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Leave Him in Pieces

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by August Red

  Leave Him in Pieces

  Volume Two

  The Big Bad Billionaire Series

  by August Red

  Copyright © August Red 2015

  The right of August Red to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  About the Author



  He’s always alone. That’s the way it should be. The only way a man like him deserves. But for the first time in his life, there is more to consider.

  There is Belle.

  Standing on his balcony, his unbuttoned black shirt flaps in the howling wind, reflecting the somber mood of the dark skies above. For so long he’s played the part his life has condemned him to. The heartless, invulnerable, Judas Bane.

  Ever since that dark day...

  And now, it seems all that can change. The dark oblivion he thrives in—is now his curse. He doesn’t want to find the right and good in the darkness that consumes every beat of his heart. But Belle draws him in like a black hole pulling him asunder, and his whole world has become her. It’s suffocating him. He can’t fucking breathe.

  It’s so intense, it feels like dying all over again.

  The bits and pieces of his plan had been falling perfectly into place. But now, after tasting the beginnings of victory, he’s in trouble. Belle had submitted and willingly given herself to him. Begged him like he’d wanted. She’d offered her body and her heart, and he had slept with her; it’s time to carry out the final part of his plan. But something has gone wrong.

  He never expected this...


  Belle makes him feel it, and it’s tearing him apart. He thought his feelings were physical and that sleeping with her would sate him from the longing that incessantly plagues him—because that’s what happens with every woman he sleeps with—and then executing the final part of his plan would be easy.

  Who’s he kidding? He’d been hooked the moment he saw Belle walk into the attic. Hooked the moment he heard her angelic voice tell him that everything’s gonna be okay. Hooked the moment his eyes set on her big, innocent, stunning green ones...

  He should have known then, what a world of trouble she is capable of causing. He was naïve to think his weakness for her would vanish. He doesn’t feel as though he's gotten ‘his fill’ of her at all. If anything, the need for her has only intensified, and now he feels as though he can never get enough of her.

  But vengeance suits him. It’s driven him all his life; knows little else. Coming into his life, she’s caused him anguish. He’s sick and twisted, and that dark side of him wanted her to know that sort of agony.



  But last night made Judas forget everything. He had been content in lying in her arms, and he never wanted that feeling to end. The euphoria of her being so close to him, her words, her intoxicating kisses, and her gentle touch, almost made him forget the past. In those moments, his plan couldn’t have been further from his mind.

  He had dared to dream.

  And now... now he can never hurt her.

  But he’s vulnerable now. For the first time, in a long time, someone has his heart in the palms of their hands. He swore he’d never be weak again. He learned that lesson when he was just seven-years-old.

  The day he had died.

  Looking out onto the vast view spread out before him, lightning flashes from the dark thunderclouds ahead and rain begins to pound the stone ledge. The more Judas thinks about it, the more he realizes retribution is unlikely to solve anything. The idea of hurting her now seems... wrong. He’s doubtful that revenge is ever what he'd really wanted. Now the only thing he truly wants is Belle. He knows she will be his end. That he’s entering a world of hurt. But he wants her, every part of her; he wants nothing else. He can no longer fight it. The need to possess, the need to lose himself in her... she’s smashed his pride and thrown his world into disarray.

  What if he stops his plan? Told her the truth? Set her free? Or... be with her in a way he’s never dreamed of being with a woman…?

  No, he can’t. It’ll be his downfall. Hers, too. He can’t let that happen. It’s thoughts like these that are so dangerous.

  ‘You make sacrifices for the ones you love...’

  Vladimir wants her dead, and he’ll stop at nothing until her whole family is six-feet under. If Judas tells Belle the truth, she may not want to leave him—and worse, he may not let her leave. But it will be at the cost of her life. His world will destroy her. Vladimir will kill her. He can’t let that happen. Not again. Judas can’t let history repeat itself... He doesn’t dare to think of the consequences, because the thought of Belle dying fills him with the worst sort of dread and despair.

  There’s only one thing to do. For her protection, he has to be the monster the world has made him into, the one he knows he’s capable of being, the man he is without her, the side of him he wishes would just die when she is near.

  He has to tread carefully. Both their future teeters on the edge of a knife. One slip, and there’ll be no going back. Despite being for different reasons than he intended, he’ll execute the final part of his plan.

  Forgive me, Belle.

  I’ll only drag you to Hell.

  Chapter One


  His bedroom is dark. Only sparse light spills in from the balcony. The grey light seems to fade as the Sun sinks lower behind the thunderheads on the horizon. Suddenly the heavy door behind Belle slams with a loud thud. She jumps at the sound. Undeterred, she ventures farther into the room. Her eyes darken, taking in more light as her gaze sweeps the seemingly vacant room.

  She’s about to turn and leave when something stops her. There’s something different about the air in the room, a subtle stirring, making her skin tingle. Like an electric charge, it makes the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. The very air around her seems to crackle with some unleashed energy.


  A sudden flash of lightning illuminates the room from the open balcony. The jarring crash of thunder meets her ears, startling her. The crash is close, far too close. She backs away from the balcony, nearly tripping over her feet. Holding a hand over her chest, she turns just in time to see Judas emerge from the shadows.

  Somehow he appears crueler than she remembers him. His icy gaze rakes over her as he stalks closer, his lips
tightening into a thin grim line. The picture sends a chill through her body. Unable to meet his gaze, she lowers her eyes.

  Something's wrong.

  Only after a startled gasp escapes her lips does she realize that she’s been backing away from his imposing presence. She stiffens suddenly, making a conscious effort to stand her ground. "Judas... you scared me," she says, catching her breath.

  "Did I?" His tone is chilly, indifferent.

  "Yes. Where have you been? I've been looking for you all day."


  Caught slightly off-guard by the question, she stammers, "I, uh... well, I guess I was just a bit lonely." Her reply is met with silence. Ignoring the gut feeling that something is terribly wrong, she tells herself that his bad mood may be down to Vladimir. Had something happened? Has Vladimir found out they’re alive?

  Maybe I can just lighten the mood a bit... It’s worth a shot.

  "I missed you, Judas,” she says, biting her lip with a smile. “Where have you been?"

  "That's none of your business." Her heart aches as he levels a cold glare at her. "While you’re here, you can clean for me. I need—"

  "Clean for you?" she chokes. Her chest tightens like a corset is tied around her, strangling her ribs.

  "Yeah. My boots. Polish them before I leave. I want them spotless."

  She feels panic begin to swell in her chest as breathing becomes more difficult. Gaping up at him, she asks, "Polish your boots...? You're leaving?"

  "Isn’t that what I just said? Are you deaf?" He strides away from her, not bothering to look back as he finishes, "Remember—spotless."

  She darts ahead of him, slamming her body against the door to block his exit. Narrowing her eyes, she demands, "Why are you treating me like this?"

  He sighs like she’s a pest irritating him. "Like what, Belle? Like someone tied to do what I want? That is why you’re here. To do whatever I want. Remember our deal?"

  "What?” she seethes. “You can't be serious?"

  Narrowing his eyes, he evenly replies, "Dead serious."

  The pain of it is so moving, that she has to shut her eyes against it. "But...” She slowly opens her eyes, steeling herself to go on. “What about last night? And everything you said—everything I said!" she cries out.

  Judas shrugs, and his reply is as cold as it is cruel, "What about it?" All the light seems to go out in his eyes then. Feeling as if a barrel of ice water has just been dumped over her head, Belle can do nothing but stare wide-eyed. "Just because you begged me to fuck you last night, doesn't change the deal. You’re here to do what I want. So don’t disobey me."

  Blood completely drains from Belle's face as her worst fears come true.

  This can’t be happening... It has to be a nightmare. It has to be. I just need to wake up...

  But when Judas grips her arm and shoves her aside, it’s all too real to deny. Something has happened. The way he’s behaving is proof of it. Belle knows his cold exterior is a front for some other emotion, something much more dark and sinister. She reaches for him, but Judas catches her wrist. He warns in an icy whisper, "Don’t. Touch me."

  Stunned by the graveness of his tone, she begs, "But... last night..."

  He leans in, his leering face only inches from her own, the iron grip of his fingers cold on her wrist. "Last night was last night. I got what I needed. And I don’t need you anymore. You’re just like all the other girls I’ve had. I told you I was evil. I warned you. You came to me, Belle. You begged me. I didn’t promise you anything and I gave you nothing you didn’t want—didn’t beg for.”

  Fear courses through her veins and her eyes dart over his face, searching for answers. "Judas, what's wrong?” she asks, yanking her hand free. “Why are you so angry?"

  Her eyes search in his for hope. But… there is nothing. Nothing but an empty void in the deep blue.

  "What makes you think I'm angry?" he sneers, arching his eyebrow.

  "You must be. Why else would you treat me like this?"

  "Like what exactly?"

  "Like your... whore." She immediately regrets her words when she sees the sinister look on Judas’ face.

  "Because, Belle, that’s exactly what you are."

  And there it is.

  Lost in his eyes, his words scar her forever, snuffing out any ember of hope that remains in her.

  The pain is everywhere, constant and unyielding. Belle had begun to trust him, and just when she convinced herself that he isn’t the villain the world has made him out to be, he’s proven her wrong in one sentence. Those few monstrous words send the tower of possibility that she’s constructed in her mind, crashing to the floor. She’s let herself be deceived. Again.

  Behind the shimmering image of all she hoped he truly can be, hides the true monster, and she has just gotten a glimpse. Cold, unkind, and hateful, is all he seems now.

  She’d thought his harsh exterior was the result of a difficult childhood, loneliness, and the power that his money and status afford him. She’d been sure that a good man existed underneath—the same man who saved her—and that given enough time, she could find him.

  She had been gravely mistaken.

  Judas had been playing a game with her. The realization washes over her, bringing with it deep regret and anger. The potent mixture of such unsettling emotions overwhelm her. She closes her eyes against the wave of repulsion and nausea as she feels bile rise up and down in her throat.

  Daring to open her eyes again, Belle does her best to wish away this nightmare. Judas had been her hero. And in one single moment, her savior has been ripped out of her heart. And all that remains is a monster intent on breaking her. And she doesn’t know what she did to deserve it.

  After taking a deep breath, the urge to wretch subsides, but the anger swells to a rage so hot, that she’s overcome by the desire to hurt him. Her jaw clenches, driving her teeth together as her hands ball into tight fists at her side. Consumed by the urge to lash out and hit him, clenching her fists tighter, she fights to restrain herself.

  He’ll expect hysterics and a dramatic reaction. No doubt he’s expecting her to hit him. But Belle is determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her lose control.

  She is nothing like those other women. She is stronger. And she is going to damn-well show him.

  As her blazing eyes rise to meet his cool blue ones, her suspicions are confirmed. His frame is tense as if anticipating her attack. He looks smug, waiting for her outburst, as though he’s used to this reaction from his harem. She seethes at his presumptuousness. He probably has some scathing remark ready to sling at her. She takes another deep breath, calming her rage.

  No, I won’t give you what you want. I’m better than that. Better than you!

  She inhales sharply, her eyes bright as she raises her head high. With all the grace she can manage, she meets his intense gaze with a fierce one of her own. "Well, I'm glad I know now where we stand. If that's truly how you feel, then we have nothing more to say to one another."

  She turns on her heel and walks silently out of his room. She doesn’t even slam his door on the way out. She just... leaves.

  Belle starts to run down the long dark corridor, her arms hugging her body as her vision blurs. Her hands clutch tightly at the fabric of her dress. She will not cry. She will never let him hear her cry.

  She heads straight for the kitchen and takes out a bottle of vodka from the drinks cupboard. As the liquid burns the back of her throat, she realizes she can’t stay here.

  I need to escape this place!

  Belle bursts through the large entrance doors to the mansion, startling a flock of crows that are scavenging the nearby grounds. Darkness settles over the world, and thunder rumbles in the distance as heavy raindrops pound on the stone entrance. Belle clings to the cool feeling of the rain on her burning cheeks as it mingles with the hot tears that can’t be contained any longer.

  Belle stumbles through the torrential downpour, heading in the direction of the
woods ahead. She wanders aimlessly for awhile, not caring where she’ll end up. At least the rain will mask her tears.

  The pain of Judas' vicious words reverberate painfully in her mind. Despair and sadness seep in and surround her like a dark fathomless ocean, with no way out. It seems like an eternity that she walks and cries.

  Nothing in the world can take away the pain. But some hardcore liquor will be a start. It will at least take the edge off. Numb her aching heart for awhile. Unconsciousness will be a blessing compared to the agony she is now suffering.

  A few hours later, Belle staggers down the hallway to her room. After double-checking to make sure it’s her bedroom and not Judas', she takes a long gulp from the bottle clutched in her hand and flings the door open with a loud clank. In one fluid motion, her arm sends every thing on the top of her dresser flying onto her bed, and begins packing them into her suitcase.

  "What exactly do you think you’re doing?" The familiar bark in his voice pierces her center.

  As if by instinct, her fingers curl tightly around the smooth glass of the bottle. She turns, raising the vodka to her lips as their eyes meet. Her intense eyes remain on his as she devours a mouthful of the burning liquid. The searing of her throat reminds her of the blazing anger she still feels. The mind-numbing drink may have dulled the breath-taking pain, but her anger remains. And if anything, it’s only been sharpened.

  Belle lowers the bottle and uses her forearm to wipe her lips. "Exactly what it looks like I'm doing,” she hisses. “Packing."

  Judas stalks closer, crossing his arms over his chest. "Like hell you are,” he says. “The deal, Belle. You’re going nowhere."

  "Oh, I'm well aware you’re keeping my family hostage," she replies, throwing her clothes into the suitcase.

  "Where’d you think you’re going?"

  "I don't really care. The cell for all care. I don't give a shit where I spend the night, so long as it's far—far away from you!" she screams.

  For one fleeting moment, Belle thinks she sees a flicker of regret in him. But before she can even be sure, it’s gone. "Is that so?"


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