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Curse of the Alpha: The Complete Bundle

Page 16

by Tasha Black

  She gave him a slow smile and he allowed his eyes to take her in. The cups of her bra were see-through. Cressida had tiny tits but they were very nice. She slid her skirt up a few inches so he could see her thin, muscular thighs and smell the tangy heat radiating off her. Normally he would have fallen on her by now, ripping the rest of her clothes off with his teeth.

  Here was a smoking hot woman practically begging him to fuck her. Why did his thoughts keep going back to Ainsley?

  Sure, Ainsley was supposed to choose the next alpha, but if he was honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he was all that interested in being alpha.

  And of course Ainsley was attractive. He had always thought she was cute, but she had grown into one hell of a woman. Thinking about Ainsley’s soft, feminine curves began to stiffen his cock in way Cressida’s taut, angular body hadn’t.

  It didn’t matter, anyway. Ainsley was going to be with Clive Warren, and that was that. Thinking of her with Clive stirred a deep feeling of longing in him. Erik squeezed those feelings into a tight little ball, then pushed that ball deep down inside himself.

  Nothing good would come from thoughts like that. He certainly did not have feelings for Ainsley Connor.

  No way.

  And he was going to do something to prove it.

  He let himself concentrate on Cressida again. She had slid her hands down her narrow hips and was beginning to caress her own thighs. Her thumbs disappeared into her panties and she arched her back and sighed with pleasure.

  Here we go.

  Erik tore his clothes off before he could lose his nerve.

  Cressida eyed him with a mixture of glee and apprehension. It wasn’t like they hadn’t fucked before. But most women, even the wolves, were intimidated by his size.

  A lot of guys would probably be jealous, but in his experience the only real difference it made was that he had to hold himself in check longer than he wanted so he wouldn’t hurt his partners.

  Cressida grinned at him like a pirate, opening her legs in silent invitation.

  He smiled back and pulled her to the edge of the sofa so he could reach her. He ripped the triangle of lace down her to her ankles, then brushed a finger against her pussy.

  She moaned and pressed against him, so he let two fingers sink into her. She was ready. But he wanted to make it nice for her.

  As he took a deep breath to pace himself she slipped one foot out of her panties and wrapped her long legs around his waist, grabbing his cock in her hand.

  Outside thoughts tried to push their way in.


  Was she okay? Why would her parents choose Clive for her?

  He closed his eyes to concentrate.

  Get your head in the game, Jensen.

  Cressida responded by dragging him across the steaming opening of her pussy. She moaned again into his ear.

  He gave up on taking it slow and grabbed her ass, guiding her to his cock again, pressing himself against her. Her hot, wet opening felt maddeningly good against the tip of his cock, but he hesitated.

  Cressida blew out a frustrated breath and slithered out from under him. When he turned to her, she pushed him back onto the sofa and straddled him, binding herself onto his shaft. He slipped inside her with only a hint of resistance.

  Erik’s sudden pleasure pushed all the other thoughts out of his mind. He closed his eyes and reveled in the steamy hot feel of her. His only focus now was how to prolong this savage sweetness.

  He opened his eyes and could see the pain and pleasure in her expression as she slammed herself onto him again and again. Soon she was yelping out a desperate plea.

  He reached down and tugged on her clit roughly, the way she liked, and she screamed like a banshee and came hard on his cock.

  He shuddered, trying not to come with her. Instead he pulled out and flipped her onto her hands and knees.

  She gasped and he could see the red gash of her pussy throbbing as she waited for him to enter her.

  He didn’t hesitate. She was so wet now that he thrust into her easily, even in this position. He grabbed her hips and dragged her back against himself. The sensation was all encompassing, and he lost himself to his instinct.

  Cressida screamed and her pussy clamped down on him again as she came for the second time.

  He felt himself swell and pulled out to finish, releasing his juices all over her ass.

  The minute it was over, thoughts of Ainsley flooded in again. Even worse than before. It was like a migraine or a missing limb.

  “Wow, Cressida,” he tried to thank her.

  “Forget it,” she quipped, wiping his semen off her ass with his favorite throw blanket. “Go babysit! I know you can’t help it. But I hope you don’t let yourself think she’s got any feeling of obligation toward you.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m not supposed to let anything happen to her.”

  “Did you ever think, if something happens to her, you might become the alpha.”

  He hadn’t really thought about it, but she was right. There were a few young, strong wolves in town that might be in the running, but it would most likely be a choice between him and Clive. It didn’t matter, he knew who Ainsley was going to choose.

  “You want a… sandwich or something?” he asked politely.

  She shook her head. She was already dressed.

  Cressida was an incredible woman. One day some very lucky guy would figure out how to get her to sit down for a minute.

  “You’re too nice, Erik Jensen.” Cressida gave him another slow smile. “You know what they say about nice guys?”

  “I know,” Erik replied. “They finish last.”

  “Sweetie, you haven’t even joined the race.”

  Before he could reply, she was gone again with nothing but the loud banging of the screen door, and his dirty blanket, to suggest she had ever stopped by in the first place.

  Chapter 11

  Ainsley wrapped her wet hair on top of her head turban style in a fluffy white towel. Her body was drained and warm and clean. Maybe that would be enough to help her get to sleep.

  She felt like a different person than the one who had woken up this morning.

  Was she really…magical?

  Had her mother been a witch?

  And how could straight-laced Grace Kwan-Cortez be part of that world?

  She remembered the sliding sound she’d heard after the séance, or whatever that was, and repressed a shudder. Best not think about that if she wanted to get some sleep.

  She smoothed lavender lotion all over her body and sighed at the lush scent, then slid into her Victoria’s Secret cotton nightie and looked in the mirror.

  Staring back at her was everyday Ainsley Connor.

  The nightie clung to her curves. She turned side to side, trying to see herself the way Clive might see her. Would he find her attractive enough to go through with it?

  The unplanned nature of her scheme was troubling. She knew it was hopeless, maybe even dangerous. But she had no other choice.

  Ainsley met her own eyes in the mirror and gave herself the encouraging, confident smile that had never failed to gird her when she had to gear herself up for business. Hopefully a little chutzpah would get her through tomorrow as well.

  She sighed and padded into her room. As soon as her foot crossed the threshold every hair on her body began to stand up.

  There was a man standing by the window. He was rail thin and tall. And young. His face was in the shadow.

  He looked familiar.

  Brian Swinton?

  Her heart dropped. Not again. She couldn’t be having the dream again. It was too much.

  But instead of running into the woods, she simply stood there, and felt the warm rush of electricity flow through her body.

  The temperature of the room plummeted. Ainsley could see the plumes of her warm breath.

  Brian turned, but Ainsley was not afraid. Somehow she knew that he meant her no harm.

  “Brian?” she asked soft

  He nodded.

  “I-I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Brian.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Ainsley. You shouldn’t feel bad, it wasn’t your fault. That’s why I came back. To tell you.”

  “It wasn’t on purpose. I lost control. I didn’t know what I was. And you ended up…” She gestured helplessly at him.

  “You never did anything to hurt me,” he said softly.

  A flash of lightning illuminated the room. Brian’s eyes burned into her soul. Claw marks covered his face, and bits of torn flesh hung down revealing the cheekbones and teeth underneath.

  Ainsley screamed.

  In that instant Brian vanished. Ainsley spun around, scanning every corner of the room, but he was gone. The temperature of the room returned to normal, but the electricity skittering across her skin told her he might not have gone far.

  She rushed to the window he’d been gazing out of. Through it she could see nothing but darkness.

  She lifted the sash and saw movement in the trees.

  A giant black wolf.


  She knew she should be angry with him for spying on her, but it was actually kind of sweet, and right now, it made her feel safe.

  His eyes met hers. Their amber glow was almost hypnotic.

  She longed for him to change and come inside.

  If he would only come into the house everything would be okay and the universe would make sense again.

  Erik’s rich scent filled her nostrils.

  Then his velvety form slipped back into the woods.

  She stood by the window of her childhood room, her loneliness echoed in his mournful howl.

  Episode 4

  Chapter 1

  Ainsley woke suddenly.

  Light poured through the bedroom window. She tried to stretch, but the sheets entangled her limbs. She hadn’t been able to make herself close the curtain last night. The idea that Erik was out there somewhere soothed her frazzled nerves. She remembered lying awake, staring at the stick-on stars on the ceiling until they’re glow faded to black, thinking sleep would never come.

  She must have drifted off at some point.

  Ainsley freed herself from the tangled sheets and tried to clear the cobwebs from her head.

  Clean house, clean mind.

  She stripped the bed and threw the sheets in the washer. After she put on a fresh set, she paused at her bedroom window.

  Had Brian really stood here last night?

  Grace and her abuela had warned her about a spirit trying to come through the portal last night. She should call Grace and tell her about what happened. But somehow, in the bright light of the morning sun, it all seemed so unlikely. And it wasn’t like she was really afraid of Brian. He didn’t seem upset with her at all.

  Why had he come back?

  Ainsley glanced out the window at the spot where she had seen Erik patrolling last night. There was no trace of him at all. He must be good at covering his tracks.

  Could he cover his scent?

  He wouldn’t even need to. His scent was all over the house when she came home to find the back door open. He had come in looking for her.

  At least that’s what he told her.

  Could Erik have been behind the break-ins?

  No. That was ridiculous.

  She thought of his kind eyes and his urge to protect her. She thought of the way his touch sent tiny ripples of excitement coursing through her.

  No way. Not him.

  Plus his scent was no where near her father’s office.

  Who then? Julian?

  That had been her first thought, after she caught him snooping. But the more she considered it, the less sense it made. He was careful, methodical, like Ainsley. He wasn’t the type to trash the whole study looking for something. And, warlock or whatever he was, Ainsley could not imagine him being so disrespectful to those books.

  Which left…no one.

  Ainsley sighed and blew a stray lock of hair from her face.

  She hadn’t been back in Tarker’s Hollow for a week and already she’d had a fling, almost turned into a giant wolf, and discovered that her mom was a witch, and maybe she was too. She’d reconnected with her high school best friend and her dead high school boyfriend.

  And now, here she was, playing Nancy Drew and the case of the book thief who didn’t steal anything.

  Chapter 2

  A quick shower, clean clothes and a strong cup of coffee from the French press brought Ainsley’s focus back. There was a lot happening. But if she could just stick to her goals she would be fine. She wrote them down to make herself feel better:

  1)Clean out the house & get it on the market.

  2)Seduce Clive Warren.

  3)Choose him as alpha.

  4)Find out what the hell happened last night and make sure it never happens again.

  5)Run at the first opportunity.

  Anything that didn’t help her accomplish one of these goals was a time waste and she had to ignore it.

  Immediately, the phone rang.

  She checked the caller ID.

  Grace Kwan-Cortez.

  Like she was psychic.

  Wait, Grace actually was kind of psychic.

  God, this town was messed up.

  Either way, Grace could help her figure out the whole magic thing from last night – item number four could be off the list by the end of the call.


  “Ainsley, you sound so…calm.”

  “Guess what happened last night after you left?” Ainsley didn’t wait for an answer. “I had a visitor.”


  “Brian Swinton.”

  There was a long silence. Finally Grace spoke.

  “I’m going to stop by. Are you at home?”

  “Well, yes,” Ainsley spluttered. A visit was the last thing she wanted.

  “I’ll see you in a minute.”

  Ainsley hung up and headed to the kitchen. She put together a tray with raspberry lemonade, glasses, and a plate of blueberry scones. She took the tray out to the back section of the wrap-around porch and set it down on the picnic table. Hummingbirds darted in and out of the trumpet flowers climbing over the white picket fence in back. A rabbit scampered into the rose bushes.

  She texted to Grace.

  I’m out back.

  Ainsley stretched and took in the peaceful scene. She couldn’t deny that no matter how successful she was, she could never replicate this in New York.

  Grace’s footsteps sounded on the front porch and Ainsley looked up to greet her friend as she came around the corner of the house.

  “Are you okay?” Grace asked.

  “Of course I am,” Ainsley said lightly.

  “I don’t mean physically,” Grace said, sitting across from Ainsley and leaning on the table. Concern marred her beautiful face.

  “Grace, if you only knew what I’ve lived with all these years…”

  She couldn’t tell her. She just couldn’t.

  “I know you really liked him, Ainsley. It was really sad what happened to him. Did he speak to you last night?”

  Ainsley poured lemonade for each of them and placed scones on little plates. She would have gladly white-washed the back fence to avoid what was coming.

  “He did.”

  ‘What did he say?”

  “I told him that I was sorry. And he told me I’d never done anything to hurt him.”

  Grace nodded, like it was old news.

  “But then I saw his face. And it was…awful.”

  “That’s not his fault, Ainsley.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean, Grace. Do you know what actually happened to Brian?”

  “He was attacked by a bear,” Grace said.

  “Do you believe it?”

  “It’s not very common. But there have been bear attacks in Tarker’s Hollow over the years.”

  “At that time of year?” Ainsley asked.

  “Well, no, usually
its in early spring when they’re waking up from hibernation.”

  “Didn’t you tell me you had to learn how to write police reports to factor in the special nature of the residents of Tarker’s Hollow?”

  Grace’s eyes widened almost imperceptibly as comprehension dawned.

  “Ainsley, are you saying…?”

  “Do you know why I left Tarker’s Hollow?”

  Grace shook her head.

  Ainsley sighed.

  “I turned for the first time.”

  “Were you scared?”

  “I didn’t really understand what was happening. First I felt awful and sick. And then it started to happen and I blacked out. I don’t even remember it. And then I woke up, and …”

  “That must have been really scary.”

  “That’s not the scary part – not at all.”

  Grace looked into her eyes with a calm expression and waited. Damn, she was a fantastic cop.

  “The scary part is that I was with Brian when it happened.”

  “How did he react?”

  Here we go. This is where I finally lose my only friend.

  “We were making out, Grace. We were in the woods making out. And I turned into a wolf and I killed him.”

  Grace didn’t seem fazed by Ainsley’s revelation.

  “Do you remember killing him?” she asked, like she was asking Ainsley if she remembered where she got a cute pair of shoes.

  Why wasn’t she freaking out?

  “Well, no, I blacked out. But the next day they said he’d been killed by a bear. I could connect the dots. My dad must have hushed it up.”

  “Have you done anything violent after other transformations?”

  “I haven’t changed since that night.”

  Grace stared at her in shock, her poker face finally cracking.

  “What do you mean you haven’t changed? I thought you had to change.”

  Ainsley instinctively shuddered.

  She purposely never thought of those long, painful nights at the full moon when she sweated and moaned and felt like she had the flu and snake poison at the same time. She told herself that it was like childbirth. Mothers forgot those nights and that was how they ended up having more children.


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