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No Contest

Page 28

by Harper St. George

  “Minha linda, do you mind if I call someone to come fix your door and your window? I don’t want your house to get robbed while you’re away.”

  Her heart squeezed at his hesitant tone. She’d told him that she’d felt smothered by him, and he was treading so, so carefully. Even after he’d come to her rescue and protected her. Even after he’d been shoved into the back of a cop car.

  She poked her head around the corner and caught his gaze. “Yes. Thank you. That would be great.”

  He nodded. “My phone’s in the car. Meet me outside?”

  “Sure. I’ll be right out.” She quickly gathered up the rest of her things, not letting her gaze linger on the broken picture frame on the floor, or the armchair tipped over on its side. For tonight, she was safe, and she had Leandro. She’d figure everything else out tomorrow.

  As she walked down the stairs, her overnight bag slung over her shoulder, her hands started to shake, and her legs felt weak. The adrenaline was wearing off, and all she knew was that she needed to feel good. She rushed the rest of the way down the stairs and out the broken front door, not stopping until she’d flung herself into Leandro’s arms. He immediately circled them around her waist.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered before arching up on her toes and pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. He let out a soft groan and kissed her back, tender and slow.

  “I know, sweetheart. I know,” he murmured, moving a strand of hair out of her eyes. “I’m sorry too. I was taking over, and I just . . . I screwed up.”

  She shook her head, sagging against him. Relief wasn’t a strong enough word for the feeling cresting over her, making up for some of her depleted adrenaline. “No, I’m the one who screwed up. I got scared and I bailed, and that was completely unfair to you. I was so focused on controlling every aspect of my life, always afraid of making a mistake, that I wasn’t really living at all. And then you came along and took my rule book and ripped it up, and that was scary too. I didn’t give you a chance. I didn’t give us a chance. And I ended up making a huge mistake anyway—I never should’ve pushed you away.”

  He bent and kissed her again, his lips soft and firm against hers. “And what about now? Will you give us a chance?”

  She nodded quickly, threading her fingers into his hair. “I want this. I want you. We’re so good together, Leandro, and I’m sorry that I freaked out. I’m sorry I couldn’t see past my fear to what an amazing man you are.”

  His eyes grew bright, and he swallowed. “I love you. Eu te amo. God, Ashlynn. I was so scared I’d never hold you like this again.”

  She raised a hand, cupping his cheek, savoring the warmth of his skin under her fingers. “I’m so sorry. What we have . . . it’s special. It’s big, and it’s consuming, and that can be kind of scary. But I promise you, I’m done with being scared.”

  “And I’m done with wolves. You make me better, Ashlynn. I need you.”

  She met his eyes and spoke the truth. “I love you, Leandro Oliveira. And from now on, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Except back to my house?” He raised a cocky eyebrow, and even though the night air was chilly, she felt that gesture like sunshine on her skin.

  “Let me rephrase. I’m not going anywhere without you. We’ll figure it all out.”

  He smiled and kissed her again. “Together.”

  She nodded. “Together.”


  Six months later—Brazil

  ASHLYNN GLANCED OVER at Leandro, his bronze skin glistening in the late-afternoon sun as he sat sprawled on his beach lounger, wearing nothing but a pair of dark blue swim trunks and sunglasses. He reached down beside him, muscles bunching and flexing beneath all that skin as he lifted the condensation-covered glass holding his caipirinha to his mouth. Six months after she’d first let him into her life—into her bed, into her heart—and she still couldn’t seem to stop staring at him. Still couldn’t quite believe that he was hers.

  As though he could feel her eyes on him, he swiveled his head and pushed his sunglasses up onto his head. His eyes skated up and down her body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake, and a slow smile spread across his face. The bruises that had marred his face from his last fight had mostly faded, with only the faint trace of a black eye lingering. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of his lounger, leaning toward her. Reaching out, he traced his fingers over her collarbone, toying with the strappy tie of her bikini. As slowly as it had come, the smile melted away, a much more serious, thoughtful expression taking its place, that brooding intensity that she’d pretty much always been helpless against.

  She captured his hand with hers. “What are you thinking about?” She met his gaze and was stunned at the emotion shining out at her. He smiled softly and then cleared his throat, the sexy, teasing glint returning to his eyes.

  “How fantastic that bikini’s going to look on the floor when we get back up to our room.”

  It didn’t matter that they’d had ridiculous amounts of sex over the past six months; her nipples still beaded and her core still warmed at his words. As though her body was addicted to his, and for once in her life, she wasn’t going to fight something she couldn’t control. She laughed and took a sip of her drink, letting herself enjoy the moment—something she’d gotten a lot better at.

  She leaned forward and kissed him. “You say that about all my clothes.”

  He shrugged, laughing against her mouth. “Well, it’s true. You look beautiful in everything you wear. But naked? Minha linda, you’re beyond gorgeous.” He kissed her again, this time with a little bit more heat. He pulled away with a satisfied smile, easing back into his lounger and picking up his drink.

  Bossa nova music floated in the air around them, mingling with the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, people laughing and shouting in Portuguese as they played in the surf. The Copacabana Palace Hotel rose up behind them, its elegant white façade gleaming in the sun. She pulled in a deep breath, inhaling the scents of the ocean, sunscreen, lime, and coconut as she relaxed back against her lounger, taking in the glorious view of Copacabana Beach stretching out in front of her. Turquoise waters lapped against the sand. Farther down the beach, more hotels dotted the curving shoreline, with rocky mountains covered in lush greenery rising up behind them. Clusters of palm trees separated one hotel from the next, their fronds rustling in the breeze.

  She’d never imagined that something this luxurious and extravagant could be part of her world, but she’d learned to expect the unexpected with Leo. Maybe she’d even learned to embrace it. She loved the way he pulled her out of her shell. For the first time in . . . well, maybe ever, she felt as though she was truly living.

  Ten days ago, Leandro had successfully defended his belt against Kenny Mack, the number-one-ranked light heavyweight. He’d finally gotten the chance to prove himself like he’d wanted, and his patience and hard work had paid off, because even though Mack had been a formidable opponent, Leandro had knocked him out cold in the third round. Despite Ashlynn’s mixed feelings about going to a WFC event after everything that had happened, she’d been in the front row, cheering him on the entire time.

  She’d probably never work for the WFC again, but that was okay. Getting fired hadn’t been the death sentence she’d feared it would be, and thanks to Jules’ glowing recommendation, she’d managed to get her feet under her and keep going. She worked with a couple of the bigger casinos and one of the local sports teams now and was building a name for herself.

  Her phone chimed from inside her beach bag, and she reached over to fish it out, dismissing a couple of nonessential work-related emails that she’d deal with later. She shook her head and laughed at herself as she realized the old Ashlynn—the pre-Leo Ashlynn—wouldn’t have done that. She was grateful for the balance she’d found with him, and knew she was so much happier because of it.

  Before their vacation, they’d visited his family in São Paulo. She wasn’t sure she’d ever quite get used to Leandro’s
level of wealth. The Oliveira mansion had seemed like something out of a movie. Immaculately landscaped grounds patrolled by armed guards, splashing fountains, soaring columns, wings stretching out on either side of the Spanish-style home. The inside hadn’t been any less spectacular, with massive chandeliers, travertine floors, floor-to-ceiling windows wherever she looked, beautiful art hanging from the walls, each room tastefully decorated with luxurious furniture.

  Thankfully, they’d stayed at Leo’s penthouse, which was luxe and gorgeous but not nearly as overwhelming as the ten-bedroom mansion.

  The visit hadn’t been as strained as she’d feared. His grandfather, father, brother, and sister had all spent time with her, getting to know her, coming along while Leo had shown her around the city, taken her shopping, to parks and museums and art galleries, to fancy restaurants, out dancing. She’d practiced her stuttering Portuguese, wanting to impress his family, knowing how much he liked it when she tried to speak a little.

  Everyone had welcomed her and shown her a good time, except his mother. Ashlynn knew his mother might never really warm up to her, but she could handle that. She was in this for the long haul with Leandro, and was willing to be patient and give things time where his mother was concerned.

  Her own family had welcomed Leandro—Kayla enthusiastically, and her mother slightly less so. But she’d warmed up to him. Apparently even her mother wasn’t immune to Leandro’s charms.

  After spending a week in São Paulo, Leo had whisked her away to Rio de Janeiro for a surprise vacation. They were supposed to go back to Vegas in a couple of days, and for the first time in her life, she was dreading going back to work. Not because she didn’t love her job, but because she just wanted to stay here, with this gorgeous man, in their own little cocoon of sun, sand, and sex.

  And speaking of sex . . .

  “I think I’m just about ready to go back up to the room,” she said, stretching her arms overhead. Leandro’s eyes went immediately to her breasts, and he smiled.

  “Vamos,” he said, standing from his beach lounger and holding his hand out to her. Hand in hand, they made their way back into the luxurious hotel, across the glittering marble floors, beneath the massive chandeliers and through the opulent lobby to the private elevator that would take them back up to their penthouse suite. As they stepped into the elevator, nerves shot through her, mingling with a slightly breathless anticipation, because she was going to offer him something she’d never given to anyone before. Something that would let him know she trusted him more than she’d ever trusted anyone. She wanted to give him every single part of her, knowing he’d take it and cherish it.

  The second the door of their penthouse suite closed behind her, his hands were on her hips, pulling her back against him, his mouth on her neck. She moaned and tilted her head, relaxing into his familiar touch and scent. He skimmed a hand up over her ribs, thumbing her nipple through her bikini top and then continuing upward, pulling on the tie at the base of her neck. It fell forward, exposing her breasts, and he continued kissing her neck as he cupped her with one hand, undoing the tie around her back with the other. It fell to the floor, and she wiggled her bikini bottoms down over her hips, kicking them away.

  “See,” he whispered, his hot breath against her ear making her shiver. “Looks perfect on the floor.” He nipped at her ear, and she smiled, pressing back against him, feeling his thick cock against her ass through his swim shorts. A fresh wave of nerves crested over her and she let out a little laugh and managed to step away from him. Turning, she pressed a quick kiss to his mouth.

  “I’ll be right back.” She stepped into the bathroom and rummaged around in her bag, fishing out the two items she’d been looking for: the coconut-scented lube and a condom. The items in hand, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Naked. Tanned. Practically glowing with happiness.

  When she stepped back into the bedroom, she found Leo naked on the bed, propped up against the pillows, one arm behind his head, the other hand leisurely stroking himself. His eyes grew hungry as she moved closer, her hands behind her back. She watched his hand for a moment, heat flushing through her body.

  “I have something for you,” she said, her voice cracking a little. She cleared her throat before continuing. “Something I know you’ve wanted for a long time, but that you’ve never pressured me to do.”

  He sat up a little straighter, his eyes glittering darkly.

  “Something I’ve never shared with anyone before,” she said. “Something I want to share with you. Because I love you, and trust you, and want something that’s just us.” She took her hands out from behind her back and held up the condom and the little bottle. “I don’t want any boundaries between us. I want to give you everything.” Her eyes stung and her throat clogged at the sudden onslaught of unexpected emotion.

  Leo rose to his knees, his eyes bright, his mouth slightly open as his gaze flicked between her and the items in her hands. “Are you offering me . . .” He pushed a hand through his hair, shaking his head slowly as though he couldn’t quite believe it.

  She joined him on the bed, tossing the items down and then sliding her hands up his chest. “Yes.”

  He let out a string of strained-sounding Portuguese before crushing his mouth to hers, his hands sliding down to her ass, squeezing and massaging. “Are you sure? Minha linda, are you sure?”

  She nodded, arousal spiking sharply through her as he parted her cheeks and trailed his fingers up and down between them, a slow, featherlight touch. He’d never made it a secret how much he loved her ass, and they’d played and experimented in the past, with fingers, and more recently, toys. It felt forbidden, and sexy, and she’d been surprised at how much she’d liked it.

  He eased her down to the bed, kissing a trail down her body, lingering on her breasts before settling himself between her thighs. As his lips brushed over her clit, he reached for the lube. She fell back against the pillows and closed her eyes, letting out a shuddering gasp when he swirled his tongue over her clit, again and again, working her into a panting frenzy, her pussy swollen and throbbing.

  As he worked her with his mouth, he eased first one and then a second finger into her ass, his movements slow and gentle. They’d done this much before, and she’d learned how to relax her muscles and let him in. Heat churned through her core and her legs started to shake a little as an orgasm barreled down on her. He moved his fingers in a steady rhythm, sucking her clit into his mouth with a soft growl, and everything inside her tightened and then exploded into shimmering sparkles of pleasure, leaving her skin tingling, her muscles trembling.

  Leo knelt between her legs and sheathed himself in the condom, gazing down adoringly at her. “Can you go onto your hands and knees, minha linda?” His voice came out raspy and low.

  She smiled up at him and did as he’d asked, her limbs feeling loose, her earlier nervousness gone thanks to the orgasm.

  She felt a slick coolness between her cheeks, followed by the slow, steady press of the thick head of his cock against her. A dull burn radiated through her, and she sucked in a deep breath, willing herself to relax. He pushed in a little bit farther, and the burn abated a little, giving way to an intense feeling of fullness that felt different from what she was used to, but in a good way. He let out a strangled groan and a long, slow exhale. “You’re in control, Ashlynn. You say stop, we stop. I’m only going to go in this far. It’s up to you if you want more.”

  Something in her chest tightened at how sweet and considerate he was being given how badly he wanted this. She’d never felt closer to him. His gentleness made her bold and she pressed back against him, taking him a bit deeper. Her body seemed to pull at him, wanting to engulf him. The fullness became more intense and her clit began to throb.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, his breathing harsh. His hands gripped her hips, but he didn’t move, taking his cues from her. She moved forward and then back again, her nerve endings singing with hot, sharp pleasure at the taboo sensation of his co
ck stroking in and out of her ass. “You are so fucking beautiful like this,” he said, flexing his hips in another slow in-and-out stroke. “Meu Deus, Ashlynn, I’m not going to last. Your ass is so hot, so tight. This is incredible, fuck.”

  He slid farther in, and she let out a long, loud moan. Her hands clenched at the sheets and she pressed her hips back against him, wanting more of that intense fullness that was driving her insane. Heat swirled through her as he established a slow, steady rhythm, his breath coming in sharp pants, their moans tangling together.

  He reached between her legs and worked his fingers against her clit and something deep inside her snapped. Her legs and arms shook, her eyes clenched shut tight, and she moaned his name over and over again as her orgasm took over her body. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t breathe. All she could do was feel, as though her entire body was a giant mass of throbbing nerve endings.

  He moved a bit faster, a bit deeper, taking her in earnest. After a few strokes, he cried out and stiffened. She felt him pulse inside her, and even those little twinges felt so good. He slowly, carefully pulled out of her and she collapsed on the bed, trying to catch her breath. Leo pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” he asked and she craned her head to look up at him.

  “I’m so much more than okay.” Her entire body felt like sunshine, warm and sated.

  “Come here.” He rose from the bed and picked her up, cradling her in his arms as he walked them toward the shower. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he said, bending to kiss her. “I can’t . . . You’re amazing, you know that?”

  She laughed. “I’m glad you liked it. I liked it too.”

  “And I like that I’m the only one to ever have you that way.”

  “Mmm. I like that part too.”

  After a long shower filled with lingering kisses and teasing, soapy touches, they sat down on the penthouse’s terrace, looking out over the ocean. Wrapped in their bathrobes, they ate their room service dinner, sharing a bottle of wine. As she stared out at the ocean, a deep sense of contentment settled over her, and for the first time in her life, she felt at peace with exactly where she was in that moment. Happy. Fulfilled. Loved. The fact that her boyfriend was a billionare sex god didn’t hurt either, she thought as she smiled to herself. She stood and walked to the balcony, taking her glass of wine with her. Resting her elbows on the edge of the railing, she couldn’t help but feel that this was a pivotal moment in her life. A before-and-after marker. A newfound sense of self, of happiness, of what she wanted her life to be.


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