “Yes you do, don’t you.” He gave Mark a long once-over, his lip curled in distaste. “What the hell does Alec Knight see in you? If I was him, I’d be aiming my sights much higher.”
Mark couldn’t help himself. His shoulder still ached from Wes’s claws, and he’d had about enough after such a long fucking day. “You’re not him, though, are you?” Wes’s fists curled at his sides, but Mark didn’t stop. “You’ll never be half the beta he is because he has the respect of his alpha and his pack—”
Wes moved like lightning, beta speed propelling him forward before Mark could react, backhanding him so hard Mark bit through his tongue and smashed face-first into the far wall.
He should really learn to keep his mouth shut.
Wes came for him again. Scrambling to his feet, Mark ducked out of the way as fast as he could, but not quickly enough. Claws scraped across his neck, tearing through the skin. He’d assumed from Wes’s size—wide across the shoulders and chest—that he wouldn’t be all that quick, but he was. Mark could fight, but apparently so could Wes, and unlike Mark, he had absolutely no qualms about doing so.
Underestimating him was going to hurt.
Springing to his feet, Mark successfully dodged the next blow, and fuck it, he had to fight back. When Wes came at him again, Mark was ready, catching him with a kick to his ankle. Wes stumbled, arms flung out to balance himself, leaving his side wide open. Mark danced forward, slashing his claws across Wes’s unprotected ribs and left four ragged cuts in his wake.
Wes roared and swung around to face him, safely out of Mark’s reach. He glanced down at his side where the bleeding had slowed to a trickle, the wounds slowly knitting themselves back together. He grinned. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
Mark scoffed. “Come closer, let me show you what else I can do.”
“If the council didn’t want to see you at some point, I’d rip your throat out right here. No one would give a fuck if you suddenly disappeared.”
“I have a fucking family. I think they’d notice if I stopped answering their calls.”
Wes’s smile turned sly. “Like your cousin?”
“He’s more like a brother, so yes I think he’d miss me.”
The hmm Wes responded with stopped Mark’s anger in its tracks. What the fuck did that mean?
Wes advanced on him, slower this time, hands raised to show human fingertips. Mark eyed him warily.
“This—” Wes waved his hand between them. “�
��never happened. If you tell anyone, I’ll say you attacked me after refusing to obey your alpha’s command. It’ll be your word against mine, and you know how that’ll go.” He laughed at Mark’s glare.
With no way to prove what happened, no blame could be apportioned. Their wounds would have healed by then anyway. Most alphas didn’t concern themselves with fights unless they kept happening. He couldn’t see Newell giving a fuck, or if he did, he’d support his beta. Mark slumped against the wall with a sigh.
Taking it as agreement, Wes walked up to him. “Thought you’d see it my way.” He patted him on the cheek and Mark swallowed the urge to bite his hand off. “Now get those fucking accounts done. They should keep you busy tonight.”
He tapped Mark on the cheek again, then turned and casually headed for the door, as though Mark posed no threat at all.
The thought of being hauled up in front of twelve angry alphas was the only thing that kept Mark from jumping on Wes’s back and sinking his teeth deep into his neck. Even then it was close. He dug his claws into the wall behind him in an effort not to move, staying that way until he heard Wes jog down the stairs and out the door.
“Fucking bastard!” Mark growled the words to the empty room. He wanted to rip through the sofa and throw things, anything to let out some of the anger coursing through him. Instead he rested his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.
Wes was such a dick.
Not for the first time, Mark wished his parents had chosen to stay with R-pack. What the hell had they seen in Steven Newell?
Slowly his temper cooled enough for Mark’s violent urges to disappear, and he took a good look around the rest of the flat. A spare uniform hung in the wardrobe, just like Wes said, and it was exactly Mark’s size. Fucker.
The place was small but nice enough. It wasn’t that much of a hardship being stuck there, but he hated being ordered around like a pet. Why couldn’t Newell have sent Jason to talk to him? He couldn’t be with the council all bloody day. Why send Wes?