A Cautious Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 1)

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A Cautious Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 1) Page 4

by Genevieve Matthews

  A fight breaks out between a few guys on the dance floor. Everyone else flees the area and tries to get out of the way. It’s like I’m watching the whole thing unfold in slow motion when I see Heath barreling through the crowd. He’s followed by a big bruiser of a guy everyone in the bar calls “T-bone.” I can’t take my eyes off of Heath. He is no stranger to a fight, that much is obvious. He is a brawler. He doesn’t hesitate to jump right in the middle of the action. In just a few short minutes, Heath and T-bone have the guys separated.

  Heath pulls one of the guys up off the floor and begins pushing him toward the exit. He’s drunk and belligerent. On the way past the bar he picks up a beer bottle and throws it right behind Abbey and I. We both duck and throw our arms up over our heads as the bottle shatters against the wall. I peek through my arms to see Heath continue to push the man out the door.

  Then, as fast as he left, he is back behind the bar standing right in front of me. He puts his hands on my arms and looks me up and down, checking to make sure I wasn’t hurt. I want to tell him that I’m okay but all I can do is stand here.

  Heath pulls away and we both look down at his hands at the same time. His right hand is covered with blood. I don’t know if it is the sight of blood or if it is the fact that I’m losing blood but I feel light headed. If Heath hadn’t grabbed my arms again to help me down to the floor I would have fallen like a sack of potatoes. I look down at my arm and I have a really deep gash across my bicep where a piece of glass from the beer bottle sliced into my skin.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” Heath says as he brushes my hair off of my face. “Just take some deep breaths and I’m going to grab a towel to wrap around your arm.”

  I manage to nod my head in acknowledgment. The chaos from the bar a few minutes ago is drowned out by the sound of my heartbeat. A few short moments later Heath is back, wrapping a towel around my arm. I hiss in a quick, sharp breath as he ties the towel tightly to stop the bleeding.

  “Sorry,” he says.

  “I’m not feeling very good right now,” I say as I set my head down on my knees. “I’m really light headed.”

  “It’s okay,” he says. “I’ve got you. I’m going to pick you up and walk you outside to my truck. We have to go to the hospital so they can take care of your arm.”

  “Okay.” One of Heath’s arms goes around my waist and the other under my knees. I lean my head right into his solid chest. I feel so safe with his muscular arms wrapped around me. Once again, he makes me feel taken care of.

  The cold air on my skin makes me start to shiver once we get outside.

  “I have a blanket in my truck. You’ll be warm soon.”

  My teeth are chattering so loudly I don’t bother answering him. He has me in the truck and wrapped in a blanket in record time. As we pull out of the parking lot, a police car with flashing lights pulls in. That is the last thing I pay attention to. As we drive to the hospital I let my head fall back to rest against the seat. Heath has the heat on high and the warm air on my face and chest make me feel relaxed and drowsy. I don’t do well with blood, but aside from the light-headedness I am feeling I think I am holding up pretty well.

  “It won’t be long, about ten more minutes.”

  I lift my eyes to look at him without moving my head. I enjoy having the chance to admire his profile without interruption while he is so focused on the road. Maybe my guard is down because of the situation we are in, but I find myself enraptured with every detail of his body. I notice how his large, muscular hands are gripping the steering wheel and how the tight ropes of muscles stand out on his arms from being so tense.

  For the first time I notice the bottom outline of a tattoo on his upper arm visible just below the sleeve of his shirt. I want to lean over and smell his skin just inside the collar of his shirt. I realize that Heath leaves me with a feeling that no other man ever has. He makes me want him desperately.

  Feeling less inhibited, I reach my right hand over to touch the black line on his bicep. “How many tattoos do you have?” I ask. His skin feels warm and soft under my fingertips. It is the first time I’ve purposely touched him since we shook hands when we met.

  “I have a handful of them. Most of them are just symbols and designs.”

  The next thing I know, we pull into the hospital parking lot.

  “Here, let me help you.” Heath slides his arm around my waist to steady me and helps me walk into the emergency room. I am surprised by how busy it is. But then again, it is late on a Saturday night. Heath helps me sit in a chair in the waiting room while he goes to the counter to check us in. He is back a moment later with a clipboard, pen and a few forms for me to fill out.

  “Do you want me to help you write, or do you have it?”

  “I think I can manage. Thank you though.”

  I set to work filling in the forms. I notice out of the corner of my eye how Heath is having a really hard time sitting still. His knee keeps bouncing, he is crossing and uncrossing his arms, I am waiting for him to jump up and start pacing around the room.

  “Are you okay?”

  He looks at me quickly like he is surprised that I noticed. He makes himself stop while he says, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just don’t like hospitals.”

  “Who does?” I say. “Besides, you’re probably still full of adrenaline from that bar fight you were in. I bet you could use a drink.”

  “Yeah, a strong drink would help right about now.”

  “I can tell from how you handled yourself tonight that this wasn’t your first fight. Does that happen a lot?”

  He makes a really cute sound with his lips to suggest how silly of a question that was. “Yes, it happens all the time. The alcohol alone causes a lot of fights. Then you mix in hormones and things tend to escalate quickly.”

  “Have you ever been hurt in a fight?”

  “Nothing serious. A few black eyes and split lips over the years. I’ve never broken anything which is a damn miracle.”

  We both look at each other and smile. Our eyes lock and neither of us look away. For the slightest of moments, I feel like I have a glimpse of the man without the wall. Our moment is broken a second later when the nurse comes out and calls my name.

  “I’ll wait for you,” he says.

  Heath is true to his word. When I walk out a short while later, all stitched up and bandaged, he is still sitting in the waiting room doing something on his cell phone.

  I gently touch his shoulder. “Hey, I’m all set.”

  He jumps up and pulls his keys out of his pocket. “Nice. Let’s get out of here. Hospitals are the worst.” He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me toward the door.

  We step outside and stop. Since we have been in the hospital it has started to rain. Being that it is November, it is a really cold mix of rain and sleet.

  “Stay here. I’ll go get the truck,” Heath says.

  “No, lets just go.” I am tired and ready to get home.

  He takes my hand and we start to jog to his truck. I hold my left arm against my body to try to shield it from the rain and prevent it from moving around too much. By the time we get to his truck, we are both soaked through. He helps me into the truck again, this time almost lifting me entirely. He makes it seem effortless and the thought of his strength makes me feel warm inside.

  When we pull up to the inn Heath jumps out and comes around to my side of the truck. I have already opened the door but he puts his arms on my waist to lift me to the ground. I am only able to support myself with one arm so I lean most of my weight into him. It feels so nice being in his arms.

  “Come on, I’ll help you inside.” Taking my hand again, he walks me in. I like doting Heath.

  It is quiet when we walk inside. Silently we walk up the stairs to my room. I feel like I am in high school again, sneaking back into the house after a night of fun and a missed curfew.

  Once inside my room, I walk right into the bathroom to grab a few towels for us. When I come back out, Heath is standing right
inside the door, not coming into the room. I reach out with the towel I am holding, offering it to him. Our eyes meet and I freeze, taken aback by the raw look of need on his face. The air changes, it seems to spark between us.

  For the first time I notice the stifling weight of my soaking shirt. My nipples are so hard they ache under the pressure of my bra. With just a look he is breaking down my defenses, replacing them with a desperate need to have him touch me and give me the pleasure I desire to have from a man.

  Slowly he walks toward me, stopping mere inches from our bodies touching. Without breaking eye contact, he grasps the hem of my soaking t-shirt and gently peels it up and over my head, being extra careful to avoid touching my cut. The cool air on my skin sends a slight shiver through me as he devours me with his eyes.

  He leans forward using his tongue to lick a drop of water from my chest and settle a soft kiss on my skin. He looks up at me and all I can focus on are his sensual lips. I want those lips on every inch of my quivering skin. Goosebumps rise at his gentle, erotic touch. Just one kiss and I am caught in his web. The look on my face gives my consent and he leans down again to lick another drop of water off of my skin. As he continues his slow assault across my shoulders and neck, my body is awakened. I feel my desire pool between my legs, my breasts tender and heavy, begging to be touched.

  He pulls back and our eyes meet again. A drop of water falls from a strand of his hair, snaking a trail down his dark scruff. Without hesitation I gently trail my finger down the path of the water, bringing the drop on my finger into my mouth. He moans and takes my mouth in his. His hands fist my hair, he touches me with purpose. I feel the soft fullness of his lips and the urgency in his kiss. I feel his tongue lick at my lips, begging for entry. I open myself to him. There is a delicious ache between my legs as our tongues taste each other with fierce abandon.

  He pulls back to catch his breath, resting his forehead on mine and holding my face in his hands. “You are so beautiful,” he whispers.

  We stand like that, foreheads touching, his arms slowly rubbing up and down mine. After a minute he picks up the towel that has fallen to the floor at our feet and wraps it around me, covering me from him. I’m so confused.

  “You should get some sleep. It’s been a long day.” Without waiting for a response, he gently takes my hands in his and slowly kisses each finger. “You’re cold.”

  “No, I feel like I’m on fire,” I whisper. I look up at him with a pleading desire in my eyes. I shouldn’t be doing this but I can’t help myself. I can’t think straight around this man.

  Conflicting emotions cross his face. “I’ll see you.” He lets my hands drop and runs a finger down my cheek. It feels like he’ll kiss me again. I’m begging him to in my head. But instead, he grabs his jacket and walks out the door. I pull the towel tighter around me and fall back onto the bed.

  The next day, I move into Jack’s cabin. Greta insists on packing all of my things. She dotes on me as if I have a broken arm, not just a cut with stitches. I have mixed feelings about leaving Greta. I have been staying at her inn for about a month now and we have grown close. She is the motherly influence that I need in my life. Moving into my own place, though, feels like a step in the right direction to really starting a life here.

  The cabin is located outside of town in a more isolated location in the country. The distance away from the closest neighbor is further than I feel comfortable with but Jack has been so incredibly kind to me since I’ve arrived that I don’t have the heart to tell him I am nervous about the move.

  Just last week he showed me pictures of different styles of furniture for the kitchen and living room to get my opinion on what I thought would look the best. I am really excited to see the finished product. I know how hard Heath and Jack have been working on the renovations. I just wonder if it would be possible to install a security system as well. If not a security system, at least some serious dead bolts on the door. I’m a city girl, I can’t help myself.

  I can’t believe my eyes when I walk inside for the first time. The smell of fresh cut wood and paint meets me when I open the door. Beautiful dark wood floors stretch as far as I can see. The huge brick fireplace on the far wall to the left catches my eye right away. There is a large overstuffed sofa in a creamy tan in front of the fireplace with a large leather ottoman serving as a coffee table. If you walk to the right when you step in, you’ll be in the kitchen. It has been totally updated with modern cabinets, countertops and appliances. It is so beautiful. So much more than I expected.

  The move has also taken my mind off of Heath for the time being. Part of me expected him to stop by or send a text. But he didn’t. I’m starting to think that he might think we overstepped some boundaries last night. Whether that is true or not, I find myself spending too much time fantasizing about that kiss. His uninhibited bout of passion surprised me and left me wondering what other secrets he was hiding.

  It is close to eleven o’clock when I get a text from Abbey. I’m already snuggled in bed, reading a book when I hear the familiar ding on my phone.

  Can you pick me up? she texts.

  Oh no.

  Where are you? I reply.

  Jack’s bar.

  Okay, be there in 20.

  I decide to slip into yoga pants in place of my pajama bottoms and a warm pullover sweatshirt. My hair is going to stay in its current messy bun. Jumping into my car, I blast the heat. Man, it sure does get cold here at night. There are still really large banks of snow lining the roads. I find myself wondering how long winter typically lasts here.

  I pull up outside of Jack’s bar about twenty minutes later. Abbey didn’t elaborate in her text so I’m not sure what is going on. My guess is that she had too much to drink. Walking through the door, I am surrounded by the loud music and shouting of the crowd. I second guess my choice of yoga pants immediately.

  My eyes scan the crowd for Abbey but they find Heath instead. He isn’t working the door like he usually is. That is my first surprise. The more shocking surprise is the intimacy of the conversation he is having with the woman wrapped around him. She is dressed scantily, favoring shirts with plunging neck lines apparently. She keeps putting her hands on his chest and laughing at everything he says. I recognize her; she’s been in the bar a lot. I haven’t missed the eyes she’s always making at Heath either.

  I feel myself reacting completely irrationally to what I am seeing. My teeth are clenched tightly together and I am holding myself back from walking over to them and ripping her out of his arms.

  Taking a few deep breaths, I turn away and walk toward the bar. Abbey is at the bar with some guys and I can see that she is feeling really good. I walk up to her and she wraps her arms around me in a big hug. “Bree! You’re here! I want you to meet my friends.” She waves her hand at the three guys standing by her. Leaning in to whisper into my ear she says, “Actually, I can’t remember their names. Introduce yourself and then maybe you can take me home before I have to go throw up in the bathroom.” The alcohol on her breath is enough to knock me over.

  I extend my hand and introduce myself to all three. Their names have already left my head by the time the third one finishes shaking my hand.

  The cute blond guy says, “You look like you’re ready to curl up in front of a fire and snuggle. I’d be happy to help you out with that if you’d like.”

  I can’t help but smile. “I am ready for bed. And that is where I’m headed right after I get my very drunk friend home. Just us girls tonight. Sorry.”

  With that, I take Abbey by the arm and help her off the bar stool. I want to leave. All I can think is that apparently I have really read into what happened last night. Obviously he was just caught up in the heat of the moment. I am instantly mad at myself for automatically thinking it had meant something to him. I should have stuck with my initial impression of him. Pretty boy and playboy. I’m not going to be just one girl in a long line of many.

  I try to harden myself as I pull Abbey through th
e crowd. We get close to the door when I see him again, only this time he’s in a heated conversation with a different woman and a very sketchy looking guy. I have no idea what’s going on but it’s obvious that they all know each other from somewhere.

  I’m left speechless when the guy takes a swing at Heath and he retaliates with a knock out punch. T-bone intervenes and nothing more comes of whatever has their blood boiling. Heath locks eyes with me and it almost looks like devastation in his eyes before I push Abbey through the door and out into the night.

  “Bree.” I hear him calling after me.

  I ignore him and keep walking. I have to. I have just parked my car right outside the door, so Abbey and I are in the car, doors shut before he makes it outside. I jump when he pounds on the driver’s side window, calling my name and asking me to hear him out. All I can think about is getting out of here. I don’t know what to think about what I just saw in there and I need time to process how it’s making me feel.

  “Bree, it isn’t what you think,” he shouts into the window.

  I hit the gas and drive out of the parking lot, leaving Heath standing there watching us drive away.

  It didn’t take me long to feel like a complete asshole last night after leaving Bree in her room. But tonight, tonight was a complete shit show. There’s an equal amount of regret and shame flooding through me right now which is why I’m still sitting at the bar long after closing.

  I wasn’t ready for how I felt when Bree and I kissed the other night. As soon as I got to my truck I almost turned around and went right back inside to her. I couldn’t fall asleep. I just wanted to call her and try to explain why I left but I don’t know if I even understand why I’m doing the things I’m doing these days.

  Quinn walks over with a bottle of Irish Ale, popping the top before he hands it over. The music is still too loud in the bar to hear the tell tale hiss of a fresh bottle being cracked, but I can hear it anyway and tonight it makes my mouth water. With a sympathetic look he sets it down in front of me and heads off to finish closing.


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