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KNIGHT: A Dark High School Bully Romance

Page 20

by L. J. Woods

  So I do.

  I spit right in the other eye this time. His blue one, and to that … he smirks. But I can see the tension in his jaw, see the rigidness in his body when that glob hits his eye. He doesn’t wipe it off. He leaves it hanging there when he asks, “You think I did this?”

  “Don’t play innocent,” I sneer, stepping closer to his face.

  “Watch it, Rowland,” he warns. “I’m willing to excuse the shower. I love it when you’re dirty. And sloppy. But don’t say something you can’t come back from.”

  “What? Like accusing you of condoning the actions your demon spawn rains on me? Don’t you get it? This is your fault! Whether you want to own up to that or not. And you won’t and that’s why—”

  “That’s why what?”

  Scoffing, I walk away. Unsure of what it is I want to say. The more I stand there and look at him, the more confused I get. After getting up the nerve to walk away, I give one last look over my shoulder. Damien stares right back into my eyes with a look that breaks my heart. But I say it anyway. Even if I don’t know that I mean it. “Leave me alone.”

  When I get back down the steps, Christian’s waiting with Allie and Willow. “Don’t worry we got you,” Allie says as they lead me towards the door.

  It’s easy for her to say but I’m starting to wonder if I even believe that. While I slept with the enemy, she did too. Still is for all I know. I’m grateful for their help but how can I trust them if I don’t know where their allyship truly is?

  Christian has Damien. No matter what he does. And Allie, well, I’m not blind. What I saw with her and Lea is as clear as day. While I know my sister’s got my back. Her crew doesn’t. Then it dawns on me.

  Am I in this on my own?

  * * *

  Lunchtime makes it easy for the twins to take me back to their place to get changed. I can’t count how many uniforms went down at the hands of my ERA schoolmates. I’m just happy to be ash-free, clean, and dry.

  “We’re here for you,” Allie says. “Always.”

  I’m in her room, in another one of her fresh new uniforms, adjusting my kilt in front of a huge golden-framed mirror. Pulling my skirt down a little more, I’m able to hide the bruises from the hotel. The ones that felt so good to get.

  Allie’s room has plants all over. Cacti and succulents. It matches her giant green headboard and earthy tones. Her room is as massive as Christian’s, as tidy as he is too. And while she likes to act like she’s far from it all, she isn’t.

  “Always?” I ask, and Allie moves her head back, eyebrow arched.

  “Yeah, of course, why?”

  “Want some lunch?” Christian comes to the door, Willow beside him. Deciding to drop it, I know we can’t have this conversation now, even if it’s overdue.

  “Nothing,” I sigh. “All this bullying has me jaded.”

  “Well, that’s what they want,” Christian says. “That’s how Lea and her minions work. It’s like warfare with them. If they don’t kill you with a headshot, they’ll make sure to leave you with PTSD.”

  “And yet, no one does anything.” I’m looking between Christian and Allie.

  “Can you blame them?” Willow pipes up. “Look at what they did to you. It’s not surprising most people don’t want to get involved.”

  She gets it. But she doesn’t know what I know. And what I know is bothering me now more than ever.

  “We’ll be down in a second. I need to talk to Allie, alone.”

  “Uh, yeah,” Christian glances between Allie and me before tapping Willow on her back. “I’ll see what we got.”

  Christian and Willow leave the room, Willow looking happy to have some alone time with a handsome King. Once the door closes, I push a few curls behind my ear, Allie sitting on her large tassel comforter. “What’s up?” She leans back on her palms, swinging her muscular legs.

  “What’s going on with you and Lea?”

  Allie freezes, her glasses falling on her nose, “What do you mean?”

  “I saw you. A couple of times.”

  She gets up from the mattress, fixing her frames when she does. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Avoiding eye contact, she starts rummaging for something in her shiny dresser drawer.

  “Don’t you?” I ask. “Allie c’mon. It’s me. I fucked Damien King. Several times. Hell, even last night!” If I confess, likely, she will too. “I’ll understand if you and Lea are—”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Allie’s already at the door by the time she cuts off my ramble. “C’mon,” she says, pulling on the handle. “I’m starved.”

  So much for trying to trust someone else.

  Sighing, I follow Allie down the hall to the stairs.

  “Oh!” Bianca’s at the bottom of the staircase when we get there. “What are you all doing home?” She glances at the sparkling gold watch on her wrist.

  “It’s lunchtime, mom.” Allie rolls her eyes as she passes into the kitchen. It smells like melted cheese and butter but again, my appetite is a ghost.

  “Oh, Jo!” Bianca reaches in for a hug. It’s warm and soft. “It’s nice to see you again.” She glances upstairs, then back at Allie. “You girls shouldn’t be alone upstairs.”

  “What? But Christian can?” Allie’s arms go to her side and while she’s usually pretty sarcastic and laidback, this comment seems to rile her up.

  “Well, you said you liked girls and not to change the rules for them.”

  Christian calls me over into the kitchen as Allie and Bianca get into it. “You didn’t care when I had Freddy Butler in my room!” Allie yells.

  “Freddy Butler’s cute, why don’t you give him a call. Jo’s boinking your brother anyway.” Bianca’s comment stops me in my tracks, cheeks flushing with heat.

  “Ma!” Christian must’ve heard because he calls to her, my sister giving me a cringe-y stare. Christian yells something in Spanish that his mom waves off.

  “So dramatic. Like your father!” She yells. “Oh wait, Jo. Are you joining us for the holidays?”

  “I’m spending the holidays on a Workaway in Iceland,” Allie says, walking into the kitchen. She sits at the counter, grabbing a plate of grilled cheese. “I already booked the tickets!” she calls.

  “What? Alejandra, I told you to keep your calendar clear this Christmas!” Bianca calls back. “Why would you do that? It’s the last time we’re all going to be together before the big ‘D’!”

  “She means divorce!” Allie explains.

  “Because she doesn’t want to hear you and dad bicker for two weeks,” Christian says. “And I can’t blame her.”

  Bianca drops her toned arms to the side, “Well, if Jo comes you won’t have to.” She pats me on the back. “Ask your parents and I’ll book you a ticket. It’s in Cabo.”

  “Cabo?” There’s no way I’m leaving Willow behind on Christmas. “Uh, I’ll let you know.”

  She pats my back again before walking up the stairs, “Don’t be late for class!” She calls.

  Allie rolls her eyes and I take a seat next to her in the kitchen. There’s a sandwich in front of me but I’m not going to eat it. Can’t if I tried. It’s like my throat closes up and forces me not to swallow.

  “Jo?” My sister speaks up.

  “Low?” I answer, and I hope she’s asking if I’m gonna finish my sandwich.

  “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

  Should I worry? I’m worried. “Oh-kayyy, what’s up?”

  “Bella asked me to Marseille for Christmas,” she blurts it all out in one go. “And, I want to go.” She takes a deep breath, one eye open before she keeps babbling, but the more she does, the more my heart breaks. “Diana and Marguerette will be there and Penelope and it’s like, unheard of for a newbie to get asked to go with these guys. Especially not someone from The Grove and I know it doesn’t sound like a huge deal but it is, so—”

  “Okay, okay,” I say, wanting her to stop. The more she b
egs for it, the worse it is. I was looking forward to a Christmas that didn’t involve screaming foster parents or lining up at the soup kitchen. But I wanted that with my sister. “Sure. Marseille sounds cool.”

  “Really?” Willow beams way too hard. But seeing her happy makes it easier to let her go. “I mean, if I’m with Bella and you’re in Cabo then at least we won’t have to go to any stupid Christmas parties with the Archibalds.”

  She has a point. If Willow and I stay in Eden, chances are it won’t be the quiet Christmas I’m hoping for. Chances are, the Archibalds want to play us like dolls and have us dress up in poofy dresses for Christmas photo-ops. I cringe at the idea, shuddering at the image of my sister and me in prissy white gowns.

  “You’re right,” I say. “Go. Have fun. It’s cool, Low.”

  Her grin widens, eyes beaming like two large brown saucers. “Yes!” She hoists a fist in the air but when she does, she knocks over the glass of apple juice beside her. It spills forward onto her shirt, making Allie jump out of her seat.

  “Ohmygod!” Willow’s hands raise beside her head, apple juice all over her uniform. “I’m so sorry!”

  Allie laughs, “Here, I’ll give you another shirt. You Rowland girls wear more of my uniforms than I do.” Allie leads Willow out of the kitchen, leaving Christian and me on the ground floor.

  He’s already eaten through his sandwich and he’s reaching for a slice of watermelon in the bowl of fruit in front of him. “So, whaddya say?” he asks.


  “Christmas in Cabo.” Christian hops over a seat, sitting next to me and turning my stool so I’m facing him. I’m sandwiched between his thick legs, his emeralds staring into mine. “Don’t tell my mom I said this but it’s a pretty sweet idea. I’d love it if you came with us over Christmas. That’ll get Allie to come along too.”

  “I don’t know.” Shaking my head, I twist my watch around my wrist. “I don’t want to intrude on what could be your last trip together I—”

  “Say you’ll come.” His voice is low and husky before he bites his lip, giving me that charm he knows how to use way too well. “Either that or you’re stuck with your foster parents alone.”

  He says that as if I don’t already know. I don’t mind going with Christan. I really don’t. Even if it’s not the Christmas I had in mind. But, fuck. Thinking about it some more, after the time I’ve had, I deserve a Cabo vacation. Christian leans back in his seat, keeping me between his legs with a light squeeze on either side. “I’ll give you ten seconds to think about it. If not, I’m booking those tickets myself.” He winks, biting into that watermelon slice again and he doesn’t flinch as the juice runs down his bottom lip. He’s turning up the charm and I can’t help but smile. He’s as bad as his friends.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he smiles in return.

  Damien’s voice rings through my head.

  Like you used Christian to make me jealous?

  This isn’t what this is but the best way to get over an addiction is taking yourself away from the triggers. “Fine,” I shrug. “Cabo for Christmas.” Something I never thought I’d say.

  A tropical getaway could be the cure to clearing my head. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?

  * * *

  No more distractions.

  At least not until Christmas break.

  This semester is a mess but there’s still a chance for me to pull up my grades and make a good impression. It’s important for that transcript going off to those ivy league dickheads. Harvard’s on the line, and I’m going to reel it in.

  I dedicate the next few weeks to keeping my nose in the books and my head in the game. Along with some help from the twins, I’m finally starting to get a grasp on this algebra stuff and I’m excited that my art project is coming together. It’s my best work to date. Since Willow spends most of her time with the Quinfreys and her other snobby freshmen friends, I’ve spent more time at the Perezes. It’s starting to feel like a little secondary home.

  The twins help make the daily grind bearable. I’m grateful and while I know Christian’s willing to take our friendship further, it’s like I have a block. A clog that won’t let me. Damien called non-stop for the first few days after that ash incident. But it seems he’s got the picture. I haven’t seen him at all lately and I assume he’s off somewhere brooding or getting fucked up. Regardless, Christian’s had my back. Even got Lea to back down but that’s because she has Damien where she wants him. To herself.

  The thought of the two of them together makes me sick to my stomach but I have to focus. And I do, making it to the last day of school before Christmas break.

  I’m watching the clock go by in the last minutes of biology before it’s home free. Well, it’s to the airport. After the Archibalds agreed to the trip, Willow helped me pack two weeks’ worth of clothes. It all fit into one suitcase and my backpack. As for Willow, she’s bringing four pieces of luggage. We said our goodbyes this morning, my sister promising to check in when she can and I already miss her.

  The last-minute crawls by, my mind zoning out, the screen in front of us playing The Grinch. I’m wondering what Damien’s doing for Christmas. Either he’s hanging with Lea or a couple of escorts and a pound of blow. My mind combines the two in my brain and it’s not a pretty sight. Shaking it from my head, I shift my thoughts to what it’s like in Mexico but it keeps going back to him. To Damien. How he looked when I left. How happy we were before he let it all go to shit.

  When the bell rings I jump out of my seat, ready to get the fuck out of here for two weeks. A vacation away from Eden Gardens is exactly what I need. This is not about making Damien jealous. This is not about getting together with Christian. This is about me getting some much-needed space.

  The twins wait for me in the front foyer and when I get there, a bunch of students are saying good-bye to their friends. Luggage fills the space and I guess we aren’t the only ones leaving Eden for the holidays. It’s snowy outside, a blizzard building and as an east coast girl, I’m itching to get away from the first storm.

  “Ready for some Perez family fun?” Allie asks, looking less thrilled than that sentence sounds. She has a denim jacket over her uniform, a sudoku book in her hand.

  “I’m sure it’ll be better than most of my Christmases,” I say, trying to lighten the mood. But if I’m being honest, now that I’m standing here, I’m starting to get a little nervous.

  Sure I’m leaving Eden Gardens but it’s for two weeks.

  Two whole weeks with Allie. A girl I don’t know if I can trust.

  Two whole weeks with Christian Perez. A guy with a shady sense of loyalty who’s also interested in me even though I can’t stop thinking about his best friend.

  Is a two-week trip a good idea right now?

  “Merry Christmas, Mr. King,” Headmaster Beckett’s voice comes from behind us. “Please, try to have a good one.”

  Damien stumbles around him, leather jacket barely on his shoulders as he tries to steady himself. Headmaster Beckett looks wary but lets him go anyway, cringing when he stumbles into a girl.

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she squeals as he moves around her.

  All eyes are on him and I’m wondering if everyone else is as surprised to see him as I am. He staggers by us, and when he makes eye contact with me, those butterflies still flutter, my heartbeat picking up. Those eyes. No matter how glossy. No matter how lost. There’s something about them that can always turn me into a … basic bitch.

  “Perez,” he slurs, looking between the twins. Then those eyes land on me. “Rowland.”

  I want to ask if he’s okay. I also want to ask who he’s spending Christmas with, even if I know the answer. Isaac’s dad flew him out to the west coast early, and with Marion out of the picture, I know Damien’s ringing in the holidays alone. That breaks my heart. Regardless of what he’s done.

  “Finally leaving?” He smirks my way but his gaze falls for a second.

  “She’s co
ming with us to Cabo for the holidays,” Christian speaks up for me before Damien stumbles. “Shit,” Christian mutters, reaching out to grab him, catching his arm. Always loyal. Always there. “You gonna be alright, King?”

  It’s like the kids who get to leave don’t want to. Not yet. They’re taking their time heading to the doors, rubbernecking to see the royal show. Is that all Damien is to these people? All he’ll ever be? A show. Seems we have another thing in common.

  “I’m fine,” Damien tugs his arm away, his jaw clenched. He glances at me again before he heads for the door, a flask coming from his leather jacket.

  “King’s fuuucked,” Allie says, purple beanie matching her streaks.

  “Guess he started the holiday partying early.” Christian shrugs.

  I can’t take my eyes off him as he wanders into the snow with nothing on but that leather jacket. I mean, I’m wearing the same thing so I’m no better but still, at least I have a hat and gloves.

  He’s trying to spark a joint and he looks so cold. So alone. Especially when he stumbles down the set of stairs. No one’s outside except him and a couple of kids heading to their rides. No one’s stupid enough to be out in this storm except to go to their car and I don’t see his limo at the bottom of the stairs.

  When he finally catches himself, he sits there, staring out into the blizzard. Allie and Christian talk about Christmas plans but all I see is him. And like seeing your addiction for the first time in weeks, there’s a strong, hard pull.


  I head out into the storm and I don’t answer Allie and Christian when they call out to me. I keep going until I reach him, the door closing behind me. His hands are like two white gloves, snowflakes hanging off his eyelashes framing that deep gaze.

  “C’mon, get up,” I say, reaching in my pocket for my phone and calling Henry. We told him we wouldn’t be needing him today, but I was wrong.

  “Rowland?” he says my name like he’s surprised. Hell, I am too. “What the fuck are you doing?” Even in the cold air, I can smell the strong scent of alcohol. Only Damien would be able to get away with speaking to the headmaster like that.


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