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Twice Burned: An MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 3

by Aly White

  We approached the girl and the minute she raised her head to look at us, her eyes lit up. “Woah,” she murmured and dropped Aubrey to the ground. She tucked her hair behind her ears. “Do you want me to accompany you guys inside? I’m totally free.”

  I beamed a smile, the usual smile that hypnotized even the toughest girl in town. “As much as I want your company tonight. I can't,” I said. “We need to get this girl home.”

  “Oh, she can find her way home,” she said quickly, darting her glance at Aubrey who was now being carried by Lucas. “That’s not fair,” she added, lowering her voice. “I should’ve drank more if this is what it’ll get you.”

  I was about to ask her what she said, to make her repeat her words when Lucas called me and said, “let’s go.”

  The whole way to Austin’s home, Aubrey kept on muttering random things, how cats sleep seventy percent of their lives, that she could understand the animal language.

  Eventually, we bumped into a dog in a random front yard she conversed with it, barking at each other. She urged us to say something to the dog and when we failed to understand it. She shoved the bottle of liquor in our faces, saying it is a potion to understand animals.

  And now look at her all downtrodden in the bar on her brother’s wedding day, all grown-up but still adorably shoving liquor in her face. Some things really do not change.

  “Drink this. This will make you hot to me,” she says but then as if she has realized something crucial she adds, “wait, you two already look hot.”

  “We can manage more,” I say to her, and she smiles in response, content with my answer. “Give me a glass,” I ask the bartender, and he promptly gives me one, as well as another one for Lucas.

  “Pour me some,” I say.

  “Right away.” Aubrey slurs her words, and when she attempts to fill up my glass, she misses and spills the liquid.

  I take the bottle from her and fill my glass instead. And when I am done with my glass, I extend my arm, asking Lucas if he wants the same brand. “You fine with this?”

  “Sure,” he says and takes the bottle from me.

  But then Aubrey says, “That’s my bottle. Why are you giving it to him?” She turns her head to face Lucas and when she sees her face she giggles and says, “Oh, my bad. You can have it. You’re hot.”

  I see Lucas expose a little flush on his face, but the girl between us is seizing all my attention, making me ignore Lucas completely. Damn, I’d pin you down right here. Make you entirely submit to me. I don’t care if there are a lot of people. Let them see what I can do to a body like yours.

  This girl has grown into an exceptionally beautiful and hot woman. I close my eyes for a bit, but my mind has already advanced, showing me a picture of us in the bed. And when I open my eyes, I flinch because Aubrey is leaning forward to me. Her face is right in front of me, watching me open my eyes.

  “Are you sleepy? Should I bring you home?” She asks.

  But Lucas interrupts, and as if he has access to my mind he says, “He is closing his eyes because he is imagining some perverted stuff.”

  He catches me off guard, I try to brush it off with a laugh, and he does the same as well.

  Aubrey is about to say something when all of a sudden, Austin appears at our back and grabs Aubrey’s shoulders, making her sit straight. “Hey, Aubrey.” He shakes her body, attempting to bring her senses back. “Damn, man. Why did you let her drink so much?” Austin raises his voice.

  “She’s already drunk when we arrived,” I say. “Why is it that the times we see her, she’s drunk.” My lips move slightly, testing the waters. I get no reaction from Austin, and so the look on my face turns into a teasing grin.

  However, Austin suddenly snaps, “Grow up and be a gentleman. Drop her off at her house.”

  “Dude, we just arrived,” Lucas says. “We’ll drop her off later.”

  “You can just come back. We’ll never run out of liquor. There’s enough to make you crash,” Austin says. There’s an earnestness in his voice that makes me want to smack Lucas. I know Lucas is getting caught up in himself…he wouldn’t really ever let anything happen to Aubrey.

  Neither of us would.

  I didn’t realize how fiercely protective I felt for her until now. But something in me senses that Lucas actually does feel it too.

  I shake my head, the seriousness not lost on me. I’m actually sad that Aubrey is so jaded right now. “Yes. We’ll get her home.”

  Austin shrugs it off, knowing that it is us bringing her sister home, not a random guy. “Just take her home and come back,” he says. “I trust you guys…and I know I can. Thanks”

  “Of course,” I say, looking at the lethargic woman gulping down the bottle and realizing, yes, she is in need of rescuing again and we’ll have to take care of her. Which, yeah, we’re not total fucking assholes and we will.

  Austin takes the bottle away from her, and she fights back. “She’s gonna cause a scene.” He grimaces.

  Lucas and I seize her shoulder, and then we support her as she stands up. We walk away from the crowd unaware and honestly a little shook up as we grab as she tumbles from one us and then the other, but we won’t let her fall.


  I open my eyes, wincing at the raging storm in my head; it is throbbing unceasingly. I notice I am slumped in the back seat of a car. But whose car? Wait, why am I inside a car?

  I try to rack my brain, remembering the last time I was conscious. My mind fails to remind me of something that could help me figure out what is happening. Instead, another surge of throbbing occurs.

  “She’s so dead drunk,” I hear a voice, the kind that is warm and riveting, the kind that would pull you in despite the context of what he says.

  “Who knew our job as her knights in shining armor is still continuing,” a different voice fills the air, the kind that is easy to the ears, pleasant, exuberant, the kind that would lure you in and let you push yourself out of your limits.

  My mind is in a haze to process the owners of the voices, but they do sound familiar, like something that is from the past, something that is infused with affinity or something that resembles the feeling of putting your tongue on the surface of a lollipop, sweet and moist. Utterly sweet.

  Just then, a head turns to me from the front seat, my eyes are already wide open, but I haven’t moved at all, so they have yet noticed me waking up. Our eyes meet, Julian and me. Suddenly it hit me, the happenings before this.

  It feels like a stream of memories is flowing through my mind at a high rate of speed. Everything is making sense to me now. Me, looking like a dead log in the back seat, and them, obviously saving me for another time like what happened countless times in the past.

  “You feeling okay?” Julian asks, putting his hand on my head, but I swat it away lightly and push myself up instead. My body is aching, sore due to the uncomfortable position I am in, or perhaps I am just acting up because of the uncomfortable situation I am in. Either the two. Or the alcohol.

  Yeah, let’s blame the alcohol. Blaming the alcohol is the most sensible thing to do, right? Because I am afraid I might do something more, something that is not me.

  “I’m fine,” I grunt. That is the most plausible way to say I’m fine, throaty and hoarse. But this is still the alcohol speaking, so who cares?

  “You don’t sound fine,” Lucas in the driver’s seat says. “We are taking you home.”

  “Look—” I clear my throat “I can still manage, bring me back. I have more drinking to do.”

  “How about we drink at your place?” Lucas says.

  I pause, trying to make out something of that sentence. “Two guys and a girl in one house? What are you trying to imply?”

  “Drinking. Just drinking. What do you think I was trying to imply, then?”

  “Making a move on a hapless girl.”

  “A girl?” Julian interrupts, “This beauty right here is a woman, a full grown woman.” He moves his head up and down, scanning me.<
br />
  My heart flutters. I feel butterflies flying in my stomach, I feel them fly everywhere, to my limbs, to my chest, to my head, to my eyes, blocking my gaze with nothing but speckles of enchanted dust.

  Julian must have caught the flush on my face, he says, “I would definitely make a pass at you if I bumped into you in a bar.”

  “Enough with that talk, Julian,” Lucas says firmly.

  “Man, why are you so stiff? I’m just complimenting her.”

  “You are making her uncomfortable. Leave the drunk alone.”

  I listen to their little argument, them getting worked up because of me. My young self must be squealing to her death right now, probably the current one as well, only if I cast away the part in me that is in an agonizing denial condition. No one has turned me on just with their heated voice.

  But these two guys in front of me are making my thong damp. I can feel my pussy moisten under the thin layer of fabric.

  And as if I’m getting intoxicated again, but this time with their hot breaths in the air. I feel the alcohol rush to my head, or maybe I am making them rush to my head, to give me the audacity.

  I never knew I could bring the alcohol to my advantage. “I feel hot,” I murmur as I pant excessively. This will lure them, seduce their inner desires to pay attention to me and not hold back.

  Why are they so worked up anyway if they do not want to fuck me? That’s all about it anyway, right? With boys? Right now I’m fine with that so why aren’t they cooperating?

  “I feel hot,” I repeat. I let my eyes open halfway, giving Julian, whose head has turned to me again, an inviting look.

  “What’s wrong?” he says in a hurry, panicking at me feigning a completely drunk state.

  “We’re almost there, Aubrey,” Lucas says. “Hang in there for a little bit.”

  If not for the space that is restraining me from doing what I believe is supposed to happen by now, I’d be already on top of them or in between, sandwiched by their scorching bodies.

  I travel my hands all over my body, feeling the heat in my skin. From my stomach to my chest to my neck back to my chest, only to let my hand rest there, caressing the little bump with my palm.

  Julian is watching me with his eyes keenly observing every movement of my hand. His mouth is parted, but he never attempts to utter even a word. I notice that he is sucking in air and then to exhale it softly afterward, a puff of hot air escapes his mouth every time he breathes. His head is moving in accord with my hand, although he takes glances at my face from time to time, making our eyes meet each other.

  After a few minutes, Lucas disturbs the little show I am giving Julian. He says, “we’re here.”

  He drives to the parking space at the back of the townhouse and parks the car. He steps out of the vehicle and opens the door to my side. Thinking that I am still completely drunk, he extends his hands, puts one under my thighs and another under just above the waist.

  He carries me out of the car. As our skin touch each other, he says looking down at me, “You’re really hot. You should take a rest.”

  I do not fight back, letting him carry me even though I know that I can walk just fine. I wanted to experience this before: lying in Lucas's arms.

  Julian approaches us and puts his hand in my pocket. I flinch, believing that I have motivated him so much, to actually act on it outside under the open air. But he takes his hand out, taking with him a key.

  Oh, yeah, right, the keys.

  He walks ahead of us on the way to my room. As we walk, I feel Lucas's hand on my waist but it never travels up. His steps are getting bigger, and soon we arrive at my door. I don't pay attention to my surrounding, only to give my focus on the matter at hand. Or is it a choice, when my mind is clouded by his touch.

  Julian unlocks the door and opens it. “Inside.”

  Perhaps, the wedding caused my sudden urge to get laid. Not that I don’t, in my normal days. It’s just that the exuberant atmosphere has turned me on, knowing that these people are happily celebrating the union of two horny bodies.

  That is what weddings are for, right? A permit to allow them to fuck every day.

  “You’re drunk,” Lucas says. With that, he carries me to bed…tucks me, and closes the door behind him.

  I want to protest, but the next thing I know, I’m opening my eyes and I’m feeling the slightest pangs of what might be a hangover.

  Lucky for me at some point after my drinking, they brought me water and Advil. I take it, then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, brush my hair, and make sure I don’t have Alice Cooper or emo level black eye makeup scare crowing all over my face.

  “I may not believe in love, but at least now I can believe in gentlemen,” I say as a I enter the living room and see them there.

  “Now that I’m sober, there’s something I’d very much like to act on,” I say, running my tongue over my lips.

  Lucas stands and wraps his arms around me, pulling me in tight for a kiss.

  Okay, sober? So much better than drunk.


  I’m in the middle of pressing my rampant body on Aubrey, having waited all night for her to be okay and unable to leave, when all of a sudden Julian appears on our side, butting in, “Do you mind if I join you?”

  He waited too. And if she’s down, I’m down.

  I was staring directly at Aubrey’s eyes, watching it tremble and wobble as if I’m looking straight at her soul when that happened. I almost want to kick him, send him sprawling to the floor for taking Aubrey’s attention, but it has always been like that when we share the same girl. We get half the attention, or whoever does better in bed gets the attention.

  It reminds me of those countless times in college, and post-college, when Julian and I share girls. I can’t help but enjoy this so much that I might explode or, according to Julian, turn into a beast. But letting out my animalistic nature has brought me to some advantage.

  Apparently, the majority of the girls we brought to bed likes it rough and wild, the kind of sex that would fuck their brains out. And I satisfy them more than what they anticipated or what their pussy desired.

  I continue to fondle Aubrey’s tits when I feel a hand slip in, brushing the side of my hands. Julian takes the other tit and grabs it like a lusty madman, giving more pressure to every touch. Aubrey moans in my mouth, feeling the movement in her chest.

  So as to not allow someone win against me, I increase the intensity of my grasp on her tits. Another moan escapes from her mouth once again, but this time it is stronger, deeper.

  Aubrey closes her eyes, feeling the intimacy by omitting her sense of sight. The competition is still ongoing and to completely win her over and win against Julian, I run my open palm against her nipple and then pinching it.

  She shudders and opens her eyes halfway and parts her lips a little bit as a moan escapes. “Hnnnggh,”

  I let my tongue travel past her lips, exploring the inside of her mouth. She welcomes me with her soft tongue, twirling with each other. I feel my blood frantically buzz as I get drowned with pleasure. I am still looking at her when she opens her eyes, but even though Julian’s fondling is getting more reactions from her, she still stares and locks eyes with me.

  Just when I thought I won against Julian, he takes out a trick out of his sleeve. He slips his hand under my jeans, under the elastic of my boxer briefs and touches the tip of my raging member. He slowly takes my cock in his hand, feeling my erection; my cock feels his warm palm wrapped around it as well.

  I can hear a chuckle from him when I unconsciously let out a moan. Julian slowly moves into my boxers as he intensely cups Aubrey's tit. I notice I've lost my interest in her chest when I catch my hand slipping out of her dress, only to find it clutching Julian's hand. I tug his hands, increasing the movement in my jeans, creating more friction, creating more pleasure.

  My hips start to move on its own as I press my hand on Julian’s hand. He loops his fingers around my thick cock and begins to move up and dow
n. I inhale deeply as I relish the sensation of a tight hand wrapped around my throbbing member.

  “Your racer down here is looking for a rider,” Julian says.

  The moment he says those words, he removes his hand from my cock, his hand from my clutch, and then unbuckles my belt and unbuttons my pants and pulls it down along with the underwear. I still have my suit on, but who cares when the meal is already in front of you.

  I fall back, taking my tongue out of Aubrey’s mouth. She is panting hard, her breaths are ragged. She sucks in air and catches her breath. And then I pull up her dress over her head, exposing her dark blue lace underwear.

  I unclasp her bra, and it falls down to the floor. I bend over to kiss it once, but then Julian follows and kisses her bare chest on the same area I am kissing her. So now we’re like kissing each other, just that the skin of Aubrey’s tits are involved at the side.

  Julian bites my lower lip, and as if I’m letting him toy with me, I bite him back, and then I push him away jokingly as I stand straight. “Wait for your damn turn,”

  “Fine, you go first. I’ll just do my thing here…”

  Julian backs away, and when I turn my eyes back to Aubrey, she has slipped out of her thong already. Her fingers are rubbing her clit. The kiss between the two guys must have turned her on and kindled an inner desire.

  The lust between the three of us fills the air, producing a steamy air.

  “Hurry and fuck me, Lucas,” Aubrey says, “I’ve been meaning to do this for a very long time,” Aubrey’s voice is low, soft, needy, firm. A few of her different personalities.

  I put my hands on the back of her thighs and hoist her, the wall is facing her back. I position myself between her legs and without thinking twice I thrust my cock deep into her with one push. She whimpers as soon as she feels her pussy get filled.

  The tightness of her pussy makes me feel like I am struck by lightning, a pleasant one that forces me to shudder due to absolute pleasure. “So tight, fuck. Don’t tell me you haven’t been naughty,”


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