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Stolen Redemption (Texas SWAT, #2)

Page 11

by Bristol, Sidney

  “Local weddings do seem to grow. A lot of people do show up who assume they were invited.”

  “Let’s have a walk out and take a look, okay?” Trevor said to Jenna. “Scarlett, want to give Dina the tour?”

  “Sure.” Scarlett turned toward Dina with a bright smile.

  If this wasn’t staged, Dina wasn’t a Profaci. She didn’t need drama in her life, so she’d play along for now and get out of this. It wasn’t the time to make a scene or disrupt this woman’s planning.

  “Where do we start?” Dina smiled back at Scarlett.

  Jenna and Trevor exited out the other end of the barn through the large, sliding doors, leaving Dina and Scarlett alone.

  “Well, the barn has been here since almost the founding days of Ransom.” Scarlett clasped her hands together—she did that a lot—and rocked back on her feet. “We have maintained the character of the building while updating it to provide modern amenities.”

  “It’s really well done.” Dina turned. This wasn’t her style, but she could appreciate what they were going for. A kind of rustic, shabby chic space.

  “We can start the tour upstairs if you like?”

  “You don’t have to entertain me. I know I wasn’t supposed to be here.” In hindsight she should have stayed in the truck, but she’d been curious and perhaps a bit needy.

  “She didn’t mean—I’m not—” Scarlett sputtered, her eyes wide.

  “It’s okay.” Dina chuckled and pulled out one of the chairs at the table.

  “I suck at this part.” Scarlett sat down and buried her face in her hands. “My cousin normally does this. He’s so much better at talking to people than I am. I just—talk. And talk. And when I don’t know what else to do I talk. Like now, I can’t shut up. They probably only trusted me with today because it was Jenna, and I’m still screwing it up.”

  “I think it’s my fault. Not yours.” Dina sighed and drew circles on the table.

  “What? No.”

  “You mean to tell me your girl Jenna didn’t arrange to get Trevor alone so she could tell him—I don’t know—that I’m trouble?”


  “It’s okay. I know what I am.”

  “She didn’t say it like that.”

  Dina stared at the gleaming table. Scarlett was trying to be polite, but Dina knew better.

  Trouble followed her everywhere. It was a family curse, something that couldn’t be broken. Maybe Jenna was right to pull them apart, but right now Dina needed Trevor.

  DOMINICK STARED AT the coffee machine and ignored his cell phone ringing in the other room. Ever since his chat with Joe last night he’d had guys that barely gave him the time of day calling. They wanted to catch up.

  Yeah right.

  Phillip and Little Tony had fucked up and by trying to watch out for his boys, Dominick was taking the heat for them.

  Maybe he should have handled the body another way. It was their first time trying to cover up a murder. He hadn’t known what to do, so he’d fallen back on what he’d heard Dad say once when things were still right in the world.

  The phone stopped ringing.

  “Fuck.” He braced his hands on the counter and hung his head.

  Would finding Dina be enough to put all this right?

  Mom and Dad wouldn’t be up for parole for another ten years if they were lucky. The murder trial had only opened the doors for other charges. At the very least they were both serving twenty years. There’d been some discussion that Mom might get out sooner, but not by much.

  This was all Dina’s fault.

  She’d always been a spoiled bitch. If she didn’t get her way, she’d wail and carry on until someone did what she wanted.

  He grabbed the insulated cup from the coffee machine and stalked into the dining room that now served as his office.

  If this all blew up in his face, what would he do?

  The on-line gambling he could run from anywhere. He doubted the old timers had any idea how to take over that, so he wasn’t in danger of being pushed out of the game on his own scam. The risk came in pissing off people higher up the food chain.

  Cosa Nostra was a pyramid, supported currently by four big families that made up the council. Everyone else fit into that pyramid in a way that kept them protected and taken care of. Dominick’s family had been part of this organization since they arrived in America five generations back. They were a family of made men. There was safety in being part of something. It was their family legacy, and he didn’t want to let that go.

  He had to do everything it took to close the chapter on Dina, smooth things over with Joe and keep the cops from looking at him too hard.

  Everything hinged on Phillip and Little Tony right now. They’d been close to finding his bitch of a sister several times, but she always got away.

  They needed more leverage, something that would keep her put. If he knew anything about the woman, his sister had become, maybe he’d know what to use against her.

  She was his twin.

  Dominick took a sip of the hot coffee and closed his eyes.

  On a genetic level, they were the same.

  He could figure her out. She wasn’t a complicated creature.

  So what made the Dina of today tick? What did she want? And how could he use that against her?


  Trevor turned to face Jenna glaring at him. The pair of Bradford Pear trees flanking this end of the barn cast shadows, providing some relief from the sun.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I thought her name was Iris. It’s Dina now? I thought we agreed you weren’t going to look for her, Trevor. We talked about this.”

  “We did.” He recalled that conversation. It was right after he’d discovered Iris’ then believed real name.

  “So, what happened?”

  “I already knew who she was. Where she lived. I didn’t have to go looking.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You—what?” Jenna took a step back and gaped at him. “So what’s her story?”

  Trevor clenched his teeth. Dina was in trouble, but she hadn’t been when they’d reconnected. Still, his history was glaring at him.

  “Trevor, you’re a good guy. A great guy. But are you really going to make the same mistake all over again? I don’t know what her thing is. Do you really want to get involved with her?” Jenna gestured at the barn.

  “What do you know about her? What kind of judgment call is that when you haven’t even spoken to her?”

  “I know you. I know your type.”

  “So you take that, fill in the blanks and think you know everything.”

  “Am I wrong?”

  Trevor turned to stare out at the field. This late in summer the grass was barely hanging on.

  Was Jenna wrong?

  Dina had a history that haunted her that was true. But when they’d begun texting and talking, that wasn’t in the picture. It might be what sent her to Ransom, but it wasn’t what threw them together. All the bad stuff came after. Shortly after, but it still mattered.

  This was different. And yeah, when she was safe she might leave him, but he was no stranger to break-ups.

  “Why do you do this to yourself?” Jenna stopped next to him. He could feel her gaze on his face.

  “Did you know my dad was the first man my mother dated?”


  “He was. Every now and then he’ll admit he took a few other women out, but the only woman he truly dated was Mom. People like to look at them and say what a great couple they are, how sweet it is that they’ve only ever had each other. You know what I see?” He glanced at Jenna. “I see people who settled. Dad is an asshole. He is mean and most days I can’t stand him. Mom has activities to keep busy. They live in separate parts of the house because they don’t even like being around each other, now that I’m out of the house they don’t have to pretend.”

  Jenna didn’t speak. He’d told her some part of this before. She was th
e only one he’d told.

  “They settled for the person they thought they should be with, and they’ve let themselves be trapped in that marriage. They aren’t going to leave each other. Ever. You know what it’s like growing up knowing your parents can barely stand being in the same room together?” He shook his head.

  Mom was too polite and civil to do more than grit her teeth and bear it. Dad had more barbs. He wasn’t as considerate. The man behind the town legend wasn’t half as good as what people made him out to be.

  “I know you mean well. I know you think you’re looking out for me. But I’d rather fuck up and live a little than settle.”

  “I’m sorry, Trevor.” Her face creased in pain. His family story wasn’t new to her. “That doesn’t mean you have to keep getting involved with women that—”

  “Are trouble? Who need saving?” He breathed in a deep breath.

  “No, I was going to say that you can’t save your mom by getting involved with women like her.”

  “What?” He frowned at Jenna.

  “Look, you’ve told me a lot about your parents. You love your mom. You don’t like your dad. Most of the girls you date are trying to get away from someone, and over half of them leave you to go back to their bad decision. The rest keep making the same choices.”

  “Dina’s different.”

  “Is she? Really?”



  “There’s no boyfriend, no ex-husband, nothing like that.”

  “She’s a woman in trouble and you’re trying to be her white knight.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe she needs one.”

  “Trevor, what happened?”

  “What did Casey tell you?” He watched Jenna’s face and the way she carefully controlled her expression. “Don’t try to tell me it wasn’t Casey who called you.”

  “He was worried. Tell me why he shouldn’t be.”

  This wasn’t his story to tell Jenna, but he wanted her to understand. Casey just had to do his job. It didn’t matter what he thought, but Trevor needed Jenna to be on Dina’s side. Last night he’d finally understood what drew him to Dina. It all made sense.

  “She came here for a new life. No trouble. Nothing like what you’re talking about,” he said.

  “Then what happened to make Casey call me and what’s up with the scars? Those are nasty burn scars, Trevor.”

  It was funny how her scars hadn’t really registered. Yes, her skin on her right arm felt different, and he knew there’d been a story behind it, but it hadn’t mattered. It was her that captured his attention to the point that the rest of it faded away.

  “True story?”

  “That’s what I’m waiting on.”

  “You can’t tell anyone about this.”

  “Trevor, if you don’t start talking I’m going to find a stick to hit you with.

  “Her parents killed her best friend, tortured Dina, then she turned them into the FBI. Her brother blames her for it. That’s the short version of what happened that put her here. She was here trying to start over. We met and...we clicked. I didn’t understand why until she was honest with me. Jenna, despite everything she went through she’s still a good person who tried to do the right thing. All she wants now is a quiet, safe life. That’s it. Maybe you should talk to her before you make judgments about who she is?”

  How many times since Dina had shared the truth with him had she commented that all she wanted was a normal life? That resonated with him. Everyone on the outside looking in thought that was Trevor’s family, but it wasn’t. He understood that desire, to want to be normal, happy.

  “Shit. I—I had no idea,” Jenna said.

  “Of course you didn’t.” He watched a car drive down the road at the far end of the property, headed toward town. “I know I have a...type. I know she seems like she fits it, but she’s different.”

  “I hope you’re not just trying to make yourself believe that. I hope she really is different.”

  “Give her a chance? She needs people.” He wasn’t arrogant enough to think he was all Dina needed. “Everyone she’s known has had to be cut off, or they’re helping her brother. She thinks the two guys who broke into her house were her childhood friends. Guys she grew up with. She could use a couple of girlfriends. Casey kept at me about why do I like her? I’m not going to tell that ass anything. He can just fuck off. But, I’ll tell you this. The shit with my dad? It’s different, I know, but it helps me understand where she’s coming from. I always thought I’d leave Ransom when I graduated, but I came back because I love it here and part of me wants what everyone thinks we had. The perfect family.”

  Jenna didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to. She was trying to look out for him, and he loved her like a sister for that.

  “Tell me about the wedding.” He bumped her with his elbow.

  “Ug.” Jenna groaned. “It’s overwhelming.”


  “Part of me wishes Alex would have held off asking. It’s so much to deal with.”

  “Do you want a big wedding?”

  “Me? Not really. But I want to have one for Alex.”

  “Look, you’ve got three choices here. You can go to the Justice of the Peace and do it quick, fast and quiet. You can pack up and elope somewhere. Or you can have it here and everyone will show up. You two are part of Ransom even if he works in Fort Worth now.”

  “I know.” She sighed.

  “Getting cold feet?”


  “You still want to do this?”


  “Then have it here. Do the ceremony outside, barn in the background, then go inside for the party. If you’re worried about the food, let’s talk to the L.O.L. Gang. We could casserole it up. No one cares about the food. Everyone cares about seeing the two of you happy.” It all boiled down to that. The people of Ransom had been through fires, hard times, droughts, to the point that they knew how to appreciate what mattered. He reached over and pulled Jenna to his side, giving her a squeeze. “It’ll be fine.”

  “I hope so.” She sighed. “Thanks for dropping everything and coming out here. I feel better about this.”

  “Glad to help.” He let her go.

  “What are you two doing the rest of the day?” Jenna peered up at him.

  “I was actually going to hit up your husband-to-be for some leads on people who might have helped our suspects. The L.O.L. Gang has a license plate for me to run. Between those two I’m hoping we can find these guys.”

  “What are you guys doing tonight?”

  “No idea. Liam offered for us to use the cabin out by the stock pond so she’s safer.”

  “Maybe we should all get together for dinner?”

  “That would be nice.”

  It didn’t matter where this thing between him and Dina went. What did matter was that she finally got to put down roots, relax, get to know people. Average, every day things he took for granted.

  “HE DID WHAT?” DINA covered her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh but she couldn’t help it.

  “He did.” Scarlett leaned toward her, eyes watering, mascara smudging her cheek.

  They both hunched over, laughing so hard Dina’s bladder protested.

  The doors at the end of the barn opened, spilling light inside.

  “What’s got into the two of you?” Trevor slid the doors shut behind them.

  Dina darted a glance at Scarlett before another fit of laughter took over both of them.

  “We leave you two alone for five minutes.” Trevor strolled toward them with Jenna at his side.

  “Everything is fine.” Scarlett braced her hands on the table and sat up. Her lips quivered, but she held it together.

  Dina bit her cheek and straightened. Jenna probably hadn’t intended to leave the two of them together like this. All Dina had wanted to know was what Bunny meant by Trevor getting excited.

  “You two have a good time?” Jenna chuckled and glanced between
them. She actually didn’t seem as hostile as she had earlier.

  “Care to share what’s so funny?” Trevor asked.

  Dina darted a glance at Scarlett who was already looking at her.

  “No,” Dina managed to get out.

  She didn’t think Trevor would appreciate her getting to the bottom of what Bunny had said to her.

  “Alright, well, not to break up whatever this is, but Dina and I have somewhere to be.” Trevor pulled her chair out for her and offered her a hand.

  “Dina, it was great getting to meet you.” Scarlett stood, took a step and hugged Dina tightly. “Hope to see you again.”

  She wasn’t expecting that from a woman she’d just met. For a moment Dina stood there frozen before her brain caught up enough for her to pat Scarlett’s shoulder.

  “We’re actually going to try getting together for dinner tonight,” Jenna said. “You and the guys free?”

  “I think so.” Scarlett let go of Dina and turned toward Jenna.

  “Great.” Jenna turned her focus on Trevor. “Let me know later if you guys will be free or if something comes up.”

  “Will do. Have a good day, ladies.” Trevor took Dina’s hand and led her toward the door they’d entered through.

  He walked like a man with purpose. That alone was enough to sober her up.

  What had happened outside? And why were they getting together with the woman that so clearly hadn’t liked Dina a few minutes ago? What was Trevor up to?

  They didn’t talk on the way back to the SUV. By the time they were both seated, and the truck was pointed at the road Dina’s teeth were back on edge.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “What were you and Scarlett laughing about?” he countered.

  “I don’t want to say.” She doubted he’d appreciate the stories.

  “Then it’ll be a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises. They make me nervous.”

  “We’re headed to Fort Worth to talk to Jenna’s fiancé about some potential suspects that might have helped Phillip and Tony.”


  “Not so bad?”


  “What were you two laughing about?”


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