Book Read Free


Page 12

by Mj Fields

  I look down at my dick, still hard. “Gotta get rid of this.”

  I stumble in the dark to the bathroom as I hear thunder roll outside the house.

  I turn on the light switch and nothing happens.

  I look back at Phoenix. “Do me a favor and try the light next to the bed.”

  Lightning strikes, lighting up the room.

  “Doesn’t work,” she says.

  I sigh. “I’ll start the generator in a couple minutes.”

  I toss my condom in the trash and grab a washcloth, wet it, and run it over my dick that clearly doesn’t know it just fucking came so damn hard I’m pretty fucking sure I blacked out.

  When I walk out, lightning fills the sky again, and I see my pants.

  I walk toward them and...“Fuck!”

  “What is it?” she asks.

  “Stubbed my damn toe.”

  “Come back to bed,” she says, almost too damn soft to hear.

  “Gotta get the electric started up,” I tell her, grabbing my jeans.

  “Okay,” she says, getting up.

  “Stay put. I’m not done with you yet.” I point to the bed.

  Lightning strikes, and I see her get up.

  “Did you hear me?” I ask as I pull my jeans up.

  “Just because we had sex, doesn’t mean you get to boss me around, Gage Falcon.” She grabs her own clothes.

  “You see the lightning? It’s not safe for you to go out there. I got this.”

  “Yeah, sure, send a human lightning rod out in an electrical storm,” she quips, dressing.

  “I’ll put you back in that bed and tie you down, squirt,” I tell her, not joking, as I reach for my shirt and stumble.

  “A drunk lightning rod at that.” She walks past me, throwing on her shirt.

  I grab her by the waist and pull her back toward me.

  “Not too drunk to make you come...several times.”

  She elbows me. “But too drunk to have any sense.”

  “You want lights, don’t you?”

  “I’m fine until the storm passes. If you’re afraid, I can hold your hand all night.” She tries to wiggle out of my grip.

  “Fine, damn.” I give in.

  “The person at Mags, they okay without it?” she asks, looking over her shoulder at me.

  I can tell by the look on her face that she is curious why I left and possibly why I was gone so fucking long. I don’t even want to think about it.

  “My mother was getting some things for Mags,” I tell her only half the story.

  “She staying?” she asks.

  Fuck no, I think, but simply shake my head.

  “Then get back in bed.”

  “Addicted already?” I ask.

  “Hardly.” She rolls those damn dark eyes.

  “You will be.” I pull her shirt up and over her head.

  Her eyes widen when I pick her up and toss her onto the bed.

  I get naked and, this time...

  This time I tear her apart.

  I wake to a hellacious headache, face down on the mattress that’s dipping just a bit.

  I look to my left and see Phoenix’s hot, little ass, her head in the opposite direction of mine.

  I remember why we passed out it this position. Round three, I fucked her doggy style, hard, so fucking hard that we both stayed put after we came.

  I’m fucking hard again.

  I see her start to move toward the end of the bed and grab her ankle, pulling her toward me.

  “Gage,” she sighs.

  “Ride’s open.”

  “Oh, my God, you’re insatiable.”

  I don’t let go of her as I reach over and open the drawer of the nightstand, grab a condom, and rip it open with my teeth.

  “I need to brush my teeth and pee.”

  “Later,” I tell her as I roll the condom down over my dick. “You want me from the back or front?” I ask, sitting up and grabbing the other ankle.

  “I need to pee,” she says as I pull her up my body. “You into that kind of thing, Gage?”

  “No, never wanted to be pissed on.”

  She points over to my drawer, and I look.

  It’s full of condoms.

  “Better safe than sorry.”

  She climbs off me and walks to the bathroom.

  Shit, I think as I sit up.

  “Phoenix!” I yell at her.


  “I haven’t had sex since a fucking major after-divorce binge. You got it?”

  “Gross,” she calls back.

  “Shit happens,” I say as I slide out of bed.

  I hear my phone ringing and know it’s in a pile of clothes on the floor. I get up and paw through hers and mine until I find it.

  “Mags, everything okay?” I ask immediately.

  “How you two holding up out there with the storm, my boy?”

  She sounds like hell, but I needed to hear her voice after last night.

  “It’s good, Mags. How are you?”

  “Trees down all over. Generator here in hell. You got yours going?”

  Shit, I didn’t even realize the storm was that bad.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” I tell her, stepping into my jeans.

  “You damn fool, your road’s flooded and powerlines are down all over.” Her voice is scratchy, but she’s laughing at me. That’s a good damn sign.

  “Well, I think we’ll survive.”

  “Three days? The electric company says that’s how long it will take before they get it sorted out up there in Lake Hopatcong.”

  “No shit,” I grumble.

  “That bar that Phoenix works at, tree went down on it. Everyone’s okay, place was closed, but she’s gonna be out of work for a while.”

  I see Phoenix coming out of the bathroom in one of my tee-shirts. Damn, she looks good.

  “I’ll let her know when I see her, Mags.”

  “You haven’t seen her?” Now she’s pissed. “That big old storm, and she was all alone?”

  “She’s fine, Mags,” I assure.

  “I bet she is, my boy, I bet she is.”

  “Mags,” I warn.

  “You two find a way to keep busy for the next couple days.” She chuckles. “Moonshine in the cabin if you need it.”

  “I think I’ll be fine,” I tell her.

  “Well then, take it easy on her. She’s a little thing.”

  “Noted,” I say, looking Phoenix up and down as she walks toward me.

  “I had company yesterday,” she tells me.

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  “What are you gonna do about it?” she asks in a much softer tone.

  “Whatever I have to.”

  “That’s my boy. You’re a better man, Gage.”

  “So you tell me, Mags.”

  “So it’s true.”

  I don’t say anything.

  “Bad time to talk, my boy?”


  She chuckles softly. “I knew she was with you.”

  “Don’t you have a nurse to torment?” I ask, and we both laugh.

  “Love you, my boy,” she says.

  “You know I feel the same, Mags.”

  “Talk soon.”

  “Be there to see you as soon as I can.”

  “Wrong direction to take. You know what you need to do.”

  “You mean, I know what’s expected of me,” I say, trying to bite back the resentment in my voice.

  “Come see me when you have it straightened out.” She hangs up.

  I pull the phone away from my ear and look at Phoenix. “Could be three days that we’re stuck here.”

  She gasps. “It was that bad?”

  “Town’s flooded, lines are down, and your Jeep and the bar have something in common.”

  “What?” she asks, walking quickly to her shorts and grabbing her phone.

  “No one was there, everyone’s okay, but trees seem to be falling all around you, squirt.”

  She looks at me
out of the corner of her eye, and then back to her phone. “It’s dead.”

  “I’ll go get the generator started, so you can charge it. Until then, use this.” I hand her my phone and start to walk away. Then I stop and turn around. “You good?”

  She nods. “Yeah.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Wreaking Ball


  Two Days Later

  I wake up feeling completely and totally exhausted, but I don’t dare move. Otherwise, he will feel me move and wake up, and then he will fuck me again. Not that it isn’t the best feeling in the world—him fucking me—but that’s all we have done—drink, eat, and fuck—for two straight days. I don’t know where he gets all his energy, but by the end of the night, he just says hold on, and I do.

  I never knew someone could come so many times, and do it so hard. I swear, I have been drinking so much more water than usual because I fear dehydration.

  When I suggested a movie, he suggested we make our own. When I suggested a walk to see what damage has been caused by the storm, he suggested we stay in bed and wait for a call. When I told him I needed to take a bath, he took one with me. I couldn’t say no to him, and I didn’t want to. However, my body was a mess of ache and exhaustion.

  I feel a smile creep up and quickly stop it. Again, if he feels me move, he will just drag me over and fuck me again. And as much as I want that, and oh God how I want it, I’m tired as hell.

  Lying here, trying not to move because I’m afraid to wake him causes an ache between my legs, and I can’t help smiling again. Now I don’t care if he wakes up, because I want him to.

  I move my head slowly to see if he’s asleep and find he’s not in bed.

  I roll over and sit up. I look at the chest of drawers to see what time it is. It’s only six thirty in the morning.

  I start to get up and see a note next to a bottle of water.

  I grab it and read, Call me.

  I grab my phone off the charger next to the bottle of water and look for the last text he sent when we were visiting Mags and hit the phone icon.

  He answers immediately, “Hey.”

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  I hear him chuckle. “No, but it’ll all be good.”

  “Is Mags okay?”

  “Still in rehab.”

  I don’t say anything because, where the hell are you? would sound pretty needy.

  “Look, I’m on my way back to the city for a while. Got some business to look after.”

  “Oh,” I say.

  “Yeah, didn’t wanna wake you up. You looked totally fucking exhausted.”

  “I wonder why,” I whisper.

  “You good?”

  When I don’t answer because I’m considering what to say and how not to come off as an angry bitch, he sighs.

  “Lots of shit going on. Needed to leave. Would have been awkward to wake you.”

  “You’ve woken me plenty the past two days.”

  “You pissed?”

  Again, I don’t answer.

  “Phoenix, answer the question.”

  “Why should I be, right?”

  “No reason at all,” he says.

  “Right. I’m good. Great. I’ll be out of your house—”

  “Nah, don’t do that. The big house has a security system. You stay put,” he insists, which pisses me off.

  “Nah,” I mock. “I rent a cabin, not the house. I was fine without security—”

  “I’m not fucking asking. I’m telling. Mags isn’t there, I’m not there, so keep your ass in place.”

  “I’m not into some random fuck giving me orders,” I say as I stand off the bed.

  He groans. “Jesus Christ, Phoenix, can you just fucking do what I ask?”

  “Would it have killed you to say goodbye?” I don’t wait for an answer. I hang up.

  Shit, shit, shit. What the hell am I, seventeen? I scold myself.

  My phone rings, and I push accept. “Look, I’m tired and—”

  “I’m fucking exhausted, and I’m not being a dick.”

  “Whatever,” I sigh and flop back on his big, old bed.

  “You’re there till September. I’m fucking you till September.”

  “How are you gonna fuck me from the city?” I ask, immediately regretting it.

  “I see. It wasn’t the goodbye; it’s my cock you’re actually missing.”

  “I didn’t say—”

  “Wanted to fuck you this morning. I was being a gentleman, so I left you alone.”

  “A gentleman?” I huff as I sit up and look at that drawer of condoms that’s still opened slightly. “The most gentleman-like thing you’ve done is put on condoms without a fight. And you probably should have taken some for your city piece of ass.”

  He laughs, which annoys me.


  “I’m not a dick. Told you I’m fucking you. No one else is. That means I’m not fucking anyone but you. You good?”

  It actually does make me feel better. Again, that’s needy, and I don’t want to be that girl. But I will take it.


  “Perfect.” He sighs.

  Then silence.

  After a few moments, he says, “You’re gonna be out of work for at least a couple weeks. Think you could go check on Mags and sign for the packages I have coming in?”

  “I’ll go see Mags without you asking me to, Gage. I love that woman.”

  I think I hear him suck in a breath, but I’m unsure.

  “Good. Glad to hear it.”

  There is an awkward silence, and I decided to be the one to ask, “You good?”

  “You staying in the big house?”

  “I guess,” I whisper while looking around.

  “Then yeah, I’m good.”

  “Anything else you need me to do?” I ask, knowing the conversation is going to end and not wanting it to.

  “Two things.” His voice is gruffer now, more demanding, like it has been for two days straight. “When you lie down in that bed at night and you get that fucking look in your eyes, the one that makes your pretty brown eyes become liquid heat, and you want my cock, but can’t have it; same look you gave me the first fucking time you saw me, take it. Rub goddamn circles around your clit until you want to crawl out of your fucking skin, and then press down on it and come hard, Phoenix.”

  “Jesus, Gage,” I whisper.

  “And I want a fucking picture of you wearing not one fucking thing so when I need to come, I’m looking at more than the back of you.”

  “What?” I ask, not understanding.

  “Took a great picture this morning while fighting taking you from behind. Your bare back, the top of that sexy as hell ass of yours, but I want another fucking picture.”

  “You took a picture of—”

  “Fuck yes, I did.”

  “Gage, that’s—”

  “I get it ain’t right. Don’t fucking care. You gonna do that for me or no?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper.


  “Wait. I want one of you, too.”

  “Look at your phone. And I swear that shit gets deleted and never shared.”

  I open up my picture app and gasp.

  “Yeah, fucked up, but there it is. I don’t want you thinking of anyone but me when you get yourself off.”

  “I’m not that freaking needy,” I whisper as I look at the picture of him.

  “You’ve never been fucked good. You’ll need it.”

  I don’t say a word. Compared to what he’s done to me, I am sure I have never been fucked before in my life.

  After a few more silent moments, he asks, “You good?”

  “Uh-huh,” I say, still looking at the picture of him.



  Water’s Edge Rehabilitation Center is located an hour away from Falcon’s Landing. It doesn’t look like a hospital at all. In fact, it looks more like a resort.

  I pull the ol
d truck into an empty spot, put it in gear, and turn it off. Then I sit back and sigh, stretching my neck and clenching and unclenching my fists to relieve the tension from driving the damn thing alone.

  You did it, I whisper to myself as I grab my purse, open the door, and get out.

  I look around the expansive grounds where several work crews are cleaning up from the storm. The debris is everywhere, just as it was the entire trip here.

  It would be unbelievable that I didn’t know how bad of a storm it was if not for the way my body reminded me of how I went through it.

  I walk in and to what looks like the front desk of a hotel and ask for Mags’ room.

  When the woman looks at me oddly, I am reminded I don’t know her last name.

  “She’s a friend. Came here with—”

  “Oh, I know who Mags is. Are you sure she wants visitors?”

  “I’m sure she’ll see me.”

  “That’s what the last women who came said and she...Well, she wasn’t received well.”

  I smile. “I’ll take my chances.”

  “Okay,” she says, caution in her voice. “Room 192.”

  I follow the way her finger points down the hall, and then follow the signs to the very end of said hall.

  I knock on the door, and then open it. “Mags?”

  “Get in here and shut that door, honey pie. I don’t want those fools to think I’m nothing but venom.”

  I walk through the door and close it behind me, walking over toward the chair beside Mags’ hospital bed.

  “Stop right there and let me look at you,” she says.

  I stop.

  “Now turn around slowly in a circle.” She twirls her finger.

  Again, I do as she asks.

  “Exactly what I suspected. You’re a changed woman.”

  I gasp. “No, I’m not.”

  “Sure are.” She points to the chair beside her. “So is my boy. Stopped to see me hours ago, before heading into the city. Looks to have a load off his shoulders. Suppose I have you to thank for that.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say, opening my purse and pulling out a blueberry muffin I grabbed at the bakery in town Mags has me stop at on our shopping day. “I brought you a muffin.”

  She starts laughing.

  I shake my head and look down. “Mags, it’s not funny.”

  “No, honey pie, it’s not. It’s absolutely perfect and tickles me pink.”


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