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Nevada Nights

Page 17

by Ruth Ryan Langan

  "I can’t imagine why. It’s impossible to raise crops in this barren soil. There’s little grass to graze cattle. And all the recent mining ventures have proved fruitless. This land is worthless, Cameron."

  "Then why are my stepbrothers so determined to have it all?"

  He shook his head sadly. "I think they’re just driven to continue the feud between the families. What Big John won isn’t enough for their appetites. They want to see the Lamptons destroyed."

  Cameron brushed the hair from her eyes and continued to study the sand and rock that stretched as far as she could see. "I don’t believe that, Quenton."

  "You sound like—"

  She turned. "Like who?"

  He shrugged. "It doesn’t matter." He leaned across the saddle and gently touched her arm. "You just don’t want to believe that so much hatred, and even threats of death, can all be over something worthless. I still think this land is nothing more than an evil temptress that makes men go a little mad, and even kill, only to discover she’s an undeserving beauty, an empty shell with no soul."

  She shook her head. "I simply can’t accept that."

  "When you’ve lived here as long as I, you’ll be ready to believe the worst about this place." He glanced up at the sun high above them and gave her a smile. "I have to leave you now, Cameron. I—have an appointment."

  Cameron stared pointedly at her uncle’s waist. "Why aren’t you carrying your gun?"

  "I have no use for them, Cameron. I had my fill of killing when I was a Texas Ranger. I want no more of it."

  "What will it take to make you understand that Alex’s threats are real?"

  "If they’re really determined to kill me, one paltry gun won’t deter them."

  She reached into the pocket of her gown and drew out the Remington. "Two guns, Quenton."

  He smiled gently. "I fear even two guns won’t be enough against a determined killer."

  "Two guns are better than none."

  He stared at the flashing eyes, and for a moment he was that little boy again, listening to his sister Elizabeth. "Cameron, you’re the most wonderful surprise. I adore you every bit as much as I adored your mother."

  He leaned far over the saddle and kissed her cheek. Then Quenton urged his horse forward. With a hopeless shake of her head, Cameron turned her horse back toward the McCormick land. She glanced back. In his haste, Quenton had already crested the hill and was gone from sight. She rode home at a slower pace.

  * * *

  "Miriam! Just look at you. You look—radiant."

  Cameron paused at the front door to stare at the lovely figure in the chair.

  Her half-sister gave her a brilliant smile. "Thank you."

  Dressed in a pale yellow gown and matching bonnet, she resembled the buttercups that dotted the hillsides of Cameron’s beloved island. Spotting the parasol in Miriam’s hand, Cameron’s eyebrow rose. "Are you actually going out?"

  Miriam’s laugh was as tinkling and clear as a bell. "Yes. Isn’t it amazing? Ti has persuaded me to take a ride in the rig."

  "That’s wonderful. Where will you go?"

  "Anywhere." She sighed. "As long as it isn’t into town. I don’t want the townspeople staring at me. I’m sure they’ve whispered about me through the years. I’m something of a freak, you know."

  Cameron touched her arm. "You have to stop thinking like that. You’re a beautiful woman. You’ll turn all their heads with that cornsilk hair and those blue eyes. They’re bound to stare at you."

  Miriam’s brows shot up. Her hand flew to her cheek. "Beautiful?" Her eyes took on a dreamy, faraway look. "That’s just what Ti told me. But I didn’t believe him."

  "Well, it’s time you listened to him. He’s right, you know. You are a beautiful woman. Even I can see that." Cameron grinned. "And I’m not a man in love."

  "Oh!" Miriam gasped at Cameron’s words.

  Cameron’s smile widened. With an impish light to her eyes, she added, "You may as well get used to it, Miriam. Ti is in love with you. And I think you’ve begun to realize you share those feelings."

  Miriam blushed. Cameron watched her features soften at the sight of the tall, dark-skinned man who walked up the front steps.

  He smiled down at her as he lifted her easily in his arms. "Your carriage awaits, my lady."

  She shot Cameron a radiant smile. "We’ll be home by dinner time."

  "Don’t rush. I’m sure everyone around her will manage without you."

  The house, she noticed after they left, was unusually quiet. A search of the upstairs revealed only little Alexander playing under the watchful eyes of a servant woman. Nina was nowhere to be found.

  Peering cautiously around the stable, Cameron discovered that Alex, Jarret, and Colt were gone as well. She let out a sigh of relief. For a little while she could relax.

  * * *

  The digging had begun again. Cameron was certain of it. Although the mound of fresh dirt had disappeared, Cameron could see that the mine shaft was long and deep. There were rutted marks of wagon wheels in the ground, and Cameron followed them across the hills to an old deserted mine shaft. The residue of fresh dirt on the ground near the entrance was evidence that the earth from the new mine was being dumped in here. Whoever was doing the digging would be able to dig forever, and no one would be the wiser. As long as they had found a hiding place for the dirt they were hauling from the new dig, they could continue their work in secret.

  As she rode home for dinner, a plan began forming in her mind. Tonight she would have to keep her wits about her. No matter how long it took, she was going to find out who was digging on her land, and why.

  As the family assembled in the dining room, Cameron studied their faces. Ti and Miriam were flushed and happy. The feelings they had discovered for each other colored all their movements. Ti, always gentle and patient with Miriam, was now even more attentive. And Miriam’s eyes danced with a light that even Alex’s biting words could not dim.

  "Where were you two today?" he demanded.

  Miriam and Ti sat side by side. Cameron wondered if they were holding hands under the table.

  "Ti took me for a ride."


  Miriam shot Alex a look of complete surprise. "I don’t need to explain to you, Alex."

  "I don’t want you riding over this land."

  "I will if I please. Need I remind you that this is my house?"

  His voice lowered. "Need I remind you where Jarret and I found you the last time you decided to go exploring? You were lying at the bottom of a deserted mine shaft, and your exploring days were over."

  Her face drained of all color. Instantly, Ti’s arm went around her shoulder, drawing her close.

  "Take me to my room, please Ti. I’ve lost my interest in food now."

  Without a word, he lifted her in his arms and carried her through the doorway. The family sat in silence, listening to the sound of his footsteps as he made his way down the hallway.

  "That was uncalled for," Nina snapped.

  "Was it? I rather enjoyed watching the young lovers come up for air and smell the stench of reality." Alex was just warming up. Next, with a sneer, he turned on his wife. "And where were you today, Nina? Out taking in the view of the countryside, too?"

  She stared at her plate. "I went to town."

  "You seem to have a great need to go to town lately. Is there someone there who interests you?"

  She shook her head.

  "Speak up, woman."

  "Well." She seemed to be searching for something, anything to say. "There’s a"—she swallowed, then lifted her head to meet his eyes—"new seamstress."

  "Ah." Sarcasm colored his tone. "A new seamstress. Is she good?"

  "Yes. She’s—very good."

  "What’s her name—this seamstress. Maybe I’ll drop by and compliment her on the lovely dresses she’s been making for my wife. Though I’ve seen them in your closet, you’ve never bothered to wear them for me."

  Cameron glanced at Colt. He
was staring at the scene with absolutely no emotion showing on his features. She marveled at his ability to remain aloof while Alex was humiliating the woman he loved.

  "I—didn’t think you’d like me in bright, pretty colors."

  "Then why did you have the dresses made?"

  She shrugged. "I liked them. The colors made me think of my sunny island. I was feeling terribly homesick. So I bought them, even though I knew you would disapprove."

  "Well, my dear wife, you were wrong." With an evil grin, he added, "After dinner, put on your prettiest gown, Nina. That might please me. If it does, I’ll show you just how much it pleases me."

  Cameron saw the shudder that passed through Nina’s slender frame at his words. How much longer, she wondered, would this beautiful young woman have to submit to his brutish demands?

  Alex had been just warming up until now. Turning to Cameron, he hissed, "And you. You spend entirely too much time at the Lampton house. From now on, I want you to stay close to home, where we can keep an eye on you."

  Cameron carefully folded her napkin and placed it on the table. She met his look with an icy stare.

  "I have no intention of doing as you say, Alex. I will continue to do exactly as I please."

  "No!" He pounded the table and half rose from his chair. Nina touched his sleeve, but he shook her hand away.

  Sitting back down, he pointed a finger at Cameron. "From now on, as Jarret’s betrothed, you will do exactly as you’re told."

  Jarret lowered his cup and grinned foolishly at her.

  Cameron warned herself to remain calm. Alex enjoyed these little scenes. She was determined to deny him the pleasure of seeing her lose her temper yet again.

  "I’m terribly sorry, Jarret," she said sweetly, determined to exclude Alex from her conversation. "I can’t marry you."

  "Cameron, I’ll be a good husband. Alex says you need a man to tame you. You’ll like being married. I’ll show you things—all kinds of things. I’ll be good to you."

  His voice, so like a child’s, frightened her. The scene in the Delta Saloon flashed through her mind. She remembered his surprising strength. And his determination to have her. Despite her attempt at control, her temper flared.

  "No. You don’t understand. I have no intention of marrying you, Jarret. No matter what Alex says."

  She pushed back her chair and faced Alex across the table. "You can’t force me into a loveless marriage, Alex."

  The smile he gave her chilled her. "Can’t I? What a child you are, little sister. Oh, I think you’ll be—persuaded, all right."

  * * *

  Cameron stood at the window of her room, once more dressed in the clothes of the stableboy. Before this night was over she intended to know who was digging on her land, and why. She would conceal herself in the shadows and watch and listen.

  The sun had long since dropped behind the mountains. She had watched the sky darken from deepest blue to midnight blackness. Tonight no stars were visible through the swirling clouds. The air in the room was oppressive. There was an electric, expectant feeling in the air. Far on the horizon, flashes of lightning lit the inky sky, then flashed off, leaving the night even darker. A storm threatened, but this was more potent than any storm she had ever witnessed on her sleepy island.

  Despite the sticky heat of the room, Cameron shivered.

  Was Ti holding Miriam now, offering her the comfort of his tender embrace? She hoped so. No one deserved love more than Miriam. She had been alone too long. It was wonderful to see her opening up to the world around her.

  And what of Nina? Would she and Colt arrange to meet later, when Alex was out of the way? Now that Colt was living in the same house, it was easy for them to make their secret arrangements.

  Cameron pressed her feverish forehead to the windowpane. Today, even Quenton had to hurry off to meet someone. Everyone, it seemed, had someone.

  Except me. The words echoed in her mind. All I have is a dream lover. Michael Gray. She closed her eyes, and instantly she could see him astride the black stallion, so sure of himself as he urged her to ride harder. Michael handing her his shirt to tend to Sister Leona’s wounds. Michael kissing her hands before riding away.

  Now he was here in Virginia City, in the person of Colt. But they weren’t the same person. Colt looked like Michael, and when he held her in his arms and kissed her, her heart responded to Michael. But Colt was in partnership with her stepbrothers. Colt had agreed to destroy her uncle. Colt had to be stopped. And if, in the process, Michael was hurt as well, it couldn’t be helped. Her heartbeat raced for a moment, but she paced the floor until it settled back to its natural rhythm. Colt or Michael Gray. It mattered not to Cameron. She would fight either one to protect Quenton.

  She glanced at the billowing dark clouds. It was time. Stealthily she made her way from the house to the stable. Under cover of darkness she rode across the hills toward the new mine.

  * * *

  Cameron crouched on the ridge above the entrance to the mine. This time there must be no mistakes. She couldn’t afford to get caught here a second time. She might not survive another fall down a deserted shaft. Shivering, she remembered the body that had hurtled through space to land beside her. Had that drifter been killed in the scuffle or in the fall? Not that it mattered. He was still dead.

  Lightning sliced the blackness. A distant cannon burst of thunder rumbled, echoing and re-echoing across the hills. The storm that threatened drew closer. Cameron hoped it would hold off until she was able to reach the safety of home.

  The sound of voices drew her attention to the mine below. Two men spoke in hushed tones, then disappeared inside the shaft. She needed to get closer. There was no way she could see or hear anything from this distance.

  Slowly, she inched her way down the ridge toward the opening in the ground. Voices drifted and echoed from deep inside. Carefully glancing around, Cameron gauged the distance from where she huddled to the entrance. Fifty feet. No more. There was no movement from the surrounding ridges. And the night was so black, no one would be able to see her. Unless someone from the mine chose that moment to come out.

  She took a deep breath, stood, then made a run for the mine. When she reached the entrance, her hands encountered the rough planking that shored up the mine. With her breath coming in hard spurts, she ducked inside and felt around for a place to hide. Inching along the wall of the mine shaft, she could feel the timbers set nearly every twenty feet to shore up the earth around the dig.

  She was completely enveloped in blackness. Even when she held her hand to her face, she couldn’t see it. Cameron experienced a strange sense of dislocation. She had to keep touching her hands to her face to assure herself that they were still attached.

  One part of her wanted to flee in horror. This was a terrifying place to be. Without light, without companionship, this tunnel, deep in the bowels of the earth, was like a tomb. She wondered if a cough or a scream would echo and reverberate throughout the tunnels, unleashing similar coughs or screams from those working down here.

  Despite the terror, Cameron forced herself to keep moving. She had to know who was down here and why.

  She stopped. To her right she could hear the rumble of voices. Feeling in the blackness, she discovered that the tunnel intersected with another, forming a fork that moved east and west. Choosing the westerly direction, she heard the murmur of voices growing louder. Dropping to her knees, she crawled closer until she could make out the words.

  "... shore up this section before we move on. I’m going back to the other end, to make sure they keep working. Mind you, Jarret, don’t let them slack off. We’re too close now to start slowing down."

  It was Alex’s voice. Cameron stared at the soft glow of lights from the torch in his hand. Beside him, Jarret held a similar torch.

  Alex was turning to make his way back along the same route she had just taken. If she didn’t find a hiding place immediately, he would spot her.

  Scrambling along the tunnel,
she glanced over her shoulder and saw the eerie light of a torch bouncing off the walls of earth and rock behind her. Feeling her way, she began to move even faster. Her breath came in short gasps. Her hands encountered sharp edges of rock, splintered wood, hard-packed earth and mud. Several times she had to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out in pain. Still she hurried on, hoping to find either an end to the tunnel or a small indentation in the wall where she could safely hide from the man behind her.

  A light flashed to her left, then she was once more engulfed in darkness. The sharp crack of thunder signaled the entrance to the tunnel. Unless she made it outside before the next flash of lightning, Alex would see her illuminated in its glare.

  She began running. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the shaft. Behind her, she heard a muffled exclamation. Alex had heard her footsteps. She was certain of it. Instinctively, she ran harder, praying she wouldn’t miss the mine entrance.

  She slammed into a wall of solid rock and fell back, stunned by the impact. With her heart racing, her brain flashing stars from the pain, she got to her feet and began blindly feeling her way along the wall of the tunnel.

  Another flash of lightning showed her that she was only feet from the mine entrance. Running, her breath nearly choking her, she darted into the fresh air and kept running.

  Behind her she saw the light of Alex’s torch. Scrambling along a ridge, she dropped to the other side, then peered cautiously over the edge. Below her she could see the torch flitting around the mine entrance. After what seemed an eternity, it disappeared once more inside.

  She was safe now. She could go back home and forget this nightmare. She had part of her answer. She had probably known this much from the start. Alex and Jarret were responsible for the digging. But knowing this wasn’t enough. She needed to know why. Why, in this land pocked with deserted mines, would they go to all the trouble of digging yet another? What was it they were searching for?

  Cameron took a deep breath and ran across the open expanse from the ridge to the mine entrance. Afraid or not, she was determined to have all her answers.


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