I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year

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I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year Page 65

by Carol Leonnig

  Frey, Jacob, 148

  Frieden, Thomas, 218

  Gao, George Fu, 13–14, 15, 40, 52

  Gardner, Amy, 443

  Garner, Eric, 149

  Garrison, Ben, 218

  Gates, Bob, 432–33

  Gates, Rick, pardon of, 429

  Georgia vote

  and Democratic voter participation, 318, 354

  and early voting, 264, 318, 320

  Election Day, 320

  recount of, 392

  and rigged election claims, 391–92, 403–4, 407, 408, 426, 431–32, 436, 449–50, 511

  and “Stop the Steal” threats, 419, 420

  and Trump campaign legal challenges, 355, 358, 377–78

  and Trump campaign pressure on state officials, 379, 429–32, 442–44

  Gerbasi, Gina, 167, 169–70

  Germany, Ryan, 442–43

  Gerson, Michael, 151

  Ghebreyesus, Tedros Adhanom, 31, 65, 105

  Gidley, Hogan, 34

  Giebels, Tim, 466–67

  Gillibrand, Kirsten, 196

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 287

  Giroir, Brett, 277

  Giuliani, Andrew, 339–40, 385, 390, 393

  Giuliani, Rudy

  and Hunter Biden laptop revelation, 320–25

  Borat 2 on, 325

  Capitol insurrection pardon possibility, 489

  and Congressional vote certification, 437–38, 447, 449

  Election Day, 339–40, 344

  and election legal challenges, 356, 377, 378, 379–81, 385, 386, 387–90, 397–98

  enrichment of, 380

  and first presidential debate, 288, 293

  Four Seasons Total Landscaping news conference, 357, 389

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 109

  and rigged election claims, 356–57, 359, 372, 373, 390–93, 427–28, 459

  and Russian election interference, 237

  and “Save America” rally, 457–58

  and Southern District of New York, 190

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 306

  and Trump’s refusal to follow coronavirus precautions, 288

  and Ukraine pressure campaign, 50, 133

  Givhan, Robin, 244

  Glaude, Eddie, Jr., 5

  Goertz, Tana, 97

  Goldfein, David, 185

  Goldmacher, Shane, 225

  Goodman, Eugene, 464, 465

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 492

  Gore, Al, 449

  Gorka, Sebastian, 134

  Gorman, Amanda, 504

  Gorsuch, Neil, 411

  Gottlieb, Scott, 33, 35, 64

  Grady, Christine, 220, 252

  Graham, Lindsey

  and Berman firing, 196

  and Hunter Biden laptop revelation, 323

  and Capitol insurrection, 466, 477–78

  and Congressional vote certification, 440, 449, 454, 483

  Election Day, 340

  and FBI Russia investigation, 176–77

  and first presidential debate, 291–92

  pressure on Georgia state officials, 379

  and rigged election claims, 379, 393, 410

  and Trump legacy repair plans, 496

  on Trump reelection campaign, 117

  on Trump’s coronavirus public statements, 114

  on 2020 elections, 354

  Grand Princess, 74, 76

  Gray, Freddie, 157

  Greenblatt, Jason, 270

  Greene, Marjorie Taylor, 384, 432

  Greeson, Kevin, 464

  Grenell, Ric, 135

  Grisham, Stephanie, 34, 125

  Grogan, Joe

  and Azar, 33, 100, 119, 120–21

  and coronavirus task force, 72

  and coronavirus White House staff briefings, 33–34

  and Europe travel ban, 78, 81

  on Kushner, 99

  and leak accusations, 43, 100–101

  and White House staff briefings on coronavirus, 34–35

  Guilfoyle, Kimberly, 222, 456, 458, 518–19

  Gupta, Sanjay, 68

  Guthrie, Savannah, 316–17

  Haberman, Maggie, 155, 225, 306

  Hahn, Stephen

  and Azar, 121

  and Caputo’s illness, 277

  and convalescent plasma treatments, 245, 246, 247, 248–49

  coronavirus task-force membership, 72

  and “doctors’ group,” 94

  firing possibility, 375

  and Hicks coronavirus diagnosis, 298

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 109–10, 111

  and vaccine development, 283, 284, 368–69

  White House exclusion of, 228

  Halbank investigation, 191

  Haley, Nikki, 515–16

  Hannity, Sean, 206, 298, 413

  Harp, Natalie, 250

  Harris, Kamala, 403, 504

  Harris, Michael “Harry-O,” 501

  Harrison, Brian, 27, 47, 68–69

  Harrison, Jaime, 340

  Haspel, Gina, 237, 330, 359, 414–16, 417

  Hassett, Kevin, 98, 132

  Hawley, Josh, 433, 453, 478

  health care, 24–25

  Hemmer, Bill, 343, 344

  Herschmann, Eric, 322, 357, 371–72, 410, 425, 426–27, 456

  Hicks, Hope

  and Atlas, 227

  coronavirus diagnosis, 296–98, 299, 310–11

  Election Day, 345

  and election legal challenges, 354

  and election optimism, 332

  and Europe travel ban, 78

  and first presidential debate, 288

  and Lafayette Square incident, 165, 169

  and Operation Warp Speed, 144

  and Republican National Convention, 249–50

  on rigged election claims, 373–74

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 308

  and Trump’s coronavirus public statements, 81–82

  and Trump’s refusal to follow coronavirus precautions, 288

  withdrawal of, 400

  “Hill We Climb, The” (Gorman), 504

  Hitler, Adolf, 5–6, 383, 437

  Hoelscher, Doug, 85

  Hogan, Larry, 54, 157–58, 399, 470–71, 480–81

  Hogan, Yumi, 54–55

  Hokanson, Dan, 469

  House Democrats

  and impeachment trial (2020), 23–24

  and Postal Service dismantling, 241–42

  and Russian election interference, 236, 237, 238, 261

  and vaccine distribution funding, 272–73

  Hoyer, Steny, 470–71

  hydroxychloroquine treatment, 87–88, 109–11, 180–82

  Hyten, John, 173

  impeachment (2021), 6, 498

  impeachment trial (2020), 11, 23–24, 48–51, 77, 148, 260, 323

  See also Trump’s internal retribution campaign

  Independence Day military parade plans, 211–13

  India, 61

  Ingraham, Laura, 87, 103, 109, 288, 339, 348, 518

  Insurrection Act (1807), 159, 160, 173, 175, 239, 240, 437


  and Abraham Accords, 270

  Baghdad U.S. embassy attack (Dec. 31, 2019), 11, 17

  and Milley’s mission, 189

  nuclear deal, 16

  Soleimani assassination, 16–19, 435–36, 445

  and 2020 elections, 237

  and USS Nimitz, 445

  Irving, Paul, 462

  Islamic State, 19

  Jacob, Greg, 440, 448–49

  Jacobs, Jennifer, 298

sp; Jansing, Chris, 68

  Jed, Adam, 57

  Jefferson, Thomas, 448, 508–9

  Jenkins, John, 288

  Jericho March, 418, 419

  Johnson, Alice, 250, 499, 500

  Johnson, Ron, 311, 478

  Jones, Alex, 384, 418

  Jordan, Jim, 491–92

  Karem, Brian, 278

  Karni, Annie, 306

  Kasich, John, 243

  Kavanaugh, Brett, 411–12, 513

  Keefe, Brendan, 443

  Kellogg, Keith

  and Capitol insurrection, 467, 475

  and China travel ban, 45

  and Congressional vote certification, 440, 456, 457

  and coronavirus task-force press briefings, 71

  and Europe travel ban, 78

  and Haspel firing possibility, 415–16

  and Iran, 17–18

  and Lafayette Square incident, 187

  and military base renaming proposals, 182, 183–84

  and post-insurrection Pence-Trump relationship, 494

  and racial injustice protests, 153–54

  and Russian election interference, 262

  and Troye, 49

  and Trump’s demands for force at protests, 159

  and White House staff briefings on coronavirus, 34

  Kelly, Greg, 424

  Kelly, John, 137, 360, 364, 366, 482

  Kelly, Mike, 412

  Kemp, Brian, 378, 430

  Kemp, Jack, 118

  Kennedy, Max, Jr., 95–98

  Kenny, Timothy, 381

  Kerik, Bernard, 385

  Kernen, Joe, 30–31

  Khan, Imran, 18–19

  Kilmeade, Brian, 155–56

  Kim Jong Un, threats by, 11

  King, Angus, 261, 440–41

  King, Rodney, 159

  Kirk, Charlie, 97

  Klain, Ron, 34–35

  Kravis, Jonathan, 57

  Krebs, Chris, 382–83

  Kube, Courtney, 342, 360

  Kudlow, Larry

  and Capitol insurrection, 477

  on closures/reopenings, 93

  and Europe travel ban, 78

  and rigged election claims, 373, 393

  and “Save America” rally, 446

  and Trump’s pressure on state officials, 444

  Kushner, Charles, 500

  Kushner, Jared

  and Atlas, 227

  and campaign rallies, 179

  and Cipollone resignation possibility, 490

  on coronavirus precautions, 226

  and data modeling, 97, 98–99

  and Democratic voter participation, 319

  and election briefings for Trump, 264

  Election Day, 335, 339, 345

  and election legal challenges, 354, 380

  and Esper firing possibility, 360

  and Europe travel ban, 78, 80, 81, 82

  and McEnany, 125

  and McEntee, 137

  and Meadows, 77

  and Middle East treaties, 270, 495

  and Operation Warp Speed, 142, 143

  and Parscale demotion, 209–10, 221, 290

  and post-insurrection Pence-Trump relationship, 494–95

  power of, 7

  and PPE/medical supplies, 95–98, 119–20

  and presidential pardons, 490, 499, 500, 501

  and Republican National Convention, 249

  and rigged election claims, 371

  status of, 97

  and Trump legacy repair plans, 495–96

  on Trump’s coronavirus public statements, 114

  and vaccine development, 374

  and vaccine development timetable, 283

  and White House coronavirus response, 60

  and Wrap firing, 135

  Lafayette Square incident, 164–71

  Esper’s public response, 173–77

  Mattis on, 185

  Meadows’s role, 164

  media on, 172–73

  Milley’s speech on, 186–88

  Mullen on, 184–85

  Ornato’s role, 166

  perimeter expansion plan, 164, 166

  police violence, 167, 169–70

  Trump’s Rose Garden appearance, 167–68

  Trump’s St. John’s Episcopal Church appearance, 164–65, 168–70

  Lankford, James, 198, 464, 483

  Lapan, David, 104, 307

  Laurie McGinley, 217

  law and order rhetoric

  and Barr’s Operation Legend tour, 267

  and Lafayette Square incident, 167

  and Nazi Germany, 6

  and Trump’s demands for force at protests, 2, 159

  leaks and leak accusations, 43, 100–101, 121

  Ledeen, Barbara, 365

  Ledeen, Michael, 365

  Lee, Mike, 311, 466

  legal challenges. See Trump campaign legal challenges

  Levi, Will, 136, 137, 472

  Lewandowski, Corey, 306

  Liddell, Chris, 33, 78, 279, 477

  Lil’ Wayne, 501

  Limbaugh, Rush, 48

  Lincoln Project, 209, 439

  Lindell, Mike, 179–80, 438

  Liu, Jessie, 56, 58, 190, 192

  Lloyd, Thomas, 463

  lockdowns. See closures/reopenings

  Loeffler, Kelly, 403, 431, 447, 449, 453

  Luna, Nick, 311

  Luttig, Mike, 450–52, 462

  Lyons, Derek, 81, 332

  MacCallum, Martha, 220, 343

  Mac Isaac, John Paul, 322

  Maguire, Joseph, 50, 237

  mail-in balloting, 207, 216–17, 241, 265–66, 278, 335–36

  Manafort, Paul, 429, 500

  Manchin, Joe, 514

  Mango, Paul, 374

  Mar-a-Lago, 11, 76, 506, 515, 518–19

  Marando, Michael, 57

  Marks, Peter, 245, 246–47

  Marroletti, Chris, 463–64

  Martin, Mark, 438

  masks. See coronavirus precautions; PPE/medical supplies

  Matthews, Sarah, 477, 479

  Mattis, James, 185–86, 343, 366, 444

  Ma Xiaowei, 52

  McCabe, Andrew, 59, 405

  McCain, John, 354, 513

  McCarthy, Kevin, 22, 266, 470, 472–73, 475–76, 481

  McCarthy, Ryan, 468, 469, 473, 480–81

  McCloskey, Mark and Patricia, 250

  McConnell, Mitch

  and Biden inauguration, 503

  and Capitol insurrection, 462, 467, 472–73, 480, 481, 482

  congratulations to Biden, 421

  and Congressional vote certification, 421, 433, 463, 480, 481

  and Georgia Senate runoff elections, 431, 432, 454

  on rigged election claims, 402–3, 420–21

  and Trump followers’ threats of violence, 441

  Trump’s anger at, 514

  on Trump’s peaceful transfer of power commitment refusal, 279

  vandalism and threats against, 434, 441

  McConville, James, 469

  McCusker, Elaine, 50

  McDaniel, Ronna, 311, 332, 339, 341

  McEnany, Kayleigh

  appointment of, 125–26

  and Capitol insurrection, 465, 477

  coronavirus diagnosis, 311, 316

  Election Day, 335, 338, 339

  and election optimism, 332

  and Hicks coronavirus diagnosis, 297

  and racial injustice protests, 149, 206

  and Trump campaign legal challenges, 413

  and White House muzzling of pu
blic health officials, 128

  McEntee, Johnny

  and Atlas, 227

  and Caputo, 100

  and election legal challenges, 377

  and Esper firing, 362

  and political appointees resignation prohibition, 367–68, 403

  and Trump’s retribution campaign, 136–37, 362

  McGahn, Don, 372

  McGinley, Laurie, 283

  McGinn, Thomas, 302

  McGowan, Kyle, 12, 13

  McKenzie, Frank, 445

  McKenzie, Kenneth, 174

  McLaughlin, John, 264–65

  McMaster, H. R., 364, 365–66

  McRaven, William, 50–51

  McSally, Martha, 320

  Meadows, Mark

  appointment of, 77

  and Atlas, 230

  and Azar, 88, 120

  and Barr resignation, 423

  and bunker story, 155

  and campaign rallies, 179

  and Capitol insurrection, 467, 475, 476, 480

  and Capitol insurrection pardon possibilities, 489

  on closures/reopenings, 93

  and Congressional vote certification, 437–38, 447, 456

  control over White House coronavirus response, 127

  and convalescent plasma treatments, 246, 249

  coronavirus diagnosis, 359

  coronavirus pandemic failure acknowledgement, 328

  and coronavirus precautions, 226, 300, 303

  and Durham investigation of FBI, 103–4, 139, 406, 409

  Election Day, 335, 338, 339, 340, 344, 349

  and election legal challenges, 378–79

  and election optimism, 332

  and Esper firing, 360, 361

  and Esper’s public response to Lafayette Square incident, 174–75

  and FDA treatment approval requests, 88

  and Haspel, 415

  and Haspel firing possibility, 416

  and Hicks coronavirus diagnosis, 297

  and hydroxychloroquine treatment, 109, 110

  and Iran, 445

  and Lafayette Square incident, 164, 187

  and McEnany, 125

  and military base renaming proposals, 182

  and Patel appointment plans, 416–17

  and Pence office coronavirus outbreak, 327–28

  and politicization of military, 212

  post-insurrection period check-ins, 486–88

  power of, 7

  and rigged election claims, 349, 369, 399, 401, 406, 410, 430

  and Russian election interference, 260

  and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis, 300, 303, 306, 307, 308

  and Trump’s Cuomo-Obama ticket theory, 140

  and Trump’s demands for force at protests, 156, 160

  and Trump’s pressure on state officials, 443–44

  and Trump’s retribution campaign, 133

  and undermining of Fauci, 219–20, 230

  and vaccine development timetable, 275, 283

  and vaccine distribution funding, 271–72


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