Unbroken (Forgotten Rebels MC #1)
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The men of The White Death chuckled and she pulled her gaze away from Kix to look at the newcomers. Parky had been correct. Each man was gorgeous, a far cry from the current Rebels stock. The Brothers might be family, but some of them had a face only a mother could love.
“Whose old lady are you?” Kix asked.
She lifted her chin. “I’m no one’s old lady.”
He gave a wicked little grin. “Good,” he murmured.
Piper flushed and turned, hurrying out of the room. It might be rude, but she didn’t care. Her heart raced in her chest, and she put her hand over it as if that would make it slow down. What was wrong with her? She’d met bikers through the years, nomads mostly, who’d stopped by the clubhouse to stay a few nights and rest. She lived around hard men who never did things half-assed, and she had seen things that stripped off all her blinders. No one and nothing had ever made her so acutely aware of her own body, of every pulse and electrified need, quite like looking into Kix’s green-eyed gaze.
“Good looking, aren’t they?” Parky asked.
Piper let out a little squeal and spun. Now her heart thudded with a completely different feeling.
“You scared me!”
“I’m sorry,” Parky said quickly.
Piper took a deep breath to settle her nerves. “It’s fine. And yes. They are certainly good looking.”
Parky cocked her head. “You like one of them.”
“I do not!” Piper must have said that a little too fast, because a smirk crossed over Parky’s face.
“Oh, yes you do.” She clapped her hands like a little girl. “Oh goodie! You’ve finally found a man! Which one?”
“No one,” Piper said. Her mind flashed back to Kix and the animal magnetism that had briefly sucked her under.
“Spill, Sissy. I gotta know which man to keep my hands off.”
“Why would you care about keeping your hands off?” Piper asked.
“Because, silly, I’m your friend and I won’t have it in the back of your mind that I once sucked off your man.”
Piper flushed. “He’s not my man.”
Parky put her hands on her hips. “Not yet. So which one caught your fancy?”
His name was on the tip of her tongue. All Piper had to do was just say it, but it seemed that effort took an enormous amount of courage, and she’d never been very good at being fearless.
“Um…I thought K-Kix was good looking,” she whispered.
Parky winked at her. “You got it, love. I quite had a liking for his V.P. myself. Well, I have to get ready for the party. You’re going to be there, right?”
Piper frowned. She usually didn’t attend the parties. “I don’t know.”
“Listen here, Sissy,” Parky said fiercely. “You will be there, do you understand me? If I have to break down your door and drag you out, you will come after your man.”
A grin tugged at the corner of Piper’s mouth. “Well, with such sweet intentions, how can I refuse? But I’ve already told you, he’s not my man.”
“Yet. And I’ll guarantee he’ll be your man tonight.”
Chapter Four
“She’s not part of the deal, Kix,” Wick said.
Kix leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes, staring at the leader of the Forgotten Rebels. Truth be told, he liked the younger man, liked how the Rebels ran their club. They weren’t looking to step on any toes. They cooked their own meth, had their own trade route, and kept everything in-house.
“Why don’t we let Sissy decide if she wants to be part of the deal?” Kix asked.
Wick leaned forward. “She’s not a hole to stick your dick in. She’s my sister.”
Kix tensed, not liking the attitude in Wick’s tone. “Yeah, I heard. But she lives here at the club, she’s in the Rebel family, so now she’s part of The White Death as well.”
He saw that Wick wanted to say no, but the other man wisely held his tongue. Kix looked toward Slade and nodded. His V.P. pulled a bag out of his jacket pocket and tossed it onto the table.
“Those are your support patches, showing your allegiance to The White Death,” he said. “We’ve agreed to expand your route, bring you into our territory, for a fifteen per cent kickback. Correct?”
“Yes,” Wick said. He reached out and took the bag. He pulled one of the patches out and held up the logo, a white devil sniper against a black background.
Kix tapped the table. “This will be a symbiotic relationship. Even though you’re a small club, you still need certain immunities, which The White Death will be happy to provide. Protection money, as well as buying off the state troopers.”
Wick nodded his head and after a few more issues were negotiated, the meeting wrapped up, with The Forgotten Rebels completely affiliated with the bigger club. Kix pushed away from the table and shook the other members’ hands before heading into the clubhouse. He wanted to see Sissy again. There was something about the woman that drew him, more than just how gorgeous she was. Hell, pussy was pussy, but as soon as he had spotted her, an electric awareness had traveled down his spine, causing his dick to sit up and take notice. Whether or not that was a good thing remained to be seen. He only knew he was glad she wasn’t an old lady to anyone, so he could find out what it was about her that made his blood race.
At first he didn’t see her. He looked around the room, expecting her to be at the bar or hanging around the men, but she was nowhere to be seen. And then the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he could feel her eyes on him. He turned and saw her coming down the stairs, and that singular need he seemed to have developed for her, gripped him again. Their gazes touched, locked, and it was as if the world around them disappeared. They were the only two people alive, with fire scorching the distance between them. His dick hardened and his heart thumped with an excitement he’d not felt before, making him wonder if she had some type of super-pussy that could suck him inside a vortex of unimaginable pleasure. He sure was willing to find out.
She walked up to him, and the sliver of fear darting through her dark irises intrigued him. Instinct told him this woman had been hurt somehow, and the beast inside wanted to find the fucker and beat the shit out of him, which shocked him because he wasn’t normally the jealous type. He had a vengeful nature certainly, but the thought Sissy had belonged to someone else at some point in her life didn’t sit too well with him. Ridiculous, of course: She looked to be in her mid-twenties, so of course she’d had a lover or two in her past.
But he still didn’t like it.
“You ready to tell me your real name?” he asked her.
She blinked and slipped her hands in her front pockets. One of her eyebrows arched. “You going to tell me yours?”
He grinned. He liked a woman who could give out a bit of sass. “Christopher Rockwood. But I’ll never answer to my given name.”
“Figured,” she said. “My name is Piper.”
He nodded and looked her up and down, admiring her curves. Not too big, not too small. He had a feeling she would be just right for him. “Piper suits you a lot better.”
“Well, like you, I won’t answer to it. Best to call me Sissy.”
He shook his head. No way what he felt toward her was sisterly. “I don’t think so. I won’t call the woman who shares my bed by any sisterly name.”
Her eyes widened and he saw that touch of fear once more slide over her face. He didn’t like that at all.
“Who hurt you?” he asked.
She shook her head and backed away. “You and your men have the rooms to the right of the staircase. They’re clean. I have to go start dinner.”
She turned and headed to the back of the house, to where he figured the kitchen would be located. Kix had the urge to go after her and demand an answer to his question, but a hand came down on his shoulder, preventing him from following. He scowled at Wick, who had cock-blocked him.
“What?” he growled.
“I said she’s not up for negotiation.”
Kix s
hrugged off the hand. “And I told you she’s part of The White Death now. I mean to have her.”
Wick’s hands closed into fists. Tension snapped between them, thick enough that a butter knife could slice through with ease.
“She’s been through enough,” Wick muttered. “The Rebels all voted her in as a sister to this club, to watch over and protect her. I won’t have you undo all the security we’ve given her.”
Kix cocked his head. “Care to tell me about her past?”
Wick shook his head. “That’s her business and if she wants to share with you, fine. But I’m warning you now, she’s not some plaything to fuck and push aside. Not only is she my sister, but she’s got the protection of the Rebel patch as well. You hurt her and that will be a deal-breaker. You hear me?”
“I hear you,” Kix said.
Wick nodded, turned, and stomped away. The club was getting ready for a party, a way to let loose and celebrate the unity of the two clubs. Most of the revelry would be outside, with a large bonfire and loud music. He watched the president of the Rebels storm out the door with a mighty shove of the screen. It clanged behind him loudly.
Kix looked back toward the area where Piper had disappeared. Was she really worth the trouble he was looking at by getting into her panties? She may not be someone’s old lady, but surely her brother didn’t act like that with all her boyfriends. Still, the knowledge that someone had hurt her, badly enough to get a whole club to protect her, irked him. Like an irritating mosquito bite he couldn’t reach. Pursuing her might not be the smartest thing, and he might be biting off more than he cared to chew, but damned if he wasn’t determined to uncover her secrets.
Chapter Five
Piper made sure to stay in the kitchen for the rest of the day, relying on the prospects to help tend the bar. The club girls, Parky, Doll, Tilly, Bird, and Heaven were trying to satisfy the new men, as well as the Rebels members. Piper didn’t even want to contemplate if Kix was taking advantage of being around new pussy. She had no illusions as to the lack of fidelity from the club Brothers. It was one of the reasons why she didn’t want to start anything with Heart. She knew if she cared for someone, then watched as he got off sexually with another girl, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.
She had made chili and cornbread, making a mental note they had to replenish some of the food in the downstairs pantry. She spent hours in the kitchen in an effort to feed a lot of grown, hungry men. By the time the food was ready to eat, sweat had plastered her hair to her head and covered her skin with a fine sheen. Sweat ran between her breasts, turning her bra damp and uncomfortable. She had the prospects bring out the meal and set it down on the bar buffet-style before heading to her room to shower. Cooking and the heat had seemed to zap her strength, and she rubbed the bridge of her nose absently as she headed behind the stairs. Her room was small, but she didn’t require much. Piper was only thankful the Brothers had provided her a place to stay.
At least she had her own private bathroom with a small shower. It was the first thing Wick had done for her, and luckily most of the men had a background in wielding a hammer. Stepping into her room, she went to the small dresser and pulled out a change of clothes before heading to bathe. The hot water sluiced over her skin, easing some of the tension that gripped her body. She’d been ambivalent about the Rebels associating with The White Death MC, but now that she’d met Kix, she wished they would all go away. She was attracted to him, and she knew that wasn’t a smart thing. In the eight years she had lived behind the Rebel’s protective walls, she hadn’t let herself feel anything, for any man, other than friendship. The memory of Tyler still hadn’t faded away. The nightmares were now infrequent, and for that she was thankful, but the terror and shame he had left her had yet to fade completely into oblivion.
She left her small bathroom wrapped in a towel and froze as she saw Kix standing in her bedroom. The door was closed behind him. Piper gripped the towel tightly as she faced him and lifted her chin. The last thing she wanted to do was cower before the man.
“Get out,” she ordered.
He cocked his head. “Why do you have such a small room? We’re never going to fit together in a twin bed. Guess you’ll have to come upstairs to mine.”
“Not gonna happen,” she replied. “Please leave.”
He took a step closer and her heart thudded anxiously in her chest. She was half afraid it was from excitement and not dread.
“Your brother told me you were hurt,” he said, ignoring her desire for privacy. “By a man, I take it. What happened?”
“None of your business,” she answered.
“I want to make it my business. What did he do? Bang you around?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, that’s exactly what he did. Now, leave.”
He cocked his head. “Why do I get the impression you’re lying?”
“Listen, Kix, you’re here for the club, that’s it, and there’re five women out there who would be more than willing to take you on. Go find them. I…” she hesitated, racking her brain to find the right way to convince him she was too damaged to be in a relationship. The words, however, escaped her. She settled for: “I don’t want you.”
He arched his left eyebrow, causing the little diamond tattoo to stretch upward. She wondered at the significance of it, which led to her thinking what other tattoos he had on his body. He stalked toward her, with devilish promise resting in his green eyes. Too late, she realized her words could be taken as a challenge, and from the determination in his gaze he appeared more than willing to take up the gauntlet she’d thrown down.
Piper backed up, but there wasn’t anywhere to go. Her bedroom was small, and his big body filled most of it, so he reached her in a couple of strides. Excitement exploded through her belly as her heart pounded with the anticipation of what his lips would feel like on hers. Never before had she felt this type of panty-drenching want for a man, not even when she had thought Tyler Stafford was the hottest boy walking on two legs.
And then he reached for her, pulling her into his hard muscles, and her hands landed on his pectorals. It was impossible not feel how ripped he was, his sculptured body now cradling her softer, feminine one. All her nerve endings went into overdrive, just as her common sense took a skipping leap out the door. She shouldn’t let him touch her like this, look at her with eyes so full of lust her pussy instantly flooded with wetness. His mouth swooped down to claim hers, a forceful mesh that pried her lips apart to allow his tongue to surge inside and touch hers. To say the man was talented was an understatement. He didn’t just kiss her. He seduced her, made love to her mouth, teasing in a way that had her moaning for more and clutching his shirt. Her knees wobbled and fire surged through her with a burning need to feel his body pressed against hers.
Piper let out a little moan as his hand dropped from her waist to her butt, rounding over the globes to grip the flesh and pull her into the space between his thighs. The outline of his hard cock pressed against her pussy, and even through the denim she could tell just how big he was. It made her wonder how he would feel to sink into her body. To fill her completely. All the things she’d read about and seen over the years bombarded her brain, leaving her pussy wet and needy. When he broke the kiss, coming up for air, a hollowness gripped her insides. It shocked her to know she wanted him so much. Wanted to feel his cock buried deep inside her tight channel, pounding into her. She knew the mechanics of sex––but hadn’t ever known what it truly meant to want another person like that.
Now she knew.
“Jesus, woman,” Kix muttered in a deep voice. He cupped her face and leaned his forehead against hers. “I can feel the heat of your cunt burning through my jeans.”
Her nipples hardened even further as she breathed in his scent, a pure clean smell with a hint of cigarette smoke. She wasn’t a smoker herself, but she didn’t find the odor offensive. All the men in the club, including her brother, indulged in the vice. Kix pulled back and placed a tender kiss on her fore
“I’m going to let you get dressed, even though all I want to do is lie you on that bed and fuck you until we both pass out from the pleasure,” he said. The images his words created had her clamping her thighs together. “But your days of being a single woman are numbered, Piper. You hear me?”
“Kix. It’s just lust.”
He nodded. “I know. But I also know there’s something about you that I’m never going to get enough of, although I’ll be damned if I know what that is right now.”
Finally, her common sense returned, and not a moment too soon. Piper withdrew and skirted around him until she reached her door. She opened it and gestured for him to leave.
“It was just a kiss, Kix,” she said coldly. “You’ve had thousands of them. No big deal.”
A frown marred the area between his eyes. “Obviously, you’ve not been kissed enough, or the right way, otherwise you’d know that kiss was one in a million.”
“That’s what I said. Just one out of a million.”
He suddenly grinned, which slightly threw her off-kilter. She gripped her towel tighter.
“I see you’re going to need lots of persuasion.” He shrugged. “That’s fine. I’m up for the challenge. See you later tonight, Piper. At the party.”
“I’m not going to be there.”
He walked to the door and paused on the threshold. “Oh, yes you are. If you’re not, I’m coming back to finish what we started, so you just better decide what it is you want.”
Then he was gone and she slammed the door behind him. Her body pulsed with need and she scowled at herself in the mirror.
“Traitor,” she muttered to herself.
Kix left Piper’s room with a dick hard enough to hammer nails. Clichéd as that might be, he had to adjust himself in his damn jeans. Fuck. Where had she been at all his life? Piper’s kiss was like a pot of honey luring him into a trap, and damned if he wasn’t ready to lock the cage behind him. He was nearing forty, and sure, he’d fucked a lot of pussy in his younger years. But the attraction for random hook-ups and meaningless sex had been wearing thin. He rarely indulged with any of the club girls anymore, preferring to take matters into his own hands when he needed relief. Truthfully, he’d been waiting for a woman that would knock him on his ass and turn his world upside down, although he refused to tell anyone that particular secret. His men, especially Slade, would laugh their asses off about his romantic notions.