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Devil's Charm

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

They talked amongst themselves as Lexie thought about the young girl in the house. “You were good with Judi today,” she said when they stopped arguing.

  “She’s a sweet kid. The bastard took too fucking much from her.” His fingers stroked along her thigh. The denim didn’t stop the pleasure she experienced from his touch.

  “Did you hear what she said about one of the men wanting her along this street?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I heard. I also heard that he didn’t do anything to her. Man was looking for a woman, and Rob handed him a girl. Judi’s been through too much, and I think it’s time for her to know what it’s like to be a kid. I’m not going to cause problems for her, but I’m not going to act like it hasn’t happened.” His hand moved further up her thigh. The tips of his fingers grazed her pussy with his touch.

  “She’s a lucky girl,” Lexie said, resting against him as the conversation picked up. He kept a firm hold of her throughout it all.

  For the next hour she tried not to moan aloud as his touch became more daring, touching her blatantly in front of his men. None of them made a comment, but she saw them watching.

  “So, boys, what do you think of staying in Piston County?” he asked.

  Lexie tensed, wondering if she was about to hear them start disputing their stay.

  “Club is coming around. I can see us setting down roots. I don’t think we should be moving Judi around, and she’s one of us now,” Curse said. “I’m ready to stick around with Vincent.”

  Several other men voiced their positive thoughts. She felt giddy at their words. Devil was staying.

  You’re falling.

  No, she wasn’t fucking falling. She was already there, loving him.

  “Then we’re staying.” Devil lifted her up off his lap, finishing off his beer. His arm was still around her waist. “Keep it quiet, and don’t drink too much. I don’t want Judi uncomfortable.”

  “Dude, we’re being pretty fucking sweet for you,” Death said.

  She didn’t want to know why they got their names. Death sounded way too scary.

  “Good. See you in the morning.” Devil kept his arm around her as they headed toward the house.


  Devil stroked her stomach as he made his way upstairs. Lexie didn’t push him away, and he kept a firm hold of her. Her body was so soft against him. The way he saw her with Judi made him feel so fucking proud. She didn’t hurt the other girl but embraced her as if they were sisters. There were times he felt Lexie was a lot older than she actually was. The only way he could think to describe her was very motherly.

  Between Simon and Judi, Lexie was a natural in caring about everyone. He’d watched her working the kitchen, cleaning up the house and dealing with the kids. The house was perfect, and he found himself calming down within himself merely watching her.

  Closing and locking the door, he spun her in his arms.

  “Do you have a problem with us staying around?” he asked. He had felt her tense when he asked the boys.

  “No, I don’t have a problem with that at all.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him down. “In fact, I like it. I like it a hell of a lot.” Her lips covered his, and Devil realized it was the first time she initiated a kiss between them. Holding onto her plump ass, he rubbed his cock against her pussy.

  “What has gotten into you?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I just realized I liked you.” She kissed down his cheek to his neck. Off his jacket went, followed by his shirt. “I love your tattoos.”

  Her fingers skimmed down his chest then up his arms before stopping around his neck. Stroking her cheek, he moved down to sink his fingers into her hair. The length flowed down her back. Fisting the length he watched her gasp and her eyes dilate.

  “I’d love to have my name tattooed over this lush, tight body.” He tore the vest from her. The material tore with the force of his grip.

  She squealed. “You’re ruining my clothes.”

  “If we didn’t have company I’d have you running around naked all day long.”

  Her lips pressed to his chest as her hands worked down to his jeans. Releasing her hair, he removed her bra letting those full tits swing free. Devil was addicted to her tits. Fuck, he was addicted to her body. The ripe curves were practically begging to be touched.

  Lexie went down to her knees in front of him. She opened up his jeans, peeling the fabric down his legs. He stepped out of them, kicking them aside along with his boots. Devil never wore any underwear. He didn’t like the feel of the fabric around his dick.

  She wrapped her fingers around his length, and with the other hand she cupped his balls. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself not to grab her, fling her to the bed, and pound into her tight, hot cunt. Devil had other plans. All day he’d been admiring her ass, and earlier had only driven his need up high to feel her tight ass wrapped around his dick.

  “What you going to do, baby?” he asked.

  “You’re so long and big.” Her fingers ran from the root to the tip of his cock. He fingered the long strands of her hair as she stared at his shaft.

  “Are you just going to stare at me all day, or are you finally going to put those lips to good use?”

  Her fist tightened around his shaft making him moan. The grip on his balls remained the same. She still wore her jeans, and that was too many clothes for his liking.

  “Well, if all you’re going to do is look your fill then I think it’s time to get this ball rolling.” Grabbing her arms, he carried her to the bed, flinging her on top. She bounced, squealed, and he tore at her jeans before she got the chance to fight him.

  “You’re insane,” she said, giggling.

  The panties went with the jeans. Lifting her pelvis up to his mouth, he covered her pussy, sucking on her clit. He heard her cry out. Tonguing her clit, he sucked the nub into his mouth. The taste of her cum exploded on his tongue. He moaned, flicking her tongue as he pressed a finger inside her.

  She wrapped her legs around his neck, and he worshipped her pussy.

  “Fuck, please, Devil, let me come.”

  He caressed her clit driving her closer and closer to orgasm with every passing second.

  Her pussy gripped his fingers. Turning them inside her, he stroked her g-spot. She cried out, and he lapped at her pussy. She shattered within seconds, coating his fingers with her cream. He continued licking her until she could take no more. Lowering her to the bed, he left her side to grab the lubrication from the drawer. He placed the tube on top of the drawer so he could grab it with ease.

  Lexie sat up on the bed, smiling at him. The smile was so fucking sweet, and it struck him right in the heart. This woman was going to be the death of him if he wasn’t careful. Her finger stroked down his chest going toward his cock. He felt the blood leave his brain as it swamped his cock. Glancing down, he saw the evidence throbbing at him. Devil was so close to the edge.

  “You can’t tease me, baby. Remember, I’ll always pay you back.”

  She climbed off the bed, taking hold of his hand as she did. She turned him to the bed, pushing him to a sitting position. He opened his legs giving her plenty of room to crouch down to get what she wanted. Her hands ran up and down his thighs, driving his need higher. Stroking the silky length of her hair, he waited for her to take him.

  Devil didn’t have to wait long. Lexie took the tip of his shaft between her lips. She licked the tip, swallowing down his pre-cum. Soon, she sucked her cheeks in taking more and more of him into her mouth. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the feel of her warm, wet mouth enveloping him in.

  “Fuck that feels good,” he said.

  She took more of him until he hit the back of her throat. He gripped her hair tighter as he didn’t want to feel her gagging on his length. He wasn’t interested in hurting her. Lexie didn’t force the issue, taking only so much. She covered the base of his shaft with her hand. Her lips only went to where her hand lay around his shaft. She worked her mouth and hand in time. The movement drew hi
m closer and closer to orgasm.

  He knew this wasn’t how the night was going to end. Devil had his plans cemented, and no amount of cock sucking was going to change that.

  When he had enough, he pulled her off his length and placed her back on the bed on her knees. She glanced at him smiling. “I think you’ve got a thing for my ass.”

  Devil slapped her rounded cheeks hearing her squeal. “I love your ass, baby, but remember I promised you I’d own your cunt, mouth, and ass. It’s time for me to claim your ass.”

  He opened the tube of lube he’d put on top of the drawer. His shaft stuck right out, red and throbbing. Devil coated his cock with over half a tube of lubrication. The porno movies had it wrong when you only saw the guy spit on his hand or the woman salivating over the shaft. In all of his experience, plenty of lubrication was a given in having anal sex.

  With the other half of the tube, he squirted the rest onto her ass. She gasped as the lube had a slight chill to it.

  “I’ll warm it up for you, baby. I promise.” Throwing the empty tube away, he concentrated his efforts on her ass. Sliding his fingers through the crack, he coated his digits with the lube before pressing more into her ass.

  She tensed around him, but he didn’t let up, sliding his fingers in deep. Once she’d taken both of his fingers, he pressed the head of his cock to her ass. The tight muscles stopped him from going any further. Pressing more against her ass, he waited for her to relax. After several seconds passed, Lexie finally relaxed long enough for him to slide the tip inside. Returning his hands to her hips, he fed his cock into her tight, hot ass.

  Their moans mingled together, echoing off the walls. She collapsed to the bed so only her bottom half was raised on her knees.

  “How are you feeling, baby?”

  “Fucking wild. You’re in my ass.”

  He laughed, keeping his grip on her hips.

  “That I am, and it’s about to get a whole lot fucking wilder.” He pulled out of her ass, watching himself appear. Without waiting for her to grow accustomed to him not being inside her, he slammed back in. She cried out. Her ass tightened around him.

  Over and over, he fucked her ass, all the time wanting to brand her body with his cock. He felt possessed with the need to fuck her harder.

  “Stroke your clit,” he said. “I want to feel you come.”

  Her hand disappeared between them. He felt the change in her body the instant she started to finger her sweet clit. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Marking her didn’t feel enough, and he felt like a fucking brute for the possessive feeling flowing through him.

  After a few minutes of her playing with her pussy, she came apart, and her ass tightened even more around him.

  Closing his eyes he thrust inside her one final time feeling his orgasm wash over him. He collapsed over her, panting for breath.

  Then like a giant wave Devil realized what he was feeling for her.

  Devil was in love with Lexie Howard.

  Chapter Ten

  On Friday night the following week Lexie stayed around Phoebe’s house. She’d grown close to the other woman in the last few weeks, and they’d worked relentlessly in bringing the club back up to a good standard for the boys. Judi was staying over as well. Devil’s large house was too much for either of them when he wasn’t staying at home. Lexie certainly wasn’t used to the noises and could only deal with them when he was home. He’d left the house a couple of hours ago telling her that he wouldn’t be home. She hated when he left her alone. The last week since their barbeque had been something of a fairytale. For so long she hadn’t believed in fairytales whereas now she was starting to think, maybe there really was such a thing. Not the castles, princesses, and princes but something magical within life from allowing others inside.

  Sitting on the sofa she smiled at an approaching Phoebe. She really did like the other woman.

  “Kids are in bed. Vincent is having some time with his brothers. All is right in the world. At least, everything is all right tonight. I can only handle so much calm,” Phoebe said, pouring herself a glass of wine as Lexie finished some juice. She didn’t feel like drinking beer, and she’d never been much of a wine drinker.

  “I know what you mean. It seems so strange to be sat here drinking wine and having fun,” Lexie said, smiling. She felt totally relaxed.

  “Well, only one of us is drinking wine. You, you’re disappointing me.”

  “I’ve never had a liking for the stuff.”

  “When you’ve got kids like mine along with a man like Vincent, you’ll consider a glass of wine a luxury.” Phoebe sipped at the liquid. “Not that I’m a complete drunk or anything. I don’t drink apart from special occasions.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Thank God.” Phoebe sat back, resting her head across the back of the sofa. “It’s nice having a woman in the lifestyle. Being Vincent’s old lady can get a little lonely at times.”

  “Old lady?” She had heard Devil mutter it at times, but he’d never actually told her what it meant.

  “Yeah, the club who have women they’re going to marry are called old ladies. I’m an old lady. Then you’ve got the club whores and sweet-butts, and their main role is to please the men. Vincent won’t be getting any kind of pleasure like that. I’ll see to it. I’m always happy to serve my man.” Phoebe licked her lips.

  “What are these parties about, and I don’t think I’m Devil’s sweet-butt? I’m just the girl who got his kid.”

  Phoebe slapped her hand. “Honey, Devil is not the kind of man to get all sentimental on shit like that. He’s all about getting even. If he didn’t want you, you wouldn’t be living in his house, off limits to the other men.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Devil has put the word out that you’re his woman. He’ll be putting a ring on your finger shortly, and believe me when I say you don’t want to know what happens at these parties. I learned at a young age what I wanted to know and what I didn’t.” Phoebe sipped at her wine, flicking some hair out of her face. She was such a beautiful woman. Lexie didn’t know how she could begin to compare.

  The way Devil had been with her, Lexie felt all of her doubts evaporate around her.

  “I want to know what happens to these parties. It can’t be that bad,” she said, sipping more juice. She looked toward the baby monitor making sure little Simon was okay. Judi was doing much better and wore her leather jacket with pride. Devil hadn’t been wrong. The few times she’d been in town with Judi, people kept a wide berth of her. It was like an instant repellent to everyone around them.

  “Everything happens at them. I’ve not been to one with Vincent. The group was always on the road never staying for longer than a day or so at a time. I think it’s because of Vincent they never partied here, but he told me what happened.” Phoebe stopped to take a swig of her wine. Lexie waited patiently for her to explain further. “The places are usually full with girls, booze, and drugs. Vincent never got addicted, but some of the men in the club are. Devil doesn’t have many rules, but he’s also strict about what he accepts. Some men need it to take the edge off while others do not.”

  Lexie hadn’t seen any of the men taking anything. They must have been particularly discreet about it.

  “The parties are a free for all. I’m letting Vincent go alone tonight as it’s his first in so long. He’s been home and good to me. It’s the least I can do. Oh, as an old lady, be aware of your true position in life. You’re here to serve your man, but know it’s up to you if he strays or not. Vincent will not stray as he knows I wouldn’t let him near me if he even fucking thought about it.” Lexie listened as Phoebe went on and on. The more the other woman talked, the harder it was for her to concentrate. “Earth to Lexie.”

  Glancing up she saw Phoebe had been running a hand across her face. Smiling, she rested her head on her hand. “What’s going on? Sorry, I missed something.”

  “You complete zoned out there, didn’t you, hon?”
  “Yeah. It’s you talking about women and the sweet-butts along with the old ladies. It’s too much for me to deal with at the moment.”

  “Devil not talked this through with you?” Phoebe asked.

  “No, we talk. Of course we talk about everything, but he’s never actually told me what I mean to him or where we’re supposed to go from here. It just seems insane that I’m living with someone, and I don’t even have a clue what it all means.” Blowing some hair out of her face, she smiled sadly at the other woman.

  “I know Devil, not well, don’t get me wrong, but well enough to know that he’s crazy about you. I mean, I think he’s in love with you. Completely, totally in love with you.”

  Looking down at her lap, Lexie smiled, wishing what she said was true. Her feelings for Devil had changed so much. She didn’t have a clue how she’d fallen in love with one of the most dangerous men she’d ever known.

  “I don’t know where I am with his life.”

  Phoebe sighed, checking her watch. “I tell you what, why don’t you go and see him? The party won’t be going crazy or anything yet.”

  “No, I couldn’t go to him. That would scream obsessive much.” Her heart was pounding.

  “I didn’t take you for the giving up type of person.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then go to him. Go and tell him how you feel. You do love Devil, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Yes, I do.” She did love him. Lexie loved him with all of her heart and soul.

  “Go to him. Go and get your man.”

  “Okay. What do I do?” she asked.

  Phoebe handed her the car keys. “Take my keys and get your ass over there.”

  Staring at the keys in her palm, Lexie left Phoebe looking after Simon and Judi as she climbed behind the wheel. Before she could begin to talk herself out of everything she was doing, Lexie headed in the direction of the club. Pushing the boundaries of the speed limit she pulled up into the parking lot. There were bikes and a couple of cars dotted around the parking lot. The music was so loud as she climbed out.

  Don’t give up. Get your ass in there and find out what you mean to him.


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