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Devil's Charm

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  She wasn’t listening. The only people she cared about were Devil and Judi. One moment they’d been laughing having fun, and then Rob had ruined everything.

  He loves me.

  Lexie couldn’t think about that right now. All she could think about was the danger he and Judi were in.

  Vincent drove up seconds later. He ran toward Phoebe, pulling her in his arms. “Are you all right, baby?”


  Going back inside the house she pulled Simon into her arms, holding onto him, hoping and praying his father would be all right.

  “Devil will get her back,” Vincent said, kneeling in front of her.

  “I know he will.”

  He rubbed her knee offering her comfort. It meant nothing to her. She smiled, wanting to go back to an hour ago when Phoebe suggested going shopping. If they were out then Rob wouldn’t have been able to target them.

  “I know Devil. He’ll be back before you know it.”


  The truck was in his sights. Grabbing his cell phone Devil dialed Jerry’s number. He wasn’t going to be handing the bastard over to him. Rob was dead from the shit he’d just pulled. Devil couldn’t wait to put a bullet in the bastard’s brain. His men were right behind him ready to die to take out this fucker. Judi was their girl, their princess, and no one was taking her away from them.

  “What?” Jerry asked.

  “Rob’s taken my fucking girl. Judi, she’s not even eighteen, and he’s dead.”

  He heard Jerry curse over the line. “Fucker. You sure it’s him?”

  “Got her locked in his truck. I’m following him right now. Hurt my woman as well. That fucker is not going to last the next hour. Do we have a deal on this?” Devil asked.

  “Yeah, fine. Kill him and bury him. I don’t want him or his death anywhere near me.”

  “I get the girl as well. She’s a Chaos Bleeds Princess.

  Jerry chuckled. “Do what you want. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to do very well for business.” The line went blank. Pocketing his phone, Devil headed toward the truck. He watched Rob swerve from side to side. Devil didn’t get ahead of himself or put his boys’ lives at risk.

  They’d been riding for the last four days apart from at night. After the confrontation with Snitch, working with Tiny, he was exhausted. All he had wanted to do was come home, wrap his arms around Lexie, and forget all about the fucking world outside. Instead, this drug dealing fucker thought he could take Judi.

  The last few days hadn’t put him in the best of moods, and all he wanted to do was hurt this fucker who thought they could get away with taking one of their women. Judi was one of their women.

  None of them stopped or gave any sign of letting up. Devil wouldn’t be leaving the truck until he had Judi on the back of his bike. Vincent would take care of his woman, as would Phoebe.

  For over an hour they drove until finally, the truck pulled up outside of an apartment block. It looked abandoned. Climbing off his bike, Devil pulled out his gun and waited.

  His men did the same getting his back.

  “I’m pissed,” Curse said, standing beside him.


  “All I wanted to do today was fuck the first willing woman who looked my way. Instead I’m following this dead prick around. It’s not a good way to relax.”

  Nodding, Devil tensed as the car door opened. Seconds later he saw Judi kicked out of the van hitting the hard tarmac. A bullet would be too fucking easy for this fucker.

  Rob couldn’t be all that bright seeing as he climbed out of truck with a gun pointed at them.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

  “Think again, fucker. You wanted trouble the minute you took her. I don’t back down from no one.” His aim was steady.

  Judi screamed as Rob pulled her up by her hair. The action angered him all the more.

  “She’s just a fucking whore, and she’s my little money maker.” Rob gripped her tit tightly. The pain showed on her face.

  “Please,” she said, begging.

  He ignored her. Devil needed to concentrate on the man holding the gun at her face rather than at her. Rob had pressed the gun to her temple.

  “She’s my prized whore. My little earner. Men love her mouth, cunt, and ass.”

  Devil felt sick. She was nothing more than a baby.

  “Boss, end him,” Ripper said, walking up behind him.

  “You’re not leaving here alive.”

  “No? Then I could always take her with me.”

  He saw Rob’s finger tightening ready to end Judi’s life. Devil reacted, firing his gun once. He was always a good shot, and in that instant he proved why. A single hole showed on Rob’s head, and he fell to the ground.

  Judi screamed, running away as Rob lay dead.

  She ran into his arms, crying her eyes out. “I only answered the door.”

  “He’s never going to hurt you again. I promise. He’ll never do anything to hurt you.” Looking at the ground, Devil moved her to Ripper. “Take care of her.”

  Leaving her screaming, he grabbed his cell phone once again. He dialed Jerry to tell him Rob was old news.

  “Good, the women who were illegal we’ll send them back to their homes, well compensated,” Jerry said.

  “You’re not going to exploit them?” Devil asked.

  “I’m in the market of making money, not having a prison sentence. Cops and even jurors lose all sympathy when young kids are involved. I’m not risking my life for this kid’s fuck up. He thought he could play the game, and he’s now dead for it. I’m not shedding any tears. Fucker got what he deserved.” Jerry sounded like he was eating on the phone, and Devil asked him what he was having. “Steak. My woman makes a mean ass steak. You should try it some time.”

  “I’ll see.” There was no fucking way he was letting Lexie anywhere near this fucker. “See you around.” He hung up the phone, then immediately dialed Lexie’s number.

  “Hello.” Vincent answered the phone first.

  “Put my woman on the line.”

  “Devil, have you found her? Is she all right? I love you so much. I don’t care about anything else. I just love you.”

  Her words soothed him.

  “I’ve got her. She’s with my men. Tell Vincent to call the Doc. I want him to have a look at her.” He looked down at the ground wishing he could have made Rob pay more.

  “What happened to Rob?” Lexie asked.

  “He’s not coming back, baby. I took care of it.”

  Devil heard her sigh over the line. “Good. We all need some peace. Come home, Devil. I need you to hold me.”

  “I’ll finish up here, and we’ll have some quality time.”

  “I love you, and I forgive you for being a prick.”

  He laughed, unable to stop himself. “Thanks, baby. I had groveling planned, but you’ve saved me a job.”

  She chuckled. “You can spend the rest of your life groveling, honey. Just get done what you need to do and get home. I need my man’s arms around me.”

  Closing his phone, he pulled Rob up off the floor and placed him inside the truck.

  “What’s the plan?” Curse asked.

  “Torch the car. Jerry has a couple of cops in his pocket who’ll be paid not to look too closely. He was a pimp, Curse. Fucker caused problems. He didn’t help anyone at all. This was too nice an end to his shit life.”

  Ripper helped him use the gas from the back of the truck to coat the body along with the vehicle inside and out.

  “You think he was going to use this gas on our girl?”

  “Guy was unstable.” Pulling out a cigarette he lit the tip making sure not to go near the truck. He’d light it when he was goddamn ready.

  “Lexie your woman?” Ripper asked.

  “Is this twenty fucking questions?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Looking at his man, Devil smiled. “Yeah, she’s my woman. Piston County is our town, and we’re going to have
a fucking wedding to celebrate.”

  “Does she know that?” Curse asked, approaching. “I’ve heard women get pissy when they’re not asked first.”

  “Woman can do whatever she likes. I’m not backing down at all. She’s my woman, and she’s going to give me what I want.” Devil smiled, knowing he’d be groveling tonight.

  “You’ve got some stones dealing with that. I don’t know how you can do it,” Ripper said, smiling. “Come on, let’s get back. I need a shower, a fuck, and then some good food.”

  Staring at the van, Devil waited for his men to be ready to drive off. Judi would be riding on the back with him. Throwing his cigarette inside, he waited for the flames to start before climbing on. Judi wrapped her arms around his waist, and he drove off toward the house.

  Lexie was outside as he pulled up, shutting off his bike. The Doc was already there, and he took Judi inside.

  Getting off his bike, Devil wrapped his arms around Lexie, holding her close.

  “You’re going to marry me,” he said.

  She jerked, looking up. “What?”

  Reaching into his jacket pocket he pulled out the ring he’d bought on the road. He’d been buying a ring when he found Murphy waiting for him.

  “Is this a proposal, or an order?” Her gaze went to the ring then to him.

  “You can see it however you want. You’re marrying me either way.”

  His men were sniggering. Phoebe whistled. “What a romantic?”

  “Vincent, silence your woman.”

  Next he heard Phoebe’s voice muffled.

  “What do you say, princess? You game to be my woman?” he asked, challenging her.

  “No other women or strippers.”

  “Already done,” he said, smiling.

  She looked at the men then back at him. “I suppose I have to. You’ve not really given me any choice at all.”

  Lifting her up in the air, he brought her down to his lips. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her in place and kissed her deeply.

  “I love you, Devil,” she said, whispering the words against his neck.

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Two weeks later Lexie was cleaning away some dirty clothes when her cell phone rang. Without looking at the screen she answered the call. Devil was walking downstairs looking sexy as hell. Her gaze was more focused on his ripped body than anything else. The last two weeks had been insane. The club was working with all the building work completed. Devil had a shitload of cash and knew how to get his builders working fast. Judi was doing much better. She’d been quieter than normal, but she was slowly coming out of her shell.

  Rob was dead. Lexie knew she had to be a moron to think otherwise. Anyone who crossed Devil would end up in the ground, dead.

  “Lexie, where are you?” Kayla asked.

  Frowning, she pulled the phone away and looked at the name. “Kayla?”

  Devil jerked, looking toward her. The anger on his face scared her.

  With everything that happened she’d forgotten all about her sister.

  “I need to see you. It’s really important.” Kayla sounded earnest.

  “Give me the fucking phone,” Devil said, taking the device off her in the next second. “Hello, Kayla.”

  She didn’t know what was happening. Scrunching the pair of panties she held between her fists she tried to discover what was going on. His face didn’t say anything to her at all.

  “That’s right. I got to your sister, and I’ve got to my son. I got the results back as well. Kid is mine. You also stole from me, bitch. Do you really think I wasn’t going to find you?” The anger in his voice scared her.

  Kayla had crossed him, and she was about to end up in the ground like Rob.

  “Twenty minutes. We settle this fucking score.” He closed the cell phone, looking her in the eye. “You’re staying here.”

  “No, I’m not staying here. Not when you’re on your way to kill my sister.” She followed him as he headed toward the front door. “Devil, you can’t do this.”

  “That woman, your fucking sister, was more than happy for you to be in trouble. She wanted you to take the fall. If I was anyone else, Lex, you’d be fucking dead.”

  She flinched as he threw the cold harsh truth in her face. “But I’m not dead. Please, you can’t kill her.”

  He turned to her, laughing. “You’re fucking crazy if you don’t think I’m going to deal with this.”

  Devil grabbed his jacket on the way out of the door.

  “If you loved me, you’d take me with you and you’d keep her alive.”

  He tensed, turning back to look at her. “What are you saying?”

  “I accept your apology, and I don’t expect anything else from you. All I ask is you let Kayla live.”

  “I can’t fucking believe this,” he said, looking up at the ceiling.

  “Please, Devil.”

  He stared at her for a long time. “Get Judi to watch Simon and get your fucking ass on the back of my bike.”

  Running upstairs she quickly handed Simon over to Judi. The young girl smiled and wished her luck.

  Within ten minutes she was on the back of Devil’s bike heading toward an unknown location. She recognized her apartment block instantly. They passed the building, heading down an alley on his bike. They came out behind an old factory. She spotted Kayla smoking a cigarette leaning against the wall.

  She looked terrible even at the distance of a few feet.

  Her hand was shaking while she smoked. “Stay here,” Devil said.

  Lexie stayed on the bike. Her heart pounded as Kayla plastered a smile on her face, running fingers through her hair.

  “What’s happening, baby?” Kayla asked.

  “Not going to work.”

  She cried out as Devil caught Kayla by the hair and started talking to her.

  “Devil, stop.” He pulled a gun out, pressing it to her head. Lexie realized in the time they’d known each other, he’d never once pointed a gun at her. Fucking hell, what kind of world was she living in?

  Covering her mouth, she tried to remain silent as he completed whatever business he had to do.

  “You stole my money and tried to keep my fucking kid from me.” Her face was pressed against the brick. Biting into her lip, Lexie kept her cries deep inside.

  Don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt her.

  “I want you to admit to your sister. The girl who took our kid in without refusing you what you hoped I’d do,” Devil said, turning Kayla so Lexie saw her.

  Kayla looked petrified. “I thought he’d kill you and be done with it.”

  The cold harsh truth was like a slap to the face.

  “I can’t be like her, Devil.”

  “I know, baby.” He threw Kayla to the ground and pointed his gun at her. A bullet went off, but it wasn’t anywhere near Kayla. “I was going to kill you. This is your one and only warning. You get out of town, and you do not speak a word of who you are. If I so much as hear the name Kayla Howard I will find you and I’ll kill you.” He lifted her up, grabbing her chin.

  Lexie winced at the pain her sister must be feeling.

  “Look at your sister.”

  Kayla’s gaze was on her. Lexie felt under the spotlight.

  “That’s my old lady. The only reason you’re still breathing is because she wants you to be breathing. Otherwise I’d have killed you the moment I saw you.” He released her. “Kayla Howard is dead. She died on this day, and she left her young son. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded.

  “Here’s the ten grand you took from me. Get the fuck out now.”

  He walked back to the bike, climbed on, and they were out of there. Several miles from the house, he stopped the bike. His whole body was tense, and Lexie waited for him to speak.

  “We will never discuss what just happened, do you understand?” he asked.


  “All Simon needs to know is you’re his mot

  “Okay.” She wasn’t about to argue with him.

  “Do you know what I just did?” He turned on the bike to look at her.

  “You let my sister live.”

  “No, I let a person who crossed me walk away. All of my life I’ve put people like her in the ground. I went to Fort Wills to settle an old score and put the enemy in the ground. Kayla is the first and last person I let that happen with. No one else will get the same kind of treatment.”

  “I understand, and I won’t ask you again.” She rested her head on his back, knowing she needed to keep quiet or he was going to give her a headache with his ranting.

  “Good, I want some food, and then I want some sex.”

  She laughed, holding onto him tighter. “Then get me home.”

  When Kayla had first arrived in Piston County to hand over her newborn son, Lexie had wondered how she was going to survive with a young boy. Now, she was wondering how she was going to last without him.

  Holding on tight to her man, she inhaled his masculine scent combined with the leather of his cut. Devil had struck her from the very beginning. There was something about him that she couldn’t deny. He was dangerous, and yet for the first time in her life, she looked forward to the future.


  Two years later

  “You got fucking twins.” Devil smiled down at the ground where Tiny’s two children were playing with his son and daughter. Lexie was already pregnant with his third child, and glancing toward the pool, he got hard from looking at her. Her stomach was nicely rounded but not too large. Come nighttime he was going to spend several hours loving her body, before he fucked her.

  “You fucking start with me and I’m going to kick your ass. I promised to come here for the barbeque ‘cause you said you were going to be nice,” Tiny said, sipping a bottle of beer. His backyard was full of Skulls and Chaos Bleeds crew. Smiling, Devil felt like the world was his oyster, and all he needed to do was pluck what he wanted.

  Angel and Lash were talking with Judi. She held a boy on her hip, looking beautiful. It was funny. When he’d been in Fort Wills he’d wanted her badly. Now, looking at his woman and then at Angel, he wasn’t interested.

  Judi was back from college. She stood beside Ripper, flipping burgers as his man read one of her course books to her. The woman was studying to be a fucking social worker or some shit. He still couldn’t believe it, but he believed in the bills he was paying for.


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