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Love Bites: A Sugar City Novella (Entangled Bliss)

Page 9

by Ophelia London

  “Were those your teeth?” he asked, pulling back to look at her, a sexy, questioning gleam in his eyes.

  “Just a little love bite,” she whispered, running the back of a finger across the spot, admiring her work. “I thought you should know how good it’s supposed to feel.” Tenderly, she kissed the fading welt, feeling his body tremble. “I hope I wasn’t too rough for you, Mr. Great White.”

  Jeff gazed down with an expression she couldn’t read. “Damn it all, Sharona,” he said with a new fire behind his eyes. His mouth was over hers before she was able to take a breath. She parted her lips, wanted to open everything for him like she never had before. She wiggled, trying again to peel off her top. This time, Jeff was there to help.

  “Slowly,” he whispered. “Allow me.” He moved his hand onto her bare stomach, then inched up the hem of his T-shirt she wore, exposing her lacy bra a centimeter at a time. “You should always wear nothing but my clothes.” The look of concentration and admiration on his face was killing her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, dipping his chin to kiss her collarbone, the middle of her stomach, the spot right below the front clasp of her bra.

  “I want…” she panted, wrapping her legs around him even tighter.

  “Shhh. Hold on,” he whispered, his lips touching her mouth as he took her wrists again and held them above her head.

  Sharona was all good with foreplay, but seriously, a full day of it was enough. When she struggled to pull free, he placed an index finger over her mouth, and she heard footsteps coming down the ladder.


  Pax, though she couldn’t see him.

  Jeff sighed against her neck. “Yeah?” he answered while gazing down at her, a beckoning fire blazing behind his eyes.

  “We’re about ready. Everything is stowed. Manny says another five.”

  “Yeah, thanks, mate. Be right there.”

  A second later, she heard movement up the ladder.

  “Sorry,” Jeff whispered.

  “It’s better than him walking in thirty seconds later.” She nipped his earlobe. “Trust me.”

  “Damn. And I was just about to show you a more interesting meaning for ‘down under.’” His eyes crinkled at the edges. “But I don’t pay Pax enough to keep that information from getting back to the crew.”

  Sharona still had a hold of him. His smell, the smooth, warm skin and muscles were too delicious to let go of. Since Jeff didn’t seem in a hurry to roll off, she gave him a squeeze, slid her hands as far down the curve of his back as she could reach, then kissed him.

  His response was unlike the other kisses they’d shared. Up until now, they’d been fevered and frantic, fueled by passion and dangerous timing. But now, Jeff took his time, trading breaths and touches and caresses, like he wanted to milk those five minutes until he had to rejoin the crew above. With each tender movement of his mouth and hands, Sharona felt bits of her brain melt away, her bones turning to liquid, melting into him.

  He ran a hand through her hair and kissed every inch of her mouth, her cheeks. This was the longest moment they’d been alone since last night, but still…incomplete. Every touch made her anticipate what would come next.

  After one last deep kiss, Jeff slowly exhaled and collapse on top of her, but then quickly rolled to the side, half of his large body hanging off the bunk. “I have to get up there,” he said, his sweet, labored breath caressing her ear.

  “I know.”

  “But believe me, I’m not finished with you, baby.” He kissed the side of her neck, sending shivers through her bloodstream.

  She exhaled a quiet, dreamy moan of pleasure, stroking the back of his head. “Not even close to finished.”

  He rolled all the way off the bunk and onto his knees, resting his forearms on the bunk and dropping his chin like he was positioned for bedtime prayer. She heard his breath and saw his back raising and falling with each inhale.

  She pulled in her knees, swung her legs over the side of the bunk, and sat up. Jeff placed a hand on her knee, running a thumb over her skin, moving it farther up her thigh. When their eyes locked, she lifted an eyebrow.

  “I better get out of here,” he said. “I think Manny would overcharge me if we destroy this bunk.”

  “Tease,” she said, pinching his ear.

  He laughed and rolled onto the balls of his feet, then stood. “It might be awkward,” he said, almost like an afterthought. “With our jobs, you know.”

  “You’re worried about that, too?”

  “I meant about going topside together. But you mean?”

  “After that,” she said, with a touch of dread. “Tomorrow. Back in Miami. What do you think?”

  He crouched down and took her chin in one hand. “I think it will work. We’re on the same side. I realized that today.”

  “So did I,” she said, feeling tears of relief burn her throat.

  “Nothing remotely unethical went down,” he added. “No confidences were breached and absolutely no favoritism.”

  Unable to repress the desire, she reached out to cradle his face in her hands. She pressed her lips to his forehead, his cheek, his ear. “No favoritism?” she whispered while nibbling his earlobe.

  Jeff snickered. “The last ten minutes do not count.” After one more kiss, he said, “I should go up first. I don’t worry about Pax or Manny or the other guys.” He shook his head. “It’s that reporter…”

  “He’d have a field day,” she agreed.

  Sharona hated that they had to part again, with so much unfinished business between them, but she knew it had to be done. A voice inside her whispered that they would get their chance, the real chance they deserved.

  Jeff set his intense blue eyes on her one last time. “See you up there,” he said, then started up the ladder.

  Sharona sprang from the bunk. “Wait!”

  He turned back and ran a frustrated hand down his face. “Believe me, baby, I know it sucks. I want you right now, you have no idea what I want to do to—”

  “No,” she said with a laugh. “I don’t mind you walking around half-dressed—I actually prefer it, but it might look suspicious to the others.” She tossed him his T-shirt that had somehow gotten wedged under her back.

  Jeff chuckled and turned an adorable shade of pink. “Oh yes, um, thanks.” Much to her disappointment, he pulled the shirt over his head, covering up that magnificent chest. Even his scar was beautiful—it explained so much about who Jeff was, what he’d been through, was fighting for…the man she was falling headfirst for.

  As she watched him climb the ladder, Sharona realized how obvious it was that she hadn’t been in love with Garry—not the way she should have been. How she felt about Jeff—the admiration, the pure chemistry—was so much stronger, more real somehow. She didn’t just want him, she needed him. Even the illogical aspects of their future seemed…logical. Despite how she’d been down on love only a day ago, now, she couldn’t help feeling optimistic.

  Chapter Nine

  Jeff hoped he looked more composed than he felt when he walked onto the deck. Everyone was busy doing their jobs and Manny was the only one who gave him a second look. Well, he gave the still-tingling location on Jeff’s neck a second look. Jeff chose not to react.

  “Shoving off?” he asked the captain while tucking in his shirt. Had his other been tucked in before his little tumble with Sharona? He couldn’t remember.

  “Just about to,” Manny replied. “Is she okay?” He eyed the companionway.

  “She’s fine. I tended to her, um, cut.”

  “Yeah, mate. Sure.”

  Jeff took a quick inventory of the seven trackers they’d retrieved. Better than he’d hoped. He and Pax discussed what info they might find when they got back to Miami. Which of course made him think of Sharona, and of how she’d looked just a few moments ago, her dark hair splayed across the bunk, her sexy-adorable smile after she’d bit his neck.

  Love bite, she’d said…while wearing his T-s
hirt. Sweet hell, she was one of a kind. In one day, she’d crawled inside his soul and lit a fire.


  He blinked and looked at Pax. “Yeah?”

  “I was asking if I should I pack them with the rest of the gear, or if you want to hold onto them?”

  “Leave ’em here,” he said, fingering one of the hot-pink transmitters. With all that had happened today, Jeff was grateful Pax and the crew helped him carry on with the research. And with a woman like Sharona now in his life, he felt more and more like a damn lucky guy.

  “You got it,” Pax said, then left to pack the laptops.

  “Good day’s work, Dr. Cruz?”

  Jeff’s heart gave a hard crash against his ribs when he heard her voice. It was amazing how quickly his body learned to react to her. Would it be the same when they were both in Miami? Jeff couldn’t help smiling. No…it would be even better. No matter what the challenge, they would figure it out.

  “A very good day’s work,” he said, trying not to smile too much but probably doing a lousy job. “Though not perfect.”

  “Not yet.” She returned his smile while tucking the front of his faded National Rugby League T-shirt into her shorts. Glory be—the woman was a bombshell. “Are we heading back now?”

  “We should be at Port Jackson in less than two hours.”

  “So your top-secret research is over.” She picked up a transmitter and held it up to the sun. “Extraordinary how this little thing is such a big deal.”

  “It is,” he agreed. “If all goes well, in a year or so, we’ll get the patent and be able to sell them to everyone.”

  “Why not share it sooner? If it’s as innovative as you hope, shouldn’t we get the word out?”

  Jeff couldn’t help grinning at her use of the word “we.” It took everything in him not to scoop her up in his arms and see about busting that bunk below deck.

  “It’s exciting, right?” she added. “Don’t you want to shout it from the rooftops?”

  “I do,” he said after a laugh, loving her enthusiasm. “And you’re right—it would speed things up if we shared our findings with certain interested parties. I get calls all the time to discuss my projects.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “So, Manny was serious this morning about you being…famous?”

  “Um yeah,” Jeff said. It was kind of refreshing that Sharona didn’t know that side of his life. He was usually able to keep a low profile. Whenever he was recognized on the street, people seldom made the connection that he was the same bloke on TV behind the sunglasses and logoed ball cap on the deck of a boat. After all, he was no Crocodile Hunter.

  “I have a love-ate thing with the media right now,” he added. “It’s complicated and I’d rather not deal with complications unless it’s really important.”

  “Well, I’d love to see you on TV.” She lowered her voice and shifted toward him. “Looking all brave and sexy…fighting off sharks with your bare hands.”

  “Ha! Like that row would end well for me.” He laughed. “Plus, I’ve seen enough cameras to last a lifetime. Tell ya what, though, if I do go on the telly again”—he paused to brush his hand over hers—“it’ll be just for you.”

  A smile curved her lips. “I’ve never been a groupie before.”

  “And I’ve never had one. I guess there’s a first for everything.”

  “It’s incredible what you’re doing, Jeff. Honestly.” The warmth in her voice warmed his heart.

  “Today was a team effort, including you.”

  She snorted. Only from Sharona Blaire could that sound be dainty. “Right. I’m the Julia Roberts to your Ocean’s Eleven crew.”

  “Crikey, woman. You’ve got much better legs that Julia Roberts.”

  Another snort, accompanied by a blush this time. “My biggest contribution today was sending the last Old Faithful to its watery grave.”

  “It’s forgotten,” he said. “I know for a fact we wouldn’t have done half as much if you weren’t aboard.” He touched her arm quickly, then drew away. “Do you really think I’m always this efficient?”

  “I had a feeling you were…resourceful.” Her teeth sank into her full bottom lip. “Well, I need to call my boss and check in, then I’ve got a few more…um, auditory items I need to check off.” She twirled a lock of hair. “With your assistance, I hope?”

  Jeff couldn’t help it; he reached out and placed a hand to her cheek, not caring who witnessed the act. “Auditory items, eh?” he said, running his thumb over her skin. “I know the ones you mean. One in particular will require my…full attention.”

  Her beautiful lips parted and she stared up at him. In about five seconds, Jeff was going to make a huge fool of himself in front of his crew. He almost didn’t care. “After you check in at work, don’t forget to call Natalie.”

  “Who?” she asked a little dreamily.

  Jeff laughed. “Your best friend who lives in Hershey, Pennsylvania and spends all her time around chocolate, and she’s having issues fighting off a past childhood crush, if I recall last night’s conversation. It’s her birthday, remember? Maybe you should phone her before your boss.”

  “I’m hoping we’ll be too busy with finishing the audit, and I won’t have time to do either.”

  “Sharona.” He smiled, pulling his hand away. “We both have jobs to do, and mine doesn’t include tearing off your clothes in front of my men.” He loved the way her cheeks flushed pink and her dark eyes shined.

  “M-maybe I should get Pax to help me with the rest of the audit and I’ll meet you back here when we get to Sydney.”

  “That’s probably a wise idea.”

  She nodded, grabbed the strap of her bag, and headed away. Though the sultry glance she gave him from over her shoulder shot his core temperature off like a rocket.

  For the next hour, Jeff caught up on his own work, answering emails and stowing gear. He kept one eye on Sharona and Pax. His assistant kept appearing at his side, clarifying information to relay to Sharona. He looked more and more beat down each time.

  “I don’t know why she doesn’t just ask you herself,” Pax said the third time he came over to Jeff. “It’s like she’s deliberately trying to stay away from you. You must have run her through the ringer, boss.”

  Jeff couldn’t help chuckling as he rubbed his chin. “I’m afraid I did.”

  They were just minutes from port and Jeff was fairly impressed with how he’d been able to control himself. But he knew he was on the verge. When he rounded a corner at the back of the helm, he ran face first into the person he’d been trying to not think about every five seconds.

  “Oops,” Sharona said.

  He smiled as he steadied her, keeping his hands on her arms. He’d never been so happy to see anyone in his life. “Hey. We really have to stop meeting like this. Though I wish you’d spilled your drink again so I’d have to take off your—”

  “Sorry—didn’t see you,” she cut in just as Pax appeared from behind.

  Jeff dropped his hands and stepped back. “Hey,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “How’s it going?”

  “We’re about done,” Sharona said, tucking her tablet into the bag hanging off her shoulder.

  “She has a lot of questions about Old Faithful,” Pax said, looking relieved. “We both know you’re the man for that job, so I’ll let you take over.” He patted Jeff on the arm and as he breezed by to exit, he bumped Jeff’s shoulder, causing him to step forward into Sharona. He didn’t fight the reflex to take her by the arms again, pulling her body close.

  “Thank you, Pax,” she said, while keeping her eyes on Jeff.

  Pax may have replied, but Jeff only heard buzzing behind his ears, because a second later, Sharona’s hands slid inside his T-shirt. His body quivered in surprised pleasure.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Nice to see you. I hope Pax was—” His voice cut off when her fingers hooked under the waistband of his jeans. “Hmm. If that’s a challenge, Ms. Blaire,�
�� he said, staring down into her eyes.

  “It’s a reminder.

  Like he needed one of those. Jeff dipped his chin and growled. “I would call you a tease, but I happen to know you’re not in any position to make good on your…reminder.”

  Sharona’s hands slid across his bare stomach and around to his back.

  “Speaking of positions,” he said, walking them until her back hit the wall of the helm. Jeff had a moment of déjà vu, how he’d pinned her to this very wall hours ago. Not to be outdone, he found the bottom of her shirt, tugged free the tucked-in front and slid his hands in, feeling her soft skin as he ran his fingers up her sides, stopping when they brushed lace.

  “Jeff,” she exhaled in a shaky whisper. “I’m buzzing.”

  He dipped his chin to her ear. “So am I, baby.”

  “No, I mean my phone. I’ve got a call.”

  It took a moment for the words to compute. “Oh.” Quite unwillingly, he slid his hands out from under her shirt. Sharona did the same, then reached inside her bag.

  “Damn,” she muttered. “Boss.”

  “I thought you already phoned him.”

  “Not yet,” she said, stepping away from the wall. “I was putting it off. I should answer, though. He’s called twice.”

  “Of course.” Jeff took his own step back, giving her room. “We’re pulling into port. It’s almost over.”

  “Finally. Though I wouldn’t mind ten more minutes downstairs.” She bit her lip. “How much time do we have?”

  Jeff exhaled a chuckle. “Not enough for me.” He bent forward to her ear. “I want you alone,” he whispered, gliding a hand around her hip, “on a slow boat to China. Days together, nights…rocking on the waves.”

  A burst of hot breath was her reply as she fisted the front of his shirt.

  “But since I can’t have that,” he dropped his hand, “I’ll let you take care of that call.”

  “Jeff.” She giggled and shoved at his chest. “You’ll pay for that.” She laughed again, sounding carefree like she had at the bar, then she took a few long strides away, her phone to her ear. “Oh, Jeff, about my boss, remind me to tell you something about him.”


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