SJWs Always Lie

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SJWs Always Lie Page 11

by Vox Day

  “As we grow we should reflect on how we can improve.” This organization is relevant enough to be worth controlling.

  ““We can do better.” It is time to stamp out badthink and expel anyone who challenges the Narrative.

  ““Take the opportunity to discuss and debate.” Shut up and accept the dictates of your moral superiors.

  “I'm also concerned by reports of abuse, harassment, and discrimination in our community, particularly toward women and other underrepresented groups.” Please note that I am now applying the Narrative to our community. The fact that these reports are entirely fictional is irrelevant.

  ““We get to choose what is OK and what is not.” We SJWs will inform you what is acceptable and what is not. Don't be mistaken and think that your opinion is either desired or relevant here.

  ““The positive effects of diversity in communities are well-documented.” I am perfectly willing to lie and say anything that will support the Narrative. (The fact is that diversity destroys communities by weakening trust, and reducing social capital and engagement levels within them. See Robert Putnam, “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century”.)

  “Nobody is made to feel dismissed, unwelcome, or unsafe.” If you dare to criticize the irrelevant ideas of women who don't actually do anything in the project, you are the problem and you will pay for it.

  ““I propose that we establish a Code of Conduct.” I propose that we establish a thought-and-speech Gestapo who will police the community in order to identify and eliminate any crimethinkers who challenge the Narrative.

  “Any Code of Conduct we adopt should be goal-oriented (“this is what we aspire to”) rather than rules-oriented (“don't do this!”).” We prefer nebulousness and flexibility to specifying actual rules in order to prevent crimethinkers from avoiding punishment by challenging the Narrative without breaking any rules. (SJWs always resist any attempt to identify or codify specifics in order to avoid being held accountable to the rules they apply to their targets.)

  ““I have done a survey of similar codes in various communities.” This has worked for SJWs who have taken control of other communities, so there is no reason it won't work here.

  After six days of what passed for discussion between a grand total of 104 gophers out of the “thousands of programmers” in the community, without any vote or even any pretense at trying to determinine how many members of the community supported or opposed the proposed code of conduct, the SJW who proposed the code of conduct announced that the time for discussion was over, declared how pleased he was to see that “the vast majority of the Go community” supported the code of conduct, and informed the dissenters that their participation in the official Go forums was no longer required.

  I hear and respect the dissenting opinions. In particular, I hear the concerns about limiting freedom of expression. Let me state this clearly: the official Go forums are not platforms for free speech. Your participation in them is a privilege, not a right. If you are not able to adhere to basic standards of respectful behavior then you are invited to leave.

  The shamelessness of the SJW's deceit is breathtaking, even when one knows perfectly well that SJWs always lie. In addition to lying about support from the vast majority of the community, most of whom did not express any opinion on the forums and may not have even heard about the code of conduct, the way in which the SJW blithely substituted this nebulous and as yet unspecified code of conduct for “basic standards of respectful behavior” is as remarkable as it is reprehensible.

  Less than one month later, at the GopherCon 2015 conference, the SJW led a panel entitled the Code of Conduct & Diversity Discussion which produced the following conclusions.

  Actionable suggestions made during the discussion:

  The code of conduct should be authored by multiple well-known people from the community.

  The conduct team should be 6-8 people, mostly from outside Google.

  The Go community should work with existing groups that represent minorities in tech.

  Suggestions for GopherCon specifically:

  Provide women's T-shirts.

  Have a diverse range of people introduce the presenters.

  Pair up diversity scholarship recipients with established community members to help them meet people, etc.

  Provide a space at the conference operated by women to make them feel more welcome.

  And that is how just one SJW armed with a modicum of relative power is capable of not only enforcing the SJW Narrative throughout an entire community, but taking control of it and imposing thought-policing on it. The SJW in this case is merely an engineer who works for Google; his job gave him a certain status in the Go community, but his real power came from being the moderator of the official forum, which permitted him to launch the “discussion”, control it, end it, and arbitrarily declare the outcome. Of course, Google is a very SJW-sympathetic institution, so this was also a case of an Amenable Authority; one doubts the SJW would have been able to so easily, and almost single-handedly, transform the preordained forum conclusion into conference-approved action items expected to be binding on the entire community were it a large industry conference rather than a small one dominated by a single corporation.

  Then again, the recent announcement of a new Advocacy Track at GDC intended to present “a number of topics that address new and existing issues within the realm of social advocacy” including topics ranging from “diversity to censorship to quality of life” may indicate that the SJWs are even more out of control in the technology field than anyone imagined.

  In any event, lest you doubt the true purpose of the Go community's code of conduct, consider the responsible SJW's tweets in response to hearing a female programmer's claims to have been harassed. His furious white-knighting serves to graphically illustrate the SJWs' true priorities as well as their true faces when their concern masks happen to slip. I also quoted two responses by other SJWs to the SJW's chivalrous rant; note that “doxxing” was one of the original accusations that the SJWs used to justify calling #GamerGate a hate group.

  This Industry Is Fucked. If you're one of the jerks who does this shit, please die in a fire. These assholes are holding us all back. So many amazing people crippled by this negativity and hate. So much wasted energy. If someone did that shit to me you can bet I would make a big fucking drama about it.

  Sounds like a good opportunity for anonymous to start doxxing these people.

  I really hope a Code of Conduct will help us deal with shit like this as a community.

  Notice that the Code of Conduct is expressly seen as a weapon intended to root out and destroy those the SJWs deem haters, as well as badthinkers, crimethinkers, and potential threats to the Narrative.

  The third SJW objective is to keep out non-SJWs and anyone else who is considered likely to challenge either the Narrative or SJW control. This is why one often sees corporations engaging in seemingly unproductive actions such as turning away obviously more qualified candidates in favor of hiring less qualified people, promoting lazy and unreliable employees to management instead of the more valuable ones, and favoring mediocrity over excellence. It's also why a college degree and other credentials are now required for so many jobs where a high school diploma would have sufficed in the past.

  After all, it's difficult to tell if someone who just graduated from high school is a reliable SJW or not. Aside from belonging to the gay-straight alliance, there isn't much to be learned from who was on the football team or the cheerleading squad. But when two applicants with college degrees are being compared, one of whom graduated from a state school with a degree in business and belonged to a fraternity versus a graduate of a liberal arts college with a degree in communications and memberships in a group dedicated to raising awareness and asking questions about common mixed-race and identity themes and cultural intersectionality, an LGBTQ support group for those who identify as queer, and the college's Women in STEM action committee, guess w
ho the SJWs in HR are going to hire every single time?

  SJW plots in the corporate world can be considerably more nefarious than the attempts to thought-police the Go community indicate. Consider what Eve T. Braun of Barclays, the large British financial institution, posted on the London Ruby User's Group mailing list explaining how she had successfully prevented the hiring of straight white men and other presumed non-SJWs.

  Two other things we implemented which aided the recruitment process:

  We followed advice which is quickly becoming the industry norm. Never look at someones Github profile until you have made the decision to hire or not hire them and do not let it influence you. Github profiles tend to favor CIS White men over most minorities in a number of ways. CIS white men often have more spare time or chose to pursue building up an impressive portfolio of code rather than women or minorities who have to deal with things like raising children or instiutionalised racism. Some in the SocJus community have even said that technically companies could possibly even be breaking discriminatory law by allowing peoples github profiles and publicly available code to influence their hiring decisions - watch this space.

  We used Randi Harper's blockbot to assess applicants twitter profiles for problematic or toxic viewpoints. This may sound a bit extreme but some of the staff here suffer from Aspergers & PTSD and our top priority is to ensure that they don't get put in triggering situations.Making a wrong hire could present a scenario where the employee could be triggered on a daily basis by another employee with an oppressive viewpoint. Other than from a diversity standpoint, from a business standpoint these sorts of negative interactions can cost a company a huge amount of time & money in employees taking off sick days. When all the employees are on the same page the synergy in the office aids productivity.

  Notice in particular her claim that this behavior is “quickly becoming the industry norm”. The worst part about this presumably recent development is the way it demonstrates that you may well have been the victim of SJW job-policing without even realizing it. What normal white man is ever going to apply for a job, fail to receive an interview request, and conclude on that basis that there is a conspiracy dedicated to keeping him from working at major corporations? And yet, such SJW conspiracies observably exist.

  As Margaret Thatcher noted, what appear to be harmless, but worthy objectives, such as Women in Tech initiatives and programs designed to help women and minorities get into STEM and game development, are actually stalking horses for much more dangerous SJW entryism. And once SJWs take control of an organization, or an industry, they are not easily dislodged.


  What do SJW’s want to achieve? Their goal is power and domination over the Western cultural narrative to manufacture a consensus that is aligned with their extreme far-left ideology. Since their ideas are so far removed from science, logic, and reason, this requires a complete control of information to disseminate their world view along with the complete silencing of those who contradict them.

  —“What Is A Social Justice Warrior?”, RooshV, October 6, 2014

  All of this is very well and good, but what exactly are you to do when SJWs attack you? The first thing to understand is that you will not be ready for it. SJWs always prefer to ambush an unsuspecting target who does not realize that he is vulnerable. As with the Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python edition), no one expects them. Even when the target is a veteran media figure, outspoken, controversial, and well-versed in the delicate dance between uncomfortable truth and unforgivable offense, he seldom sees the attack coming.

  Consider, for example, the recent targeting of ESPN radio host Colin Cowherd, who was fired by ESPN for purportedly “making disparaging remarks about Dominicans”. But not only were Cowherd's remarks not genuinely disparaging – he merely commented, truthfully, that despite the Dominican Republic not being known for having world class academics, professional baseball players from that country don't appear to have any problem grasping the complexities of baseball – he had made a number of considerably more controversial remarks in the past. And while ESPN may well have had other motives in firing Cowherd, as he was already leaving the network for Fox Sports, the fact remains that from the outside, it looked exactly like a textbook SJW ambush.

  The cancelling of Imus in the Morning by CBS Radio in 2007 was much the same. Don Imus was a longtime radio shock jock, a four-time Marconi winner inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 1989, and over the years he had said far more controversial things about everyone from Jews to blacks to Arabs to women, before he made the idle, unflattering, and frankly rather stupid comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team that got him fired. Why were all the previous, more offensive comments overlooked while a few lame cracks about Rutgers basketball proved to be fatal to his career at CBS? Because those were the particular comments that Al Sharpton and other SJWs chose to weaponize in a successful attempt to target, discredit, and disemploy Imus.

  Another reason these SJW ambushes are so often surprising is because, as the repentant ex-SJW Ian Miles Cheong admitted in an interview with Nerdland, some of them have nothing to do with any animus for the target, but are launched in order for the SJW to obtain status within the social justice movement.

  There were a lot of things I wished to say while I was a part of the social justice movement that I couldn’t, because of “solidarity” and all sorts of other reasons. Dissent isn’t tolerated in the movement and stepping out of line will earn you whispers behind your back to ostracize you both socially and professionally. There’s always a sense that your position in the movement is precarious and that unless you stand in front of the charge, you’re going to be shut out and treated like a fairweather ally in spite of everything you’ve ever done to support the movement. It’s for this reason that you see people falling over each other to see who can vilify their targets the most. At some point, the targets that get picked are guilty of nothing more than making a joke, or saying something that could potentially be interpreted as problematic, but isn’t actually problematic.

  —“Games Media, Callout Culture and Gamers: an Interview With Ian Miles Cheong”, John Sweeney, Nerdland, 27 July 2015

  They're not just looking to be offended, they are hunting for opportunities to vilify people. These opportunistic attacks are impossible to anticipate because in many cases the target doesn't even know the SJW who complained to Human Resources or contacted the media, and even in the case of a public accusation on Twitter or a blog, he probably won't be aware of the attack until it has already blown up on social media because he doesn't follow his accuser. Sir Tim Hunt had probably made similar jokes about female scientists in laboratories before, but he had not made them in front of a status-seeking SJW like Connie St. Louis. Sensing an opportunity to make a name for herself by vilifying a Nobel Prize winner, she struck, and in doing so promptly put herself in front of the charge.

  Now that you know an SJW attack will probably come as a surprise, you need to know what to do when it comes. And just as there are eight stages to an SJW attack, there are eight things you must keep in mind when responding to one.

  1. Rely on the Three Rs: RECOGNIZE it is happening. REMAIN calm. REALIZE no one cares.

  The first thing to do when attacked by SJWs is to recognize that you are under SJW attack, remain calm, and realize that no one else cares. You need to understand that the attack is happening, accept that is happening, and refrain from the temptation to try to make it not be happening. Do not panic! Don't go running to others for help or sympathy, don't try to convince everyone around you how outrageous or unfair the accusation is, and don't explain to anyone how little you deserve the way you are being treated. They don't care. They really don't. Think about how little you cared when someone else was previously being attacked by SJWs and how little you did to support them, let alone take action to stop the attack. That's exactly how much your colleagues and acquaintances care about you being attacked
, and exactly how much they are going to do to stop it.

  We are living in a time of fear and economic uncertainty. Everyone knows, on some level, that it could just as easily be them instead of you. Everyone is afraid of becoming a target. So while your colleagues might express sympathy to your face, more than a few of them are feeling at least a mild sense of relief that it is you, and not them, who are the current sacrifice laid out on the SJW altar. And some of them probably feel that even if you don't deserve to be portrayed as a sex criminal, a Klan member, or the bastard love child of Adolf Hitler and Chairman Mao, you kind of had it coming. After all, you really should have known better than to crack that joke, make that comment, forward that email, fire that hypersensitive minority, or ask out that marketing assistant, right?

  The truth is that it doesn't matter why SJWs are attacking you. The only thing that matters is understanding that you are under attack right now and no one else is going to do anything about it. No one else is going to make it go away. To quote Mike Cernovich, the bestselling author of Gorilla Mindset, “Life is easier once you realize nobody cares, except family and friends, if you're lucky.”

  In the case of my own targeting by the SJWs in SFWA, I was initially caught by surprise because my nominal offense was so trivial. Literally scores of other members, including three members of the SFWA Board, had done the same thing or worse, and moreover, the offense carried a specific penalty that had already been applied to me. It took me nearly a day to realize that they were seriously intending to take the inch I had given them and run a marathon with it, but once I understood that, it was very helpful to understand that they intended to expel me at any cost, by any means necessary, no matter what the relevant rules were.


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