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Second Look (A New Beginning Book 3)

Page 12

by Connie Stephany

  “So what the hell have you been doing? I need these Friday nights away. Colleen is acting crazy lately.”

  “Give her a break, man, she’s pregnant.”

  Tom smirked. “Yeah, I know, but we have a long way to go. The next six months are going to be long.”

  “Just bring her whatever she craves and you’ll be golden.”

  Tom snorted. “Like peanut butter and pickles? Already happening, man.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad. I like both of those things.”

  “Yeah, but together?”

  Adam shuddered and groaned. “That’s not right.”

  Tom laughed. “You’re telling me. You should smell it.”

  “All kidding aside, congrats again. I’m happy for you.” Adam held up his beer for a toast. “Cheers.”

  “Thanks.” Tom clanked his bottle against Adam’s.

  “So really though, where’ve you been?”


  Tom raised his eyebrow. “Around?”

  “Been busy with my mom and sister. I did hang out with Jennifer and Amber the other day.”

  “No shit? I didn’t realize you’d seen her since you ran into her.”

  Adam grinned. “Yeah, we’re going out tomorrow, too.”

  Tom raised an eyebrow and took a gulp of his beer. Tom was keenly aware of the history so Adam didn’t have to explain further. “Just…take care.”

  Adam nodded. “I will.”

  He and Tom had been friends since grade school. Their parents were good friends, but Tom lived closer to Elk River so they went to different schools growing up. The ironic part was that Tom was married to Colleen, his ex-fiancé’s best friend, and he was supposed to be Adam’s best man in the wedding that never occurred.

  His breakup with Abby put a strain on their relationship for a while. Tom wasn’t happy with Adam for how he handled things with Abby. Hell, he wasn’t happy with himself. He and Tom had always been there for each other, so they eventually made amends, but Tom’s wife still wasn’t his biggest fan.

  Tom stuck by him all these years through all of his bad decisions. He’d always be grateful he hadn’t given up on him.

  Just as Tom and Adam were grabbing their second beers, their other friends walked in the front door.

  “Hey guys! I’m here. Now the party can begin.”

  Jeremy, Adam’s co-worker, had a cocky grin on his face while he grabbed a beer out of the case he held.

  Noah and Peter came at the same time, also carrying in cases of beer.

  He and Noah had been friends for almost as long as he and Tom. Adam went to high school with Noah and later went to the same college and were roommates.

  He met Peter in college, although he was in nursing school while Adam had been in technology classes. It was odd to have them take the same mandatory world history class and odder still for them to hit it off. All it took was a couple of Peter’s magic tricks and they’d become fast friends. Peter’s magic had only improved over time.

  “How much beer do we need, guys?”

  “You said bring beer. We brought beer.” Peter looked around. “Where’s the food?”

  “I’ll go downstairs and pull it off the grill. Should be done by now.”

  Adam grabbed a platter and tongs. He made ten pounds of chicken wings because his friends could really pack them in.

  As he started for the stairs, he heard a text come through. He looked at his phone and saw it was Sarah. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Just great.

  Why can’t she just take the hint?

  He hadn’t replied to any of her texts.

  Adam was just coming back up stairs with the wings when he heard Jeremy’s voice. “The Twins slammed the White Socks last week! Coming back from being down almost the whole game; it was awesome!”

  “I was at that game. It was fun to watch.”

  Adam walked into the room and put the wings on the kitchen counter.

  All of the guys had a matching look of surprise.

  Jeremy’s beer bottle was halfway to his mouth and his eyes were narrowed. “Who’d you go with?”

  “Jenn and Amber.”

  Jeremy’s mouth curled downwards. “Two girls and you went without me?”

  Adam’s eyes narrowed at him. “Dude, Amber’s five.”

  “Oh. That’s the girl you’ve been talking about. The one with the kid.” Jeremy shuddered. “I’d stick with that Sarah chick if I were you. No baggage.”

  Noah smacked him and said, “Shut up, dude.”

  Adam normally would have ignored Jeremy’s remarks, but his comment really bothered him. “Amber isn’t baggage, Jeremy, she’s a little girl.”

  Jeremy held up his hands and winced. “Sorry. Didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Jenn and I have a lot of…history.” Adam shrugged. “I don’t know what’ll come of it, but I need to give it a try.”

  Noah narrowed his eyes. “So, are you still hooking up with Sarah, too?”

  Adam shook his head. “Of course not. Sarah and I are done.” He then said under his breath, “Just wish she’d get the hint.”

  Noah visibly relaxed. “Good. I’d have had to kick your ass if you were messing around with her and going out with Jennifer again.”

  Tom leaned forward, his eyebrows raised. “Be careful with Sarah. I’ve heard she’s a bit…possessive. Has a jealous streak. At least that’s what her ex-husband tells me.”

  “You tell me this now?” Adam shook his head and shrugged. “She was great to hang out with, but she wanted more than I did.

  Noah rolled his eyes. “You mean she wanted more than just sex? Gee, what a surprise.”

  It was no secret Noah didn’t agree with Adam’s no-strings-attached, sex only policy. Considering Noah had been in love with his best friend, Cassandra, for years and had yet to fess up, Adam didn’t think he was one to give advice.

  Adam ignored Noah’s comment. “I’ll just have to be more firm, although I thought I already was.”

  Tom shook his head. “Good luck with that.”

  Peter watched them as he dug into the chicken wings. With his mouth still full, he said, “If you’re done gossiping, I’ve got a new trick to show you.”

  That got their attention.

  Peter’s magic was amazing and they lived for his new tricks. He showed them all of his new magic before they finally pulled out the poker chips and card table.

  By the end of the night, they ate the full ten pounds of chicken wings along with chips and guzzled well over a case of beer. Although he would most likely regret drinking so much in the morning, Adam really needed the night in with his friends.

  After his friends left, he looked around the kitchen and yawned. There were empty beer bottles on every surface, a tray of chicken wing bones piled to the sky and half-empty chip bags laying on the counter.

  The mess would still be there in the morning.

  He headed down the hall to his room and passed out in his clothes.


  On Saturday evening, Adam jogged up to Jennifer’s front door, his stomach in knots.

  He hoped the date he planned was perfect. Adam made reservations at the Capital Grille in Minneapolis. Jennifer loved steak, or at least she used to, and their signature steak was amazing. Later, they’d go to a show at the Acme Comedy Club.

  Her front door opened and Jennifer stood in the doorway with a shy smile on her face.

  “Wow. You look…beautiful.”

  Jennifer smiled at his compliment, making her eyes sparkle.

  Her snug green shirt hugged her gorgeous curves. He loved how her chestnut hair fell down to the middle of her back in curls. He didn’t realize it was so long when they went to the Twins game and he also hadn’t noticed the blonde parts that hugged each curl. She smelled amazing, but he wasn’t sure if it was her shiny hair or her perfume.

  “Well, thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He wore a button-down gray shirt and black jean
s. He was glad he took the time to get a haircut.

  Adam grinned. “You ready to go?”

  She nodded. “Amber’s already at my mom’s.” Jennifer turned around and locked the front door. “She says hi, by the way. Amber, that is, not my mom.”

  “O, I wish I could have seen her. Amber, that is, not your mom.”

  Jennifer’s mouth curved up. “Maybe next time.”

  “So you’re saying there’s going to be a next time?”

  She shrugged her shoulders and he smiled at her.

  You can bet on it.

  Adam led Jennifer to his car and opened the passenger side door. She got in and he closed the door gently. Then he jogged around to the driver’s side.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I hope you still love steak as much as you used to.”

  Jennifer’s mouth dropped open.

  “What? Don’t tell me you’re a vegetarian or something crazy like that?”

  “God, no! The horror.” She laughed at his exaggerated look of relief. “I just can’t believe you remember what I like.”

  He stared into her eyes and said very softly, “I remember everything about you.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a little “O”.

  “We’re going to the Capital Grille. Their steak is hands-down the best I’ve ever tried and I want to share this little piece of heaven with you.”

  She gave him a sweet smile. “My mouth is watering already.”

  Adam grinned. “Then we have tickets to the ACME comedy club. I hope you’re in the mood for some laughs.”

  The corners of Jennifer’s mouth turned up. “A fancy-schmancy dinner and a show? Adam, you’re spoiling me.”

  He gave her his widest grin, showing off his dimples. “That’s the plan.”


  The night flew by. Adam had more fun with Jennifer than he could remember having in a very long time. It felt…good. Really good.

  As they drove towards home, Adam was stuck inside his own head. Their time at the game and now tonight confirmed what he’d already guessed.

  His old feelings were still there.

  Even if he’d buried them deep.

  Even if it scared the hell out of him.

  He sure didn’t know how she felt, and he’d take it slow if needed, but for the first time in years, he felt ready for a relationship.

  Is it too early to think that way? Probably. Just don’t do anything stupid to scare her off.

  “Why haven’t you asked yet?” Her voice was so quiet he almost didn’t hear her, but it jerked him from his own thoughts swirling around in his head.

  “Ask what?”

  “Amber’s father? Aren’t you wondering?”

  “Oh.” Adam swallowed. “Well, yeah. But I figured you’d tell me when you were ready.”

  He glanced at Jennifer to give her an encouraging smile, but she was looking down onto her lap.

  “After you left, well…I mean after your test came back negative, I was shocked.” She paused and said quietly, “but there was one other guy I dated at the time.”

  “So, then he’s her father?”

  I really don’t want to hear this.


  He opened his mouth and then closed it again, staring at the road. It took him several seconds to find his voice. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “His test was negative too.” Jennifer shook her head. “The only two men who could possibly be Amber’s father and neither one of you are.”

  How can that be?

  Adam let that little piece of news sink in as he continued to drive.

  “Clearly there was a mistake with one of the tests.”

  Adam’s mind was racing. “I’m not sure what to say. I have to think it’s pretty rare for those tests not to be accurate.”

  Adam could hear the defensiveness in her voice. “False negatives do happen. It’s rare, but they do.”

  “There’s no one else it could be?”

  Jennifer whipped her head towards him. “No.”

  “Sorry. I’m an ass.”

  “No you’re not. Hell, I sometimes ask myself the same question.” Jennifer gave a short laugh. “But no, there was no one else. Amber deserves to know who her father is.”

  Adam nodded his head.

  And her father deserves to know he has a kid.

  “So now what?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me. I’ve been at a loss for four years.”

  He tilted his head, thinking. “I guess I could take another test.”

  “Really?” Jennifer gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I…I didn’t want to ask.”

  Adam pulled in to Jennifer’s driveway and turned off the car. He moved in his seat towards her. “Don’t thank me. I wasn’t prepared to hear you still didn’t know. My brain is slowly catching up to my mouth.”

  Jennifer’s lips curved up into a small smile. “If you think you were shocked, how do you think I felt?”

  Adam squeezed her hand and then got out of the car. He ran around to her side and opened her door.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

  “It was fun, wasn’t it?”

  Jennifer nodded her head and smiled.

  He wasn’t ready to call it a night, at least not without asking for another date. “Hey, would you and Amber want to come over to swim and have a barbeque tomorrow?”

  Jennifer tilted her head. “We haven’t seen each other in four years and back then I really thought I’d never see you again. Are we trying to be friends again?”

  Adam looked into her eyes. “Friendship is a good start, isn’t it?”

  “Hmm, maybe.”

  Adam chuckled.

  She continued before he could reply. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Have you dated a lot over the last few years?”

  His eyebrows shot up and he had to stop himself from wincing.

  “No.” He paused, frowning. “Nothing serious, anyway.”

  “Hmm.” She paused, raising one eyebrow. “Are you dating anyone now?”



  “Honestly. I told you that the other night and it’s the truth.” Adam laughed nervously at her reply. Where was this coming from? “What about you?”

  She shook her head and looked down. “Nothing serious in years.”


  They still had a lot in common, even their pathetic dating lives, although his was self-inflicted after royally messing up two relationships. He wasn’t sure what her story was.

  Jennifer shrugged her shoulders, her face turning red as she looked away.

  “So, tomorrow? Will you and Amber come?”

  She studied him for a few more seconds and then finally replied, “Sure, I’m sure Amber would love it.”

  Adam smiled. “Great! Do you think she’d want to swim? We could take a boat ride or fish or do all of it.”

  Jennifer laughed. “Sure, she loves everything to do with water. What should I bring?”

  “Just you and your swimsuits. I can cover the rest.”


  “You can come anytime after noon.”

  “Alright.” Jennifer nodded. “Thanks again for tonight. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Jenn.”

  She smiled, unlocked her door and then turned back around to give him a wave before disappearing into her house.

  Adam walked back to his car, thinking about their night.

  He had to hold himself back from kissing her. He sure didn’t know what the hell to think about what he learned tonight about Amber’s father. Shocking to find out she still didn’t know. Could he possibly be her father? Could the test have been wrong? He shook his head. He didn’t really think it was possible.

  Or, what if there really was someone else out there and she just didn’t remember? It made him feel like a complete jerk to even think that way, but how could the thought not come to mind?
  As he got back into his car, he noticed his phone sitting on his center console. Adam realized he hadn’t thought to check his phone all night, which was strange for him. He grinned. It was a good sign because usually he was glued to the damn thing.

  His smile immediately disappeared when he saw a text from Sarah.

  She’d texted him almost daily since the night of his father’s funeral, the night he was really coming to regret. All it did was complicate things and give her false hope. He had no one to blame but himself.

  Had Jennifer seen the text? Is that why she asked him if he’d dated a lot?

  If he had any chance with Jennifer, he needed Sarah to back off. Ignoring the texts clearly weren’t helping. He’d answer her text this one last time, and hope he was firm enough.

  Sarah, 10:56pm: Hey, handsome. I’m free tonight. Want to stop by?

  Adam: 11:27pm: I can’t see you again. I’m seeing someone. Hope you understand.

  There. That should hopefully take care of the problem. Right?

  Chapter Twelve


  Fun in the sun

  Okay, where is this place?

  Jennifer leaned in close to the steering wheel to turn down the radio and asked Amber for complete quiet.

  It was bizarre for her to think it would help her find Adam’s elusive home, but it did.

  She finally pulled up in front of a beautiful log home, and blew out a whistle.

  Jennifer swore under her breath, quiet enough for her daughter not to hear.

  “Mommy is this Adam’s house? It looks like my Lincoln logs!”

  She let out a laugh. “Yes, it sure does.”

  Jennifer was staring at the maps app on her phone. Yep, that’s the one. He described it as more of a cabin feel. When Jennifer thought of a cabin, she pictured a small red wooden structure with maybe one bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

  This was no cabin.

  She looked up to see Adam coming out his front door and walking towards them. He looked gorgeous in his swim trunks, t-shirt and flip-flops. Tan arms and legs, blonde hair and brown eyes coming her way and her heart started to pound.

  Adam opened her car door and she looked up into his chocolate eyes.

  “You told me this was more of a cabin, Adam. Bit of an understatement, I’d say.”


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