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Battle of Wills 1 - Retraining the sub

Page 7

by Denys Jennifer

  Trey had now finished affixing his sub to the bench, picked up a cane, and was moving back to the woman. Ann swallowed nervously on the sub’s behalf, only half aware of Luke tightening his arm around her waist as she watched the stage.

  “I take it you’ve been caned before?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded.

  “And I guess you didn’t like it from the tenseness in your body. Watch the sub carefully. Trey is an expert. At no time will he hurt her.”

  Ann turned her head to look at Luke incredulously. “How can you say that when he is about to hit her with that instrument?”

  “Let me rephrase that. He won’t hurt her unduly, no more than she wants. She wouldn’t do it otherwise. Ann, you’ve been in this lifestyle for several years. You know this, surely.”

  She made a face and turned away. “Yes, but I’ve never understood this side of BDSM.”

  Luke was quiet for such a long time she began to get worried. She tilted her face to glance up at him. He was staring at her. Uh oh. It wasn’t a comforting look. As she opened her mouth to say something he interrupted. “Watch the demo. You’ll miss something.”

  Ann reluctantly turned back. As she settled facing forward, Luke’s arm pulled her tightly against his body. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly and tried to relax back. It wasn’t easy. It reminded her how much she had enjoyed his hugs. Only this Luke was harder, in body and spirit. And that wasn’t such a bad thing. She rather liked this new Luke, so she let her body sink back.

  The Master on the stage had begun his caning, and the sub’s backside was getting pink, but instead of screaming and flinching, the woman was moaning. There was no understanding some people. Ann shook her head in disgust.

  As the demo continued Ann tried to watch objectively, listening to the bass of the music playing as Master Trey continued to aim his strikes, each one timed expertly to the melody. It was very artistic, if you forgot about the possible harm to the girl’s body.

  At first Ann wasn’t aware that Luke’s hand had moved up to cup her breast, until she felt his fingers stroking the bare skin above the swell of her bosom, easing into her satin top. Oh shit! She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation, knowing her nipples were hardening beneath his palm. That was until he pushed her straps off her shoulders, baring her to everyone. “Luuuuke.”

  “Shh. If anyone looks at you they will see a beautiful woman with gorgeous breasts.”

  Glancing around her nervously she saw Warren staring in their direction and quickly averted her head. Damn. The only other place to look was toward the stage. However, she soon closed her eyes, and leaned her head back on Luke’s shoulder as he stroked a thumb over her hardening nipple, causing Ann to tremble. When he rubbed her nipple between his finger and thumb a rush of cream came suddenly out of her. She nearly laughed hoping that she had wet his trousers at his insistence she wear no panties, not even a thong, that evening.

  The applause that came next startled her, and opening her eyes abruptly she saw that the demonstration had ended at last, and Trey was leading his sub off the stage.

  “Ahh. I’m glad they’ve finished. It’s our turn now. Master Sean has given me permission for this.”

  All relaxation left Ann’s body, and she sat upright. “Whaaat! Why do I need to be punished?”

  Luke lifted her as he stood up and stared down at her. His voice was hard as he spoke. “You tell me, Annabel. Have you remembered to respect me at any time this evening?”

  Shit. She had forgotten to call him Master. Again.

  “Have you obeyed any of my commands without questioning?”

  She shook her head dismayed, aware that she had played into his hands once more. She didn’t dare ask him how many strokes he was going to give her. She had heard rumors of Luke’s tendency to strike hard. Part of her was also worried that it was going to turn out like her last experience with Warren, and she would end up calling out her safe word—and that had been the beginning of this whole mess.

  “Come then, onto the stage. Leave your top. I want your breasts to be on show.”

  Ann stood, stunned, a hand arrested on the strap of her top. Luke swatted her backside to make her move. After they had climbed the few steps she reluctantly let him press her down onto the bench, and restrain her wrists, as he pushed her short skirt over her bottom to expose her naked backside to the crowd who had stayed from the previous exhibition.

  As she started to tremble, Luke ran a calming hand over her back down to her thighs. “There are many ways to punish a sub for their misbehaviors. The actual impact to the body is only a part of it. A very good reason for punishing a sub in public like this is the psychological factor, the humiliation of knowing that everyone else knows you are about to be punished for any naughtiness, as well as the fact that they can see parts of your body that you may prefer to cover up. That, in itself, is punishment enough for many subs.” Ann wasn’t quite sure if he was talking to her, or lecturing to the crowd. And it certainly sounded like a lesson whoever he was talking to. This was a bit different from Trey’s demo, as he was a silent person, rarely speaking to anyone.

  Luke was continuing talking, all the while stroking her back, “It is also important to prepare the sub properly. Making sure they are restrained is only the beginning. A Master will, most likely, start by caressing the sub. You may recall that Master Trey earlier kissed his sub and fondled her breasts before placing her on the bed.”

  Hm. Ann did remember that now, but to her it had just seemed like another way he was showing his dominance over the woman.

  “By touching the sub in areas you know that they find arousing it will confuse the body as to what to expect. Hopefully that way it will reduce the impact somewhat.”

  While Luke was talking he stroked Ann’s cleft parting her labia to press a finger into her pussy, and her heart started pounding—and not because she was anxious about the forthcoming beating, or indeed the audience. It was beginning to feel very good.

  A gush of air left her body when he suddenly spanked her. Actually it was more of a tap, but each one, to different parts of her backside, got harder.

  “I just want to remind you that the purpose of beginning a punishment with a light spanking is to warm the backside in readiness for a harder implement,” Luke said as he left her body. She could see him walk to the cupboard that held the punishment implements. He had a cane just like Master Trey.

  She clenched her fists awaiting the first hit and frowned when it came. It felt more like a brush of air. The second was a light tap. The third, a sharp sting. Now it was starting to hurt, particularly where it overlaid earlier hits. Luke stopped then to caress her butt, but even the stroking of her clit didn’t help. When the fourth strike came, she shook uncontrollably, biting her lip to stop a sob escaping. Actually, she was more worried about crying out her safe word without thinking about it. She wasn’t ready to stop seeing Luke, not yet.

  He came around the head of the bench, and knelt down so he could see her face. She turned away, but he cupped her face to look at him. “Ann, hasn’t anyone ever told you to ‘let go’?”

  Ann huffed sarcastically between her tears and looked away. “Yeah. Never been able to.”

  Stroking her hair, he said, surprisingly gently, “Okay, try this then. Relax into the hit. Don’t fight it. Go with the hit, not brace yourself against it. When you await the hit, let your breath out. Every time you inhale you automatically tense up, so do the opposite. It won’t hurt so much, I promise.”

  When she nodded, he softly kissed her forehead and stood behind her again. She liked it when he spoke softly to her. It reminded her of the old Luke. She was confused. She liked both the old and the new Luke. She found herself eager for their evenings together, despite her fears about what he might do. While she waited the return of the strokes, it was different somehow, this time. She knew she could trust him not to let her cry out that safe word. Feeling his hand on her back in warning of the impending hit, she did as he
requested and exhaled through the hit. It was all right! Yes, it hurt. But it was bearable. Her hands started to unclench. Nobody had even taken the time to talk her through this before.

  “Good girl. And again.”

  Breathing out again she felt her body relax into the hit, and, although it was the hardest yet, it was fine. Her backside was getting warmer, and she could also feel her cream trickling out of her as he continued his actions. The sound of the swish began to recede, and his voice sounded as if it was coming from afar, reciting to the audience to avoid the lower back at all costs, and it being better to vary one’s strokes. It sort of helped to lull her into a dream-like state as she continued to breathe slowly and deeply. Gradually the pain diminished, despite the increasing strength of the strike. In fact, it felt good, very good. She was feeling slightly light-hearted, like she was floating on air.

  A voice whispered in her ear. “Well done, my love. It’s all over. I knew I could teach you to enjoy your punishment.”

  The pain came back with a vengeance then as she became aware of the sting of the welts amid the heat of her buttocks. Damn him. He would have to gloat.

  Chapter Nine

  As Luke returned the cane to the cupboard he was stunned by how the scene had gone and was so, so proud of how Ann had taken the caning, particularly as he knew how much she hated it. But he had never expected her to go into the sub-zone, albeit, very briefly. That was his fault. He shouldn’t have disturbed her, but he couldn’t resist saying what he had. He was also astonished at how compassionate he had been. He couldn’t remember the last time he cared about whether it was too painful for them, whether they could cope or not.

  He rummaged in a drawer pulling out a packaged object, which he unwrapped. Turning back, he could see Ann trying to peer over her shoulder to see what he was going to do next, so he hid the item behind his back, before returning to where Ann was restrained.

  Laying his other hand on her back, he stroked her sweat-drenched, trembling body from shoulder to butt, very gently caressing that area. “Okay, my sweet submissive. It is time for the next part of this session.”

  Her voice, when it came, was husky. “There’s more? I thought you had finished.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I know you did. But that’s typical of you, isn’t it? You are only prepared to go so far.”

  “But I didn’t say my safe word!”

  “No, but you might now.”

  Her head swiveled around so she could stare at him. He saw panic in her eyes.

  Patting her backside softly, he withdrew the object from behind his back. “It is time to introduce you—or reintroduce you—to the butt plug. I know you’ve had a bad time with anal sex, so this is only a small plug.”

  Looking back at her face he was astonished by the fear she exhibited. Her body started shaking violently. “No, please, no. Luke. I can’t do that. Oh God, please no.”

  She started sobbing in earnest, so Luke hurriedly moved around to crouch down by her head.

  Opening his mouth to reassure her, he was interrupted by another voice, “I knew she’d chicken out.” It was Warren.

  Luke’s face tightening in anger, he stood, his hands balling at his sides. Fighting to restrain his anger he said, “Annabel hasn’t said her safe word, and she won’t. Not while she is with me. Now, we require some privacy. The show’s over.” He then firmly pulled some curtains over that enabled the stage to be cut off from the view of those in the room, deliberately shutting Warren out.

  Going back to Ann he saw she was still crying. “Please, Luke. This is too much. I have to say…”

  He clamped a hand over her mouth. “Uh uh.” Pushing her hair behind her ear, he knelt down on one knee and cupped her chin to raise her head. “Ann, you’ve been very brave so far. I have every faith you can do this.”

  “I can’t. You don’t know.”

  “Hmm. I guess this goes back to your bad experience?”

  Ann nodded, looking very disconsolate.

  Taking a deep breath he had to stop his overwhelming urge to release her from the bench and cuddle her. It would destroy all the hard work he had put into maintaining his Dom persona. “Then tell me what happened, and we’ll go from there.”

  She looked hopeful. “Then I don’t have to have it in me.”

  “I didn’t say that. But we’ll see.”

  “There was a Dom who wanted to do anal sex. I told him I hadn’t done it before, so he persuaded me that he would go slowly and insert a plug to start with.” She trembled as she recalled this.

  Ann was silent for a few moments, clearly not wanting to continue. “So I guess when he used the plug it was either very large, or he shoved it straight in. Am I right?”

  Her answer came out on a sob. “Both.”

  Luke grimaced. Hell.

  “When I screamed, he just said I had to get used to it because his cock was bigger than the plug. I tried to get away from him, but he held me down, and pulling the plug out he—he…”

  Fearful what she was about to say, Luke leaned in to kiss her tenderly on the forehead. “Christ. Please tell me he didn’t rape you.”

  Her breath was ragged. “No, I managed to get away before he could.”

  “Oh, thank God.” His hands trembled as he held her. The Dom in him gave way to the person who had never stopped caring about this woman.

  “But I’ve never been able to do that again because it reminds me too much of what he tried to do.”

  Luke was quiet for several minutes holding the shaking woman until she began to calm trying to decide what to do next. He lifted her head. “Annabel, look at me.” He put his firmest Dom voice on trying to indicate to her that they were going to do this whatever. That he was in control, and she was in safe hands. “I know what a strong woman you are. This has been all about pointing out to you how capable you actually are. There is no need for you to say any safe words. You must believe in the trust you have in your Master.”

  She laughed harshly. “That’s all well and good, but I guess I generally don’t trust them.”

  “Generally don’t?” he asked softly, wanting to know how she felt about him.

  Her answer was very quiet. “Except you.”

  That was all he needed, and he smiled reassuringly. “Very well, I am going to walk around you, but I will tell you what I am doing. If you start to panic then say ‘ten’ on that scale of one to ten we originally talked about.”

  “I seem to remember you said that wouldn’t stop you,” she said wryly as he chuckled.

  “On this occasion I will listen to you.” With that he stood up, retrieving the plug where he had left it when she started to panic, and he returned to his previous position, running his palm down her body as he went. It was one of the first things a Dom was taught, that, by keeping contact with the sub’s body, he could ascertain their fear, and, at the same time, offer reassurance.

  Reaching her backside again, standing between her legs, he patted it. “God, your butt looks lovely, nice and red and curvaceous.”

  “Are you saying, Master, that I have a big butt?”

  Laughing loudly, Luke was pleased she was relaxed enough to make a joke, and he bent down to bracket her globes with his hands, while peppering light kisses over the stripes he had made with the cane earlier. His licking and kissing caused her to shiver. When he reached the rim of her anus he felt her begin to tremble in anticipation, and he caressed her buttocks gently, trying not to put any pressure on the areas that he knew would be stinging, bringing his hands up until his thumbs stroked her puckered hole.

  Ann’s body shook, but, when he did nothing more than continue his fondling, she started to un-tense. Luke heard her breathing out a deep, calming pant. “Good girl.” Dropping his head he nosed her hole before lifting his head. “I hope you’re clean back here.”

  She chortled. “Now you ask me! Anyway, I thought you said you were going to tell me what you are doing.”

  He laughed along with her. “You can probably
guess I have been kissing you. I am now going to rim you.” He proceeded to lick her hole, before pressing firmly with his tongue, by doing so telling her body what was about to happen. His next action was to press, very lightly, with his thumbs on either side of her hole to open it just a little, and pushing the tip of his tongue inside.

  A strangled moan came from the girl on the bench.

  Luke retreated, and said, “Give me a number, Ann.”

  It was a moment before she answered, and he began to get worried. “Well, if we are talking fear-factor then it’s about a seven. But there’s also an arousal factor in the mix.”

  He smiled. “And what number would that be?”

  She groaned, clearly not wanting to give that bit of information away. “About the same number.”

  “Good.” He grinned broadly. This was excellent progress, and he knew she was ready for the next stage. He told her this, and inserting his thumb in her very wet pussy, he swirled it around, before moving back to her butt and pushing very slowly inside her.


  He frowned. He didn’t think it would hurt that much, or at all. “Ann?”

  She was panting heavily as she responded. “I’m all right. I was just startled by the sensation.”

  “Okay. Relax as much as you can.” He moved his thumb around very gently, and fondled her globe, reaching up to caress her lower back knowing from old how much she liked being touched there.

  “God, Luke!”

  “Glad to see some things have stayed the same. All right, I am going to remove my thumb, and next time I put something inside you, it will be the plug.” He felt her body tense immediately as he said that, and almost regretted having said anything, but he had promised to talk her through it. “Shhh. As I said before it is a really tiny one. In fact, it is smaller than my thumb, so you shouldn’t have any problem whatsoever.”


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