by Vox Day
2. Don't try to reason with them.
The second thing is to recognize that there is no way you are going to be able to reason your way out of the situation. Most people who come under SJW attack have the causality backwards. They think the attack is taking place due to whatever it is that they did or said. That's not the case. The attack is taking place because of who you are and what you represent to the SJWs: a threat to their Narrative. In most cases, the SJWs attempting to discredit and disemploy you already wanted you out long ago, and they are simply using the nominal reason given as an excuse to get rid of you. And if the attack is more the result of SJW status-seeking rather than thought-policing, that's arguably even worse, because if the motivation concerns them rather than you, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
The most important thing to accept here is the complete impossibility of compromise or even meaningful communication with your attackers. SJWs do not engage in rational debate because they are not rational and they do not engage in honest discourse because they do not believe in objective truth. They do not compromise because the pure spirit of enlightened progressive social justice dare not sully itself with the evil of the outdated Endarkenment. They are the emotion-driven rhetoric-speakers of whom Aristotle wrote: “Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.”
SJWs cannot be instructed. They have no interest whatsoever in talking to you or trying to understand you, indeed, they will avoid you and do their best to minimize their communications with you while constantly talking about you and “explaining” the real meaning of your words and your nefarious true intentions to everyone else. They will also try to isolate you and cut you off from access to any relevant authority, to the media, and to neutral parties, the better to spin the Narrative without your interference. This is why it is vital that you do not agree to any confidentiality agreements or consent to keep your mouth shut while the SJW-driven “investigation” is proceeding.
3. Do not apologize.
The third thing to remember when undergoing an SJW-attack is to never apologize for anything you have done. I repeat: do not apologize. Do not say you are sorry if anyone's feelings were hurt, do not express regret, remorse, or contrition, do not say anything that can be taken as an apology in any way. Just in case I am not being sufficiently clear, do not apologize!
Normal people seek apologies because they want to know that you feel bad about what you have done and that you will at least attempt to avoid doing it again in the future. They seek apologies within the context of an expectation of a better future relationship with you. This is why it is important to apologize to normal people you have harmed in some way, so that you can mutually repair the damaged relationship through the bonding process of repentance and forgiveness. When we sincerely apologize to those we have inadvertently offended, this process actually strengthens the relationship and often leads to improved mutual understanding.
None of that applies to SJWs. They don't care how you feel, they don't care about your future behavior, they don't expect to have a future relationship with you, and there is absolutely no chance they are going to forgive you for anything. You are, after all, a dangerous thought-criminal. When they push you for an apology after pointing-and-shrieking at you, what they are seeking is a confession to bolster their indictment. They are like the police down at the station with a suspect in the interrogation room, badgering him to confess to the crime. And like all too many police these days, the SJWs don't really care if you did it or not, they're just looking for a confession that they can take to the prosecutor.
This means that every apology, every compromise, and every attempt to find common ground will be viewed as a display of weakness, a lack of confidence, and damning evidence in the case they intend to prosecute against you.
Therefore, the correct answer to a demand for an apology is always no. “Wouldn't it only make sense if....” No. “Can't we just....” No. “Wouldn't it be fair to....” No. “You have to admit....” No. “If you would just apologize....” No. “Don't you realize you hurt....” No.
Look at Hunt. Look at Eich. Look at everyone in your personal experience who has come under attack by SJWs. Did apologizing do them any good at all? Did apologizing reduce the intensity of the attacks on them, or did the SJWs keep attacking? An apology is not going to relieve the pressure on you, it is only going to increase it. To the SJW, an apology is merely the first step in the ritual act of abasement and submission, after which one must recant any previously expressed doubts about the Narrative and declare one's intentions of future adherence to it.
It is very educational to see what happens when one simply refuses to fall in line with their demands. A refusal to play along with their game quickly strips the mask of sanity from their faces and reveals the angry, shrieking madness underneath. Never forget that they have no certainty of a win without your compliance. So do not, under any circumstances, comply with any of their demands. Do not, under any circumstances, apologize, not even if you feel genuinely bad about what you have done or if you suspect you may have genuinely hurt someone's feelings.
Remember, they don't believe in forgiveness. They don't believe in repentance. All they are looking for is for you to condemn yourself so the show trial can begin. As one SJW has put it: “Apologies are not merely the end of a bad situation. They are the beginning of a promise to do (and be) better.” So don't be under the false impression that an apology will put an end to anything. It will only serve as the start of the next stage of their attack.
Be aware that once they have launched an attack on you, they will press you hard for an apology and repeatedly imply that if you will just apologize, all will be forgiven. Do not be fooled! I have seen people fall for it time and time again, and the result is always the same. The SJWs are simply looking for a public confession that will confirm their accusations, give them PR cover, and provide them with the ammunition required to discredit and disemploy you. Apologizing will accomplish nothing more than hand them the very weapons they require to destroy you.
4. Accept your fate.
It is psychologically much easier to survive an SJW attack if you accept early on in the process that you are probably going to lose your job or be purged from your church, your social group, or your professional organization. Remember, if the SJWs were not confident they could take you out, they would not have launched the attack in the first place. They prey upon those they believe, rightly or wrongly, to be vulnerable. Even if you survive the attack, it's highly unlikely that your reputation will survive unscathed as there are simply too many people who are inclined to split the difference in any conflict between two parties, no matter how crazy or dishonest they know one of the parties to be.
Be prepared to be disappointed by the behavior of some of the people you believe to be your friends. I have seen situations where people who have known the individual under attack for years, and even been good friends with them for decades, refuse to so much as put in a good word for fear of being tarred with guilt by association. It can be deeply disappointing, even depressing, to see those you looked up to and admired fail when put to the test. But don't be angry with them or allow the anger you feel for the SJWs to be displaced onto those who have disappointed you. While they may have disappointed you with their cowardice, they are not your problem, they did not put you in the position you find yourself, and they are not your enemy.
Not everyone is cut out to be a fighter. Most people are conflict-avoidant to some degree, and many actually believe that being moderate and trying to see both sides of the story is a virtue. This is completely insane, of course, and hopelessly stupid when dealing with SJWs, because SJWs always lie. Splitting the difference between the truth and a lie is not virtuous, it is providing effective cover for those who tell lies. Nevertheless, you will meet more than a
few people who will attempt to square the circle or otherwise invent some fictitious middle ground that permits them to feel good about refusing to take sides. Throw in the tendency of many men to white-knight for even the most badly behaving woman, and you have to anticipate that the majority of people familiar with the situation are never going to give the accused party a fair shake when SJWs are attacking them.
You simply can't expect much in the way of truth in a world of liars. I have been blatantly lied about and libeled in the international media so many times that I don't even pay attention any longer. Even one of the lawyers who won a libel case for The Guardian was of the opinion that the newspaper had repeatedly libeled me, and that was before the SJWs in science fiction launched their hate campaign after the Sad Puppies near-sweep of the 2015 Hugo nominations and The Guardian began running what seemed like weekly articles about the terrible, no-good, very bad white male haters who hate women and minorities writing science fiction. So, don't worry about the lies, don't waste your time trying to correct or counteract them, just shoot them down when directly asked about them and otherwise ignore them. Ironically, the more they turn up the heat, the less you or anyone else will care about it.
It's like the Boy Who Cried Wolf; they can only call you racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or a bigoted shithole so many times before neutral observers who don't see anything out of the ordinary in your behavior begin to wonder if perhaps it isn't the accusing SJWs who have something wrong with them. The calmer you are, and the more you blow off their accusations with either a wry smile or open contempt, the faster those who are not involved will reach the correct conclusion.
On the practical side, don't hesitate, but immediately begin to make preparations in case the SJWs have correctly calculated your vulnerability to their attack. If your job is in jeopardy, start reaching out to your connections and see if it is possible to successfully jump ship before you are pushed. Talk to the corporate authorities to whom the SJWs are complaining and see if you can find a way to negotiate something that they can present to the SJWs as a win that will not do you any serious harm; remember, if the SJWs were truly in control they would have simply whacked you without explanation or justification. Since the primary objecting of the authorities is to sweep the whole thing under the rug, you may be able to get them to reassign you, transfer you, or even promote you so long as they can present it as a serious disciplinary action.
Only if you are either unusually valuable or have closer ties to the relevant authorities than the SJWs do should you attempt to turn the situation around on them. I have seen one situation where an SJW miscalculated, launched an attack, and was promptly fired for her efforts to put her personal politics ahead of the company's self-interest, but that is rare and I have only seen it happen the one time. Remember that even though the authorities are seldom SJWs, they are usually sympathetic to them, and even when they are not, they are usually inclined to ensure that the squeakiest wheel always gets the grease. And no one is capable of outsqueaking an SJW.
This doesn't mean that you should despair or give up. Quite the contrary! It's only that you will be able to defend yourself much more effectively if you are not overly worried about the outcome. Ideally, you want to maintain the stoic state known as “Zero Fucks Given”, or to put it in less vulgar terms, a state of total indifference as to the consequences. That's admittedly not always possible, but few things demoralize and discourage SJWs more than a target who is able to meet their most vicious attacks with little more than a wry smile before proceeding to punch them back twice as hard.
5. Document their every word and action
Most of the time, SJW purges are committed at least partially outside the organization's established rules and forms. You may not be an expert, but some of the people following along will be. Make sure every step in the process, and every piece of communication you receive from them, is documented, critiqued, and publicized. They will pull out all the stops to hide their actions in order to avoid public criticism, and in some of the more egregious cases, ridicule.
As noted in the previous chapter, the reason SJWs set up nebulous codes of conduct is because they want to be able to selectively impose discipline on those who question the Narrative in a manner they can interpret as “problematic” or “offensive” while avoiding the need to do so when one of their own breaks the rules. That's why they do their best to avoid clear lines of demarcation and detailed specifications of what is against the rules and what the punishment will be. They will even do their best to avoid committing anything to writing; it is not an accident that Sir Tim Hunt's wife received a telephone call from an individual at University College London who still remains publicly unidentified. Like insects scurrying about their business underneath a rock, SJWs prefer to operate in the dark and leave everyone else confused about what really happened.
By forcing them to show their hand in public, you allow others to see and understand what they are really up to. This may not be sufficient to save yourself from the ongoing attack, but it will almost certainly strengthen your negotiating position and will also help prevent the SJWs from blithely repeating the process against you or someone else in the future.
The first thing to do is force them to document their complaints and provide you with a copy of them. In a corporate setting, what will usually happen is that you will be verbally informed of a complaint by an accuser who is not identified. Instead of trying to defend yourself, admitting anything, or explaining your actions to the individual informing you, tell them that you will not discuss anything unless you receive a copy of the complaint in writing that is signed by both the accuser and the manager or executive who is informing you of the complaint. Then refuse to say anything further about the subject until it is provided. While the corporate executives react in confusion and disarray to your failure to go along with the execution program, obtain a copy of both the corporate rules and regulations as well as the state laws pertaining to employment and learn exactly what their options are. What will usually happen is that someone in human resources will invent some fictitious “policy” that prevents them from divulging the name of the SJW accusing you or the exact nature of your offense.
Again, force them to put it in writing or else simply ignore it. If they call you into their office or telephone you, inform them that you intend to record the conversation and ask for their permission to do so, or alternatively, show up in their office with a lawyer. (It doesn't even have to be a lawyer per se, it can simply be a friend wearing a suit that you introduce as your “representative”.) They may back down at this point, especially if the nature of the attack is not based on something you yourself have written. Both the SJWs and the corporate authorities tend to be very leery of putting down anything on paper because they know that you are going to use it against them. But if they are dumb enough to provide you with documentation that relies on a policy that does not actually exist, that gives you a weapon you can take to a higher level as evidence of their bad faith and persecution.
At the same time, start documenting every violation by those you suspect to be SJWs or sympathetic to the campaign against you, past and present. This will help you demonstrate that the SJW campaign is personal and vindictive, and even if the authorities are SJWs themselves, it will help to undermine their position in the public eye. Also, be sure to save all of your emails and other information about everyone even tangentially related to the organization on a hard drive or memory stick that does not belong to the company. For example, once the attack on me began, I downloaded the entire SFWA Forum to my hard drive, and I now have an extensive record of science fiction SJWs who thought they were speaking privately among sympathetic parties saying dreadful things about everyone from the executives at Random House to self-published authors. It wasn't information I could use as a member of the Forum, due to the published Forum rules, but once I was kicked off it—and, as anticipated, I eventually was—I became free to make use of the information as I saw fit.
Remember, no one is going to believe anything you say. If it's not on paper, it doesn't exist. So, if there is even a remote chance it might be useful, document it. There is nothing SJWs fear more than a patient enemy who methodically documents their words and actions, because they know that their lies will inevitably be exposed and used against them.
Don't forget the First Law. SJWs always lie! Don't take anything they say for granted, not even if it appears to be correctly sourced and cited. I cannot tell you how many times I have gone to verify something an SJW has confidently asserted to be true and discovered that they either lied, exaggerated, or completely mischaracterized the evidence upon which they were supposedly relying. Go through everything they have said with a fine-tooth comb, and document all the various “errors” and misrepresentations you will find. They will be there, I guarantee it.
Whatever you do, do not agree to any gag orders or sign any confidentiality agreements that will handicap your ability to use the documentation you have acquired to prevent them from spinning a Narrative about what happened. SJWs rely on secrecy, and once they know you have their actions documented, they will try very hard to tie your hands in a manner that will prevent you from making that information public.
6. Do not resign!
Do not resign! You must always keep in mind that their real goal is not to formally purge you, but to encourage you to quit on your own. That allows them to publicly wash their hands of the affair and claim that your decision to leave was not their fault. They will often enlist more reasonable allies to approach you and tell you that it's not possible for you to continue any more, they will appeal to your desire to avoid conflict as well as to the good of the organization, and they will go on endlessly about the supreme importance of an amicable departure. Don't fall for it. Don't do their dirty work for them. Make them take the full responsibility for throwing you out, thereby ensuring they have to suffer the unpredictable long-term consequences of their actions.