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No Contest

Page 10

by Harper St. George

  But no. He’d been an amazing kisser and she’d stayed awake half the night trying to talk herself out of going to his room and knocking on the door. Once, she’d made it as far as her own door, her hand on the lock, reciting all the reasons it was a bad idea. In the end, the rational part of her brain had won out, barely. He was selfish and entitled. It was unprofessional. And, most important, she could feel herself stumbling along the precarious line between lust and something far more dangerous. If she slept with him, she wasn’t so sure she could walk away as easily as he’d be able to.

  As the elevator doors opened and she stepped out into the hotel’s lobby the next morning, she was certain that she’d made the right choice in not going to his room. However, she was less certain that she’d keep making that right choice, and that terrified her. They were supposed to meet downstairs to ride over to the morning show together, but she hadn’t seen him yet. Walking over to the seating area near the front entrance to wait, she acknowledged that she was out of her league with Leandro. Maybe after this press tour, she should talk to Jules about finding someone else to work with him. But even as she thought it, she knew she couldn’t. She needed the full-time job with the WFC, and if she quit, Craig wouldn’t give it to her. Freelance had been great for gaining experience, but it didn’t come with health insurance, a retirement plan, or a stable future. Plus, out of all the companies she worked with, the WFC was the most exciting. She loved the idea of helping Craig realize his vision of a world-class sports organization.

  She sank down onto the beige settee in front of the window and stared at the potted palm next to her. Losing the chance at a full-time job wasn’t the only reason she didn’t want to talk to Jules. Damn. It wasn’t even the biggest reason. She didn’t want to quit because she didn’t want to stop seeing Leandro. What was wrong with her? Would it be best to sleep with him and hope that once would be enough to get him out of her system? She didn’t know what to do, and it was tearing her up inside.

  Her phone vibrated from inside her bag and she fished it out. Since Leandro was keeping her waiting—again—she might as well get some work done. She scrolled through her inbox, tagging and sorting emails in order of priority. But it was the most recent one from her contact at the children’s hospital that caught her attention and had her fingers hovering above the screen, frozen as she read.

  Hey Ashlynn,

  I just wanted to thank you again for bringing Mr. Oliveira to the hospital. The children loved him, and they obviously had quite an impact on him. We just received his $1 million donation, and are completely speechless. This money will help to . . .

  But she’d stopped reading, her eyes having trouble focusing on the screen as she tried to process what she’d just read. Leandro had donated a million dollars to the children’s hospital?

  “Ashlynn Fields?”

  Hearing her name spoken by a faintly familiar voice broke her out of her thoughts. “Ashlynn?” A tawny-haired man with a laptop bag hanging from his shoulder had stopped on his way to the revolving front door, a smile on his face as he took a tentative step toward her.

  She stared at him for a second before recognition dawned. “Jake?”

  His smile broadened as she got to her feet and crossed the space between them, meeting him halfway for a hug. She’d dated Jake McCormick almost two years ago. They’d been set up by a mutual friend and had hit it off pretty well. He was smart, kind, and occasionally funny. They’d dated for about two months before his company had transferred him to Chicago. She’d been sad to see him go, but it honestly hadn’t been a big loss. Like most of the safe guys she’d dated, he hadn’t excited her.

  He pulled back, his blue-eyed gaze taking in her face before moving down to her dress and blazer. “I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked over and saw you sitting here. Never in a million years thought I’d run into you in a hotel lobby in New York. Are you here on business?”

  She nodded. “I’m doing some work with the WFC now. I’m here on a press tour with one of their fighters.”

  “That’s great. I’ve been hearing a lot about them lately. They have a WFC night at the bar near my apartment. One of the fighters—I can’t remember his name—used to go to the bar all the time when he lived in Chicago. They have his picture up.”

  “They’re definitely growing. How have you been?”

  “I’m good. Work’s been busy. They keep me on the road most of the time traveling to clients.” He was an accountant who worked for a large firm. Safe and dependable and everything she should want. “In fact, I’m heading to a meeting now.” He glanced down at his watch and then gave her an apologetic look.

  Taking the hint, she said, “It was great to see you again, Jake. I’m so glad we ran into each other.” Her heart sank a little as she stared into his attractive face. She was happy to see him, but there was no spark there. Even now, with Jake standing in front of her, she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Leandro. Jake had never kissed her like he had, like she was air and he was drowning.

  “Yeah, me too.” His gaze lingered on her face.

  “Let me know if you’re ever in Vegas again. Maybe we can have dinner,” she said, feeling guilty that she wasn’t more excited to see him. The last time they’d seen each other he’d hugged her and asked her if she was sure they couldn’t give the long-distance thing a try. She’d said no, because she knew those things never worked out. She’d also known that she and Jake probably wouldn’t have worked out even if he’d stayed. Something was wrong with her.

  He nodded and made to turn away, but paused. “You know, I’m in town another night. If you’re around, we could have dinner tonight?”

  She paused. Jake was responsible and good-looking. He was wearing a suit and tie and was concerned about being late for his meeting. He was exactly who she told herself she wanted in a boyfriend. Maybe if she said yes to a date, she could convince herself of that and make herself want more with him. Plastering a smile on her face, she said, “Actually, I don’t leave until the morning. I’d love to have dinner with you.”

  He smiled so brightly that it sent a twinge of guilt through her that her own enthusiasm didn’t match his. “Okay, I’ll see you tonight. Eight o’clock?”

  She nodded. “Eight is perfect. I’ll meet you right here.” As she watched him leave, she had a feeling that Jake would never be who she wanted. But maybe a night chatting with an old friend could take her mind off Leandro.

  She glanced toward the elevators and her heart nearly jumped into her throat when she saw Leandro standing at the edge of the seating area, watching her make a date with another man. He wore a dark blue button-down shirt and a dark gray sport coat with matching pants that fit snugly across his hips. His hands were lightly fisted at his sides, a muscle in his jaw popping as he scowled at Jake’s retreating back. When Leandro looked back at her his brows furrowed and he took in a breath through his nose.

  She was having a hard time reconciling all of the sides of Leandro in her head. He could be arrogant, sexy, and intimidating, but then he could also casually donate $1 million to a children’s hospital. He hadn’t even mentioned it, which made her think that he hadn’t done it to feed his ego. He’d done it because he’d genuinely wanted to help.

  “Ready to go?” she asked, infusing her voice with a cheerfulness she wasn’t even close to feeling.

  He nodded. She turned and led the way outside, not knowing what to say to him after the kiss last night, and after what he’d just seen. She’d lost control of herself for a split second, and that’s all it had taken to tumble over the edge with him. It wasn’t fair to him. He didn’t deserve these mixed signals she kept throwing at him, but she didn’t know how to keep herself together when she was with him.

  A limo was waiting at the curb, the driver clad in a black suit and standing by the back door. She’d expected a town car or something similar, but the driver sprang into action as soon as he saw Leandro. “Mr. Oliveira?” he called out, opening the door to reveal a
luxurious black interior. “Good morning. I’m Trevor and I’ll be driving you to the Today show.”

  Leandro’s hand came to rest on the small of her back as they walked to the car and she only just barely concealed her start of surprise. He’d never touched her casually like that, as if they were a couple. Maybe he thought the kiss meant more than it had. She chewed her bottom lip, unsure how to handle this colossal screw-up. Leandro mumbled a greeting to the driver and gestured for her to precede him into the limo. She hurried to get in and slid across the plush leather seat so he could follow.

  The interior was black and chrome. A seat faced them and she briefly considered moving to sit there, because it would put distance between them. Before she could make up her mind, he slid in beside her and the door closed. The tinted windows effectively sealed them off from the rest of the world. The muted sounds of horns blaring and people yelling barely reached them here. They sat in complete silence, the only break when the driver opened his door and took his seat. Leandro stared straight ahead, his hands lightly gripping the edge of the seat. She wanted so badly to know what he was thinking, but at the sight of his rigid jaw she was afraid that she wouldn’t like it.

  As the limo pulled away from the curb, she reached for her bag to retrieve her notebook. They hadn’t finished going over the interview questions the day before. She knew the hosts intended to ask him about life after the sex tape, and she’d made notes about possible answers. She’d also make sure that they knew about his donation. It couldn’t hurt to get the news out there ASAP. But as soon as she opened it, he shifted, pressing the button that raised the glass partition between them and the driver. Her heart pounded as she watched it go up and a tornado of butterflies swirled in her belly.

  “Are you going to pretend that kiss didn’t happen?” He turned to look at her, his brow furrowed. She could’ve sworn she saw the tiniest glimmer of pain in his eyes. That couldn’t be right, though. He was only playing with her, trying to win the seduction battle. She didn’t mean anything to him, so she couldn’t possibly hurt him.

  “Yes, I’d hoped to.” She kept her voice calm.

  He nodded, running his hand over his jaw as if he was agitated. “You’ll have to teach me that trick sometime.”

  “It’s not a trick.”

  “Really? Because all I do is think about you, Ashlynn.” He leaned in, his scent reaching her nose and going directly to her libido. Her body tightened, sending tiny ripples of pleasure along her nerve endings. “How can you kiss me like that and then not think about me?”

  A throb started between her thighs. She’d been alone with him for less than a minute, he hadn’t even touched her, and her body was dying for him. “It’s not that I don’t think about you. I think about you all the time.” Her guilt was making her be more honest than she should be, but as she stared into his gorgeous blue-green eyes, she couldn’t do anything other than admit the truth.

  He breathed in, his nostrils flaring. “Then I don’t understand.”

  “I want you, Leandro. Is that what you want to hear?” she asked, frustrated that he seemed to not be getting the point on purpose. “I want you, but I can’t have you.”

  He smiled and she both hated and loved that smile. Hated it because it meant he’d won. Loved it because he practically smoldered with male satisfaction. “You can have me, amada. I would like very much for you to have me.”

  She shook her head and looked straight ahead. “You’re a client. It wouldn’t be professional.”

  He leaned in. “I’m not your client. I never hired you.” She closed her eyes as she tried to block out every impression of him, but her body wasn’t having it. It liked him very much and wasn’t about to forget that he was sitting beside her. He sniffed, breathing in her scent, and then he made a growly noise in the back of his throat. Her nipples tightened in response. “But if that’s the only barrier, then you’re fired,” he whispered.

  “But I need this job.”

  “And I need you,” he said, staring into her eyes as if he really meant those words. They were direct and somehow poignant in their simplicity.

  In the back of the limo with the tinted windows closing them off from the rest of the world, no one would know if she gave in. Just one more time.

  Her hands found his shoulders at the same time her mouth found his. He groaned deep in his throat as he took control of the kiss, his tongue brushing across her lower lip, sending shock waves of pleasure deep in her belly. Her palms moved over his strong shoulders until her fingers curled in the thick hair at the back of his head. His hand came to rest on her thigh, restlessly stroking up and down the fabric of her dress. It was like they’d picked up where they’d left off the night before. The fire had only been banked when they’d been apart, but now it raged between them, demanding more fuel.

  She opened for him and his tongue stroked hers, moving in a familiar rhythm. Her whole body craved him, needing more contact. More of him. His palm roamed up her leg and over her hip to disappear under her blazer and move with determination up her rib cage. She gasped against his mouth when he cupped her breast, his thumb raking over her hard nipple. “Leandro,” she whispered and chased his lips. He kissed her like he was desperate for her, and there was something so damned appealing about that that she couldn’t stop.

  Finally, he drew back, leaving them both gasping for air. He dropped his head, trailing hot, openmouthed kisses down her neck. Between each one he mumbled words in Portuguese. She didn’t know what they were, but their meaning was as clear as day. She gasped when he bit down on her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine. How did he know she loved that? She tightened her hands in his hair, pulling him back to her. She loved it even more when he growled a little as he nipped her again.

  His hand dropped from her breast and came to rest inside her knee. Her heart skipped a beat at the skin on skin contact. His calloused palm slowly pushed its way up her leg until his progress stalled where her thighs met, inches from where she wanted him to touch her. “Let me touch you, minha linda. I want to feel how wet you are for me.”

  It was too much, too far, and yet she couldn’t stop. She throbbed between her legs, and nothing would soothe the ache but having him touch her. God knew she’d tried to stop the ache on her own, but every single time the orgasm was only a shadow of the pleasure she knew Leandro could give her.

  She closed her eyes and opened her legs for him. He groaned and pushed higher until his fingertips brushed her panties.

  “Fuck yes, Ashlynn,” he whispered. He bit his lip, his other hand tangling in her hair and pulling her head back so he could look into her eyes. He stroked her once, twice, through her panties. “Do you feel how much you want me?”

  She nodded, something like a whimper sounding in her throat, and she shamelessly pulled her skirt up higher so that she could spread her legs farther apart. He kissed her again, rough and dominating, before he pulled back far enough to watch her face. Licking his lips, he pushed her panties to the side and stroked his fingertips up and down her bare pussy. She clenched her jaw, struggling not to cry out when he teased her, rubbing the pads of his fingers around her swollen clit. He did it several times until her hips began to move to his rhythm.

  “Jesus,” she gasped when he changed the pattern and stroked over her clit. She bucked against his touch, arching into him, wanting more.

  He groaned and dipped his head to lightly bite her neck and then soothe it with his tongue. “I’ve dreamed about you like this. Hot. Wet. Mine.” He nipped her in between each word. His fingers tightened in her hair, bringing her face back to his. “More?”

  The pad of his thumb stroked her clit, causing her hips to roll as his longest finger dipped down, the tip pressing inside her. He stilled, unwilling to go farther until she answered him.

  “More,” she whispered, her pussy aching for him to fill it.

  He smiled down at her, but it wasn’t victorious. It was . . . adoring? God, if she didn’t know better, she’d think— Sh
e cried out as he thrust his middle finger inside her. Her fists clenched the lapels of his coat as she arched toward his hand, waves of pleasure pulsing out from her core. “More,” she said again. This time he thrust two fingers inside her, and she gripped him, clenching and unclenching around him.

  “You’re so wet I could fuck you right now. You’re tight, but you could take all of me.” He seemed awed by that fact.

  She wanted to scream yes. She wanted his cock. She pushed against him with her hips, desperate for him to move inside her, needing the friction.

  A car door slammed and she realized that the limo had come to a stop and the driver had gotten out. “Oh, shit!” She sat up, and Leandro returned to his side. There was a polite knock on the window. The driver must have known what they’d been doing in the back. Her face heated as she shimmied her skirt down and tried to smooth her hair. She knew that her lipstick must be smeared and she rubbed the skin around her lips, trying to make herself look like she hadn’t been seconds away from orgasm.

  When she looked up, Leandro didn’t look any better than she felt. It was the first time she’d seen him look ruffled. It wasn’t that he was disheveled—though his hair stuck out at odd angles from her fingers and his shirt was a little wrinkled. It was the expression on his face. He’d come close to losing control. She realized then that he hadn’t intended for them to slide into third base. Things had escalated far quicker than either of them had anticipated. She felt a tiny little flare of victory but couldn’t process it as he nodded toward the door.


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