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Stolen Redemption (Texas SWAT, #2)

Page 14

by Bristol, Sidney

  “Is she just your sister?”

  “Yes.” He frowned at her.

  There wasn’t a hint otherwise on his face. No glancing away. No wince or involuntary sigh.

  Trevor’s relationship with Jenna was exactly what he said it was.



  She’d been friends with boys growing up. Even the ones she was close to like Phillip and Little Tony never felt lie brothers. Hell, the older she’d gotten the less like a brother Dominick seemed. He’d become a bully and a tyrant in those later years when their parents didn’t try to hide their favoritism.

  “Hey?” Trevor took her hand, bringing her back to the moment.


  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” She shook her head. “Memories. It’s been a long time since I went to a party.”

  “Not to brag or anything, but Ransom parties can get pretty wild.” He grinned and offered her his arm.

  She wasn’t wearing heels. The ground wasn’t slick. She didn’t need to hold on to him for support. And yet she slid her arm into the crook of his, like some old fashioned pair. Her parents had demanded a certain level of respect from the handful of boys she was allowed to date in her teens. They’d all had to come to the door, be introduced despite being the sons of friends or acquaintances. She’d always been home by eight or nine. But with Trevor these gestures were sweet.

  “I think we’re the first ones here.” He peered up and down the street.

  “Oh?” Dina tried to not let that intimidate her and failed.

  After the brief meeting at The Love Barn, she wasn’t expecting for Jenna to welcome her with open arms. Dina was willing to bet this was more of a package deal scenario.

  The smell of freshly cut grass mixed with something sweet wafted on the gentle afternoon breeze. They were having some kind of break in the kill-me-now heat. It was still hot, but she wasn’t going to die.

  Trevor opened the front door without knocking.

  “Hello? Drink delivery?” he called out.

  A dog barked in reply.

  “In, in, in!” Jenna called out.

  Trevor hustled her over the threshold as a large German Sheppard bounded toward them.

  Dina cringed and took a step back.

  “Genghis, sit,” Trevor barked and side-stepped in front of her, as though he sensed her intimidation.

  The dog slowed, but didn’t stop. His ears were up, tail wagging.

  “Genghis, you’re a brat.” Trevor went to a knee and the dog finally stopped, sniffing at Trevor.

  “Sorry, I was just putting him outside.” Jenna scurried through the open living room toward them, still in her jeans and T-shirt from earlier.

  “He’s okay.” Trevor glanced up at Dina and winked at her. “Genghis is a retired K-9 officer. He’s mostly harmless, unless you look at Jenna. Alex doesn’t like to hear that his dog loves her more than him.”

  “He does not. I’m more lenient with him is all,” Jenna huffed.

  “Alex here?”

  “He’s getting the grill set up.”

  “Okay, how about we trade? You take these and I’ll escort the brat dog here outside.”


  Jenna scooped the bags off Trevor’s arm while he grasped the big dog’s collar and led him toward the glass sliding door.

  “Thirsty?” Jenna hefted the bags.

  “Let me help.” Dina reached out a hand.

  “I’ve got it. Come on.”

  Jenna turned and walked through the living room.

  Dina would have rather found an out of the way corner to hide in for the evening, but that wasn’t currently an option. Maybe once other people arrived, she could do everyone the favor and fade into the background.

  The interior of the house was comfortable if a bit sparse. Then again, Dina did have the decorating sense of a magpie. Large, overstuffed gray sofas and armchairs created a seating area for at least ten people. The carpet was new and so plush Dina’s feet sank into it with each step.

  The sliding glass doors let out onto a concrete patio sheltered on three sides by the U-shaped house. On the right was the large, country kitchen with a hall leading to one wing of the house. On the left a hall led to other yet to be discovered rooms.

  Dina followed Jenna into the kitchen where she was stocking the fridge with the drinks Trevor had brought with them.

  If Dina wanted to keep things good between her and Trevor, she needed to figure out a way to coexist with his pseudo-sister. Then again, how long was Dina staying? Did it matter if anyone liked her?

  The idea of leaving Trevor and Ransom sent a pang of sadness through her. She might have picked the town at random off a map, but it had grown on her. Yes, she was only an observer, but she’d enjoyed the sense of familiarity everything had.

  Jenna braced her right hand on the kitchen counter and faced Dina.

  There was a decided shift in the air.

  Dina fought the urge to take a step back. Her automatic reaction to flee wasn’t an option. She had nowhere to go, and deep down, she didn’t want to give Trevor up yet. Yeah, she still might have to, but Jenna wasn’t threatening Dina’s life yet. She could handle this.

  “I owe you an apology.” Jenna planted her free hand on her hip and lifted her gaze to stare at Dina.


  “It’s...okay,” Dina said after the silence stretched on for a moment more.

  “No, it’s really not.” Jenna dropped her hands and turned, leaning against the counter. “It’s just—Trevor is Trevor, and he’s always getting himself into shit he has no business being part of.”

  Shit? What kind of shit?

  Dina took a few steps into the kitchen.

  “I overreacted, and I’m sorry,” Jenna said.

  “It’s okay.” Dina stared at the hardwood floors. Before, when they’d been kids on the playground, she and Dominick were as close as siblings could be. Not anymore. She missed that. “I have a brother. I know what it’s like to feel protective.”

  “We’re good then?” Jenna asked.

  “Yeah.” Dina nodded and deep down she meant it.

  She knew what it was like to be a sister. It was everything else that went with it she missed. If she could still have the family and the brother without the family ties that ruined them she’d take it. Dina missed having a place to belong. Watching Trevor and Jenna, seeing their lives, Dina wanted that. She wanted to belong somewhere.

  “Okay, just to warn you, the guys are going to give Trevor epic shit about you. Please don’t take it personally. They’re all meat heads. Worse than teenage girls, I swear.” Jenna dried her hands. “I need to change. I want out of these jeans.”

  “Why is Trevor going to get shit?”

  “I’ll tell you while I change if you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all.” Okay, so it was a little weird to Dina, but the last girlfriend she’d had was so long ago she was horribly out of practice being around other women.

  Jenna led Dina down a short hall tucked into the other side of the kitchen. They passed a laundry room and the door leading to the garage before entering a spacious master suite.

  “Almost everyone coming tonight is attached to SWAT and being part of SWAT means everyone busts everyone’s balls.” Jenna patted a tall, wingback chair. “Sit.”

  “How are you part of the SWAT team? You’re a medic, right?”

  “Yeah. I’m the team’s tactical medic. I go into all situations with them to treat wounded.”

  “Do you carry a...gun or a shield or something?”

  “Nothing besides my kit.” Jenna grinned. “I was an army medic. I wouldn’t say I’m used to it, I just...I’m used to it.”

  Dina shook her head. She couldn’t imagine running toward bullets. Not with the things she’d seen.

  “How are you liking Ransom? Besides last night. Sorry to hear about the break-in.” Jenna disappeared into a walk-in closet.

“Ransom’s been good to me. I’m still curious about why you wanted to warn me about tonight.”

  “Oh! Right. Well, after the first time you two met Trevor asked a few questions, trying to find out more about you. The guys started calling him Romeo. Whatever they say tonight, it’s nothing about you and it’s everything to do with them living for the chance to give each other hell.”

  Dina resisted the urge to fan herself. Given that The Hole was a local joint, she was willing to bet some of these guys had been there the night she went home with Trevor. They’d seen them together. Probably heard about it, too.

  “I guess I deserve it as much as he does.” She could have been more mindful of where she went, what she was doing, but that night she’d acted out of loneliness. She’d wanted to connect with someone and Trevor had captured her attention from the first moment their eyes met. It was as though he’d looked inside of her and really seen her.

  Jenna stepped out of the closet wearing an ankle length maxi dress in a purple and lime green print that seemed to move if Dina stared at it too long. Paired with Jenna’s blonde hair, green glasses and mischievous smile, it was a good look for her.

  “If he’s Romeo does that make me Juliette?” Dina asked.

  “Romeo and Juliette were kids who died needlessly. Be Shakespeare knowledge is lacking. Be you. Ignore the guys. Come on, Scarlett and her cousins should be here soon. I’m supposed to show her stuff on Pinterest for the wedding.” Jenna barely muffled a groan.

  “Do you not want to get married?” Dina asked before she could think better of the question.

  “No. I mean, yes. I do. I just—weddings are a lot of work and between the hospital and SWAT there’s not much time for me and Alex. Add wedding to it and I want it over with.”

  “Have you thought about a wedding planner? Or getting a bridesmaid to do it?”

  “My bridesmaids are Trevor and my friend Sterling. They’re not exactly traditional bridesmaids.”

  There was more to that story, but Jenna didn’t offer further commentary.

  “If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know?” While I’m around. “I feel like I got a degree in wedding planning by the time I was eighteen.”

  “What?” Jenna frowned at Dina.

  “It was a trend when I was younger.” She spoke slowly, unsure of how much Jenna really knew. “A lot of the girls whose fathers worked with mine encouraged their daughters to get married as soon as they could.”

  “Wait. Hold on. I need more information.” Jenna held up her hands. “Trevor told me a very little bit about...your history.”

  “Hello? Jenna?” Scarlett’s voice carried through the house.

  “Back here,” Jenna called out.

  Scarlett came down the hall, a bottle of what looked to be wine in her hands. Dina desperately wanted a glass if they were going to play twenty questions.

  “What are you two doing hiding out like this?” Scarlett glanced between them.

  “Talking. Hey, thanks for coming.” Jenna folded Scarlett into a hug.

  “Hey, Dina. Nice to see you again.” Scarlett had also traded jeans for a dress. It was a clear theme of the evening.

  “Can I ask?” Jenna’s face scrunched up.

  Dina knew what she wanted to discuss. It wasn’t hard to guess, and her knee jerk screamed No! But she’d already fessed up to her past. Maybe it was time to be honest about it all.

  “I’ll answer what I can.” There were some things she didn’t want to talk about, but most of it was ancient history for her. She folded her hands in her lap.

  “Oh, we need to pour for this. Hold on.” Scarlett scurried back into the kitchen.

  “Want to go to the living room?” Jenna gestured toward the hall. “All of the guys will go outside, so it’ll just be us.”

  “Sure.” Dina stood and together they joined Scarlett in the kitchen for wine pouring.

  “So, correct me if I’m wrong, but your parents were some kind of mid-level mafia boss?” Jenna asked.

  “Correct.” Dina took the offered glass.

  “What?” Scarlett’s head whipped back and forth. “How do I not know any of this?”

  “I’ve more or less been in hiding,” Dina said by way of an explanation.

  “Because you helped put your parents in prison?” Jenna sipped her wine.

  “Also correct.” Dina tapped her fingers against her thigh.

  The events felt distant, numb. She missed having a family, but she didn’t miss her family. Mom and Dad would have been content with just Dominick.

  Scarlett glanced at Jenna. The two shared a look Dina couldn’t possibly understand. It wasn’t unfriendly, but there were things they weren’t sharing.

  “Well, that’s quite the story.” Scarlett clinked her glass with Dina’s. “I don’t know how you go from that to sleepy, old Ransom, but we’re glad to have you.”

  “We were talking about weddings earlier, and you said your friends were mostly married by—what age?” Jenna braced her hand on the counter.

  “Eighteen. It was this phase. A bunch of the guys Dad worked with all had daughters within three years of each other. They used to make us all sit at the same table, we couldn’t talk to anyone, then they started getting married to men they barely knew.” Dina shook her head. She’d narrowly escaped an unwanted marriage while still just a kid. “Even my dad was talking about it.”

  “Your life could be a movie and I’ve heard like, a minute of it.” Scarlett grabbed the wine bottle and topped everyone’s glass off.

  “Eighteen?” Jenna blinked. “I can’t imagine.”

  “At eighteen you were signing up for the army.” Scarlett threw up her hand.

  “That was different. I had to go through school first, and—”

  “Oh, whatever. You were signing up to get shot at. You don’t get to point fingers.”

  “Come sit.” Jenna waved them into the living room.

  The three of them settled on the sofa and an arm chair. Through the glass doors Dina could see a gathering of men, each armed with a beer. Trevor wasn’t in sight, but she knew he was there.

  “Well, I’m glad you and Trevor found each other. He’s the best guy to have around during a crisis.” Scarlett smiled, but it was a touch sad. “He really helped me when my mom died.”

  Jenna reached over and patted Scarlett’s hand.

  “And...just so we have it all out there, that’s why I acted the way I did earlier today,” Jenna said.

  “I’m sorry?” Dina tilted her head. Were Trevor and Scarlett a thing? Had they been?

  “Trevor...he had a tendency to get involved with women who need saving.” Jenna’s shoulders slumped, and she stared at Dina. “When I heard from Casey this morning, that’s what it sounded like to me.”

  “Wait, I’m confused. Can you start over?” Dina leaned toward them.

  Had she just heard them right? Was she some kind of damaged woman trophy being slid onto Trevor’s shelf?

  “Trevor’s his father’s son. He wants to save everyone.” Scarlett shrugged.

  “Most of his girlfriends sort of fall into his lap and hand him their problems,” Jenna said slowly.

  “He was the same in high school.” Scarlett nodded. “We started dating—I use that term loosely—the week after my Mom died. It seemed like as soon as I got to be okay with her death, poof. He was out of the picture.”

  “I didn’t mean that’s what’s going on here,” Jenna said quickly. She put a hand on Scarlett’s side and leaned toward Jenna. Scarlett jumped and began shaking her head.

  “No. No, not at all,” she said.

  “Trevor was very clear,” Jenna said in a lower voice.

  Dina stared at the two women. She didn’t know how to respond to that bit of history. She hadn’t gone looking for Trevor to fix her, just fuck her. When she’d gone to his house it was out of desperation. She’d never expected him to take over, but now his actions made sense. This was what he did and everyone except her
knew it.

  “I need some air.” Dina felt numb. Dazed.

  She pushed up off the sofa and set her gaze on the front door. The guys—and Trevor—were back there. She couldn’t show her face there. Right now she had to collect herself, to think.

  “Dina...” Jenna called out, but she ignored her.

  Casey’s reception made a lot more sense in that light. If Dina were him, she’d try to figure out the worst-case scenario the new problem girl could pose. Trevor hadn’t hesitated to drag his friends into her problem. They were probably used to it because they knew him.

  Everyone here right now knew, too.

  He was trying to fix her. Like a project he’d taken on to do on his nights and weekends off work. It was his style. His thing. His hobby. It wasn’t about her or this connection she thought she had with him. He wanted to play the hero.

  “YOU FINISHED YET?” Trevor cracked open another beer and shook his head.

  “Not by a long shot, Romeo.” Casey grinned at him.

  The guys were going to keep this going for quite a while. Unless Trevor did something really unfortunate like slip in dog shit during a call or something. At least the name wasn’t horrible.

  “You know, I’m surprised she’s here. I thought she didn’t exist.” Val shrugged and rocked from side to side. He’d hit the beer pretty hard out of the gate tonight. Trevor doubted Val would be driving himself anywhere.

  “Who are you talking about?” Benjamin Lively narrowed his gaze. “I gather Trevor has a new lady?”

  “He does.” Sean grinned. He took some kind of perverse pleasure in Trevor’s situation. “And get this, she’s some sort of mafia don’s daughter. She was the star witness that put them in jail. I looked her up.”

  “Okay, I think we’ve talked about this enough,” Casey announced

  “Wait, that girl in there’s in the mafia?” Benjamin leaned closer, his eyes lighting up. Benji always did love trouble.

  “Seriously, not cool.” Casey leveled a glare at both Sean and Benji. “I’m the responding officer. I can’t talk about this.”

  Trevor nodded. It was true. They had to remember that they had civilians hanging out with them. Besides, Dina wasn’t comfortable talking about her history.


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