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Assassins: Target

Page 6

by J Chen

  He watched me carefully before speaking, and it was clear that he seemed to know her well.

  “She's one of us, Varga. She's a Dragos Assassin. How do you know her?”

  I was suddenly torn, unsure of how much of Genevieve's personal life I should reveal to her brother, but knowing every detail was now essential as the puzzle grew larger and larger.

  “I didn't know her, but Genevieve did. She was the only reason your sister ever came to the city.”

  This seemed to puzzle Octavian, and he beckoned me closer as we spoke, his arm leaning against my own as we sat side by side on the cold roof.

  “I didn't even know that they were in contact with each other. Zsofia was here to keep an eye on Genevieve, and an eye on you.”

  “On me?”

  Octavian nodded, seemingly confused that I was confused about being followed.

  “Of course. You were soon to be betrothed to the Dragos Heir. Mar Dragos wanted to keep an eye on you both during your courtship. That was Zsofia's assignment.”

  I took a moment to process what he was telling me, uncertain where to start correcting him in his obvious mistaken impression of the situation between Genevieve and myself.

  “Genevieve and I were never going to be betrothed, Octavian. Never.”

  I laughed mirthlessly, realizing that Genevieve's secret life would have to be revealed, and mine along with it.

  “Zsofia, on the other hand? She was likely to become Genevieve's betrothed any day now, if only in secret.”

  Octavian's eyebrows raised in disbelief, as if he was seeing his sister through different eyes. His eyes turned back to me a moment later, and he looked me over with a sigh, though I had no idea what he was thinking.

  “So you weren't going to marry my sister? Why not?”

  I shrugged, embarrassed at having to put it into words for the first time, but feeling safe enough to tell Octavian.

  “I prefer men, Octavian. I thought you knew that.”

  He smiled wistfully, his mind no doubt returning to what had happened between us the day before, as he was on his feet again and moving away from me; his back to me as he looked out over the rooftops and onto the city below.

  “What happened should never have happened, Laszlo. You're very young, not to mention the fact that you are still my Target. If I don't find a way to end your life, I will never be allowed to return home or to be in my mother's presence again. I need your help to find Genevieve, but after that, I'm sword to follow the code.”

  I was the one who couldn't look at him now, the disappointment bitter in my throat as I realized he was still all-duty, and only concerned with himself and the fate of his family. We were both silent in the cold; blood drying on Octavian's skin as I fought to avoid looking at him, though it was much more difficult than I had hoped.

  I wondered why I would even consider following him anywhere, knowing he was going to end my life. A part of me felt that if it could save Genevieve then it may all be worth it, though I knew a large part of me hoped that he would keep the promise he had made moments earlier when I chose to not to end Marius' life.

  Whatever choice you make, I will protect you.

  “We should get moving. We'll get the truth from Zsofia, as long as we can find her. We're going to need to stay off of the surface roads; sticking to the roofs and moving as quickly as we can. If we're shifted, we can make it there unscathed.”


  He noticed the look on my face, coming to stand in front of where I was sitting and beckoning me to my feet.

  “Just like your body temperature, you can control your form. You just have to concentrate hard enough.”

  I crinkled my brow and looked at him briefly, looking back to my hands as I concentrated just like he asked, but nothing was happening.

  “I don't even know what I'm supposed to shift into.”

  Octavian laughed slightly, shaking his head as he placed his hand against my chest.

  “You're hopeless, Laszlo.”

  There was no acid in his tone however, and his gentle smiled warmed me, and I couldn't help but smile back as he looked at me.

  “You're a wolf, just like me. Your body knows what to do, Laszlo. Trust it.”

  My body was in fact doing exactly what I didn't want it to do as he touched me, and I fought hard to keep him from noticing my arousal.

  He laughed suddenly, the sound quiet enough so that only I would hear.

  “I can smell your need, Laszlo, but that's not the call I want your body to answer. Tap into your wild side, Prince. Show me who you are.”

  I was lost in his gaze; his green eyes shifting and swirling with amber as he growled somewhere deep in his chest. I felt my skin prickling at the sound, an answering growl coming from within me and startling me as it did so.

  “Good. Keep it up. Answer the call. Answer my call.”

  My body shivered as he growled again, and I felt a surge of something dangerous within me; flooding my veins as he called to me. I felt my body begin to change; to move towards my animal side as Octavian himself shifted in front of me. He was on all fours then, the black haired wolf leading me across the roof tops as I followed close behind, his scent and form the only thing on my mind as I moved through the city uninhibited.

  The rush of the call, and the feeling of freedom overwhelmed me, though I remained at Octavian's side until he paused on a particular rooftop; miles from the river that ran through the center of the city and completely foreign to everything I had ever known.

  The black-haired wolf turned to me shifting suddenly back into Octavian as his eyes beckoned me to do the same. I concentrated, just as he had taught me, finding myself standing eye to eye with him again, though I was acutely aware of the fact that we were both completely naked.

  “Calm down Laszlo.”

  Octavian smirked as he looked down; my eyes following suit to see that my cock was standing at attention; leaking and twitching as it sought the pleasure of Octavian's body. I was distracted by my desire far too much to be embarrassed until Octavian appeared almost shy under my gaze, turning away from me and clearing his throat as a red flush fell upon his neck and shoulders.

  After a moment, he turned again and regarded me calmly, but a storm of emotion was brewing behind his eyes, and I could feel him fighting against it; against me. Despite this, he leaned in and gently kissed me, his lips ghosting over mine so briefly I wasn't sure it had actually happened until he was already stepping away from me.

  “I will enter alone. Stay here until I call for you, and please, find a way to get your desire under control.”

  I nodded as he looked at me, a strange look falling over his face as he was suddenly flooded with emotion, though I could tell he was trying hard to hide it. I felt anger, determination, and guilt. Before I could ask him anything, he jumped from the roof, landing silently below as he entered through a window. I concentrated on calming my body, embarrassed that I had become so needy in Octavian's presence. I had never been in the presence of anyone as beautiful as the Romanian, however, though fair-haired Luca was a close second to the undeniable need I felt for Octavian.

  Nearly an hour later, and he was handing me a robe of sorts and beckoning me in from the cold, though as we entered I swore I saw a pair of yellow orbs hidden in the foliage, but it disappeared before I could get a good look. I shrugged it off, thinking that it was my nerves causing me to see something that wasn't there.

  “Zsofia, Laszlo Varga. Laszlo, this is Zsofia.”

  I met the gaze of the beautiful woman among those in the crowd, feeling the slight tremor of a threat behind her warm, honey-colored eyes. I greeted her nonetheless, though I was more wary of her than Octavian seemed to be.

  They were of the same pack, after all.

  I looked around the room, realizing that many of the patrons were, in fact Romanian, though they seemed to be focused on me alone, Octavian barely a blip on their radar. Though his own men had been sworn to follow the code to
the death, it appeared these were not, and they allowed Octavian to enter without so much as a threat.

  I took it as signs of a fracturing hierarchy, and perhaps the split in loyalties was a reason behind Genevieve's disappearance. In the back of my mind, however, warning bells were ringing. What had Octavian promised them to gain their loyalty? Why were they so focused on me?

  If I don't find a way to end your life, I will never be allowed to return home...

  It was too late for me to make a retreat, and so I followed as Zsofia led us to a room, the lavish décor and single bed making it clear that it had been a space designed for amorous encounters.

  “Forgive me for not telling you Octavian, for we feared what would happen once your mother discovered our union. It was Genevieve's wish, and I could not deny my love her desire for privacy. I assure you, it was the Mar Dragos alone who wanted for a union between the heirs, and it angered Genevieve that her mother refused to listen to her wishes. Rest now, you are safe here. You both are.”

  With that, Zsofia exited, leaving Octavian and I in the small space to settle in. I wanted to tell him that I didn't trust her, but he seemed at home amongst his own kind, and I didn't want to make him think I didn't trust his instinct. Little did I know, Octavian was as untrusting of Zsofia as I was, and for very good reason:

  He had just sold me to the enemy.


  Chapter 7

  Within moments of the door closing behind Zsofia, Octavian was looking for other exits; cursing quietly as he periodically glanced solemnly over to where I sat. Blocking the door with furniture, he seemed unable to calm himself; his animal instincts taking over as he growled low in his chest.

  “You're in danger, Laszlo. I should not have brought you here. Please forgive me, I thought I could do this; give you to the clan as a gift before your death, but my heart cannot take it.”

  I knew what he had just said, but my heart refused to believe it. Was this why he brought me here? Was I worth nothing to him more than a wet and willing mouth and a sacrifice for safe passage? I felt heartbroken and angry, wishing for the first time that I had listened to reason and remained by Luca's side.

  Octavian grew agitated as he realized there was no other way out of the room, and that the heavy lock and bolt would not hold forever. He was angry, but there was a tremor in his voice as he came to stand near me in the small space. He moved me away from the door as he tried to lock it, pushing the heavy furniture in the room against it to serve as a makeshift wall.

  “Can you smell that, Laszlo? That musky, overpowering odor in the air? That the heat, Laszlo. The soldiers; the men out there, they want to mate with you and will stop at nothing in order to do so. You're in danger because you're untouched. I should never have brought you here.”

  I tried to laugh off Octavian's assessment, trying to convince myself more so than him that my virginity would not be the death of me.

  “I'm not...that...I mean, I've...”

  He rolled his eyes, his shoulders slumping as he focused them back on me.

  “I'm sorry, Laszlo. The things they will do...I cannot let this happen, not to you.”

  His breath was coming in shallow and there was an unmistakable fear in his eyes, and a growing commotion just beyond the doorway. I began to feel the fear creeping up my neck, threatening to choke me as I remembered the way Marius had attacked me; unwilling to experience the terror yet again, but knowing far worse was waiting for me beyond the door.

  “Please. Help me.”

  I felt completely paralyzed by fear, trying to shut out images I would have rather not envisioned as I shook slightly within Octavian's now enveloping arms.

  “Do you trust me, Laszlo?”

  It was a strange question, considering I all but had no choice to in the locked room, though I knew in my heart that I would have followed Octavian anywhere despite the danger than seemed to find me wherever he went.

  “I trust you, but...”

  I didn't have to finish the sentence, I knew he could feel my fear. He sighed heavily, stepping away from me briefly as he removed his clothing, standing naked before me as he instructed me to do the same.

  “Take your clothes off and lie on the bed. We...we don't have a lot of time.”

  I hesitated for a moment, realization dawning on me as I stood between him and the bed, the monsters just beyond the thin wood nearly salivating for my innocence. It was Octavian or the wolves at the door; it shouldn't have been a difficult choice.

  “Oh. Oh, God.”

  I was terrified, trying in my mind to come up with any excuse not to follow his instructions. I wasn't ready for this. Not even close. No matter what desires I held for him, I was still untouched, and I didn't know the first thing about intimacy save for the stolen moments in the back of the tavern with Genevieve's chosen boys.

  “It's me or them, Laszlo. I'm...I'm sorry about this. I didn't intend for it to be this way. I was going to kill you. We don't have a lot of time. The lock and the barrier won't hold forever.”

  Was this still all a part of his plan? Was I being tricked into giving him my innocence? I had no choice but to trust him, though my heart was filled with fear and I did not want to do this. It clearly didn't matter if I was willing or unwilling, the Hammer would follow my mate. Octavian could have already taken what he was asking for had it been his intention to rule them through me.

  It seemed that warped thinking was Marius' idea alone, as Octavian clearly indicated that he would have killed me before they were allowed to enter the room, leaving him free to escape. I shuddered as I wondered how long it would take them to realize I was already dead, or whether it would have even mattered to them.

  I was shaking as I nodded and undressed, my fingers refusing to work as fear took hold of me in ways I had not known were possible. Octavian's hands reached for me, taking over as he slipped the robe from my trembling body and guided me to lie on the bed.

  “On your stomach, just like that.”

  Oh, God.

  The sour taste of panic rose in my throat as I lay on the plush bed, Octavian parting my legs and kneeling behind me as I gripped the sheets in panic. My entire body shook, but as it did so, so did the door, as the wolves were now coming to collect their prize.

  “Octavian. Please. I can't.”

  I felt his hand on my back pushing me back gently onto the bed, though the warmth from his touch did very little to sooth my fears. I wasn't ready for this. Growls sounded outside the door, and the frame shook with a thud as something, or someone, heavy fell upon it.

  “We don't have any more time, Laszlo. Please, trust me. I'll go as slow as I can.”

  I nodded as I buried my face into the pillow; feeling him spread my cheeks and spit saliva onto the tight ring of muscle that lay in between. I felt a finger press against me, sliding inside with little resistance before he added another; stretching me as he moved.

  Oh, My God.

  His drove his fingers deeper inside me, spitting again to help them move easier; my body shaking at the invasion as pleasure and pain coursed throughout my entire body. I moaned without warning, burying my face deeper into the plush fabric as his fingers moved within me. My fear was replaced by instinct as I began to thrust against his hand; whimpering into the bed as he growled into my ear.

  “That's it, Laszlo. Relax. Trust me. I promise I'll make this good for you. Just try not to listen to them.”

  The growls were louder outside as my arousal grew; but I trusted Octavian in this moment, allowing the fear to melt away briefly as I focused only on him. My body called to him; my legs parting and trembling as I practically begged for him to bury himself inside of me. I had never felt such desire before, and as I shook steadily beneath him I could feel that he felt the same; our need pushing us against each other as we fought for more contact.

  “Please, Octavian. Please.”

  He growled low and deep; pulling his fingers from my body gripping my hips tightly as I felt the tip of his coc
k press against me. He pushed inside slowly; my body stretching as he filled me as deeply as he could. I hissed against the bed; a cry leaving my lips as he withdrew; my body burning and aching as he moved, making me sob with the mixture of pleasure and pain that nearly overwhelmed me.

  Octavian was inside of me, fucking me, and all I could do was hold on as tightly as I could. I felt his cock as it moved through my tight passage; the muscles quivering around his length as he drove into me deeply, growling and nipping at my ear and neck as I whimpered beneath him. He kissed me against my neck, sending shivers coursing through my body as he moved.

  Outside the door, the banging grew more insistent, and I could hear the door frame splintering under their assault. Octavian continued to move slowly despite this, making certain that I was in minimal pain as we made love. I was whimpering with every movement, the intense pleasure and deep pain making me want to cry. My heart beat too fast in my chest, making me weak and shaky as I tried to accept what was happening.

  He was gentle with me, tender despite the urgency of the situation, making me feel wanted, needed, loved. His hands moved over my body, cradling me to his chest as he thrust inside of me; and I forgot my fear and allowed the intensity of my desire for him guide my heart and body. I joined him in his movements, making him pause and shudder above me at the unexpected vigor in which I coupled with him.

  “Laszlo. Laszlo.”

  He kept repeating my name, and I marveled at how lovingly it tumbled from his lips. He punctuated every whispered name with a kiss, his thrusts timed with my movements until I could hear him wailing softly in pleasure above me. The bolt on the door splintered away from the wood with a crack, and only then did Octavian pick up the pace, his movements pushing me into the creaking mattress beneath me.

  “So feel so damn good...”

  I felt a sudden burst of pleasure, that grew uncontrollably from my center, overwhelming me until it burst, and I felt the wetness beneath me as the muscles in my body contracted tightly around him and I came. Octavian drove harder and faster, his nails digging into the bed as he thrust deeper inside of me until he stilled suddenly, spilling his essence inside me with a cry; collapsing against my back as the door finally gave way.


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