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Don't Kiss Your Brother's Sworn Enemy (Don't Kiss! Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Elle Gonzales

  My cheeks heat up. She was the one calling out my name, not Jake. Again, I made the wrong assumption. "Nothing.” I’m just getting crazier by the minute. “I was just in a hurry to get to my next class."

  A scowl wrinkles her forehead. "It didn't look like nothing. You started running after Jake called your name." My eyes widen a little. So he did call me. "Like you wanted to get away from him or something. What's going on?"

  I'm about to respond to that when I catch sight of Jake through the crowd. Yeah, time to get out of here.

  But the expression on Harper's face tells me she's not letting me go so easy. She wants an answer now. But as much as I want to tell her now, it's not the time and place.

  An idea crosses my mind. "Meet me at my work after school. I'll tell you then." Then I'm rushing off, not waiting for her response.

  "Is that a promise?" she yells after me.

  I simply wave a hand over my shoulder. She can fire up her questions later. Right now, I really need to get away.


  “Hold up. Are you saying that the chocolates in my locker came from you and Jake?” Harper is gaping at me, her lip gloss-stained straw sliding back into her soda cup.

  I’ve been telling her everything that took place while we weren’t talking, all the while refilling her drink—the perk of being best friends with one of the employees of The Bowling Place.

  “So, that’s the reason why Kirby acted like he didn’t know anything about it. And then I thought it was from a secret admirer or something. So I got creeped out thinking that some stranger got into my locker."

  I bite back a laugh. "It was just me. Sorry."

  "It's fine. I still ate them."

  I laugh out loud this time.

  A wide smile spreads on her face. “So, I guess I really owe you and Jake, huh?”

  I simply wave a hand. “It was the least I could do after sabotaging your plan of making Kirby jealous.”

  “Oh, please. You knew from the start that it was a stupid plan.”

  “I really did,” I laugh.

  “Ugh. I was such an idiot.” Harper winces. “I can’t believe you forgave me easily.” Her stare turns serious then, her eyes a little narrowed. “Maybe I should make up for what I did. You know, return the favor.”

  I blink at her. “What are you talking about?”

  Then it hits me—what she’s really implying. My eyes practically bulge out of their sockets. “Oh no, no, no. Absolutely not. You’re not going to do that!”

  She’s planning to do exactly what I did for her: play matchmaker. I can’t let her do that. Not when this thing between me and Jake is clearly one-sided. Didn’t she see him flirting with Jenna Simmons? And she said it herself, Jake only helped out Kirby because he wanted him out of the way. So he didn’t have to compete with him for Jenna.

  Yeah, it’s not lost on me that I just basically admitted the truth to myself. I like Jake. My crush on him is back and, boy, is it back with a vengeance.

  I don’t know when it happened. Maybe the moment I mistook him for having feelings for me. Or when we were busy plotting against Harper and Kirby. Who knows, really? All I know is that I caught feelings in the process.

  And now my best friend thinks she can help me.

  “Promise me you won’t do anything,” I tell her frantically.

  She shakes her head. “Sorry but I can’t promise that. I don’t think I can watch you mope around because of him.”

  “Don’t be crazy! He’s with Jenna now, remember? We both saw them together.”

  She sips on her drink, not bothered by my outburst. “They just looked like they were flirting. You know Jake flirts with a lot of girls.” She pauses, a thoughtful look crossing her features. “Come to think of it, it was the first and last time I saw them together. Maybe we pegged them wrong. Like I said, Jake flirts with most girls. So maybe that was just harmless flirting.”

  Hope blooms in my chest at her words, but I shoot that down real quick. It’s a dangerous feeling to have. I can’t entertain that. Not when what Harper’s saying can’t possibly be the truth.

  "Besides, I've always thought he's into you. Maybe I wasn't wrong at all when I made that comment."

  "Or maybe you are and you just can't accept that."

  She sticks her tongue out at me, remaining silent. But something tells me she's not going to drop the subject just yet. She's going to bring it up again. Or worse, she'll act on her own.

  That's what I'm afraid of.

  I keep my eyes narrowed and trained on her as she busies herself on her phone. Is she scheming right now? Maybe she's texting Jake.

  But I have no time to dwell on that, let alone ask her about it, since people start to approach the counter to get some drinks and candies. So they have my attention for several minutes.

  When I turn back to Harper, she's nowhere to be found. But then I remember. She said something about going to the bathroom. Although I thought I caught her heading out. But I've been distracted by the customers so I can't be sure.

  I'm refilling a soda cup when I feel her presence again. Without glancing up, I say, "You're not really thinking about going through that Jake-crap, are you?"

  "Jake-crap, huh?"

  I freeze, almost dropping the cup I'm holding. Because that voice is clearly not Harper's.

  It's Jake's.

  Chapter 14

  Jake is standing in front of the counter, smirking at me, looking so gorgeous even in a simple black shirt and a pair of dark jeans.

  And Harper...isn't here. Suddenly, it clicks. She was texting Jake, telling him to come here. And she didn't go to the bathroom. She left the bowling alley. Left me to deal with Jake alone.

  I'm going to kill her.

  I can't believe she went through with it even though I told her not to.

  Really going to kill her.

  But now what? What am I supposed to do? I can't just spend the whole time being silent, staring at Jake. It's even a wonder how I manage to hand the soda to the waiting customer without spilling it.

  It seems to amuse him—Jake, not the customer—if the glint in his eyes and the smirk on his lips are any indication.

  "Gonna keep staring at me, Mouse? Not that I'm complaining."

  I blow out a breath and keep my face neutral. "Can I get you a drink? Coke? Lemonade?"

  "Coke's fine." Why is he still smirking?

  Groaning inwardly, I fill up a cup with Coke and hand it to him, noticing that he already claimed a stool. Which means he's going to stay here a while.

  Freaking great.

  "Aren't you gonna bowl or something?"

  "Nah. I think I'll stay right here."

  I narrow my eyes.

  He just smirks.

  "Whatever Harper told you, it's not true." I regret the words as soon as I utter them. I wasn't supposed to tell him that. But I can't take them back now. So I simply avert my gaze, desperately hoping he didn't hear me.

  But, of course, he did. "Why? What do you think she said?"

  So, I was right! She said something. That girl...Ugh!

  I shrug my shoulders, still not looking at him. "I don't know. Some crap, I guess."



  "Look at me."

  I swallow hard and I notice that my palms are starting to sweat, my heart pumping fast. Slowly, I lift my eyes to his.

  His smirk is gone, in its place is an intense look that makes my breath hitch. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

  I lick my lips nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  He ignores that. "At first, I thought I was just imagining it. But then when I called your name in Lit class, you basically ran out like someone was chasing you." He arches an eyebrow, as if challenging me to deny it.

  "I was in a hurry." To get away from him. "To get to my next class."

  "Uh-huh." Of course he doesn’t believe me. “Why does it feel like I did something that pissed you off?”

  Yeah. Yo
u’re into Jenna. “I don’t know what to tell you, Jake.”

  “The truth, Mouse,” he says softly.

  I open my mouth to reiterate what I said, but what’s the point? He doesn’t believe me, and I know he’ll just continue bugging me until I tell him the truth. I might as well come clean now. He probably already has an idea anyway, considering how I’ve been acting around him.

  It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that something’s going on.

  “I thought it was me, okay?” I snap my eyes shut for a brief moment, my cheeks flaming. “I thought I was the one you were talking about at Knox’s party. But it turned out to be Jenna Simmons so—”

  “Jenna Simmons?” Confusion steals his features before he shakes his head. “What made you think I was referring to her? I don't even remember ever mentioning her name back there.”

  Do I really have to spell it out? Ugh. This is so embarrassing. Why can’t the ground just open up and take me? It would make things a lot easier and save me from further humiliation.

  I glare at Jake. “I saw you flirting with her in the hallway after World Lit.”

  “Funny. I don’t remember doing that either.” He doesn’t look like he’s joking, but what do I know?

  "Whatever. Forget I said that." I step out of the counter, pretending to do something important—but, really, I just want to get away from him.

  Only I don't have the chance to take another step. He's out of his chair and standing in front of me in a flash. "Not so fast, Mouse."

  "W-What do you think you're doing?" Great. Now I'm stuttering in front of him too.

  "You can't just admit your feelings to me then leave. That's not fair." His eyes burn intensely, causing my heart to thrash against my chest.

  Why is he making it hard for me? And I don't remember saying anything about my feelings.

  You basically just admitted it to him. Duh.

  I scowl to hide my nerves. "I'm busy. Can you please step aside? Luna and Taylor need my help."

  His lips pull up at the corners. "Really? Because I don't think they do. I can't even see them anywhere." He glances around as if to make a point.

  Oh, but they're around. Probably somewhere where they can comfortably watch this whole thing. I wouldn't put it past them, especially Taylor.

  "Listen, Jake—"

  "It's you, Mouse, okay? It's always been you." He moves closer until his shoes touch mine. So close I can breathe him in. "You're that girl, Callie Pruitt. Not Jenna Simmons. You."

  Oh my God.

  "I'm the only girl you like?" I croak out.

  He playfully rolls his eyes, chuckling lightly. "Finally, she catches up."

  I shake my head, ignoring his amusement. "But Jenna—"

  "Is no one to me," he interrupts, giving me a look of frustration. "I think I remember it now. I wasn't flirting with her. I saw a crumpled paper stuck in her hair, so I removed it. Then she thanked me. That was it. I haven't even talked to her since then."

  I search his pleading eyes, trying to see through the emotions swirling in them. But...I don't think he's lying.

  Then I remember. That night, at Knox's party—he stared at me like he wanted to tell me something. Like he needed to tell me. And acted like he wanted to kiss me.

  I suck in a sharp breath. He's telling the truth.

  What now?

  "Say something, Mouse."

  I clear my throat. "So, you like me."

  His lips twitch, as if he's fighting back a smile. "Yes. That's exactly what I've been telling you."

  "Wait. What do you mean it's always been me?"

  That earns a sheepish look from him. "I've been crushing on you for years."

  "Yeah, right," I snort. Like I'd believe that.

  "Why do you think I started calling you Mouse?"

  "Uh, because you've always been obnoxious?"

  He's not even offended by that. "Because I've always wanted to get your attention."

  "Huh. Well, I—" I shake my head. "I actually don't know what to say to that except, um, seriously?" I'd like to think he's playing me, but again I can't see the lie.

  "Yeah. Seriously."

  I roll my eyes at the mockery in his tone, but I’m also biting back a smile. A very goofy smile. “So, now what?”

  He leans forward, making my heart skip a beat. His eyes are the palest blue, but staring so close into them, I can see them so darkly and vividly. So gorgeous—just like their owner.

  I swallow hard. Is he going to kiss me? Do I want that? Yes. Yes, you do. I guess there’s no use denying it now.

  As if reading my mind, Jake murmurs, “I think this is the part where you admit you like me too.”

  “I thought I already did,” I say, suddenly feeling shy, my cheeks the reddest they’ve ever been.

  “I want to hear you say it directly.” His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, telling me he’s not as assured and confident as he appears to be.

  He’s just as nervous as me. Just as affected as me.

  My heart swells in my chest. And suddenly, I know exactly how to tell him. Not wanting to give myself the chance to back out, I lean up on my toes, close my eyes and press my lips to his.

  “I knew it,” I hear someone comment—must be Taylor.

  But I can’t think about that. Right now, all I want to focus on is the feel of Jake’s lips against mine. My move takes him by surprise, but it doesn’t take him long to react.

  Wrapping his arms around me, he takes control of the kiss and angles his head to deepen it. A move that has me clinging to him, not wanting to melt into a puddle on the floor.

  Jake Wilson just took my breath away and weakened my knees with just one kiss.

  In this moment, right here, I can’t even bring myself to care about the possibility that we’re already drawing attention. They can look their fill. I’ll worry about the consequences later.

  But then someone whistles and yells, “Get a room!”

  Jake pulls away to glare at the person while I blush to the roots of my hair. My eyes are trained on the floor even as I feel the tingle on my lips from the kiss and the thundering of my heart in my chest.

  Jake clears his throat. “So I guess I got my answer.”

  I have no idea that it’s possible for me to blush even harder, but that’s exactly what’s happening right now. “What can I say? Talking is overrated,” I say lamely.

  “I agree,” he murmurs, tipping my chin up with his fingers so I can meet his gaze. “Let’s talk later.”

  Then he’s kissing me again and I promptly forget what I’m even embarrassed about.


  Coming Soon

  Watch out for the next installment in the Don't Kiss! Series: Don't Kiss Your Best Friend's Ex-Boyfriend...

  About The Author

  Elle Gonzales has been reading books since she was practically a baby. As a kid, she'd sit on her late aunt's front porch and spend the whole day getting lost in the pages of the stories she was reading. It was one of the most memorable experiences of her childhood.

  Even though she's already a full-fledged adult, reading books remains in the top three of her favorite pastimes. Young adult romance happens to be one of her favorite genres, and after reading hundreds of YA books, she decided to give writing one a try.

  Don't Kiss Your Sworn Enemy is her publishing debut...and she's just getting started.

  You can find her on Facebook:




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