Page 7
“That’s right.”
“I’d like to solve this one.”
“Tell me—do you think it could be the ex-husband?”
Tucci shook his head. “I never make random guesses. With DNA today we’ll be able to find out in no time.”
“Just like they did with Nicole Simpson, right?” Madison said, unable to resist the dig.
“That was a botched case.”
“I’m sure you won’t botch this one. I trust that you’ll do Salli justice.”
“It’s my intention, Miss Castelli, it’s certainly my intention.”
chapter 23
MAX COULD NOT BELIEVE what was happening to him. One moment he was a partner in the most successful talent agency in Los Angeles, the next he was about to head up a studio, and now Billy Cornelius had just got off the phone, telling him that things had changed, and there was no way they could work together.
“What do you mean changed?” Max had blustered.
“You should never have leaked it,” Billy had said. “Too late now. The deal’s off.”
Max was furious. Now he’d have to go crawling back to Freddie and say, “Let’s forget and forgive.” Only Freddie was not the forgiving kind. Everyone knew that.
Max couldn’t help thinking about Inga Cruelle. He’d always had great success with women. How dare she treat him like he was simply another guy on the make.
He glanced at his gold Rolex. It was almost time to meet Diana. Before he did, however, there was something he had to do. He had a plan.
He went to the phone and called Kristin. To his annoyance her answering machine picked up.
“Hey, baby,” he said. “This is Max Steele. I’ve made a decision. I’m taking you out of the business, honey. Making you exclusive. You tell me what it’ll cost to set you up, and I’ll do it.” He paused for a moment, quite pleased with himself. “I’ve been thinking about things. I want you to be with me. Y’see, I need somebody like you around, somebody to keep me focused. I can introduce you to people, change your life. Nobody’ll know who you are, or what you used to be. This is gonna work out, Kristin. Trust me.” Another pause. “I have a breakfast meeting, so call me any time after twelve and we’ll work something out. Okay, honey?”
And when he hung up the phone he was convinced he had her. Beautiful Kristin beside him would change his luck.
* * *
Diana was about to leave the house when Freddie walked in. He was unshaven, his eyes wild-looking, his clothes crumpled—most out of character for a man as fastidious as Freddie Leon.
“My God!” Diana said, staring at her disheveled husband. “You look as if you slept in your clothes. What hotel took you in looking like that?”
“Diana, leave me alone,” Freddie said, pushing past her on his way upstairs. As far as he was concerned, Diana was becoming more trouble than she was worth.
“Yes, Freddie, I will,” she called after him. And set off to seal her future with Max Steele.
chapter 24
ON THE BEACH IN MALIBU, two teenagers ran down to the sea. They were wearing black rubber wet suits, their surfboards tucked under their arms.
“Great waves, dude,” said one.
“Sweet,” agreed the second one.
Just as they were about to enter the water, they noticed a fan of long blond hair and one delicate arm tangled in seaweed.
They glanced at each other. “Holy shit! What’s that?”
“Looks like a body.”
Together they dragged the lifeless form out of the water and laid it on the sand.
The body was a female. Gorgeous, blond, and very very naked.
Another murder.
Another beautiful day in L.A.
Don’t miss the other installments in the sexy, thrilling, four-part L.A. Connections miniseries, a behind-the-curtains peek into the exclusive mansions of Hollywood, where the city’s most powerful players willingly risk it all for love, lust, and murder, from New York Times bestselling author Jackie Collins!
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Also available from Pocket Star and Jackie Collins
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Pocket Star Books
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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 1998 by Chances, Inc.
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First Pocket Star Books ebook edition June 2017
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Cover design by Tal Goretsky
Cover images © JanDix/Depositphotos (knife); © cristi180884/Shutterstock (bracelet); © Ohmega1982/Shutterstock (background)
ISBN 978-0-671-02459-8
ISBN 978-1-5011-7495-7 (ebook)