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Ized- the Ancestors

Page 6

by Esther Barvar

  Unbelieving Mehit stared at him. She was confused about the lust he kept arousing in her. »Tonight?« she pushed out questioningly. Had she heard right, he wanted to spend another night with her?

  »Yeah, exactly, what are you telling them about the night ahead?« he repeated his question. He nibbled on her while his hand found its way between her thighs. Mehit opened them broadly and moaned excitedly the next moment. But she could excite him as well. Her hands glided over the firm muscles of his upper body, slipped deeper and opened his trousers.

  His warm breath on her neck, let a shiver of excitement run through her body. She had not dared to hope that Adar would spend another night with her. Many of her friends raved about the young warrior. He was currently the most sought-after single in the neighborhood, and now he wanted her. He wanted her for another night. Triumph shone in her eyes. None of her friends could boast that he had warmed their bed.

  »Tonight, I still have time for you. It would be a pleasure for me to spend it with you. Tomorrow I will be gone for a few days. All magicians were invited to the King’s hunting lodge. It is almost a day’s journey away, and we will leave early in the morning. But until then … Or have you already enough of me and something else to do?« he asked her.

  The next moment he moaned lustfully under the touch of her hand.

  Mehit could hardly believe her luck. As if anyone could get enough of him, as gentle as he was. Skilfully she freed him from his trousers. »I had told them that I was up to something with a friend and would stay away longer. Maybe even longer than one or two nights.«

  He grinned more and more. So her parents didn’t know about their time together. »What would have happened if I hadn’t warmed the bed for you?«

  She shrugged her shoulders. »Then I would be with one of my friends. We frequently meet, stroll through the city, visit various taverns, and spend the night together afterward. This time the overnight stay would not be with me.«

  Adar laughed and whirled her through the bed. She screamed in surprise. The next moment she sat on him, felt him penetrate deep into her from below.

  While he gently squeezed her breasts, she rode him hesitantly at first, but then more and more wildly.

  Again and again, she trembled under his hands throughout the morning, and he enjoyed it as she gave herself entirely to him. Adar was in an emotional frenzy never experienced before. Yet, he did not forget to prevent pregnancy carefully.

  Around noon it knocked at the door. Mehit had fallen asleep a few moments ago. Carefully he pulled his arm away from under her. She didn’t wake up.

  Relaxed, smiling, and satisfied, he pulled on his trousers. With his upper body naked, he entered the living room and quietly closed the bedroom behind him. Then he opened the door with an impulse.

  Befen entered. Obvious concern stood in the face of the older friend. »Adar, what about you? Are you ill that you can still be found in your rooms at this time?« Now the Administrator stopped, noticed that Adar was not dressed at all. That estranged him a lot. »And then only so lightly dressed! I even asked in the stable if you had ridden out. But nobody in the neighbourhood has seen you today. Are you well? You won’t get sick when we leave for the hunting lodge tomorrow? Shall I send you a healer?« Befen’s voice sounded worried.

  »According to your roster, which is still valid for the next days, today is my day off, Administrator Befen. The new High Lord of Warriors hasn’t set up another roster yet.« Adar smiled relaxed, but gave no further explanation. He courteously asked the friend to sit. He accepted in amazement and sat down in the next chair.

  »Would you drink a cup of wine with me?« Adar wanted to know without answering the questions.

  Befen stared at him, nodded speechlessly. Then he closed his eyes, observed, researched what he found here. Adar seemed so relaxed and happy, almost exhilarated. What about him? A critical look went over to the bottles from which Adar was pouring wine. Had he already drank alcohol before? That wouldn’t be him at all. Also the invitation to a wine … that all was quite unusual.

  Meanwhile, Adar filled a second tin cup, checked both for poison, and handed one of them to Befen. He accepted the cup, did not drink, but continued to watch the young lord suspiciously. »No, my friend, I don’t need a healer. I just finally listened to what you’ve been preaching me for years.« A mocking smile was still playing around his mouth. The dark eyes shone like in fever. Befen now pulled his eyebrows together and thought with a slanted head. Preaching for years? Adar seemed to be in a state of intoxication. He was barely dressed and kept casting a glimpse towards the bedroom. Then Befen understood. A smile scurried over his face. It was a smile of relief. With a discreet movement of his head, he pointed to the bedroom door. »Is she still there?« he asked.

  He noticed Adar’s nostrils trembling and the young man growling subliminally. That was all Befen needed. »Well, finally,« he slipped out relieved. »I almost believed that you wanted to live chastely until the right one crossed your path at some point. Is it the little one, Mehit, who was so pushy in the Longest Night of the Year?« Befen’s eyes also began to glow when he spoke of the young woman.

  Adar laughed, and the urge to conquer sparkled in his eyes. »I was never chaste. There are enough whores you can pay. But this is different. You were so right. By the Waves of the Wide Stream, it was exciting to lead this young woman through her virgin night. I am indebted to you for pushing me that hard.«

  Again he growled quietly, and his nostrils trembled. His eyes shone in a bright brown. That was always a sign of happiness for his young friend. His eyes were much too rarely bright. Befen was able to recognize the state of his friend very well by the color of his eyes.

  »I envy you a little for your youth, Adar. Enjoy the hours with her, and tomorrow we ride to the hunting lodge together. For the ninth hour, the magicians meet in the courtyard. I have reserved two horses for us. I want to know you by my side and go hunting with you.«

  »Tomorrow at the ninth hour. I’ll be there, Administrator.«

  Befen noticed Adar slowly getting impatient. Again and again, he took a look at the bedroom. Befen understood the feelings he experienced. In the room there, his prey waited for him. The Administrator rose and stretched out. Adar also stood up. Befen stepped up to him, handed him his arm. He looked into his eyes for a long time. A knowing smile on his face. »It is suitable for you. Don’t forget, contraception, my friend. Besides, you should have something to eat,« he warned him.

  Befen was aware that Adar was in a state of intoxication. In the emotional state, someone could easily forget that the body also needed food. Then he disappeared. Adar looked at him for a few moments, and the closed door. Still, he only felt a kind of hunger, and now he would breastfeed it extensively. Besides, breakfast had been plentiful. Then he glided quietly through the room towards the bedroom, growling like a predator. Quietly he opened the door. His prey was limping, just waking up.

  He was also in the bathroom with Mehit the next morning before sunrise and had breakfast with her.

  When it was time to go, they both dressed. He embraced the beautiful creature once more as he said goodbye. Passionately he sank into the kiss as he pressed her body close to him. Then he sighed deeply and pushed her away from himself. »Go, Mehit, otherwise I’ll forget I have to go to the hunting lodge with Befen today.«

  Mehit smiled silently and walked over to the door with provocatively swaying hips. She felt his gaze on her back. She was sure he would burn with desire when he returned. Adar now belonged to her! He desired her as she wanted him.

  When she opened the door, he suddenly stood behind her and slammed the door growling and hissing. Dragging her to himself, he pushed her against the wall, and kissed her once more. When he finished the kiss, he opened the door and gently pushed Mehit out. Adar closed the door behind her and leaned his back against the wood, also pressing his head firmly against it. So he stood, breathing in and out violently. Everything in him cried out to bring her back in, but he h
ad to leave. Lord Befen waited for him. With a deep sigh he repelled himself to quickly pack a few things.

  There was already a lot going on in the yard when Adar appeared. In a bag, he wore some change of underwear and the gun bag over his shoulder. He attached it to the saddle. He hung a smaller bag with food for the day and a water hose on the saddle knob. He routinely checked the animal’s girth and sat up like everyone else.

  Befen watched him all the time. Adar seemed absent, not at all on the matter. The Administrator smiled. He steered the horse to his side. Disinterested, he looked past him into the distance. A knowing smile surrounded his lips. »Well, my friend, where are your thoughts?«

  Adar blushingly lowered his gaze, sighing in the process. »Oh, do not ask, Befen. You know that very well, don’t you?« Shyly he gave his friend a look.

  Now he looked at him seriously and inquiringly. Then he nodded. Fortunately, there was progress here. Adar seemed to have learned a lot. »Finally, I have a young and impetuous warrior in front of me, just as it should be at your age. You are far too severe and controlled for your age. Always that cursed self-discipline that is yours. That’s already uncanny. Today you are like a young warrior. I tell you. You are way too serious for your age. The older warriors should bear responsibility. You are still young and have the right to act recklessly «. Befen was very pleased with the emotional state Adar was in. Finally, this warrior also matured, gave his nature the reason that was his, and that would shape him.

  The king and his son Belenus led the wizards‘ procession with the human entourage. Many servants had already traveled to the castle on the day of the farewell. They had removed the protective cloths from the covered furniture in all rooms and the dust from the other inventory. In all rooms, the fireplaces were equipped and heated. A feast was prepared for the first evening.

  Most of the time, Adar and Befen talked about different things. Befen noticed with satisfaction how relaxed Adar was. He realized again that he was otherwise always too serious and concentrated.

  When Lord Abarta wanted to exchange a few words with Befen, Adar withdrew and rode along the edge of the forest away from everyone else. Here he felt nature stronger, felt good. Quickly he sank deep into his thoughts. He enjoyed sitting on horseback. The wind on his skin, the sun on his face, the sounds of the forest, all this calmed his wild side.

  The Administrator discussed with the Supreme Lord as he watched Adar ride alone. Again Befen noticed how unique the youth was. Even when he finally appeared to be resolved, as he is today, he behaved differently from the other warriors of his age. While the others went in groups, were loud, and joked roughly with each other, Adar refrained from such behavior. Even now, he stayed away from the groups. He was years ahead from them.

  Befen had noticed this behavior early on at the university when he saw him in class the first day. Shortly after Adar had been appointed lord, he had sought the first private Contact with the young man. A close friendship quickly developed between them. Befen knew that he was an extraordinary warrior. He could accomplish great things. Therefore he would observe him further, accompany him and guide him on his way.

  In the early evening, they reached the castle. The magicians first cared for the animals, then went into their rooms to refresh themselves. Later in the evening, they all met in the large ballroom. The meal was delicious. Wine and beer were flowing in streams. Anecdotes about Lord Sangen were told and joked and laughed. Late at night, everyone went to rest.

  Befen, however, could not find peace. He sat in the ballroom in silence for a long time. All the lights had been extinguished and only in the fireplace a fire was still burning. He was simply not sure whether he was up to the new task. Since he had been appointed Administrator, he felt strange loneliness and a high burden.

  »What are you thinking, Befen?« Adar, following an inner impulse, had returned to the ballroom. He had been standing in the open door leaning against the frame for some time. From there he watched his old friend with some concern.

  »It is a great responsibility that now rests on my shoulders,« he finally replied and sighed, »I keep wondering why Lord Sangen called me. There are warriors who would be better suited for the post.« Meanwhile he rose, walked over to Adar and laid a hand on his shoulder.

  Adar shook his head. »You don’t really believe that,« he outraged himself. »You have already borne responsibility as a High Lord of Warriors. Responsibility for all warriors in Farsie. Oh, what do I say … in Ized! Now you will support the Supreme Lord with all your strength. Administrator, you are exactly the right person for this task and Lord Sangen knew that.«

  Befen doubted the young friend. »I will do my best, my friend.«

  Adar smiled knowingly. »You have always done that. But now let’s finally go to sleep so that tomorrow’s hunt will be successful. A warrior who is not rested does not make a good hunter,« he admonished him friendly.

  Befen’s eyes lit up with anticipation. The men withdrew into their rooms, which were right next to each other. They would saddle the horses even before sunrise. And as soon as the king had opened the hunt, none of the warriors could be held.

  A warrior needed the fight or the hunt. It was difficult enough for most of them to live in a city. Again and again, they broke out to roam the country, to survive in the great outdoors, to seek challenges. All magicians were driven by an inner restlessness. Much stronger than the other magicians, the warriors felt this urge to travel far away. No one knew why. Even at an advanced age, they were still drawn into the distance.

  The service in the garrisons was very much in demand, since patrols were often ridden here, with which the warriors were days and weeks on the way. There were long waiting lists until one could enjoy and get a place there.

  Two - Beautiful stranger

  Even before sunrise, all the warriors were in the yard. Most of them were already sitting on the horses.

  The bows were ready, and the quivers were filled with arrows. So they waited for the king’s signal.

  As Carbacan stepped into the courtyard, all conversations stopped. The excitement of the forthcoming hunt grew. »It is a good morning for a hunt,« the king began. »I wish all of us a victorious day.«

  The warriors rode in small groups of two or three into the forest. Adar rode at Befen’s side. The hunting fever had caught both of them. For hours they would give in to their instinct and return with plenty of prey.

  In Emeishan, the Red and the Brown fought against each other at the same time. The Red had attacked a settlement with his Nagas. The village was doomed, would become desolate, like so many others before. But the Brown made sure that the survivors could flee.

  Meanwhile, the Brown had destroyed the Red’s Nagas. But for what price? He had hardly any strength left, was getting weaker because of some wounds.

  »Today you too will die, Brown. And with you, the priestess. Then I reached my goal. If you are dead, nobody protects the remaining magicians anymore, and none of them will be able to follow the path of the priest in the future. With your death, the age of the priests will come to an end.«

  The Red laughed confidently and attacked the Brown mercilessly. Although he was emaciated, he managed to inflict some deep wounds on the Red. Both were getting weaker, and even the Red was tired. Finally, he lay on the rock and didn’t move anymore. Angry and unrestrained, the Brown struck the Red. Again and again, he shredded the body with his claws. But he knew it was in vain. The Red couldn’t die, would never die!

  He was not dead!

  He was never dead!

  He could not even be burned with fire, so the Brown spared the last reserves of strength to inflict even deeper wounds on him. But no matter how often he bit and tore his body apart, there was still life in him. But every bite and every injury would give the Brown valuable time to heal himself. The more he tore the Red apart, the more time of rest and peace he could provide to the people of Emeishan. Perhaps even for many years.

  The body of the Red seemed to
consist only of shreds.

  And yet … It was hopeless.

  At some point, the Red would be successful with his Nagas, and the Brown died and with him the priestess. Just like all the others before him. Then the time of magic was over because the Red would track down and destroy the last living magicians of the land. That was his goal since he had begun the destruction of the population.

  Now some Nagas created out of nothing, stormed in again. The Brown had no choice but to flee to save his own life. The Brown, unlike the Red, was mortal. He couldn’t stand another fight with the Naga. His injuries were way too severe.

  Blind from pain, the Brown fled. Despite the terrible wounds, he was faster than the Nagas, who persecuted him, and escaped across the country’s border. The Nagas could no longer follow him there. The magic of the Red only kept the creatures alive until then. Every Naga that left the land was deflagrated and vanished into thin air. Here the Brown was safe. Here he could perhaps heal and gain strength. At least he was now protected as long as the Red had to recover too. This time he would need a long time to improve. It would take him years to overcome the injuries. Directly behind the border, the Brown landed weakened from his bleeding wounds.

  »Befen, the horses need water.«

  He turned to Adar, nodded in confirmation. His eyes were still sparkling with excitement and joy. The hunting gods had been kind to them. They had killed several birds, two rabbits, and even a deer.

  »Not only the horses, my friend,« he said. »I wouldn’t have anything against a sip of refreshing spring water either. There in front, not far from the steep face, must be a small spring, if my memory does not deceive me. After that, we should go back to the castle. The day is slowly coming to an end.«


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