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Ized- the Ancestors

Page 9

by Esther Barvar

  Adar quickly picked out fresh clothes from the dresser and went to the bathroom. The long ride with the stranger in his arms took its toll on him. His muscles feel sour, and he felt exhausted.

  The warm water worked well for him. But he couldn’t stand there for long. He cleaned himself and went into one of the basins, but inside he was much too restless to relax. Then a cheerful woman’s voice ripped him from his dark thoughts.

  »Hello, Adar, how was the hunt?« Mehit was there too and came over.

  He looked up, distraught, seemed absent. »The hunt? I don’t know. I think it was probably quite good.«

  Mehit frowned. A warrior like Adar didn’t know what the hunt had been? She stood in front of him, and put her arms around his neck, wanted to kiss him. Adar turned his head away, grabbed her arms, and released them. »No, stop it, I don’t want that. Please, leave me alone, Mehit. I am still confused by my visit to the castle.«

  She let him push her away in amazement. »What happened, Lord Adar?« she went after anyway.

  Adar looked at her and frowned. Something inside him warned him, and he bared his teeth. But then he remembered. He needed his strength for the care and hoped for the understanding of the young woman. Adar told her how they had found the woman and that he had taken over the duty of hospitality. In the end, he shook his head in bewilderment. »There were no signs of struggle in the place, nor any traces of how she got there. It was as if she had fallen from the sky. I have to go now and take care of her. See you in a few days,« he promised. Adar rose quickly out of the water and disappeared.

  Mehit looked after him longingly. She had a thousand questions but held back because she felt his restlessness and didn’t want to irritate the warrior, as in the Longest Night of the Year. But she would still learn what that meant and why he was suddenly so dismissive of her. She had imagined his return differently. She had told her friends how tender and possessive he was. She had also indicated that after his arrival, she would certainly soon move in with him to become his mate. Her friends had first stared at her in disbelief and then laughed at her. None believed that Adar had led her through her maiden night. Lord Adar of all people! Not this warrior who hadn’t been seduced by a woman yet. Her best friends had laughed at her mockingly!

  Befen sat next to the stranger and instilled the painkiller into her when Adar appeared. The Administrator looked up and nodded to him. »There is a meal for you in the living room. Take your time and regain your strength,« he instructed him.

  Adar hesitated for a moment, remembered Befen’s subliminal threat, and agreed. The Administrator had been a great help to him in the last days. Nevertheless, he also set limits to which he would adhere. So Adar went back to the living room, sat down, and fortified himself with the food his friend had ordered for him. After he had had enough, he entered the bedroom again.

  »Thank you for your help, Befen. But now you also have to freshen up in the bathroom. You were on horseback all day, too.«

  He nodded in agreement, rose, and stretched his body. He, too, was tired from the ride. »That’s right. Can you manage it by yourself? I sent Sors away. He desperately needed sleep. By the way, you need him too, my friend. She now has all the medicine she was supposed to get today. The rest of the antipyretic is still over there. Later you might be able to instill a pipette with it,« Befen pointed to the chest of drawers. »Tomorrow morning Sors comes by and will treat the wounds again and also bring new medicine. Today she doesn’t even need water anymore. Therefore I advise you to take the opportunity. Sleep so that you can be there for her tomorrow.«

  Adar nodded tiredly. He noticed how much the ride had put him through. Befen handed him his arm, pressed it, patted him on the shoulder, and left. As a precaution, Adar renewed the calf compress, as he had observed with Lord Sors. Then he dripped some water into her mouth. Finally, he pushed an armchair close to the bed, took a blanket, and in a few seconds, sitting in the armchair, fell asleep firmly.

  In the middle of the night, he startled up. A noise had awakened him. The unknown spoke again. Hastily the strange words gushed out of her mouth. Her body twitched, and tears ran down her face. It had to be bad dreams that tormented her. Adar rose, laid his hand on her cheek. She was still hot. So he renewed the compress. As she continued to move restlessly, he lay down with her, gently embracing her.

  »Shush, I am with you. Don’t be afraid. I’ll stay close to you and protect you,« he said, while his arm and body offered her security.

  She slowly calmed down, slept deeper again. Adar didn’t dare to move, fearing to wake her up. So he lay next to her, his arm around her. Her scent exerted this calming effect on him, and he fell asleep.

  When he woke up, she was asleep. The fever had dropped a little. Nevertheless, Adar renewed the calf compress once more. When Lord Sors came shortly after and brought new medicine, he commented with a pleased smile.

  Most of the wounds were still deep and didn’t want to heal properly. Again the two men carefully treated the injuries. Then the lord said goodbye. Adar instilled her with the freshly prepared tonic. He was not finished with it yet, as it knocked on his door. So he got up and went into the living room to open with a small gesture of his hand. Mehit entered.

  »Hello Adar, how are you?« she asked friendly.

  »What are you doing here? I asked you to wait for a few days. I have work to do, and at the moment, there is no time for you,« Adar said to the young woman. Mehit took a look through the open bedroom door and discovered the woman in his bed. At first, she turned pale, then she strolled and lurking towards the bedroom.

  »Is that her? The woman you found? And she’s lying in your bedchamber, Adar,« she asked bitterly.

  »Of course, she lies there! What is this, Mehit? She is severely wounded and unconscious. Where else would she be lying?«

  »Maybe in the hospital, only a few minutes away from here,« she hissed at him. Her voice had become cutting.

  Adar stared at the young woman. »No, that’s not possible. I am the one who found her, who was there first. Therefore I am responsible for her recovery. It is the law of hospitality. Moreover, King Carbacan himself entrusted me with the task, and I will follow it.« Then he joined her, and his voice became friendlier. »Please, Mehit, go home now. Let’s talk to each other in a few days. When she’s got over the worst, I’ll have time for you again.« At his words, he caressed her cheek tenderly and breathed a friendly kiss on her lips.

  »No, I want to stay with you now. She is a stranger. She has no business in Farsie.« She pressed herself against him, wanted to open his shirt.

  But Adar released herself, withdrew tense and irritated in front of her. He didn’t want to be rude, but slowly he became impatient. »Leave me alone. I can’t now. I have work to do. She is my guest as long as she needs help and accepts it. That is my will. Besides, I haven’t promised you anything, Mehit. You agreed, remember?« he warned her.

  Mehit turned snippily away from him and entered his bedroom. She walked purposefully towards the bed. He followed her briskly. Somehow her whole posture expressed danger. When she suddenly pulled a dagger out of her belt and threw herself at the stranger, he mercilessly intervened. With a hard grip, he held out the hand with the knife. He hissed wildly and furiously. With one forceful movement, he hurled Mehit through the room and stood in front of the bed, protecting the woman in it. Mehit hit the floor and slipped until the wall stopped her.

  »By the Waves, out! She’s completely helpless and can’t defend herself, so it’s my job to protect her. How dare you compromise me like that? I don’t want to see you anymore, Mehit. I will not let you crush my honor. Go away,« he hissed at her angrily, barking his teeth. An aggressive, wild growl went off his throat and ran through the room.

  Mehit retreated in horror. Tears shot into her eyes, ran over her face. A few days ago, he had warmed her bed right here, and now it should all be over? It shouldn’t end like that. »Adar, please, I love you.«

  »But I don’t love y
ou! I explained that to you! I do not feel such feelings for you! I desired you and your body, but I do not love you and will never do so. For our kind is desire and love, not the same. Warriors of my age are not suitable for loyalty. You agreed, so go now. Go before I forget myself!« His voice was hoarse with rage.

  Mehit noticed how close he was to hurt her. But then it wouldn’t just be a few bruises on her body, like those she would get from the fall. She picked herself up and limped out the door. Hot anger rose up in her, and the hatred for this woman was almost tangible. She would not let this stranger take the man away from her.

  Adar belonged to her!

  She already knew exactly how to reach her goal. In the door, she turned around once more. »That was a mistake, Adar. People don’t treat me like that,« she pushed out furiously and slammed the door behind her.

  Adar breathed violently with clenched fists. His nostrils trembled in rage, and he still bared his teeth. Only slowly, he calmed down.

  After some time, he turned with still clenched fists to the unknown and looked into two golden eyes. The gaze rested gently and full of warmth on him. The terrible rage that had just dominated him, and his willingness to use violence were instantly gone. He quickly got to the bed and knelt in front of it to be close to her. Carefully he grabbed one of her hands. His nostrils trembled again, but this time with joy.

  »You are finally awake! How are you? Do you want anything to eat or drink? Can I do something for you? Do you even understand what I am saying?« It gushed out of him with excitement, and his eyes shone in a bright brown. She nodded barely noticeably and immediately closed her eyes exhausted.

  »Yes, I … understand you,« she whispered weakly.

  At the same moment, a warm wave flooded him. She understood him, spoke his language.

  As she tried to stand up, she painfully distorted her face and sank back into the pillows.

  »Wait,« he begged her. He rose, took some pillows from a chest, and came back to her. Now he pushed his arm under her upper body and lifted it carefully. Nevertheless, she moaned again. After he had stacked the pillows behind her in bed, he gently laid her against it.

  »Are you hungry or thirsty?« he wanted to know.

  When she nodded, he went into the living room and rang for a servant. »Please bring ample breakfast for two.« Then he returned to the bedroom. Here he took the ointment. »Something to eat is delivered right away. Lord Sors has prepared new medicine for you. We have already treated your wounds this morning. Here please drink this. It’s against the pain.« He handed her the opened little bottle, but she didn’t have the strength to accept it from him. »I’ll help you.« He sat next to her, supported her body, and held the bottle to her mouth. He gave her the medicine sip by sip. Then he put the exhausted woman back into the pillows.

  »Do you have a … possibility to relieve yourself?« she asked weakly.

  »Of course, there is a small bath.« He pointed his hand to a door. She tried to move, but the pain was too severe, and she sank back into the pillows again, powerless and with another moan.

  »Please let me help you.« He pushed the blanket off her body, reached under her, and lifted her. Then he carried her into the small bathroom. There he carefully put her on her feet. He supported her body with one arm, opened her trousers, and pushed it down her legs. A slight blush covered her face. Slowly he put her down and left her alone.

  Adar trembled with joyful excitement. She was finally awake, even understanding his language. Now she must have had the worst behind her. At that moment, there was a knock. Adar opened the door, and the servant brought in the breakfast.

  »Thank you.« Adar took the tray and put it in the bedroom on the chest of drawers.

  He waited in front of the door of the small bathroom. »Are you ready, lady? Can I help you back to the bed?« he asked after a while.

  »Yes, please,« he heard her quietly.

  He entered and had to grin. Somehow this woman had managed to put on her pants. He lifted her and carried her back to the bed. As she was now sweating, he brought a bowl of water and helped her refresh her hands, neck, and face. He then fetched breakfast by the bed.

  »Is a herbal tea all right with you? What may I spread on your bread?«

  She smiled exhausted. »Tea would be excellent. Jam, please,« she said with a look at the tray and the rich breakfast. »What is … your name?« she wanted to know.

  »My name is Adar,« he said as he poured her a cup of tea from the pot and then prepared bread for her. He cut it into small pieces and fed it to her because she did not even have the strength to lift her arm.

  »You should … also eat something… Adar,« she noticed when he had given her a sip of tea.

  »Later,« he replied.

  After she had eaten some of the bread and a cup of tea, she sank exhausted into the pillows. »My name is Maioshan. I thank you … for your help,« she whispered. Her eyelids fluttered, and only a few moments later, she fell asleep exhausted again.

  He smiled happily. Her name was Maioshan. A fitting name for this exotic beauty.

  Adar brought the rest of the breakfast to the living room. There he sat down at the table and stretched his legs. While he almost happily ate a piece of bread with egg, it knocked on his door. He opened with a magical impulse, and Befen entered with a serious face. Adar noticed his nervous restlessness, immediately became vigilant, and stop eating. He rose suspiciously. Befen came straight to the point: »Good morning, Adar. Did you use contraception with Mehit?«

  Adar pulled both eyebrows up in amazement and stared at him. »Yes, of course, every single time. Why do you ask?« he wanted to know from his fatherly friend. Befen seemed worried.

  »I was just about to discuss the next meeting with the Supreme Lord when she stormed in and interrupted us. She just accused you of knocking her up. The Supreme Lord is beside himself with rage. On the one hand because he knew nothing of her little escapades, on the other hand, because he does not wish you to be his granddaughter’s husband. She is too good for a man of your stroke. Currently, Abarta is with her parents,« he finished the execution. Adar could see Befen’s anger.

  He couldn’t understand why Lord Abarta felt such a dislike for Adar. In his eyes, he couldn’t have found a better man for his granddaughter if he was old enough to marry. Adar’s gaze darkened with anger. »This beast! Befen, I really used contraception every time and proceeded carefully. I performed the ritual more often than is necessary. It cannot be at all. She can’t expect a child from me.«

  Adar seemed desperate in his anger. He knew about the strict laws. Abarta would still marry him to Mehit today. Then the intensive phase began, and he would no longer be able to take care of Maioshan.

  »Not long ago, she was here. She saw Maioshan and became abusive. She threatened her with a dagger. That is why I threw her out. I admit I was not very gentle. She was limping when she left my premises. I also clearly reminded her of our agreement. She has no right to me.«

  »I almost suspected something like that. So I grabbed this little beast when Abarta stormed out. I took her to Lord Sors and asked him to verify her claim. She probably wants to force you into marriage. I know your love affair was only a few days ago. Even if she were pregnant, she could not know it yet. But Lord Sors, as a healer, can confirm or exclude a pregnancy even in the early stages. That’s why I first went to him before I came here to you.«

  Adar breathed a sigh of relief. No, he had undoubtedly used contraception. She couldn’t be pregnant at all! Hopefully, Lord Abarta listened to the healer before he married him to Mehit.

  There it knocked again! Adar opened visibly nervous. Sors stood in front of the door, holding Mehit with an iron grip on his wrist. He also seemed to be angry.

  Mehit pulled and pulled, but could not free himself. »Let me go, you have no right to hold me,« she hissed at him angrily. With her free hand, she hit him again and again.

  He entered with her and threw her into the room. At a wave of his hand, the
door slammed loudly into the lock. »Here’s the little beast,« he pushed out and rubbed his arm.

  »And what is it? Did you find anything?« Befen looked at him impatiently.

  Lord Sors shook his head energetically. »Of course, she is not pregnant. Absolutely not. At least not yet. She’s not a virgin anymore, but that’s all. He has used thorough contraception. The little brat wants to force Adar into marriage. How can she act that irresponsibly?«

  Mehit had retreated to the next wall. Meanwhile, her anger mixed up with concern. After all, there were two warriors in the room; both of them didn’t seem well-disposed towards her.

  Adar slowly got up. He walked towards Mehit, came very close to her, and stared piercingly at her. Just as slowly, he raised his hand, stroking her cheek with a gentle gesture. Mehit thought he saw something of contempt in his gaze. Then his hand sank. Without a word, he turned away and went over to the bedroom. Almost silently, he opened the door, get in, and closed it behind him again.

  The men looked behind him with their eyebrows raised. His behavior did not correspond in any way to what they had expected. If he had killed her in the heat of the moment, no one in Farsie would blame him. To deceive a warrior like that could be life-threatening.

  Mehit stared at the door. She couldn’t understand his behavior. Shouldn’t he react otherwise? After all, the man was a warrior. The magicians of this faculty were naturally irascible.

  Why wasn’t he angry?

  Why didn’t he shout at her?

  Why didn’t he hit her?

  Why didn’t he slam the door behind him?

  He had only gently touched her cheek. And then this contempt in his gaze! She swallowed. She almost felt sorry for it, but she wanted this man so badly!


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