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Second Look (A New Beginning Book 3)

Page 9

by Connie Stephany

  She nodded and shrugged, her eyes filling.

  Mandi smiled. “And it’s about damn time.”

  Jennifer laughed through her tears. Leave it to Mandi to lighten the mood. “When did you get so wise?”

  “I’m getting old,” she said with a grin. “Okay, depressing conversation is over! What do you think of the caramel rolls?”

  “They’re amazing. Where did you get them?”

  Jennifer shoved more of the pastry into her mouth and closed her eyes, enjoying the sweet roll with her coffee. They were sheer perfection on a Sunday morning.

  Mandi hesitated before answering, which made Jennifer suspicious. “Uh, Dessert First.”

  “Should that sound familiar to me? Because it doesn’t.” Jennifer’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “Uh, well. Not really. It’s Abby’s bakery.” Mandi’s said quietly when she answered her.

  Jennifer looked confused, and then finally it dawned on her. “Adam’s Abby?”

  “Well, she’s not Adam’s Abby anymore, but yes, that Abby.”

  Suddenly the caramel roll tasted more like sawdust and became like a lead weight in her stomach. “Oh. I see.”

  “She’s really nice, Jennifer.” Mandi’s voice took on a defensive tone. “I’m still pretty close to her, even after everything that happened. She was going to be my sister-in-law. And let’s not forget she did absolutely nothing wrong.”

  “Yes, of course, Mandi. It just surprised me.”

  It shouldn’t have bothered Jennifer that the delicious caramel rolls were from Abby’s store or that Mandi was still her friend, but for some reason, it did. After all, she was the woman Adam left her for. Twice.

  As if reading her thoughts, Mandi said, “It’s history. Let’s just say Abby ended up with the right guy, and it wasn’t my brother. I’ve always held out hope that you and Adam would get back together.”

  The corners of Mandi’s lips turned up in a small smile while Jennifer’s smile faded.

  “I don’t think that’ll ever happen.”

  Mandi tilted her head. “You never know.”

  Jennifer rolled her eyes and sighed.

  “So, how’s it going with your online boyfriend? Any news? Are you ever going to meet him?”

  “Oh, smooth one, Jennifer,” Mandi said and rolled her eyes, but she took the hint and answered. “Luke and I email a couple times per week but we haven’t spoken on the phone yet or made plans to get together. He lives in southern Minnesota, so for now we’re just talking. He mentioned he’s been looking for a new job, and wants to move further up north, but who knows. It may be months or even longer before that happens.”

  “What does he do?”

  “Mechanical engineer. He said there are jobs out there, but he’s looking for one around here.” Mandi sighed at this bit of information.

  It was too bad he didn’t just live here now. “Oh, well, I hope Luke finds a job here soon so you two can meet and see if he’s as great in person as he is online.”

  Mandi grinned. “That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?”

  Amber spoke up from the living room, where the credits from the movie Rapunzel were rolling and said, “Is it time to go to the waterpark now, mommy?”

  “You bet, peanut butter! Go get your swimsuit on and we’ll get going!” Jennifer replied, excited for Amber to get to try out Bunker Beach.

  Mandi suggested earlier in the week they take her there because it had a great kiddie play area, a wave pool, water slides and a lazy river.

  Mandi and Jennifer finished their coffee and breakfast and then started gathering up the beach bags, sunscreen and towels. They were meeting Cassandra at the pool.

  Jennifer couldn’t wait to spend the day in the sun having fun with her three favorite girls.


  “So, Cassandra, Noah dating anyone these days?” Jennifer asked as she leaned back in her sun lounger chair.

  Jennifer hadn’t seen Noah since she got back to Minnesota, other than a glimpse at the funeral. He was ruggedly handsome and always had a 5 o’clock shadow.

  Cassandra’s eyes narrowed at her. “Not that I’m aware.”

  Jennifer laughed at her possessive look and Mandi joined in. “What’s that look for? He’s a free man, isn’t he?”

  She looked out towards where Amber was splashing in the kiddie pool. She found a little friend and was having so much fun she didn’t even want Jennifer to play out there with her.

  “Well, yeah, I guess.”

  “He’s hot as hell and nice as can be. I’m pretty sure any woman would be happy to date him.” Jennifer smirked. “Why? Would you be jealous?”

  Jennifer’s mouth was practically watering at the thought of Cassandra’s best friend. Noah’s body was very fit from being an exercise fanatic. His handsome face and piercing gray eyes were almost hypnotizing. Girls had drooled over that man since high school and he’d only improved with age.

  “Of course not. We’re just friends.”

  “Hmm, I don’t buy it. I see the way he looks at you.”

  Cassandra narrowed her eyes at Mandi. “And what way is that?”

  Mandi grinned, and replied, “Like he wants to eat you for dinner.”

  Jennifer laughed while Cassandra waved the thought away with her hand. “We should all have a BBQ together or something. Maybe I’ll ask him out myself.”

  If looks could kill, Jennifer would be dead by the way Cassandra glared at her.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  Jennifer and Mandi looked at each other knowingly, and then burst out laughing. Eventually, Cassandra would open her eyes and realize that she and Noah were more than just best friends. It was really only a matter of time.

  The conversation changed to men Jennifer met in Arizona, and she wanted to tell the girls all about her sexy doctor, but something held her back. It didn’t feel right to discuss Sam with Mandi.

  “I really didn’t date. I was boring.”

  She closed her eyes and let the sun beat down on her face so she could hide the lie from her friends.

  “So no one ever asked you out? You never even slept with anyone?”

  Jennifer opened one eye at Cassandra and glared at her.

  “No and none of your business.” She paused and said, “Like you should talk, Cassandra. Who’s the last guy you were with?”

  Cassandra fell back against the chair with a frown. “Oh, shut your face.”

  The rest of their day was relaxing, fun and exactly what the doctor ordered. By the time Jennifer and Amber got home, had dinner and a bath, Amber was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. It was one of the rare nights that Amber was sleeping before her head even hit the pillow, so Jennifer didn’t end up snuggling with Amber, but instead went out to read a book.

  The only problem she had was that the book wasn’t distracting her from thoughts of Adam.

  Chapter Nine


  The past has a way of catching up with you

  It was hard for Adam to believe it had been two weeks since he lost his dad.

  Life kept moving, no matter how sad he was. Whether or not he was ready to move forward without his dad around, he didn’t have much choice.

  That night, he was going out with his buddies for the first time since the funeral.

  He couldn’t help but feel guilty.

  At least he had a good excuse. Adam’s good friend, Tom, found out he was going to be a father again. His wife, Colleen, was pregnant with their third baby.

  They met up at a bar in Princeton, the town just north of Zimmerman. He wanted to steer clear of the bars in Zimmerman because he was avoiding Sarah. She’d been texting him almost daily and it was getting harder for him to ignore. He needed a night off from all of it.

  Adam was just taking a drink of his second Bud Light Lime when movement at the back door made him glance over. He did a double take when he realized the woman who walked in looked exactly like Jennifer.

  He couldn’t peel
his eyes away as her twin walked up to the bar and spoke to the bartender.

  I must be going crazy or it really is Jennifer.

  Tom smacked his arm. “Dude, what’s your problem? You aren’t even listening to us.”

  Looking back at the guys, rubbing his shoulder, he shrugged. “Sorry, I think I know someone at the bar.”


  Adam shook his head in answer and looked back up to the bar.

  Could it possibly be her?

  After debating internally for several more minutes and seriously pissing off his friends, Adam couldn’t stop himself. He made his way to the bar just as the bartender handed the woman a to-go box of food.

  As he got closer, his stomach dropped.

  Holy shit.


  Her head jerked towards him and she met his eyes. Jennifer’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped slightly open.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Adam didn’t wait for her to answer, sitting in the bar stool next to hers.

  Her voice was so soft he could barely hear her reply. “I…no.”

  I can’t believe she’s in front of me. After four years.

  He took a breath to get his emotions under control. He turned towards the bartender and motioned for another beer before looking back her way and he tried to hide his smile.

  Jennifer’s eyes were travelling back up his body and he raised his eyebrow at her by the time she met his eyes. He could see a faint blush rising in her cheeks at being caught checking him out.

  “So, what are you doing here? Visiting?”

  “I, uh…moved back a few weeks ago?”

  Say what? “Was that a question?”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “You seriously moved back? For good?”

  Jennifer shrugged, looking away and then back again to stare directly into his eyes.

  Adam smiled wide. “You are one tough person to find. I’ve been trying for several months now. My sister wouldn’t give me any information about you.”

  “For several months?”


  Adam stared right into her eyes searching for a clue as to how she was feeling but her face didn’t give anything away.

  “Why? What did you need?”

  What did I need again? Oh yeah. Closure. Right?

  Adam looked around the crowded bar. It wasn’t the best place to have their conversation.

  “Do you have a minute? Could we talk?”

  Jennifer looked at her watch and he could see her take a deep breath.

  Please say yes.

  “Sure. I guess I have a little bit of time.”

  Adam let out the breath he was holding. “Follow me.”

  He led her to the other side of the restaurant, which was completely empty. There was one light on in the back of the room, so he headed back to that very last table, hoping they’d be able to sit back there for at least a little while.

  They sat down opposite each other and he took several seconds to just stare for a few seconds. God, she was beautiful. She looked older, but her honey-colored eyes were exactly how he remembered. Her hair was a little longer and was so shiny he wanted to reach out and touch it. He could smell the faint scent of cherry almond and he wasn’t sure if it was from her hair or her skin, but it was distracting.

  “So…” Jennifer folded her hands together and met his gaze. “Now that you have me alone, what did you want to talk about?”


  Deep breath. Start over.

  “Did you hear my dad passed away?”

  Jennifer’s face softened and she nodded. “Yes, and I’m so sorry.”

  That’s what Mandi and his mom were hiding. Those jerks!

  “My dad told me he saw you. In the hospital? I thought he was just delirious.”

  Jennifer’s eyes filled with tears. “No, he wasn’t. I saw him shortly before he passed away.”

  “You were at his funeral, too.”

  Jennifer nodded.

  “I just told myself it was grief that made me see crazy things.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you. I just, well, I didn’t want to cause you any more stress that day.”

  “Well, as sad as I was to lose my dad, his death has forced me to look at things differently. Life is too short to have so many regrets and I don’t like where we left things.”

  Jennifer remained silent.

  “When I found out I wasn’t Amber’s father I didn’t know what to do or how to react. I was really confused and angry.” He tried to make sure his voice was sincere. “But so were you. I know you expected different results.”

  “It was a shock, that’s for sure. And we both have regrets.”

  Adam nodded.

  Jennifer reached out to grab his hand and Adam felt a zing.

  What the hell was that?

  As if to answer his question, she looked down at their conjoined hands, and snatched her hand away before she continued.

  “When I was back for winter break all those years ago, we just picked right back up where we left off. I thought I was getting a second chance after having so many regrets for taking that job and breaking up with you back then. But the next morning, when you told me it was a mistake to be with me, I was crushed.”

  Adam frowned and ran his fingers through his hair. “I never meant for any of that to happen. I was in a serious relationship and I thought my feelings for you were over. As soon as I saw you I knew I was wrong and wasn’t prepared to handle it.”

  Jennifer tilted her head to the side but didn’t say anything.

  “The next morning, I realized the whole reason you broke up with me hadn’t changed. You still lived in California and I lived here. So, I told you it was a mistake. Sort of self-preservation.”

  “That’s why you told me it was a mistake?”

  “Yeah. Of course I felt guilty, too, but mainly I didn’t see how it was going to work when nothing changed.” Adam shrugged. “I was a real jerk.”

  “Well, I was a jerk, too. I should never have kept Amber a secret.”

  Adam nodded. “I guess we do both have regrets. Speaking of, how is Amber?”

  He wanted desperately to ask who her father was too, but he didn’t want to pry immediately. Does Jennifer see the guy? Have a relationship with him?

  A jolt of jealousy ran through him and he didn’t expect that reaction.

  Jennifer beamed, looking even more beautiful the way her eyes lit up. “She’s great! Perfect. Starting Kindergarten this fall.”

  “So, she’s what? About 5 ½?”

  Jennifer looked surprised and nodded her head. “So, things didn’t work out with Abby, huh?”

  Adam shook his head. “No. I…it wasn’t meant to be.”

  “Are you, uh, seeing someone else?

  Adam took a drink to hide his smile and shook his head. He wasn’t about to tell her up until recently he had a no-strings attached policy with the women he’d seen over the last few years. “What about you?”

  “No. I’ve been focusing on Amber and my career. Plus, I just moved back home.”

  What does that mean? No relationship with Amber’s dad, then?

  He smiled. “I’m really glad I ran into you today.”

  “Me too.” Jennifer looked down at her watch. “I better get going. I need to get home to Amber.”

  Adam nodded. “Yeah, ok. I should probably get back to my friends before they call out a search party.”

  Jennifer laughed and got up from the table.

  He checked her out as she walked ahead of him through the empty room.

  She’s even more beautiful than I remember.

  They got to the door and he held it open for her. “Bye, Jenn. Have a great night.”

  Jennifer looked up at him one last time with a smile before walking through the door. “Bye.”

  He was still watching her as she stepped off the sidewalk and into the parking lot. She turned bac
k around to give him a little wave.

  Adam wasn’t expecting his old feelings towards Jennifer to resurface. He had buried them deep, never expecting this reaction to seeing her. It confused the hell out of him.

  And was that interest he saw in her eyes? Or was it just wishful thinking?

  There was only one way to find out.


  The next morning, Adam called his sister. He was surprised at how easy it was to convince her to give him Jennifer’s phone number. All it took was for him to mention he saw her and give her a guilt trip for keeping it from him.

  Did she actually give him the right number? He wasted no time in calling to find out.


  “Good morning, Jenn.”

  Adam’s heart was beating wildly. His sister actually gave him the right number.

  There was silence for a several seconds. “Adam?”

  Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Deep breath.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Oh, hey.” Jennifer paused, cleared her throat and said, “What’s up?”

  “I was wondering if you’d be available tomorrow afternoon. I have tickets to the Twins game and I’d really love to take you.”

  I hope you still like baseball.

  She paused again. “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun. You have to see the new Twins stadium.”

  “It does sound fun, but I doubt I can get a sitter on this short of notice.”

  “Oh, didn’t I mention? I have three tickets. I’d love for Amber to come too.”


  Adam laughed quietly as she stammered.

  “Say yes. I promise it’ll be fun.”

  Jennifer gave a deep sigh, and finally said in an exasperated voice, “Oh, alright. I guess Amber would enjoy that.” He could almost hear the smile in her voice. “Amber hasn’t been to a Twins game and I haven’t been to the new stadium yet.”

  “Great! And we have great seats. Has Amber ever been to a baseball game?” Adam laughed. “Come to think of it, will she last a whole game?”

  Jennifer chuckled. “Well, she played T-ball this winter and loved it. She’s been to a few of my softball games, but never to a professional game. She may get bored though since they go so much longer.”


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