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Line of Duty

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by V. K. Powell

  What happens when a police officer’s fight for justice conflicts with an ER doctor’s commitment to patient care?

  Police officer Finley Masters wants to interview an injured suspect and make an arrest so she can move on to the next case. As long as she keeps closing cases she can hide the pain of caring for her alcoholic father. Dr. Dylan Carlyle dedicates herself to healing the sick and looking after her family. She doesn’t have time for dating, especially not a reckless cop who thinks she’s God’s gift to women. When Finley Masters strolls into the emergency room making demands, Dylan protects her turf and her heart.

  A tragic incident brings them together, but their feelings keep them coming back.

  What Reviewers Say About VK Powell’s Work

  Second in Command

  “I love the family at the centre of the Fairview Station series, and their various careers in and around law enforcement and other public service professions. …I greatly enjoyed the scenes involving the whole Carlyle family and was cheered to see various of the more peripheral members find their own place in the scheme of things.”—The Good, the Bad and the Unread


  “[F]ast paced, action packed and keeps you glued to the page.”—Lesbian Reading Room

  “Incognito by V.K. Powell is the kind of intrigue/thriller novel that I enjoy. …If you enjoy a good mystery with interesting characters and a bit of romance, then try this book.”—Rainbow Reflections

  “Well written main characters with plenty of chemistry. A good supporting cast as well that provide some good laughs and emotional feels. A fun read with enough action and romance to keep you interested.”—Kat Adams, Bookseller (QBD Books, Australia)

  “The strongest part of the book was the interplay between leads. …Both women learned to keep people at arms’ length, Frankie with her abilities to become almost anyone, and Evan with her almost obsessive need for rules and order. They clash, because Frankie’s often mischievous behavior is so out of what Evan thinks she needs. But they are attracted to each other, and it does blow up their world view a bit.”—Colleen Corgel, Librarian, Queens Borough Public Library

  “If you’re in the mood for a fast paced romantic intrigue novel with action, romance and humour, this might be one for you.”—C-Spot Reviews

  “[T]his book is exciting and fast-paced and the chemistry between the two main characters is great.”—Jude in the Stars

  Take Your Time

  “The last book in the Pine Cone Romance series was excellent, and I reckon VK Powell wrote the perfect book to round up the series. …If these are the sex scenes VK Powell can write, then I have been missing out and I will definitely be checking out more because WOW! All in all…Fantastic! 5 stars”—Les Reveur

  Captain’s Choice

  “VK Powell is the mistress of police romances and this one is another classic ‘will she won’t she’ story of lost loves reunited by chance. Well written, lots of great sex and excellent sexual tension, great character building and use of the setting, this was a thoroughly enjoyable read.”—Lesbian Reading Room


  “In Deception VK Powell takes some difficult social issues and portrays them with intelligence and empathy. …Well-written, enjoyable storyline, excellent use of location to add colour to the background, and extremely well drawn characters. VK Powell has created a great sense of life on the streets in an excellent crime/mystery with a turbulent but charming romance.”—Lesbian Reading Room

  Side Effects

  “[A] touching contemporary tale of two wounded souls hoping to find lasting love and redemption together. …Powell ably plots a plausible and suspenseful story, leading readers to fall in love with the characters she’s created.”—Publishers Weekly

  About Face

  “Powell excels at depicting complex, emotionally vulnerable characters who connect in a believable fashion and enjoy some genuinely hot erotic moments.”—Publishers Weekly

  Exit Wounds

  “Powell’s prose is no-nonsense and all business. It gets in and gets the job done, a few well-placed phrases sparkling in your memory and some trenchant observations about life in general and a cop’s life in particular sticking to your psyche long after they’ve gone. After five books, Powell knows what her audience wants, and she delivers those goods with solid assurance. But be careful you don’t get hooked. You only get six hits, then the supply’s gone, and you’ll be jonesin’ for the next installment. It never pays to be at the mercy of a cop.”—Out in Print

  “Fascinating and complicated characters materialize, morph, and sometimes disappear testing the passionate yet nascent love of the book’s focal pair. I was so totally glued to and amazed by the intricate layers that continued to materialize like an active volcano…dangerous and deadly until the last mystery is revealed. This book goes into my super special category. Please don’t miss it.”—Rainbow Book Reviews

  Justifiable Risk

  “This story takes some unusual twists and at one point, I was convinced that I knew ‘who did it’ only to find out that I was wrong. VK Powell knows crime drama, she kept me guessing until the end, and I was not disappointed at the outcome. And that’s not to slight VK Powell’s knack for romance. …Readers who appreciate mysteries with a touch of drama and intense erotic moments will enjoy Justifiable Risk.”—Queer Magazine

  “Justifiable Risk is an exciting, seat of your pants read. It also has some very hot sex scenes. Powell really shines, however, in showing the inner growth of Greer and Eva as they each deal with their personal issues. This is a very strong, multifaceted book.—Just About Write


  “VK Powell has given her fans an exciting read. The plot of Fever is filled with twists, turns, and ‘seat of your pants’ danger…Fever gives readers both great characters and erotic scenes along with insight into life in the African bush.”—Just About Write

  Suspect Passions

  “From the first chapter of Suspect Passions Powell builds erotic scenes which sear the page. She definitely takes her readers for a walk on the wild side! Her characters, however, are also women we care about. They are bright, witty, and strong. The combination of great sex and great characters make Suspect Passions a must read.”—Just About Write

  To Protect and Serve

  “If you like cop novels, or even television cop shows with women as full partners with male officers…this is the book for you. It’s got drama, excitement, conflict, and even some fairly hot lesbian sex. The writer is a retired cop, so she really writes from a place of authenticity. As a result, you have a realistic quality to the writing that puts me in mind of early Joseph Wambaugh.”—Teresa DeCrescenzo, Lesbian News

  “To Protect and Serve drew me in from the very first page with characters that captivated in their complexity. Powell writes with authority using the lingo and capturing the thoughts of the law enforcers who make the ultimate sacrifice in the fight against crime. What’s more impressive is the command this debut author has of portraying a full gamut of emotion, from angst to elation, through dialogue and narrative. The images are vivid, the action is believable, and the police procedurals are authentic…VK Powell had me invested in the story of these women, heart, mind, body and soul. Along with danger and tension, Powell’s well-developed erotic scenes sizzle and sate.”—Story Circle Book Reviews

  “To Protect and Serve drew me in from the very first page with characters that captivated in their complexity. Powell writes with authority using the lingo and capturing the thoughts of the law enforcers who make the ultimate sacrifice in the fight against crime.”—Just About Write

  Line of Duty

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  Line of Duty

  © 2019 By VK Powell. All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN 13: 978-1-63555-487-8

  This Electronic Original Is Published By

  Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 249

  Valley Falls, NY 12185

  First Edition: December 2019

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  Editor: Cindy Cresap

  Production Design: Susan Ramundo

  Cover Design By Sheri (

  By the Author

  To Protect and Serve

  Suspect Passions


  Justifiable Risk

  Haunting Whispers

  Exit Wounds

  About Face

  Side Effects


  Lone Ranger

  Take Your Time


  Fairview Station Series

  Captain’s Choice

  Second in Command

  Line of Duty


  First, to Len Barot, Sandy Lowe, and all the talented and insightful folks at Bold Strokes Books, thank you for allowing me to transform my law enforcement experiences into stories of survival, the struggle to balance love and livelihood, and the fight between good and evil. I am grateful for the opportunity and for the guidance you continually provide through each project.

  Cindy Cresap, many thanks for your time and attention on this project. Your fresh perspective and insights were invaluable. The steady doses of humor didn’t hurt either. Hopefully, I learn something new with each book.

  To my beta readers—D. Jackson Leigh, Jenny Harmon, and Mary Margret Daughtridge—you guys are the best. This book is better for your efforts, and I am truly grateful.

  And last, but never least, to all the readers who support and encourage my writing, thank you for buying my books, sending emails, giving shout-outs on social media, and showing up for events. Let’s keep doing this.

  Chapter One

  Dylan Carlyle rubbed the conducting gel on the smooth face of the defibrillator paddles and waited for the words that would propel her to action. The brown-and-black checked curtains surrounding the ER treatment bay billowed with the team’s swift movements and seemed to close around Dylan as she focused.

  “Charged, Doctor,” the nurse said.

  “Everybody clear.” She placed the paddles against the patient’s chest, pressed the buttons to release the charge, and stepped back before checking the monitor. Nothing.

  “Still flatlining.”

  “Charge to three hundred.” She wasn’t ready to let this soul slip away. Every patient whose eyes drained of life and clouded over represented a personal failure. She leaned close to the man’s ear. “You will not die on my watch.”

  “Charged,” the nurse called again.

  “Clear.” Dylan repeated the process and stepped away. Everyone automatically turned to the wall-mounted monitor and held a silent, collective breath.

  “We’ve got sinus rhythm.”

  The monitor readings leveled, and Dylan flipped her stethoscope from around her neck and listened to the patient’s heartbeat, finally convinced he’d stabilized. She breathed a grateful sigh and nodded to the others huddled around the gurney. “Good job, guys. Get the meds on board and monitor him closely. Let me know of any changes. I’ll be on all night.” She slid her stethoscope in her pocket and shucked off her green mask, matching gown, and gloves. Dylan pulled back the flimsy curtain that separated treatment areas and walked toward the semicircular nurses’ station. “What’s next?”

  Holly Burns, charge nurse on night shift, gave her an appreciative nod as she approached. “Nice work in there, Doctor.”

  “Teamwork,” Dylan replied.

  “We’re good for the moment.” Holly’s sharp focus put some folks off, but Dylan looked deeper into her friend’s eyes and saw genuine concern.

  “Anybody need relief?”

  “I said, we’re good.” Holly checked her tablet and moved to Dylan’s side of the station. “Come with me.”

  “Something urgent?” Dylan’s adrenaline spiked as the possibilities flashed through her mind—gunshot wound, multiple-injury car accident, drug overdose. She hurried to keep up with Holly’s longer strides and grinned at the way her pace made the Disney characters on her scrub bottoms dance.

  “Yes, definitely urgent.” Holly guided Dylan into a linen closet full of supplies, cleaning equipment, and staff coats hanging haphazardly on anything that supported their weight.

  “Nurse Burns, I had no idea you were still interested.” Dylan winked when the door closed behind them.

  “Cut it out, Dylan. That ship sailed and eventually sank. Thank goodness we salvaged a friendship, but don’t press your luck.”

  “That’s one of the things I’ve always admired about you, Holly. No BS, straight to the point.” Holly gave her a skeptical look, and Dylan added, “No, seriously.” She held her arms out. “Bring it in.” When they hugged, Holly relaxed. “You okay? You seem tense.”

  Holly squeezed her around the waist before stepping back. “Yeah, herding cats tonight. Must be a full moon. If it weren’t for egotistical doctors, my job would actually be enjoyable.”

  “Ouch. You’re the best ER nurse we’ve got, so don’t let the bastards see you sweat. So…what’s so important that you dragged me into the make-out closet in view of the staff? How can I help?”

  “I’m glad you asked. As your friend, only I can say this to you, Dylan. You’re tired and in danger of making mistakes. Go to the on-call room and get a few hours’ sleep. I’ll text you if anything breaks.”


  “But nothing. It’s my job to see the ER runs smoothly during my shift, and you’re not only exhausted but you’re boxing the interns and residents out of some great training opportunities. No arguments. Listen to your elder. Go.”

  “Come on, Holly. You know I hate being idle.”

  “Then act like a real doctor and find a nurse to grope.” Holly grinned.

  “You cured me of that.” Holly had saved her in many ways—taught the junior doctor how to ingratiate herself with the nursing staff, pointed out shortcuts on the never-ending forms, showed her secret places to escape for a few minutes of alone time, and most importantly emphasized how not to become an arrogant know-it-all doctor. Dylan had also learned the pros and cons of sleeping with coworkers under Holly’s gentle tutelage and decided against it.

  “How about a nice police officer. They come and go through here like The Bachelorette. Surely one of them can rise to your high standards. Officer Masters just came in with an overdose. She’s still in the building somewhere.”

  “And probably wrist deep in one of your nurses by now.” The image of Finley Masters, who she knew only by sight and reputation, sauntering in earlier returned. She was arrogant, confident, and handsome wrapped in a black uniform, everything that sent Dylan running in the opposite direction.

  Holly feigned shock. “Are you saying I don’t run a tight ship, Dr. Carlyle?”

  “Not at all. But in keeping with your nautical theme, Finley Masters could slide through the smallest crack in your tightly run ship and engage a nurse before you knew she was on board. You have heard the rumors?” Dylan leaned against a shelf stacked high with clean green scrubs.

  “You know better than to listen to hospital gossip, Dylan. It’s as reliable as a match in a windstorm. B
esides, everybody has a private side. Doctors, nurses, and cops see the worst of humanity. Many of us end up together because we understand the need to compartmentalize our feelings and escape. I bet Officer Masters has a sensitive underbelly.”

  “Right, and I’m a brain surgeon. And just FYI, all that evil we see also makes us more susceptible to revolving door affairs and divorce. Jazz told me about the speech they give rookies the first week of the academy. ‘Don’t get divorced, married, engaged, or otherwise alter your status during this training process because your life is going to change drastically.’ Really, Holly, who says that to new employees?”


  “And then they teach them to be macho assholes who think they’re God’s gift to women, bulletproof, and can walk on water.”

  “You mean like doctors?” Holly raised her palms. “I give up. I just don’t get your aversion to dating cops. You come from a family of police officers.”

  “And stop.” Her tone was harsher than she’d intended, but Holly knew exactly why Dylan didn’t date cops. Aside from the constant specter of death hovering on every call, they were notorious womanizers and cheats. Cops weren’t unique in that respect, but they puffed their chests out farther and bragged about it more. Regardless, she wasn’t interested. She just wanted to be the best doctor she could be and spend time with her family. End of story.


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