I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year

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I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year Page 64

by Carol Leonnig

and military base renaming proposals, 182

  post-insurrection period check-ins, 487

  post-insurrection resignation possibility, 489–90

  and presidential pardons, 489, 500, 501

  and rigged election claims, 369, 370, 409, 410, 426, 427

  and Trump administration internal conflicts, 49

  Trump’s abuse of, 205

  and Trump’s demands for force at protests, 203, 205

  and Wray firing possibility, 137

  Clapper, James R., 135, 139, 261

  Clark, Justin

  and Biden’s lead, 263–64

  and campaign budget, 224, 225

  and election legal challenges, 377–78, 379, 390

  and rigged election claims, 357–58

  Clayton, Jay, 192–93, 194, 196

  climate crisis, 2

  Clinesmith, Kevin, 311

  Clinton, Hillary, 151, 338


  Atlas on, 259

  and Birx national tour, 259–60

  “doctors’ group” on, 94–95

  early closures, 83

  Trump on, 382

  Vought on, 230

  and White House coronavirus response, 85, 93–95

  Cohen-Watnick, Ezra, 364–65, 433

  Cohn, Roy, 357

  Collins, Francis

  and convalescent plasma treatments, 244–45, 246

  and coronavirus precautions, 141

  on coronavirus Wuhan lab-leak theory, 21

  and fetal tissue ban, 70

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 180, 181

  and Trump’s coronavirus responses, 31

  and undermining of Fauci, 219–20

  White House muzzling of, 127

  Colvin, Jill, 126

  Comey, James, 103, 132, 133, 139, 324, 405, 409

  Confederacy symbols

  military base renaming proposals, 182–84, 342

  Trump public statements on, 201

  Congressional vote certification

  completion of, 3, 480, 481, 482–84

  McConnell acceptance of, 421, 463

  Pence’s commitment to, 3, 7, 461–62, 480, 481, 482–83, 484

  Republicans opposing, 421, 433, 453, 454, 456, 463, 466, 478, 483–84

  and Trump’s orderly transition of power statement, 484–85

  Trump’s pressure on Pence, 438–41, 447, 447, 450–52, 455–57, 459–60, 483, 508–9

  Conley, Sean

  and campaign rallies, 196–97

  concern president’s health could deteriorate, 301

  criticism of, 305

  and Hicks coronavirus diagnosis, 296

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 299, 300–301, 302, 303–5, 309, 315

  and Trump’s refusal to follow coronavirus precautions, 125

  conservative base. See Trump followers

  constitutional crisis, and Trump’s peaceful transfer of power commitment refusal, 278–80

  Contee, Robert, III, 463, 468–69

  Conway, Kellyanne

  and Azar, 33

  and Capitol insurrection, 476

  and China travel ban, 46

  and Christie on White House coronavirus response, 89

  on closures/reopenings, 94

  coronavirus diagnosis, 311

  on Democratic voter participation, 319

  Election Day, 345, 349

  and election legal challenges, 382

  and first presidential debate, 288, 292, 293

  and Pence office coronavirus outbreak, 328

  and rigged election claims, 349, 371

  on Trump reelection campaign, 207

  on Trump’s coronavirus public statements, 113–14

  on Trump’s election loss, 353

  and Trump’s refusal to follow coronavirus precautions, 288

  and White House staff briefings on coronavirus, 34

  Cooper, Roy, 249

  coronavirus pandemic

  and administration chaos, 32–33

  American repatriations from China, 39, 41–43, 47

  asymptomatic transmission, 36–38, 47, 73

  and Barrett appointment event, 310–11

  bleach treatment suggestion, 112–13

  briefings for Trump, 19, 27–29, 37–38

  CDC public updates, 61–62

  China travel ban, 38–42, 44–47, 48, 53

  closures/reopenings, 83, 85, 93–95, 230, 259–60, 382

  convalescent plasma treatments, 244–49

  coronavirus czar proposals, 34–35

  coronavirus task-force press briefings, 71

  and cruise ban, 74–76, 285–87

  data modeling, 97–99

  death toll, 151

  dexamethasone treatment, 302

  “doctors’ group,” 94–95

  early information, 12–13

  economic impact of, 61–62, 92

  Europe travel ban, 78–83, 84–85

  Fauci on magnitude of, 219

  Fauci pandemic announcement, 68–69

  FDA treatment approval requests, 87–88

  first U.S. cases, 33–34

  genome data on, 20

  herd immunity strategy, 229–30, 231–32

  hydroxychloroquine treatment, 87–88, 109–11, 180–82

  impact on Trump reelection campaign, 206–7

  intelligence briefings on, 19–20

  international spread, 21, 23

  and mail-in balloting, 216

  monoclonal antibody treatment, 298, 301, 302, 306

  National Governors Association briefing, 54

  Pence appointment, 63–64

  PPE/medical supplies, 85, 90–92, 95–98, 119–20

  red state cases, 206–7

  remdesivir treatment, 87–88, 302, 306

  and second presidential debate, 327

  stimulus bills, 435

  sunlight treatment suggestion, 111–12

  White House news conferences, 63

  White House outbreaks, 310–11, 327–28, 331

  WHO pandemic declaration, 64–66

  world health emergency declaration, 44

  Wuhan lab-leak theory, 21, 105–9

  See also Chinese stonewalling on coronavirus; coronavirus precautions; coronavirus task force; public health officials; Trump’s coronavirus responses; White House coronavirus response

  coronavirus precautions

  Birx national tour on, 257–60

  and campaign rallies, 177–79, 196, 199–200, 201

  CDC guidance (April 2020), 123, 124

  and cruise ban, 287

  early downplaying of masking, 73

  efficacy evidence, 229

  and Gold Star parents reception, 288–89

  and Trump reelection campaign, 215, 226–27

  and Trump’s approval ratings, 226

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 310

  Trump’s ignorance of, 376, 396

  Trump’s public messages on, 258, 259

  Trump’s refusal to follow, 5, 76, 123, 125, 226–27, 288–89, 376

  See also White House coronavirus precautions; White House resistance to coronavirus precautions

  coronavirus task force

  and Atlas, 228–29, 231–32

  on China travel ban, 38–39, 40

  on closures/reopenings, 93

  and cruise ban, 285–86

  and “doctors’ group,” 94

  and documentary on White House coronavirus response, 518

  internal tensions, 72–73

  Kushner role, 80

  and Pence czar appointment, 64
r />   Pence leadership, 44, 70–71, 80

  post-election period briefing, 395

  Trump attendance, 73–74

  and vaccine distribution funding, 272

  Verma on, 71–72

  and WHO pandemic declaration, 64–65

  coronavirus testing

  and campaign rallies, 199–200, 202

  early limits on, 83–84

  and genome data, 20

  House Oversight Committee testimony on, 83–84

  Trump’s rage over, 86–87

  White House requirements for, 130, 296

  and White House staff coronavirus diagnoses, 296

  Costello, Robert, 322

  COVID-19. See coronavirus pandemic

  Crenwhaw, Dan, 519

  Crossfire Hurricane. See FBI Russia investigation

  cruise ban, 74–76, 285–87

  Cruz, Ted, 453

  Cuban, Mark, 97

  Cuccinelli, Ken, and cruise ban, 74–75

  Cullen, Richard, 440, 450–51

  Cuomo, Andrew, 140–41

  Dannehy, Nora, 312

  Dart, Bruce, 197–98

  Dawsey, Josh, 217, 308

  de Blasio, Bill, 191–92

  deep state accusations, 4, 49–50, 58, 59

  Deere, Judd, 297

  Defense Production Act, 91, 142

  DeJoy, Louis, 215–16, 240, 241–42

  DeMarco, Adam, 166, 170

  democracy, threats to

  and Capitol insurrection, 3, 478, 483, 491, 492

  and rigged election claims, 369, 394

  survival, 3, 6, 484, 504

  and Trump’s peaceful transfer of power commitment refusal, 278–80

  See also constitutional crisis; rigged election claims

  Democratic National Convention, 243–44

  Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 119–20

  See also Azar, Alex

  Derkach, Andriy, 237

  DeSantis, Ron, 178, 249, 259

  DeVos, Betsy, 490–91

  Diamond, Dan, 128

  Diamond Princess, 74

  diGenova, Joseph, 134, 385, 390

  Dokoupil, Tony, 198

  Domenick, Julia, 169

  Dominion software accusation, 382–83, 391–93, 419, 424–25, 426, 431

  Donald J. Trump for President v. Boockvar, 388–90

  Donoghue, Rich, 422, 423

  Dooley, Sean, 310

  Dreiband, Eric, 191

  drug pricing policy announcement, 394–95, 396

  Ducey, Doug, 344, 345, 513

  Duda, Jeremy, 319

  Duffey, Michael, 96

  Durham, John, 102–3, 138–39, 311–14, 405–6, 409

  Durkan, Jenny, 203, 206

  Eastman, John, 447–48, 450–51, 458, 459

  Ebola virus, 34–35


  and China travel ban, 47

  and closures/reopenings, 93

  coronavirus impact on, 61–62

  and Europe travel ban, 78, 79, 80

  and Trump reelection campaign, 51–52, 93, 226

  and Trump’s coronavirus responses, 82

  Election Day, 335–49

  Arizona vote, 343–45, 348, 381, 513

  Georgia vote, 320

  and mail-in balloting, 335–36

  rigged election claims, 346–49

  Trump campaign optimism, 335, 339

  Trump’s victory claims, 345–47

  unrest concerns, 333–34

  White House results viewing, 336–37, 338–41

  election fraud claims. See rigged election claims

  elections. See elections (2000); elections (2016); 2020 elections

  elections (1801), 448, 508–9

  elections (1961), 448

  elections (2000), 343, 348, 354, 382, 399, 437–38, 449

  elections (2016)

  and Comey, 103

  and incoming president reception, 502

  and Pelosi, 338

  Pelosi on, 338

  red states in, 206–7

  Republican National Convention, 249

  Trump campaign strategy, 117–18, 207–8

  Trump’s lies about, 280

  voter participation, 318

  and vote timing, 336

  See also FBI Russia investigation; Mueller investigation

  Ellis, Jenna, 380–81, 385–87, 390, 391, 392

  Ellison, Larry, 87

  Epshteyn, Boris, 385, 390

  Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 191

  Esper, Mark

  and ascertainment, 361

  and Capitol insurrection, 481–82

  Election Day, 341–43

  and Election Day unrest concerns, 333–34, 336

  and federal law enforcement deployments, 161–62

  firing of, 361–64

  firing possibility, 343, 359, 360

  and Lafayette Square incident, 164, 165, 167, 168–69, 171, 172–73, 186

  and military base renaming proposals, 182, 342

  and National Guard protest deployments, 158, 161–62, 163, 174

  on politicization of military, 172–73, 174, 211–12

  public response to Lafayette Square incident, 173–77

  as stabilizing force, 7

  Trump’s attack on, 175–77

  and Trump’s demands for force at protests, 156, 157, 158, 160, 173–74, 175, 239

  and vaccine development, 282–83

  and Walton kidnapping, 329–30

  Esposito, Meade, 514

  Europe travel ban, 78–83, 84–85

  Evanina, Bill, 135–36, 137, 235–39, 260

  Fabrizio, Tony

  on Biden’s lead, 234, 263–64

  on coronavirus precautions, 226, 227

  and Democratic voter participation, 319–20

  and election briefings for Trump, 264–65

  on health care, 24

  and Netanyahu, 65–66

  and Trump’s approval ratings, 51–52

  Facebook suspension of Trump’s account, 484

  Farah, Alyssa

  as acting press secretary, 316

  and Capitol insurrection, 476

  Election Day, 341

  and election legal challenges, 355

  and election optimism, 332

  hiring of, 127

  and muzzling of public health officials, 128–29

  and political appointees, 368

  resignation of, 400–401

  and second presidential debate, 326

  Farrar, Jeremy, 59–60

  far-right groups

  and coup concerns, 366

  and Dominion software accusation, 392

  and Million MAGA March, 384

  and “Stop the Steal” rallies, 417–18

  Trump’s refusal to denounce, 316–17

  Trump’s “stand by” statement, 294–95, 384

  Fauci, Anthony

  and asymptomatic transmission reports, 47, 73

  and Atlas, 231, 232

  briefings for Trump on vaccine development, 69–70

  and Caputo, 101

  and Caputo’s illness, 277

  and China travel ban, 39, 41

  Chinese genome data, 20

  and Chinese stonewalling, 14–15, 16, 20

  on closures/reopenings, 259

  and convalescent plasma treatments, 245

  and coronavirus czar proposals, 35

  and coronavirus precautions, 73, 142–43

  death threats, 251–52

  and “doctors’ group,” 94

  and documentary
on White House coronavirus response, 518

  and early limits on coronavirus testing, 83–84

  and Europe travel ban, 78, 79, 81

  on herd immunity strategy, 231

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 109, 111

  on magnitude of pandemic, 219

  National Governors Association briefing, 54

  Navarro’s antagonism toward, 39

  pandemic announcement, 68–69

  popularity of, 5, 218, 332, 517

  Trump’s anger at, 517

  Trump’s campaign attacks on, 332–33

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 301

  White House exclusion of, 228

  White House muzzling of, 5, 127, 128, 257, 333

  White House undermining of, 217–21, 230

  FBI Russia investigation

  Durham investigation of, 102–4, 138–39, 311–14, 405–6, 409

  Graham hearing on, 176–77

  and Patel, 133

  and Wray, 134–35, 138

  Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FEMA), 96, 98, 120

  Fenton, Bryan, 364, 469

  Ferro, Philip, 107

  fetal tissue ban, 70

  Floyd, George, killing of, 2, 147–50, 173, 182

  Floyd, Philonise, 150

  Flynn, Charles, 468

  Flynn, Michael

  and Cohen-Watnick, 364

  and Congressional vote certification, 438

  and FBI Russia investigation, 126, 134, 138

  and Georgia Senate runoff elections, 431–32

  and rigged election claims, 419, 424–25, 426–27, 441

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  and convalescent plasma treatments, 245, 246, 247–49

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 87–88, 109, 110, 111, 180–82

  and Trump’s coronavirus treatment, 298

  and vaccine development timetable, 283

  Ford, Christine Blasey, 411

  foreign policy

  Abraham Accords, 269–71

  Afghanistan war, 366–67

  Middle East treaties, 6, 269–71, 495

  North Korea, 11

  Trump’s alliance withdrawal plans, 342–43

  and Walton kidnapping, 329–30

  See also Iran

  Fox News Channel

  Atlas appearances, 227

  and Durham investigation of FBI, 313–14

  Election Day, 339, 343–45, 348, 381, 513

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 87, 109

  McEnany on, 126–27

  and MyPillow, 179–80

  and racial injustice protests, 206

  and Tata, 365

  and Trump campaign legal challenges, 413

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 298

  and Trump’s demands for force at protests, 203–4, 205

  and vaccine development timetable, 275

  and White House coronavirus response, 518


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