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Home on the Ranch: Wyoming Sheriff

Page 13

by Rebecca Winters

  “Good morning, ladies.” His deep, rich voice penetrated her body.

  “Sheriff—” Millie acknowledged him. “Are you here for a haircut?” she teased.

  “Not today. I came to see Mrs. Fleming when she’s not busy.”

  Jessica turned to look at him. He was wearing a new sheriff’s cap with his uniform. She hadn’t seen him wear it before. He looked so different, like he was a superstar baseball player or something.

  “Hi,” she said in an unsteady voice. Jessica was so shaken to see him her hands trembled as she put the broom away. Please let it be good news. Still trembling, she turned to him.

  He gave her a probing stare. “Is there someplace we can go talk for a minute?”

  Millie could hear everything. “Why don’t you go upstairs? I’ll text you when your next appointment comes in.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered before looking at Holden. “Come with me.”

  He followed her to the door that led to the back of the shop. She was intensely aware of him as he climbed the stairs behind her to the living room of her mother’s apartment.

  Jessica took a deep breath. “Why are you here? I don’t understand. Did you go to Seth’s arraignment?”

  “Yes. I just came from there.” There was no light in his eyes.

  She got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. “What’s wrong? How did the arraignment go?”

  “In the one way I’d hoped wouldn’t happen.”

  Her heart plummeted. “Tell me.”

  “In the first place, Judge Jenkins who knows all about this case, wasn’t there to preside. Judge Garson did the honors. When Seth was brought into the courtroom in cuffs, his father and a hotshot criminal attorney from Jackson Hole came in with him.

  “After the judge told him why he’d been arrested, his attorney pled not guilty. At that point, Judge Garson remanded Seth to the custody of his parents. He’ll be released from jail tomorrow morning.”

  “No!” Jessica cried out in anguish. “You can’t be serious!”

  “He’ll be under house arrest with an ankle monitor. The judge set the bail at a million dollars, and of course it was paid.”

  The color left her face. “When is his trial?”

  “July 7.”

  “I don’t believe this has happened. I thought you said that first-degree murder didn’t allow for bail.”

  “It doesn’t, unless something shady has gone on.”

  “Holden—this changes everything. He’s not behind bars yet and anything could happen.”

  “I’ve already arranged for 24/7 surveillance of his parents’ home. He won’t be able to make a move without us knowing about it.”

  “But Seth has killed before. He’s capable of anything.”

  “I agree, but I’m not going to let anything happen to you or Chase.”

  She shook her head. “Why is the trial so far off? I wish it was sooner.”

  “It’s not a long time, actually. Before you know it, he’ll be sent to the penitentiary in Rawlins.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “You’re just going to have to trust me on this.” For the first time since they’d been together, he slid his hands to her shoulders, taking her by surprise. She felt their heat beneath her blouse.

  The closeness of their bodies caused her heart to thud so hard, he had to feel it. “If he’s dangerous, you could be hurt, too, Holden.”

  His handsome face darkened with lines. “It’s you I’m worried about. If anything happened to you because of a miscalculation on my part...” The next thing she knew his head descended and that compelling mouth covered hers.

  A moan escaped her throat. There was nothing tentative about the way he deepened their kiss or her need to feel his mouth on hers.

  It seemed like an eternity since she’d been held and kissed like this. After Trent’s death, she never imagined having these feelings again, or finding a man who could thrill her to the core of her being the way Holden did.

  He’d caught her so off guard, she hadn’t had time to think about what she was doing. All she knew was that she craved the rush of being in his arms. She wanted it to go on forever and lost track of time. As they came close to devouring each other, she heard the ding on her phone that meant Millie was texting her.

  Holden reluctantly relinquished his hold on her and stepped away. She reached for her phone. Your last appointment canceled.

  Jessica looked up at him. “I don’t have any more clients.”

  “Even so, it’s probably a good thing we were interrupted,” he said in a husky tone, sounding out of breath. “I’m sorry, Jessica. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  “Neither did I,” she whispered.

  “I won’t lie.” His eyes glinted with silver fire. “I’ve been attracted to you from the time you walked into my office. But I swear that until now, I’ve never crossed the line in my career with anyone else.”

  She lifted her head. “I believe you. Just so you know, I haven’t been with another man, let alone kissed anyone, since Trent. I enjoyed kissing you, too, but you already know that.”

  “That doesn’t help me.” A bleakness had entered his eyes. They were alive with emotion. “Do you mind that I kissed you?”

  “Mind?” A slight gasp escaped. “How can you even ask me that? I’ve been aching for you to hold me.” Her last few words were smothered as his lips covered hers again and coherent thought ceased. Nothing held her back as she tried to show him what he meant to her.

  Jessica didn’t know how long they tried to appease their hunger. She forgot the world while Holden’s mouth did the most thrilling things to her.

  “I want you so badly it’s painful,” he whispered against her throat.

  “Then you have some idea how I feel,” she said softly, running her hands through his hair. “I’ll admit it. I’ve lost my head over you and it’s permanent.”

  He lifted his head and cupped her face in his hands. “I was marking time for three years until you walked into my office. It was a life-changing moment I haven’t recovered from. After Cynthia died, I wasn’t sure when or if it would ever happen to me. Do you know what I’m telling you?”

  “I hope it’s what I’m dying to hear you say.”

  “You mean that I’ve fallen in love with you? I’ve been afraid to tell you how I feel about you while I’ve been investigating this case, but today I can’t help myself.”

  “Oh, Holden, I’m in love with you, too. You know I am, so much so that I can’t sleep or eat. It’s insane how fast my feelings for you have grown.”

  “Darling—” He covered her mouth in a kiss that had her reeling with desire. To be in love like this again and have that love reciprocated by the most exciting man in the world was nothing short of heaven on earth. “You’re so beautiful, Jessica. I can’t believe we didn’t meet before now.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that, too. Mom said she saw you in the Fourth of July parade last year, but I was sick in bed with the flu. She took Chase with her. I guess I don’t have to tell you how my son feels about you.”

  “That boy has worked his way into my heart. There’s a sweetness in him, just like his mother. From the beginning, the thought of your being in danger made me realize just how necessary you are to my existence, but right now I have to go.”

  “I understand, but first you need to know how crazy in love with you I am. I adore you, Holden.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed every part of his handsome face.

  The warmth and safety of his arms was all that was sustaining her. He gave her a deep kiss before he reluctantly relinquished her lips. They were both out of breath when he let go of her.

  “We have so much to talk about, but until Seth’s trial is over, I can’t be alone like this with you again. In fact, to make sure this doesn’t happen, I
’m turning your case over to Chief Wayland in the morning while I work behind the scenes. He’ll assign his best detective to keep you briefed. You’ll be hearing from him by tomorrow.”

  He started walking toward the door. Panicked, she followed him. “I don’t want anyone else to handle this, Holden. Why don’t you and I agree that because we’ve both lost a spouse, it was inevitable that something like this was bound to happen in time?”

  He shook his head. “I broke my own cardinal rule tonight. When Seth is sentenced, then we’ll be able to be together the way I want.”

  She couldn’t let him go. “Don’t forget you had help, Holden Granger. For your information, I’m not sorry!” He looked tormented. “Surely you realize I only want you. What will I tell Chase after we’ve made plans to vacation together? Please don’t let what happened between us today change anything.”

  “It already has.”

  “Promise me you won’t pull away, if only for Chase’s sake.”

  She heard his sharp intake of breath. “You don’t know what you’re asking,” he said before disappearing down the stairs. Jessica knew he was due back at headquarters.

  She took a few minutes to compose herself and was about to leave the apartment when her mother walked in. “I just saw Holden drive away.”

  “Yes. He’s gone back to headquarters.”

  “Did he tell you about the arraignment?”

  “Oh, Mom.” She broke down and told her everything.

  “Honey? I’m sorry the judge ruled the way he did, but Holden said he’d protect you and Chase. He also told you he’ll put Seth under constant surveillance when he leaves the jail tomorrow.”

  “I know.”

  “So what’s wrong?” Her mother studied her for a minute. “I thought you’d be floating on air today, even if Seth did get bail. Instead, I haven’t seen you this down in two years.”

  “That’s because Holden says we shouldn’t be together until the trial is over. For Chase’s sake, I begged him not to stay away. But I have another dilemma, too.”

  “What is it?”

  “I wasn’t honest with Holden from the beginning. I’m in love with him, but I can’t be!”

  “Is that because you feel like you’re betraying Trent’s memory?”

  “No, Mom—nothing like that.”

  Her mother looked bewildered. “Then help me understand.”

  Jessica hid her face in her hands. “It’s because I have no right to love him.”

  “Has he told you he loves you?”

  “Just before you came, he kissed me and said he was in love with me.”

  “And that makes you unhappy?”

  “You’ve seen the way he is with Chase.” Tears stung her eyes. “He’s going to be the most fantastic father one day.”

  “Ah... Now I know where you’re going with this. He has no idea you can’t have more children.”

  “No, and I should have told him in the beginning. After he left the house last night, I cried for hours. I know I have to tell him, but I’m scared.”

  Her mother walked over and hugged her for a long time. “When you leave, go get Chase and bring him back here. I’ve invited Ray for dinner. We can all eat together and Ray and I will watch Chase while you go to Holden’s office to have a talk with him.

  “Honey, don’t presume to know what he’s thinking or feeling. Let me ask you something. If your situations were reversed, don’t you think you would have found it strange if, in the beginning, the sheriff, a stranger to you, had told you upfront he was a widower who couldn’t give a woman a child?”

  “Of course it would have been strange.”

  “Then don’t blame yourself for not saying anything to him about your condition. This is all a moot point since you’ve both admitted you’re in love. You have to get beyond this.”

  Sometimes Jessica’s mother was so sensible, it was scary. “Thanks for listening to me, Mom, and offering to watch Chase. I love you.”

  * * *

  Holden wheeled away from the salon and drove to headquarters. It was amazing he’d been able to stop kissing Jessica when he did. For a few minutes he’d forgotten where he was or why. All he knew was his desire for the beautiful woman who’d put her trust in him from the beginning.

  Her response to him had broken through every defense. His personal life had been a desert for so long, the wonder of kissing her had knocked him off-balance.

  But he had to keep his head on straight until the trial when Seth was incarcerated. Once this case was closed, then he could be with her the way he’d imagined in his dreams.

  On his way back, he met O.J. at the Blue Bird for one of their usual quick meals. He owed the fire chief a bunch of lunches. Holden found his friend already seated and patted him on the shoulder before ordering. “You’re one of the people I have to thank for this red-letter day.”

  “Yeah?” O.J. smiled at him.

  “The guy I’ve been after was just arraigned in court. His trial is coming up soon, but I can tell you the facts now. Two years ago Trent Fleming, a top mechanic at Mid-Valley dealership died in a car crash testing his wife’s car after replacing the ball joints. It turns out someone had tampered with that car. His name is Seth Lunt. He was a service writer at Mid-Valley. This guy is a true psychopath.”

  While they ate, Holden regaled his friend with some of the details. “Thanks to you for sending Porter on that search, I was able to get hold of the surveillance tapes that proved Seth removed one of the new Moog ball joints and put in a faulty one during the night. It caused the wheel to come off and the car overturned in the rain. Forensics retrieved Seth’s thumbprint off it. I’m indebted to you for your help.”

  O.J.’s face broke out in a smile. “I couldn’t be happier for you. So how come this particular case has been so important to you?”

  “That’s still classified.”

  “I knew it.” His friend roared with laughter. “How long do I have to wait?”

  “Hopefully not long. Now I have to go.” Holden put some bills on the table to pay for both their lunches. “Thanks for taking the time to meet with me. If you ever need a favor from me, I’m your man.”

  Holden went back to the office, taking his leftovers with him. From now until the weekend, he was on duty so Walt could have some well-deserved time off.

  Once behind his desk he sent a text to Porter thanking him for his help checking out the dealership on a fire inspection. He asked him to call when he had a chance. Then Holden started on the paperwork piled up on his desk.

  He was running on autopilot. Jessica loved him. Kissing her and being kissed back had unlocked his passion. He was madly in love, but he had to be careful when they were together. She was right. He couldn’t disappoint her son by staying away. The best way to handle things was to make sure Chase was always with them. That would help Holden keep his desire in check.

  While he sat there trying to convince himself that plan would work, he received a text from Jessica that she’d arrived at headquarters. He couldn’t believe it and told Deputy Sykes to let her in.

  With a pounding heart, he got up and walked to the doorway of his office. In a minute, he heard footsteps coming around the corner and down the empty hall. She looked breathtaking in tan pants and a ruffled peach blouse. Her lipstick on that mouth he’d kissed over and over earlier today matched her blouse.

  As she drew closer he said, “You look like you just walked off the page of a fashion magazine.”

  “Thank you.” But she averted those green eyes he couldn’t get enough of. “I’m sorry to come here like this uninvited, but I have to talk to you. Do you mind?”

  “If you have to ask me that, then you didn’t hear one word I told you this afternoon.”

  “Yes, I did. I could have texted you, but you don’t get the context if there’s no voice or emotion accompanyin
g it.”

  He noticed she was nervous and talking too fast. “Since being with you this afternoon, I haven’t accomplished anything. This is like a gift. Come in and sit down.”

  “Thank you.” Jessica sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  He lounged against a corner of it with his arms folded.

  “I’m thankful to see you have some quiet times between all the emergencies that put your life in danger, Holden. You work way too hard.”

  “I like it.”

  She clasped her hands tightly before looking at him. “Thank heaven for you.”

  She was once again acting like the warm, wonderful woman he wanted in his life forever. Holden couldn’t figure out what was going on with her. “Tell me what’s wrong. I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

  “I’m sorry, Holden. I’ve been trying to build up the courage to talk to you since you left my mother’s apartment.”

  Courage? The word gutted him. He couldn’t begin to imagine the reasons why the temperature had fallen from a hundred to zero. What had happened to cause a shift in the earth’s rotation? ’Cause that was what it felt like.

  “Is it because you’re still too in love with the memory of your husband to consider a relationship with me? Deep down I’ve feared your guilt would eventually overwhelm you. That’s because I’ve been through a similar experience.

  “When I came to Whitebark, I tried dating a couple of women, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t get Cynthia out of my mind and had to end things before they could begin. But the situation with you has been completely different for me.

  “I found myself developing feelings for you and didn’t experience the guilt. That’s when I knew I had to let go of the past. But because you’re not where I am emotionally, you don’t have to say another word. I get it.”

  She seemed to pale before she got to her feet. “You’re wrong about everything you’ve just said where I’m concerned. I came here for one reason only—to apologize for not telling you the truth about me when we first met. It was unfair to you.”


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